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Managed Metadata Services (MMS)

The Managed Metadata is a hierarchical collection of terms defined centrally and are used elsewhere in sharepoint 2010. In order to use the data, a service called MMS needs to be created, so as to have the data in one site collection accessible to others including other farms. In this article
(a) Service and Connection (b) Terms and Term Sets (c) Configuration (d) Permissions (e) Content Types (f) Connection across Farms (g) References

Service and Connection

1. MMS are used to store metadata, and the data can be shared across site collections and across farm. 2. The MMS service can have a cross-farm connection, where the 2 farms (farm where service runs and farm where connection runs) must have a trust relationship. 3. To use the metadata, connection need to be present with the Web Application and the service. 4. Once the MM service is created, then we will get the URL of the service, which is needed to create the connection. The URL needs to be given in the Web application for connection. 5. The connection can be given using Powershell also.

Terms and Term Sets

6. Term is any SP 2010 item, Term Set is collection of Terms and Term Store is DB for Terms 7. 2 types-Managed Terms (Taxonomy) and Enterprise Keywords (folksonomy and are part of Keyword set); where former is created by Metadata Content Managers who has permissions and later is created by any end user. Add more languages for translation purpose. 8. We have option called Fill-in which when selected will allow end users to fill/add the new terms within the term set. 9. In addition to the Fill-in option, one needs to check the option- Enterprise Keywords link in the List settings- which shows to add an extra column Enterprise Keyword for the user to

input. In this new column, user can input new values which gets added to the Enterprise Keyword location , and these new words come as suggestion under the Enterprise Keyword column from the next time. 10. Reuse of Terms is possible across Term Sets. By clicking on one Term Set and Create New Term, we can specify we want to import Term from another Term Set 11. Importing Term Sets from an Excel is possible where the Column name is Term Sets. We can move the Term Set to the desired level of hierarchy. 12. We have Local Term Sets (specified within the Service Application) and Global Term Sets (scope inside the site collection) 13. We can specify if the default location of the column-specific term sets is the service or not 14. Need to set the default Term store, keyword location, for one web application.

15. To configure, CA-> Application Management--> Manage Service Applications Create Managed Metadata Service. Later start the same also 16. Under Database name, give the name which will host the Term store or give an existing DB's name so as to store there. If deleted the one already present then the only way to get the name of the DB is by using SQL Server Management Studio. 17. Under the Application Pool section, we can define the service to run under the same application pool or a new one and also the account with which it has to run. We can also create a new managed account to be used. 18. Click Manage button in ribbon for the MMS to launch Term store tool, create group-Office locations, create New Term set-state and city, 19. Create Terms under the Term Sets. 20. Create a List and create a column (State) with type as Managed Metadata and fill in the values and save. While you add a new item, it would show suggestion from the term set within the Term set we added. 21. Basically Metadata column is like a choice column but where the choices are reusable till the farm level. 22. You can go to the Metadata Navigation settings present inside the List settings and see the columns and key filter 23. Metadata Publishing for a library is disabled by default and should not be enabled if users should not see the metadata. 24. Using Power Shell also, we can create Managed Metadata Service, New-SPMetadataServiceApplication -ApplicationPool "<ApplicationPoolName>" -Name "<ServiceName>" -DatabaseName "<DatabaseName>" -DatabaseServer "<DatabaseServerName>" -HubUri "<HubURI>" The SPMetadataServiceApplication can have more or fewer number of arguments. 25. Also we can modify/update the existing MMS like the DB name, Application Pool etc. We can update the MMS using the PowerShell also

Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity "<ServiceApplication>" -HubURI "<HubURI>" 26. If we use SPMetadataServiceApplication to set/modify any of the account values, then we need to set all of the other parameters of it using some temporary values, not only by calling only the Account Value. 27. In order for other Web applications to access the MMS, we need to publish the service, whereas the web application where the service is created, it already will have the access. 28. Once we delete the MMS application, we cannot restore it back, and other web applications which uses this connection will not be able to use it.

