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Agustinus Agus Purwanto, SE MM Tibubeneng North Kuta Bali Mobile: +62 812 9444 1224 Email: agustinus.aguspurwanto@yahoo. Dear Sir, I am writing in response to the Position of General Manager, advertised and being open at this time in your company. I am a highly experienced hotel and resort management professional with extensive financial and operational management multi skills. I am adept at increasing profits, revenue and market share and at introducing improvements to customer service and efficiency. My current position is a Corporate Officer for PHM Hospitality a Hotel Management Company in Jakarta - Indonesia, where achieve a result oriented and dedicated business professional with demonstrated success in general management within the hospitality industry some number years ago I had worked with company to produce dramatic increase in Gross Operating Profit (GOP), extensive background in accounting and P & L, with proven ability to control cost and positively impacts the bottom line. Track record of exceeding goals, boosting sales, and increasing revenue with focusing customer service; I would like to bring my experience and expertise to you and your company.

My background in the field of hotel and resort management has provided me the excellent people and communication skills necessary to succeed in this competitive and fast-paced in hotel's industry. I am able to develop all department Hotel's Operating Manual as well as all hotel policies and procedures that to increase sales, occupancy and revenues, negotiate contracts with corporate accounts and service providers and formulate effective strategic business development plans. I have been recognized throughout my career for my ability to increase profits and sales, and have a history of rapid promotions at every level also proven many employers to call me back with higher position and compensation. In additional to my management skills I also possess extensive experience in sales and marketing, at both domestically and internationally levels. I am a team player, highly organized and able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. I am dedicated to providing the highest level of customer satisfaction and service at all times and am constantly looking for ways to improve overall service and profits. My Curriculum Vitae enclosed to provide you with greater detail of my background and what I have to offer. Thank you for your time and consideration Sincerely,

Agustinus Agus Purwanto, SE, MM Personal Website: Business Website:

Agustinus Agus Purwanto

Tibubeneng Kuta Bali Indonesia +62 812 9444 1224 (Mobile) Latest Position Corporate Comptroller (inc. Corporate Human Resources PHM Hospitality

Latest Position Corporate Comptroller / Corporate Human Resorces PHM Hospitality 32 years (Overseas & Home Country Experience)

Year(s) of Work Experience Latest Job Function Latest Industry Sector Highest Education Attained Latest Salary

Top Executive (CEO and Corporate) Hotel Management Company Master of Human Resources Management Post Graduate Udayana University Bali Indonesia IDR 27 Million + IDR 2,5 Million Housing Allowance Negotiable Immediately Available

Expected Salary Availability

ICULUM Gender Age Date of birth Marital Stauts Postal Code Number of Children Relegion Has Driving Licence Owned Vehicle Expert / Excellent Skill Male 51 05 May 1960 Married 80361 5 Catholic Yes Car Setup Hotel Management Company Hotel Operation Pre-opening Setup Develop all Hotel Departmental Operating Management Manuals Develop all Hotel Departmental Standard Operating Procedures Develop Hotel Internal Audit System Prepare Hotel Feasibility Study, Hotel Development Modeling


HOTEL MANAGEMENT COMPANY Chief Executive Officer (CEO / Owner) Sun Paradise Hotels Management: Create and Setup a Hotel Management Company based in Vietnam Law, consulting hotel pre-opening, creating all Hotels Departmental Operating Manual, All Hotels S.O.P, all Hotels Report Forms and conduct / implementing Hotels Internal Audit.. Corporate Comptroller PHM Hospitality: Handling investors request in relation to Hotels Feasibility Study, creating all Hotels Operating Manuals, all Hotels S.O.P and Hotel Corporate Modeling and Reports. Guiding some number of Hotel General Manager and Hotel Financial Controller. Issued instructions and guidance for all brands under PHM Hospitality i.e., The Haven Suite, Villa and Hotels; The 1O1 Chick and Trendy Hotels; Alaia Thematic Hotels and The BnB Premium Two Stars Hotels

