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Ex confederate troops of new Orleans meet (white supremacy) state convention o Albert Vorhees (lt gov LA) to Andrew

Johnson (doesnt care to involve federal military) Jackson Barracks Freedom march calling for the right to vote 180,000 served in union army ( many escaped slaves), still no right to vote Burgundy street towards mechanics institute(shots are fired) New Orleans Massacre Meeting hall delegates, union army is not going to participate in fight. Mob force of police officer, firefighters, armed citizens, bust into state convention, 50+ killed no one indicted for role in violence Martial Law called Is the civil war really over considering this? The day Dixie died author Andrew Johnson For him or against him Drunken Demagogue 2/3 majority in senate and house of representatives (radical republicans) -- override johnsonss veto 1867 reconstruction acts -- all state governments abolished, freedmen can vote, black vote will ensure republican victory, ex-confederates exposed to wratch of radicals William G Brownlows, Knoxville whig paper, Methodist preacher, governor of TN 14th admendment blacks right to vote, ex-rebel strips right and they cant run for office Execution of TN state legislatures by William G. Brownlows fake out Swallowing the dog oath of allegiance to US by ex-confederate soldiers I renounce the confederate states of America (still wearing uniforms, all they had) 6 young rebels (KKK) Pulaski Six. TN

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Horns on hood. Any material they could. Sometimes horns Power of terror Burning churches, schools, breaking up local meetings Whipping black women and daughters White sheets were new confederate soldiers uniform basically Al Qaeda rising out of the earth basically April 1967, Nashville meeting, individual den into large army Nathan Bedford Forest helps Klan spread (paramilitary arm of democratic party) 1868, 100,000 more black voters than white voters, democratic win back local and state offices KKK provides stability and law and order in CHAOS in south William g Brownlow, 1869, legislation passed, martial law, state militia against the Klan 40,000 strong klan army? Nathan Bedford Forest 1869 klan surpressed in tn AR, DP Upham, Ex-union soldier, Carpet Bagger, profiting from souths defeat Upham named leader of militia against Klan AR, martial law, 4 quadrants, square honest killing of Klan Daniel Upham, upper right corner of AR, kills 4 confederates Battle on Uphams plantation U. S. Grant sends in calvary 1872, rids of invisible infantry Red shirts, white league, white liners Robinson county, NC Indian population 1835 strips rights from Lumbee Indians (free persons of color designation) No legal recourse, must accept life of destitution, property being stolen

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Fort fisher, malarial situation, hard work, death rate, black slaves work first Home guard, had authority to do whatever they may when others were at war Henry Berry Lowry, 17 years old, Lumbee, avoid labor camps by hiding in swamps Guerilla war against the confederates (white supremacist) Lumbee carpenters hiding union soldiers Lowry war begins (father and brother victims) Sheriff Rueben king, Lowery breaks in 20,000 bounty (500,000 today) 1871, county militia formed to combat lowry gang, colonel james wisher Lowry gang members wife arrested Women are released after threats from Henry Barry Lowry Lowry gang steals $20,000 lumberton safe Henry Barry Lowry vanishes and never seen in NC again Wife stays behind Violence addressed with Violence Lewis Peacock (TX) scallywag (southern who remains loyal to union) Lee peacock war (most of north east TX) Bob Lee, touts himself as captain of confederate army, never risen past rank of sergeant though Bob Lee became war criminal President Grant tries to get military in South again Resources are limited, only a few receive federal help, one of states is Texas Bob Lee death 1869 Violence eventually slow, but racism and confederate racism run deep

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Peacock assassinated until his foot was still by 3 murders 1871 2nd civil war basically even after lees surrender at Appomattox Reconstruction militant continuation of civil war

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