The Other Side of HR Function: HRM Case Study

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The other side of HR function

M/r sukumar Eng works , on the outskirts of Kolkata , with over 800 employees was making a good amount of profit due to their highly dedicated employees. The level of job satisfaction of the employees was very high. HR practices and the relationship with the recognized union were also satisfactory. The management was proud of their employees and the union. The company had one electric arc furnace and a re-rolling mail. The raw-materials was steel scrap. The mill was working in three shift, seven day operation as the process was continuous. The furnace was producing pencil steel ingots which were sent to re-rolling mills for further operation. It was 29th august 1989. On the evening of that day. Before leaving the work , hr manager , chatterjee, as usual went to the office of GM. Bannerjee. He found the GM in a state of tension. Prabir asked him the cause of his worry. The GM asked him to sit down and reveal slowly that due to non availability of manila rope in the store, the electric furnace had to be closed down on that night shift and the next morning. Because of this, there would be loss of ingots productions and the targets for month could not be met . only two days were left. Before the beginning of the month, the MD had particularly emphasized the need to meet the target due to pressing orders . the GM had assured him that he would definitely produce the required tonnage and would rather try to produce more. Now almost at the end of the month, he had never expected that he would make a problem like this. Three employees were requested for urgent leave were also refused due to commitment of the production.there were no problem of any raw material. But small item like manila ropes non-availablity created an acute problem. the GM admitted that mistake was due to store staff, who could have procured the material on time. on enquiry it was reviled that the production staff had already drawn the monthly requirnment from stores .the consumption of these materials was more due to poor quality of manila rope.there might be some unknown reasons too. At that time , the GM instead of diggling out further reasons.wanted an immigeat solutions first. Prabir knew that general process of these factory. When he join the co. three year ago, during its orientation programme, he studies and learned thoroughly the manufacturing process. he also read a book on making and shaping of steel as suggested by GM. He obtained sufficient knowledge to know the process. Prabir was not a technical person and did not go deep into the subject. Fo some doubt, he got clarification from technical staff who were qite co operative.


A brief narration on the function of electric arc furnace was-as a first step, the stell scrap would be loaded in scrap charging bucket which has petals underneath. The petals were tied with manila rope.when the overhead crane took the load scrap charging bucket just over the open arc furnace,the manila rope would be burned due to heat of the furnace. After knowing the problem of non availability of these material in the store prabir volunteered to produced the rope he filled up a purchased requisition and got it signed by GM. He went to purchased dept. sinc it was already 6:30 pm . all staff member left the office, except one purchase officer who were busy.prabir requisted him to help.the officer asked him to wait for next day as manila rope was not a materials to be procure so urgently prabir explain all the step in manufacturing of pencil and imp of rope. The officer and Engg,was very happy to know the details given by technical man. he also understood prabir anxiety and contacted on phone two or three hardware merchants he wrot down formal purchase order and directed prabir to go to the cityto collect the matrials that month the target was exceed .




Q1 Do you advocate a change of policy for recruitment of HR manager with technical qualification? ---- it is not necessary. The specialization in HR for personnel of IT, Engg will be added advantage.there are several engg who have opted to be HR executives. Some productions engg wit there immense involvement in dealing with the few problem in hr area, are doing well as HR manager. The dual knowledge of these person will help them take up various crucial HR activities for the benefit of the management

Q2 Do you find every aspects of HR functions working well in M/S sukumar engg
works? ---- from the case study, it is known that M/S sukumar engg works were maintaining a very cordial relationship with the recognized union. The employees moral was also very high.

Q3 can the hr manager take all credit for himself where excellent industries
relations exists? ----yes,he can. But it is collective efforts . top mgmt should give all opportunities to line executives to discharge there responsibilities in an efficient manner. Interference of the superiors shoud be judicious. However,the job knowledge of the executives in all areas including HR should be judge by performance.Decision making at at there leve with regard to hr matters may sometimes bring a negative effects. The intelligent and experienced HR executives in dealigs with IR topics with the co operation of all, and give the credit to himself for excellently maintaining a peace full industry harmony.

Facts :
1. M/r sukumar Eng works , has 800 employees was making a good amount of profit due to their highly dedicated and motivated employees 2. The company had one electric arc furnace and a re-rolling mail. 3. The furnace was producing pencil steel ingots 4. The company was engaged in steel producing company



4.HR problem includes employees would have less interest in projects receives less incentives ,the cordial relations would be damage ,the moral of GM and the production staff might have plummeted. 1.The electric furnace had to be closed down on that night shift and the next morning. Because of this, there would be loss of ingots productions and the targets for month could not be met 2. manila ropes non-availability created an problem. 3.Non-availability of raw materials i.e rope

1.HR manager, therefore should devote some time to learn the technical aspects of the department in which he is posted . It should not be misconstruced as entering into the area of work with which he is not connected. 2.HR manager knowledge about the occupation of the worker will always help him to discharge the responsibilities effectively.

Refrence Book: ----HR case study ----Author-- ravi Dharmarao

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