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Insights of Learning Aspects This paper illustrates Insights of Practical as well as theoretical aspects of learning and their synonymous

and applications in different context. Garage Mechanics Learning Profile Most of the garage mechanics learning profile is inherent from their fathers or family, and have been built by Tacit knowledge of predecessors and little or no theoretical backgrounds . But they are experts in repair works and most of the time better than professionals in that field. So, what is the secret behind they becoming experts in repairing vehicles, without having theoretical exposure ? Answer is Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning Various terms have been used to label the process of learning from experience. John Dewey (Dewey and Dewey 1915) discussed learning by doing, while Wolfe and Byrne (1975) used the term experienced-based learning. The term trial and error learning is used to explain inductive learning processes. The AACSB Task Force (1986) used the term applied experiential learning, Combining the learning from the real-world Situation with the necessary Condition of the application of concepts, ideas and theories to the interactive Setting. The term experiential learning will be used here, but it is intended to Cover the same domains as the other terms. : I HEAR AND I FORGET I SEE AND I REMEMBER I DO AND I UNDERSTAND.

One must learn by doing the thing, for though you think you know it-you have no Certainty, until you try. Or, one could quote George Santayana, The great difficulty of education is to get experience out of ideas. It is hard to argue that experience will not lead to learning under the right conditions. However, it will be argued that the resultant learning can be error. Unless care is taken to assure that those conditions occur. Experiential learning exists when a personally responsible participant cognitively, Affectively, and behaviorally processes knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes in a Learning situation characterized by a high level of active involvement. Whole-person emphasis. Experiential learning can involve learning on the Behavioral and, affective dimensions, as well as the cognitive dimension. Given The problem-solving orientation of most management education, there is a Natural tendency among business faculty to emphasize the cognitive dimension. Given the importance of people skills and technical skills though, the Broader horizons offered by experiential learning approaches (as compared to More traditional teaching methods such as lectures and class discussion) may be Very beneficial. The Task Force did acknowledge the development of a students Interpersonal and other non-cognitive skills as one of the major expected benefits from experiential learning .Contact with the Environment. The term experience implies a real world contact (or at least a real-world-like) contact. Some forms of experiential learning (such as simulation games, role-playing exercises, and case discussions) do not involve actual real world contact and were labeled as surrogate applied experiential learning by the AACSB Task Force. Business internships may involve actual work experience, but most types of experiential learning will fall short of giving students actual decision-making authority. Nonetheless, the simulated environments are intended to be analogous to the real situations which students will face later. The real or simulated experience makes possible learning through interaction with ones environment. The person X situation interaction is itself crucial. Students should be provided with a variety of situations. Also it should be noted that different students will react quite differently to the same situational cue, and that the interaction process should be monitored closely. 2

Mechanic tunes the car engine through his ears. His ears are so sensitive to identify distinctive sounds generated by engines and act as a gauge or measuring equipment in tuning engines. Let analyze a mechanics Learning profile against Learning Theories. Nimal is 18 years old villager ,who couldnt get through GCE /OL joined Siripalas garage as a trainee. Siripala interviewed Nimal and found he has zero knowledge in vehicle repairing or auto mobiles. Siripala assigned him under senior mechanic Anil for training. his first tasks were to assist Anil by holding something, pushing , collecting tools, cleaning etc. the first day Nimal was able to identify different kind of spanners, wrenches, screw drivers uses for different purposes. Nimal was efficient and enthusiastic and very keen on learning and took every opportunity to learn new things daily. Siripala Observed Nimals positive characteristic or attitude towards the work and learning and took Nimal under him, as he saw that was a good opportunity that he had to fulfill his long felt need of replacing unproductive mechanic Taraka. Even though Siripala does not know about HRD or Competency Management, Siripalas action exemplifies development. What Siripala does is gradually takes Nimal to his destination. Fit Tarakas job to Nimal. Siripala tries to transform his Tacit knowledge to Nimal (explicit knowledge) The methods that uses to Train Nimal are ; 1. Let Nimal to identify variety of tools use for distinctive tasks in repairs. 2. Teaching how to dismantle parts of vehicle. Eg. Nuts &Bolts, wheels, different parts etc. 3. Let Nimal to practice dismantling some parts and fixing them again. 4. Explain Nimal functionality of some parts of a vehicle. 5. How to diagnose a simple fault 6. How to repair faults. 7. Let Nimal to practice those learning on used or unserviceable parts. 8. Let Nimal learn on mistakes. 3 the Succession planning for organizational

9. Let Nimal to learn driving. 10. Let Nimal to understand garage climate. Monitoring the Progress of Nimals learning, Nimal was given more and more opportunities to train in complex repairs. That signifies, Indirectly Siripala Analyzes Training Needs, and level of performance of Nimal and conceptualize Nimals competency model. Now let us analyze theoretical aspects of Nimals learnings, and kind of training methods have been applied to train Nimal. 1. Explaining ways of carrying out jobs 2. Let Nimal allowing on hands on experience 3. Let Nimal to understand Climate of the garage 4. Let Nimal carrying out small repair works alone Training Techniques used, 1. Lecture 2. Job Instruction Training 3. Simulation The methods that adopted to train Nimal can be analogues to Kolbs Learning system, too. Feel Observe Think Action Experience Observation/Reflecting Abstract conceptualization Doing Conceptual Learning Phycometer Learning Affective Learning Experiential Learning

Even though theoretical aspects is absent in the process Nimals internalization of learning can be seen as Abstract Conceptualization in kolb learning system.