29. One need to be in Administrators group for creating Service Application and also in the Farm administrators group. 30. The service needs to have Application pool account permission to the Web application where connection is created. 31. From each web application we need to have connection to the service. It could be Restricted, Read or Full permission connection. 32. By default, Full permissions are provided and if needed to lower it, we need to reduce permission for the local farm group. 33. According to the MMS design, different permission are possible- users of some site collection can access some set of Term Sets whereas some other site collection users cannot access them. Its like some can access some content types and vice versa.

Content Types
34. In order for others to access the Content types of a site collection, under the content type settings there will be an option- Manage Publishing for this Content type where you need to click Publish. 35. A content type gallery, is the content type hub, associated with the MMS service allows the content type to be shared across site collection 36. We can also specify one site collection as content type hub and create the MMS, then we can share all the content types in the site collection gallery. From the content type, we can take column, workflow associations (only the workflow associations will be shared provided we have a workflow at destination). 37. In order to make the site collection as the Content Type Hub, we need to activate one feature called Content Syndication Hub in the site collection features. 38. We can specify the hub in the service- need to give the URL of the site collection in the option called Hub. Also in the configuration of metadata connection, in the properties, check the box that it will consume the Content Type Gallery 39. If any change to the content type is made, need to push the same to the sub-sites and list 40. We can create a Metadata column where we would inherit the values from the already defined Term Set.

41. There is a predefined column named Enterprise Keywords which can be added to the content type, using which users can add new keywords which will get added to the keyword set. 42. We can add Terms to the SP items and if we need to change the term name, still the association with the SP item would be present.

Connection Across Farm

43. For the connection between 2 farms, they should exchange trust certificates. Windows Power Shell 2.0 commands are used to export and copy the certificates and either CA or Power shell Commands are used to manage trust certificates. 44. Root certificate and the Security Token service are required (Export) from the Consuming farm. Go to start--> Sharepoint 2010 Management Shell run as administrator. In the command prompt, type the following To get the Root certificate of the consuming farm
$rootcert= (Get-SPSecurityAuthority). RootCertificate $rootcert.Export(Cert) | Set-Content C:\Users\554pa\ConsumingFarmRoot.cer -Encoding byte

To get the STS certificate from the Consuming farm

$stsCert = (GetSPSecurityTokenServiceConfig).LocalLoginProvider.SigningCertificate $stsCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content "C:\Users\554pa\ConsumingFarmSTS.cer" -Encoding byte

Copy both certificates of the Consuming farm to the publishing farm To get the Root certificate from the Publishing farm
$rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate $rootCert.Export("Cert") | Set-Content "C:\Users\554pa\PublishingFarmRoot.cer" -Encoding byte

Copy the Root certificate to the consuming farm 45. Import the Root Certificate of the Publishing to the Consuming
$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate "C:\Users\554pa\PublishingFarmRoot.cer" New-SPTrustedRootAuthority "MetadataPublishingFarm" -Certificate $trustCert

Import the Root and STS of the Consuming to the Publishing server. To import the root certificate:$trustCert = Get-PfxCertificate "C:\Users\554pa\ConsumingFarmRoot.cer" New-SPTrustedRootAuthority "MetadataConsumingFarm" -Certificate $trustCert

To import the STS certificate of the consuming farm to the Publishing:-

$stsCert = Get-PfxCertificate "C:\Users\554pa\ConsumingFarmSTS.cer" New-SPTrustedServiceTokenIssuer "MetadataConsumingFarm" -Certificate $stsCert

46. Copy the Published URL of the AP which we get from the Consuming server. 47. In the Publishing farm, under the Manage Service Applications, check the option as Publish this service application to other farms. 48. In the Publishing Farm, select the ID from the command prompt in order to give permission under the MMS in CA, by adding the ID and selecting Local Farm. 49. In the consuming farm, enter the URL of the service which is present in the Publishing farm. Also check the proxy list checkbook. 50. When trying to access the Content type in the root site collection, from the consuming farm, we will not see the content type and taxonomy and Content Type Publishing, so need to activate taxonomy feature. Enable it by command prompt. 51. Later check for the Content Type Publishing in the Site collection features. Check Refresh all published content types. Then you should be able to see the content type here in the consuming farm, so as to consume the same.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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