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CHAPTER List Of Table List Of Graphs List Of Abbreviations Acknowledgement Declaration Certificate PAGE NO. v-vii viii ix x-xi xii

Chapter 1: Introduction
1-1: Introduction To Insurance 1-2: History Of Insurance 1-3: Insurance Definition 1-4: Insurance Versus Assurance 1-5: Need Of Insurance 1-6: Principle Of Insurance 1-7: Benefit Of Insurance 1-8: Types Of Insurance 1-9: Life Insurance Principle 1-10: Life Insurance Product 1-11: Life Insurance Products Scenario In India 1-12: Service In Modern Economy 1-13: Definition Of Service 1-14: Marketing Service Physical Goods 1-15: The Objectives and Hypothesis 1-16: Scope of Study 1-17:Defination of Research 1-18:Research Methodology 1-19:Type of Research 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-7 7-9 9-9 10-13 13-14 14-19 19-21 22-23 23-23 24-25 25-26 26-27 27-27 27-28 28-28

1-20:Collection the Data 1-21:Determing sample Size 1-21-1:Sample Size 1-22:Analysis of Data 1-23:Hypotheis Testing

29-31 31-33 33-34 34-35 35-35

Chapter 2: Insurance Industry Scenario In India And Iran

2-1: Introduction To Insurance Industry 2-2: Insurance Industry In India 2-3: Impact Of Liberalization 2-4: Current Scenario Of Life Insurance Industry In India 2-4-1: Customer Service 2-4-2: Distribution Channel 2-4-3: Bancassurance 2-4-4: Product Innovation 2-4-5: Information Technology 2-4-6: Mergers And Acquisitions 2-4-7: Customer Complaints And Their Redressed 2-5: Insurance In Ancient In Iran 2-6: Insurance Market In Iran 2-6-1: Social Security Scheme 2-6-2: Life Insurance Companies In Iran 2-6-3: Sales Network In Iran Insurance Market 2-7: Definition Of Marketing 2-7-1: Marketing Environment 2-8: Marketing Mix 2-8-1: Product 2-8-2: Price 2-8-3: Promotion 2-8-3-A: Advertising 2-8-3-B: Sales Promotion 2-8-3-C: Public Relation 2-8-3-D: Personal Selling 36-36 37-39 40-41 41-42 42-42 42-43 43-46 47-47 47-48 49-60 61-61 61-63 63-66 66-67 67-67 68-72 73-75 75-76 76-77 78-80 80-82 83-83 84-85 85-85 85-86 86-87


2-8-4: Place 2-9: Elements Of Promotional Mix 2-9-1: The Role Of Promotion 2-9-2: The Objective Of Promotion 2-9-2-A) Information Dissemination 2-9-2-B) Product Demand 2-9-2-C) Product Differentiation 2-9-2-D) Product Highlights 2-9-2-E) Sales Stabilization 2-10) Explanation Of Each Elements Of Promotional Mix 2-10-1) Advertising 2-10-2) Sales Promotion 2-10-3) Public Relation And Publicity 2-10-4) Personal Selling 2-10-5) Direct Marketing

87-88 88-89 89-89 90-90 90-90 91-91 91-91 92-92 92-94 94-106 94-97 98-100 100-103 103-104 105-106

Chapter 3: Current Promotional Strategies In Iran And India

3-1) The Promotional Mix In Insurance Industry 3-1-1) Advertising 3-1-2) Publicity 3-1-3) Sales Promotion 3-1-4) Personal Selling 3-1-5) Word Of Mouth 3-1-6) Telemarketing 3-2) Current Promotional Strategies Adopted By Life Insurance Companies In

107-111 107-109 107-110 109-110 110-111 111-112 112-113 113-114 114-128 119-120 120-127 127-127 127-127 128-128

3-2-1) Product Different Ion 3-2-2) Customer Service 3-2-3) Distribution Channel 3-2-4) Promotion 32-5) Brand Building 3-2-6) Hedging The Insurance


3-3) Current Promotional Strategies Adopted By Life Insurance Companies In Iran 3-3-1) Methods For Promoting Of Life Insurance Product In Iran 3-3-1-A) Agency 3-3-1-B) Advertisements 3-3-1-C) Personal Selling 3-3-1-D) Direct Selling



130-131 131-131 132-132 132-134 135-172 173-193 173-185 185-192 192-193 194-218 194-198 199-204 205-218

Chapter 4: Data Analysis And Interpretation Chapter 5: Findings And Recommendations

5.1 Findings 5.2 Recommendations 5.3 Future research opportunities

1. questionnaire for insurance companies 2. questionnaire for life consumer of insurance product 3. Bibliography and References


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