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INTRODUCTION From day one, McDonalds believed in forging new opportunities.

The same holds true today, and its this kind of philosophy that will launchy o u r c a r e e r . F o r s t a r t e r s , R a y K r o c , o u r f o u n d e r a n d i n s p i r a t i o n , p a r l a ye d e x c l u s i v e d i s t r i b u t i o n r i g h t s o f a n i n n o v a t i v e m i l k s h a k e maker into the first-ever franchise in Des Plaines, Illinois. L a t e r , R o n a l d M c D o n a l d p r o v e d another huge idea from a set o f w o n d e r f u l f o l k s . I n t r o d u c e d i n h i s f i r s t T V a p p e a r a n c e , R o n a l d became recognized as the smile known around the world. Today, he is as recognized as Santa Claus.I n y e t a n o t h e r e x a m p l e o f e m p o w e r e d b i g - t h i n k i n g , franchisee Jim Delligatti invented the Big Mac and changedh a m b u r g e r s f o r e v e r . A s yo u c a n s e e , b r o a d v i s i o n , b i g ideas, and a family of great people fuel our success. Its true, new employees today are our leaders tomorrow. McDonalds is a leading global foodservice retailer with more than 30,000local restaurants serving nearly 50 million people in more than 119countries each day. It serves the world some of its favourite food-French Fries, Big Mac, and Chicken McNuggetsand EggMcMuffin. First McDonalds restaurant was opened by Ray KrocatIllinois,USAin 1955.It is no longer functional and the building is now McDonalds museum. McDonalds went public in 1965 and in 1985, it was added on30-company Dow Jones Industrial Average. Today it is one of the most well known, valuable and powerful brands of the world. Agenda-100% total customer satisfaction. Four golden words: QUALITY SERVI CE CLEANLINESS VALUE

McDonald's a Global Phenomenon

Formed in 1954, McDonald's brand is the leading global foodservice retailer with more than 30,000 local restaurants serving nearly 50 million people in more than 120 countries each day. The rich history began with founder Ray Kroc's strong foundation. McDonalds vision and commitment of our talented executives is to keep the shine on McDonalds arches for years to come. McDonald's Mission McDonald's mission is to be our customers' favourite place and way to eat with inspired people who delight each customer with unmatched quality, service, cleanliness and value e v e r y t i m e . . . w e i n v i t e yo u t o b e t h e p a r t o f t h i s w i n n i n g t e a m a n d g i v e yo u r s e l f a n opportunity to grow with the family of people striving to create smiles on the faces of millions of people everyday. McDonalds MISSION AND VISION: We serve people with good quality food, fast and at low cost. McDonald's vision is to dominate the global food-service industry. Global dominance means setting the performance standard for customer satisfaction and increases market share and profitability through successfully implementing our convenience, value and execution strategies KEY QUESTION IN CASE Ques1. Do you think McDonalds Training initiatives are aligned with business strategy? Explain the reasons for it. Why is it important to establish business strategy-training linkage? Ques2. Discuss how McDonalds strategic commitment to training has contributed to its position as a leading global foodservice retailer. Ques3. Examine Ray Krocs training philosophy. How McDonald hass gained from this philosophy? Ques4. How relevant is training and development for a company like McDonalds which is seen as deskilled? Ques5. Describe the orientation training at McDonalds. What purposes does it serve? Ques6. Discuss the training and management development process at McDonalds with respect to its design, purpose, methods and content. What organizational goals does it help McDonalds achieve? Evaluate McDonalds T&D process based on your understanding of the process of training. Ques7. What purposes are served by diversity training for McDonalds take for diversity inclusion in its workforce and with what benefits? Ques8. What criteria are used to evaluate training effectiveness at McDonalds?

ANSWERS Ans 1: Yes, McDonalds Training initiatives are aligned with business strategy. Training of an employee is necessary for effective and efficient utilization of resources. The mission of McDonalds is customer satisfaction by providing Quality, Services, Cleanliness & value every time. This can be done only by dong the crew members Proper Training in each field. The motto of every company is to earn profits; profits can be earned only by having good relation with customers by providing them quality services, quality food. The Business strategy & training linkage is interlinked and interdependent with each other. Independently no one can work alone nor business strategy can work alone, nor can train work alone. So their should be proper coordination between business strategy and training, the training should be according to strategy of organisation. Training is a strategic advantage for your company. While almost all of your assets depreciate, your human resources can actually gain value. All you have to do is provide training. Training offers much more than just well-skilled employees. It decreases turnover by providing career opportunities. An educated workforce makes fewer errors and increases quality. Quality training programs attract employees to your organization. Training is key to your organization's future.