HOTEL GENERAL MANAGER FIVE YEARS AND ONE MONTH (5 YEARS AND 1 MONTH) CRUISES GENERAL MANAGER ONE YEAR AND SIX MONTHS General Manager Nusa Lembongan Resort: Managing Life Style Resort in Nusa Lembongan island Bali Indonesia achieving high quality and Bali Government award Tri Hita Karana, providing acceptance Life Style Resort services with balance services and customers needs. General Manager Sail Sensation Cruises & Nusa Lembongan Resort: Managing operation of Catamaran Sailing Cruise carrying out the difficult situation during second bomb blast in Bali, creating three difference types of dinner cruise theme i.e., Bali Carnival Dinner Cruise, Brazilian Dinner Cruise and Romantic Dinner Cruise. General Manager Pacung Mountain Resort: Leading as Hotel Pre-opening, by setup all operating manual, Standard Operating Procedure, all position Job Descriptions, Business Plan, Feasibility Study, hiring department head level and marketing the new property etc.

DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TEN YEARS AND ELEVEN MONTHS (10 YEARS 11 MONTHS) Director of Finance (Swiss-Belhotel Golden Sand Resort & Spa in Vietnam - Bali Rani Hotel & Spa - Bali Hai Cruises): Attracting full out Hospitality Financial Expert to bring the standard operation of each property, prepared Hotel Accounting Standard Manual

FINANCIAL CONTROLLER SEVEN YEARS (7 YEARS) Financial Controller (Bali Hai Cruises, Holiday Inn Resort Lombonk) Leading the Finance & Accounting Department to meet the standard of Uniform System of Account as well as implemented to comply on head office Hotel Accounting Standard Manual, comply with local regulation and laws. Hotel Pre-opening set up/Consultant: Pacung Mountain Resort, Saba Bay Resort, Amankila, Holiday Inn Resort Lombok, L'anmien Five Star Life Style Resort & Spa - in Vietnam, Pilgrimage Village Five Star Boutique Resort, Preopening Support for Holiday Inn Group in Indonesia

20042005 PostGraduateUdayanaUniversityBali,MagisterManagementS2(major:HumanResources)Grade/GPA:3.3 20002003 GraduateIndonesianOpenUniversity,EconomicDegreeS1(major:Economics&DevelopmentStudy)Grade/GPA:2.6 19771980 SMEAPGRIKencongJember,TradeAdministration(major:EconomicHighSchool)

July 2011Present
CorporateComptroller Employed,SeniorExecutive(CEO,CFO,President) PHMHospitalityHotelManagement 6thPanoramaBld,63TomangRayaStreet JakartaIndonesia 3000employees OURBRAND:
http://www.thehavenbali.comand Myroleisreponsibleinsettinguphotelprojectdevelopment,CorporateFinancehandling7hotelsspreatout in Indonesia (Bali, Yogyakarta, Gogor, Kelapa Gading and Dharmawangsa) and Corporate Human Resources, TrainingandDevelopment.

OperationDirectorforTwoProperties(FourStars) Employed,SeniorExecutive(CEO,CFO,President) BaliRaniHotel&TheRaniHotel&SpaHospitality Kuta,Indonesia 201500employees ResponsibletomanagetwohotelsinTubanKutaBaliIndonesiabothhotelsarefourstars.Implementedall operationalunderSunParadiseHotelsManagement

DirectorofFinanceatVietNam Employed,SeniorExecutive(CEO,CFO,President) SwissBelhotelInternational HospitalityH iAn,VietNam 201500employees AchievementonincreasetheG.O.Pfrom$586,780onyear2006to$1,608,178onyear2007and$2,617,466 onyear2008;Byattractinginvolvementdirecttothehoteloperationasanexecutivemember.(Threetimesin chargeGMduetomuchturnover)

