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Final Year Computer Science and Engineering, 7th Semester

2 Marks Question and Answer Subject Code & Name: SERVICE ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE Prepared by: S.Karthikeyan Lecturer/CSE

1.What is meant by SOA? A SOA is a style of design that guides all aspects of creating and using business services throughout their life cycle.It allows different applications to exchange data and participate in business processes.

2.What is meant by web services? Web services is a piece of software that act upon a request from any network connected computers in the world that communicate through web service XML standards.

3.What are the components of web service platform?

*Service contracts *Service-level data model *Service-level Qos *Service Registry/Lookup *Service-level security *Service-level comm. Model *Service proxies/Stubs * Service-level Management *Multi-Language Bindings

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4.Define Service contract Every service has a well-defined,formal interface called its service contract (i.e) (a) Clearly defines what the service does (b) Clearly separates the services externally accessible interface from the services technical implementation. 5.What are the elements of service contracts? *Service names *Version number *Pre-conditions *Service classification

6.Define Web service interoperability The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged is called service interoperability

7.What are the characteristics of Web Services *Loose coupling *Network Transparency

8.What are the Standards that Web service depends on? *SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) *WSDL(Web Service Description Language) *UDDI (Universal Discovery Description and Integration)

9.What is meant by Loose Coupling? Characteristics supported by the web service platform and allows service requester to reuse services even if they are implemented using different technology. Eg: J2EE and .Net framework

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10. What is meant by Network Transparency? It refers to the web service capacity to be active anywhere on the network or a group of network without having any impact on its ability to function.

11. Describe Web service Orchestration Orchestration provides an interface that encapsulates a sequence of order of other web services, using the combination of MEPs and Orchestration mechanisms. MEP Message Exchange Pattern.

12. List out the advantages of SOA based web services i. Efficient development ii. Code reuse iii. Simplified maintanence iv. open source v. Platform independent vi. Adaptability.

13. What is WSDL? Web Service Description Language service contract defines the information necessary for interoperability, including the XML schema data types and structures for the messages, the specification of encoding and transport options, and the physical endpoint address for the service are the major components.

14. List out the principles of SOA i. Services are Central organizing concept of SOA ii. Services should be loosely coupled iii. Services should only interact with other services through their well-defined public interfaces.

15. Explain UDDI Universal Discovery Description and Integration directory as the general standard used as a registry of web services that are available for use in a particular network. It defines a SOAP based programming protocol for registering and discovering web services. SNSCT Department of Compute Science and Engineering Page 3


16. What is meant by Distributed Computing? It is a term that describes a hardware and software architecture where more than one computer participates in the completion of a given task.

17. List out the protocols where SOAP can travel through? i. SMTP ii. HTTP. 18. What are the basic web services specifications? i. SOAP ii. WSDL

19. Define Quality of Service It refers to the availability of the web services to respond to invocation and its performance is carrying out those responses.

20. What is the use of Quality of Service? i. They help implement some of the harder IT problems in the SOA environment. ii. They make web services better suited for use in more kinds of SOA-enabled application.

21. What are the standard bodies currently active in web services? i. World Wide web consortium (W3C) ii. Organization for the advancement of Structured information iii. Web services Interoperability (WS-I) iv. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) v. Java Community Process (JCP) vi. Object Management Group (OMG) standards (OASIS)

22. What is Metadata Management? Metadata management includes the description information about a web service necessary to construct a message body and message headers so that a service requester can invoke a service.

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23. What are the metadata specification? i. XML Schema ii. WSDL iii. WS-Addressing iv. Ws-Policy v. WS-metadata exchange

24. What is Orchestration? An Orchestration engine can be used to create more complex integration patterns in longrunning business process flows with exception handling, branching and parallel execution. It has to preserve content and provide correlation mechanisms across multiple services.

25. What are characteristics of services that contributes to greater reuse? One of the great promises of an SOA is that service reuse will lower development costs and speed time to market.

26. What are the two key elements of business adility? i. Velocity ii. flexibility.

27. What are the levels in which vendor or technology lock-in occurs? In traditional IT systems, vendor or technology lock-in can occur at any number of levels: i. ii. iii. iv. Application platform Packaged application Middleware technology Specific product feature.

28. What are the organizations that involved in service oriented Business? i. Bank ii. Travel agency iii. Insurance agency iv. Retail store v. Hospital SNSCT Department of Compute Science and Engineering Page 5


29. What makes agility? i. Being loose Couple. ii. Standard based interfaces. iii. Well-defined service contract iv. Services that are meaningful to the service requesters. v. Dynamic discoverable metadata driven services

30.Mention the types of UDDI registers *Public Registers *Private Registers

31.Define public Registry The public registry are logically centralized,physically distributed services that replicate data with each other on a regular basis.

32.What are Business benefits of SOA? *Increased business agility *Better business alignment *Improved Customer satisfication *Improved ROI of existing IT assets *Reduced integration costs *Reduced vendor lock-in and switching costs

33.Define private registry The private registry is a UDDI that is not publicly accessible within a simple organization or shared by a well-defined set of business partners.

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34.What are most common approaches to service delivery? *Human-mediated delivery *Self-service delivery *System-to-system service delivery

35.What are the primary characteristics that should go into design,implementation and management of services? *Loosely coupled *Well-defined service contracts *Meaningful to service requesters *Standards-based

36.What are the specifications of Metadata? *XML Schema *WSDL *Ws-Addressing *Ws-policy *Ws-Metadata Exchange

37.Define Multi-Channel Access The primary purpose of most organizations is to deliver service to clients,customers and other agencies.These organizations often use many channels for service delivery to reach their customers to ensure good service and maintain customer loyality.

38.Define Business Process Management Business Process Management (BPM) is the name for a set of software systems,tools and methodologies that addresses how organizations identify,model,develop,deploy and manage such business process.

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