Ans2: Training at Hamburger University has emphasized consistent restaurant operations procedures, service, quality and cleanliness. It has become the companys global centre of excellence for McDonalds operations training and leadership development. At McDonalds, our training mission is to be the best talent developer of people with the most committed individuals to Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value (QSC&V) in the world. Our strong commitment to the training and development of our People has resulted in many firsts and honours, including being. The first restaurant company to develop a global training centre. McDonalds is an organisation that demonstrates a strategic commitment to training as the way we do business around here. From early days Ray Krocs, the founder of McDonalds, have said investing in training will gain us n long run and we will be leading food service retailer. The mission of McDonalds was proving Quality food, Services, Cleanness and value and the ultimate motto was customer satisfaction. It is strategic decision of McDonalds to train the employees in order to gain customer satisfaction, when customer are satisfied the whole strategic motto is gained, so automatically customer satisfaction and sales increase by providing quality services at all restaurants.

Ans 3: If I had a brick for every time Ive repeated the phrase Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value, I think Id probably be able to bridge the Atlantic Ocean with them. Ray Kroc

Ray Kroc who took over the McDonald's franchises in the 1950s, led the way in developing the fast food industry. Kroc described his business philosophy in the following way: This is rat eat rat, dog eat dog. I'll kill em, and I'm going to kill em before they kill me. If they were drowning to death, I would put a hose in their mouth. McDonalds Hamburger University was first opened in a restaurant in Chicago in the year 1961. It initially aimed at developing a learning process through which Kroc could assert control over his standards of QSCV. Initially Ray Kroc avoided employees with direct experience or formal training in food preparation or restaurant business. These people wanted to do the business their own way. Instead, he saw a different mix of dedication, entrepreneurship and wider skills in service and quality as the right type of Skills Mix. Rewarding Innovation Ray Kroc believed in the entrepreneurial spirit, and rewarded his franchisees for individual creativity. Many of McDonalds most famous menu itemslike the Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish and the Egg McMuffin were created by franchisees. At the same time, the McDonalds operating system insisted franchisees follow the core McDonalds principles of quality, service, cleanliness and value.

The Roots of Quality McDonalds passion for quality meant that every single ingredient was tested, tasted and perfected to fit the operating system. As restaurants boomed, the massive volume of orders caught the attention of suppliers, who began taking McDonalds standards as seriously as McDonalds did. As other quick service restaurants began to follow, McDonalds high standards rippled through the meat, produce and dairy industries. Again, Ray Kroc was looking for a partnershipthis time with McDonalds suppliersand he managed to create the most integrated, efficient and innovative supply system in the food service industry. These supplier relationships have flourished over the decades: in fact, many McDonalds suppliers operating today first started business with a handshake from Ray Kroc. Hamburger University In 1961, Ray launched a training program, later called Hamburger University, at a new restaurant in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. There, franchisees and operators were trained in the scientific methods of running a successful McDonalds. Hamburger U also had a research and development laboratory to develop new cooking, freezing, storing and serving methods. Today, more than 80,000 people have graduated from the program. Ans 4: Deskilling - A work force with the minimum abilities possible to complete simple focused tasks. This means that they can be quickly and cheaply trained and are easily replaceable.

Ans 5: The training orientation start with Welcome Meeting, where all new employees are inducted into business the business through a welcome meeting, which they must attend. This welcome meeting give an idea about the company

Job role Food Hygiene & Safety training Policies & Procedures Administration Benefits Training & Development