After 10 months of training Nimal proved that he was capable enough to carry out jobs independently. he can diagnose faults without the help of Siripala or others. His repairs were continued to be success and no complaints from customers. Although Siripala had no idea about Kirkpatricks evaluation process, certainly it was obvious he had applied steps of the kirkpatricks evaluation process by his own method based on his experience. he should have observed Nimals Immediate reactions on learning Learning progress Behaviour on application of learning Results on repairs and efficiency and effectiveness (productivity) . Siripala thought that was the right time to replace Taraka with Nimal and Nimal was assigned on that job It exemplifies that Siripalas Succession Planning was succeeded. Delegation Assigning Routine or less important jobs to subordinates is called Delegation. It gives subordinates to touch or enter into some areas which are not under their purview in normal circumstances and providing opportunities to gain knowledge & skills in those areas with added responsibility. Thereby Delegation can be seen as experiential learning. Adaptive & Generative Learning It was a very busy day for Siripala at the garage and most of the diagnosing faults of vehicles were done by Siripala and repairs were carried out by others. Nimal was given to replace sparking plug of a vehicle. While Nimal was carrying out his boss orders, subsequently he found fault was not in the sparking plug , but the cable which connects the plug. It was low insulated and touching the engine and Some of current was grounded. This incident can be seen as Nimal using his basic

knowledge to generate or seeing the thing differently. That what Peter M. Senage describe as Adaptive & Generative learning According to Fortune magazine the most successful corporation will be something called learning organization, But Senage argues that increasing adaptiveness is only the first stage in moving towards learning organizations. The impulse to learn inchildren goes deeper than desires to respond and adapt more effectively to environment change. The impulse to learn , at its hearts, is an impulse to be generative, to expand our capability. But generative learning ,unlike adaptive learning ,requires new way of looking at the world , Generative learning requires seeing the system that control event. Is common sense is Generative learning, Some instances we have to use our common sense for solving problems. What does It mean, The problem we faced has no direct answer or analyzed or met previously. The given solution is a blend of creativity & system thinking based on previous experience or learning. Therefore commonsense can be seen as Generative Learning. How Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligence connected to Learning aspects. I want my children to understand the world, but not just because of world is fascinating or human mind is curious, I want them to understand it so that they will be positioned to make it a better place. understanding is knowing who we are and what we can do and synthesize them for ourselves fore more results in the better world Theory of Multiple Intelligences Linguistic intelligence (word smart) Logical-mathematical intelligence (number/reasoning smart) Spatial intelligence (picture smart) Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (body smart) Musical intelligence (music smart) Interpersonal intelligence (people smart 6 (Howard Gardner )

Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart Naturalist intelligence (nature smart Existentialist intelligence

Eight kinds of Intelligence would allow Eight ways to teach, rather than one. And powerful constraints that exist in the mind can be mobilized to introduce whole system of thinking in a such way, most likely to learn and least likely to distort it (Howard Gardner) What Gardner suggest is, use eight kind of Intelligence to eradicate or overcome negative feeling that exist in the mind for learning effectively. Knowledge Skill Attitude (KSA) VS Learning Academics primary concern is to emphasis Knowledge on learning partners to acquire Skills which lead to shape ones Attitude, finally forms ones Behaviour or Competencies. Organizations primary concern is to first emphasis on Attitude in turn to gain required Skills which finally leads for gaining Knowledge. Thereby shapes, ones Behaviour or competencies. Popular Slogan of business field is Hire for Attitude and Train for Skill But validity of the above statement for todays context is being debated in various forums. Most of organizations believe that Training for Attitude or affective learning is most difficult training of all , mainly it is difficult to measure. And also, it considers attitude cannot be easily change and takes considerable time. But in my experience , It is not so, environment or HRD climate plays significant role in deciding or changing ones Attitude. Eg. When some one goes for overseas assignment in a highly productive company, for better prospects, overnight he has to adjust to that Climate or environment. Most of the time no Orientation programmes, or instructors. No helping hands, may be multinationals around him, few or no local partners, initially resistance from 7

others ,because he must have been considered as a threat to them. All those are be minus points for him , But however he has to deliver results from the beginning, For that he has to adjust to that climate or environment and to be changed his Attitude accordingly. There wont be any room to exercise his own Attitude in that culture. Conclusion As discussed above all kind of learning aspects are inter related and some what synonymous. Out of discuss above Experiential learning plays significant vital role in shaping ones behaviour. If one can fuse Experiential learning with Theories, he can become a Competency Model in an organization. Reference: Peter M. Senage, The Leaders New Work: Building Learning organizations in Sloan Management Review (Fall 1990). Pp. 7 -23

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