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The Last Call From the Broken Heart of Father My dearest children please hear MeSoon is coming many

y natural disasters that will make hearts of men and women fail Tsunamis, tornados, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes and many other monsoons and rains. I tell you your flesh will not be able to stand this if it is not totally yielded and fasted with me. I have cried out to the bride and My special ones to fast, fast, fast, fast pray consecrate, yourselves and obey Me. Why? Because my love, I am doing this to save My bride from impending disasters and the fallen one that is coming. Unless you are walking, talking and existing in the Spirit with me your Abba-Father Yahushuah Jesus, your savior and have a full measure of My Ruach Hakodesh- Holy Spirit in you THERE IS A HIGH PROBABILITY YOU WILL FALL AWAY! I know the enemies plans, I know of his technologies, his NWO schemes-many are sold out even in the pulpits now. Come to me My children come to the secret place of the Most High! Psalm 91 is for you in these end-times. I need you prepared mind, body, soul, spirit, hearts Everything My dearest ones all of you! No-more the world, or its things, just wrapped up under my wings! The lawless one is operating now with those sold out completely. Your Presidents, your senators, Congress men and women, Parliamentarians, Corporate executives and Monarchy and most political figures across the world now. Very few are still of meHe is devising a collapse of your economies, very soon, famine that will ravage the world and many other evil inoculations and vaccinations that will be forced on you. There are also changes happening with your atmosphere and in the heavenlies that will bring terror to most men and women. One other item My dearest ones, martial law is coming to the United States of America. And many, many, many other terrible things I will discuss with you. Do you understand My sweet onesthe Antichrist is already operating 100% behind the scenes. Come to Mefor you will even see Nations rise against Nation and World War III brewing and happen in the mid east in the near future now. For DO NOT FEAR just heed My spirit beckoning to My bride to come to My side. For I have not given you a spirit of fear but of Power and love and of a Sound mind. My sweet Beloved I have so much to share with youYour Abba, your Father is crying out to you! But, MANY are not heeding the call. Come to me my Love, My Bride!!! Be cleaned, healed and delivered, made whole and ready for My GLORY, My Last Great Harvesting of Souls-My Last Call, last chance for the Kingdom of God and most importantlyready for My SON-Yahushua Ha Mashiach Jesus Christs coming. My heart is breaking for this earth. I AM TRUMPETING MY LAST CALL! (signed) I AMyour heartbroken Father God. I love you.

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