The next step after welcome meeting is Structured development programme that provides training in all area of business, during orientation sessions crew trainers work hand to hand with trainees while they learn the operations skills, during the training the trainees learn to operate state of art food service equipments. The majority of training is floor based or on the job training, the logic behind that is to give the trainees the actual insight of work in McDonalds. The training period first start with initial training period in which they develop the skills to level where they can competent n each area within the restaurant. The orientation training also consists of classroom based training sessions, where they complete workbook for quality, service & classroom. The company operates three week probationary period, after which employees are rated on their performance or either re-trained or terminated. The purpose of orientation training is to provide the trainees the insight about the work they have to do, about company policies and procedures, benefits, safety training etc Ans 6: To operate a successful, sustainable business you need committed, engaged and well trained employees. Great people are integral to the success of the McDonalds brand and they are essential in McDonalds restaurant on a day to day basis. As a result McDonalds make their people their priority and continually work to provide an employment experience our employees will value. This means McDonalds have an enormous responsibility to train our people well not only for the benefit of our company and our customers, but in terms of the wider economy and community as well. McDonalds therefore accepts the added responsibility of equipping these people with the right tools in order to succeed in life, whichever career path they choose. We aim to develop within these people skills such as self-discipline, time management, teamwork, customer service and communication skills that will serve them well wherever their career choices take them. McDonalds places graet emphasis on employees training to ensure the highest standard of service across all outlets globally, this controlled process is called the one best way, it covers From meeting & greeting To food preparation To cleanliness the floor

Crew members are rotated through a no. of different roles. Various methods are used during training from shoulder to shoulder (hand in hand) with managers and trainees. McDonalds also delivers training through attending in the crew room or in restaurant, also e-learning modules and companies intranet site are used during training. The main purpose of training is to give trainees insight about the company key principles i.e. Quality, Service & cleanliness. Courses for management development include: 1. Employee relations training 2. Time management 3. Staff retention and discipline 4. Personal leadership and effective coaching 5. Employee communications 6. Learning to manage shifts 7. Community image 8. Managing staff development 9. Optimizing restaurant food cost 10. Accounting and Financial procedures

The higher level people (General Managers) are expected to complete business programmes from Nottingham University. The training approach at McDonald's is based on developing competencies using a Personal Development Plan (PDP). Training is monitored by the use of Observation Checklists (OCLs) for the station they are working at. The management development curriculum is aimed at persons aged 21 or over, either graduates or individuals with some previous management experience. The management development curriculum is divided into four key programmes: 1. Shift Management 2. Systems Management 3. Restaurant Leadership 4. Business Leadership Ans:7 McDonalds is the worlds community restaurant. Diversity at McDonalds is seen as understanding, recognizing, and valuing the differences that make each person unique.

one of the diversity initiatives at McDonalds have resulted init having the largest number of minority and female franchisees in the quick service industry, with more than 40.7%of all McDonalds US owner/operators being women and minorities. The purpose of diversity is to improve processes like: Performance feedback Employee development Recruitment Retention of excellent employees Maintaining better connect with customer base.

McDonald's is committed to diversity education and has developed a framework to provide it throughout the organization through formal presentations, workshops, and seminars. Seminars and workshops like Winning with Diversity and Inclusion, Gender Speak, Asian Career Development, Black Career Development, and Women: Enhancing Personal and Professional Effectiveness, serve as the cornerstone for bringing diversity to life in the organization.

Ans 8: Training effectiveness is measured by unit managers based on OCLs through a computerized log. The results are used to track restaurant performance resulting in a training grade. To measure quality, service and cleanliness, McDonalds uses mystery shoppers who pay a monthly visit to each site. The results indicate that restaurants in above average training category have higher scores, especially on service. This means that when staff is well trained and motivated, customer service improves. It has been observed that the restaurant where the manager takes a hands-on approach to training, the performance is good. Effective and regular training also brings benefits like employee satisfaction which in turn enhances customer ratings, and lower staff turnover.

CONCLUSION The last half of the twentieth century witnessed the development of many fast food chains. None were as successful as McDonalds at maximizing profit and minimizing cost. The rapid growth of McDonalds from one small store in 1948, to its first restaurant in 1955, to its worldwide dominance and market saturation at the turn of the twenty-first century, is a story of capitalist enterprise, sometimes at its worst and (to its shareholders) sometimes at its best. McDonald's is one of the largest fast food companies in the world. They continue their path for success by keeping their consumers in mind regarding their product selection as well as their prices. They encourage their employees to do a good job, usually promotes from within,

and offers several scholarships to encourage education. Though McDonald's is a centralized, "wait and see" company they find ways to use technological products that will increase their productivity, service, and sales

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