GeneralManagerFourStarOffshoreResort Employed,SeniorExecutive(CEO,CFO,President) NusaLembonganResort Leisure,Travel&Tourism Klungkung,Indonesia 51200employees AchievementtobringtheresorttoreceiveGoldMedalTriHitaKaranaAwardashighestawardinkeeping the property as best and a green hotel. Attract guests by developing an advertising campaign; soliciting reservationsthroughdirectmailandtelemarketingprogramsEstablishguestsservicesbydefiningastandard ofservice;identifyingguestrequirementsandpreferences;determiningservicepolicies&procedures

GeneralManagerofFiveStarCruises Employed,SeniorExecutive(CEO,CFO,President) SailSensationCruisesHospitality Denpasar,Indonesia 51200employees AchievementinMarineTourismbycarrying36,000passengersandhighestincreasenumberof"dinnercruise program" with three different program called: Bali Carnival Dinner Cruise; Romantic Dinner Cruise and BrazilianDinnerCruise

Jan 2003Feb 2006 (3 years, 1 Months)

Director of Finance and Administration Employed,SeniorExecutive(CEO,CFO,President) BaliRaniHotel(FourStarResorts) Hospitality Kuta,Indonesia 201500employees Hospitalityindustry)AchievementonincreasetheG.O.Pfrom25.5%onyear2004to42.5%onyear2005and 48.7% on year 2006; By attracting involvement direct to the hotel operation as an executive member to involveasfollow:Administerfinancialplanningprocessbypreparingeconomicstudiesandforecasts;Source financialrequirementsbytracking,measuring,evaluating,andforecastingfinancialresults;identifyingtrends; analyzing capital needs; negotiating credit with banks Protect assets by establishing credit policies; establishing, auditing, and enforcing internal controls Obtain revenue and pay obligations by establishing accounts receivable and payable systems Guide and control financial actions by initiating, coordinating, and enforcingpoliciesandproceduresIncreaseemployees`effectivenessbyimplementingrecruitment,selection, orientation,training,coaching,counseling,anddisciplinaryprograms

Apr 1999Jan 2003 (4 years)

Director of Finance & Administration Employed,SeniorExecutive(CEO,CFO,President) BaliHaiCruises Hospitality Denpasar,Indonesia 5011,000employees Successfullytosetup"CruiseOperating"overallAchievementinsavingtaxbyapplyingtaxexemptionfortwo vessels import from Australia, increasing net profit from losses situation in year 2001 to become profit situationby$1,205,000inyear2002and$2,625,000inyear2003 Efforttocarrytheachievementasbellow: Reorganizing accounting and other related to financial aspect by issuing company policy and Standard Operating Procedure Handling Tax Court on VAT Ticket Sales and Tax Collection Letter by preparing argumentationtogetspecialVATrateandtaxexemptionsAdministerfinancialplanningprocessbypreparing economicstudiesandforecasts;developingandprovidingbackgroundinformation;developingandenforcing planning schedules Protect assets by establishing credit policies; developing credit procedures; providing insurancecoverage;establishing,auditing,andenforcinginternalcontrolsMaintainofficeservicesbystudying requirements; approving policies, procedures, programs, and expenditures Maintain information services by studying organization requirements; approving policies, procedures, programs, and expenditures Guide and controlfinancialactionsbyinitiating,coordinating,andenforcingpoliciesandprocedures

Jul 1995Apr 1999 (4 years)

FinancialController(fromPreopeninguptoalmost4years) Employed,Executive(VP,SVP,etc.) HolidayInnResortLombok Hospitality Mataram,Indonesia 5011,000employees Successfully to setup Preopening Holiday Inn and to support preopening Holiday Inn in Indonesia Achievement in carry out the Holiday Inn Resort Lombok receiving "Best New Comer Award" in term of administration and finance setup. To bring up the hotel from losses situation in year 1995 become in profit situationinyear1996by$375,000 Theeffortsareimplementedasfollow: Guidefinancialdecisionsbyestablishing,monitoringandenforcingpoliciesandproceduresProtectassetsby establishing,monitoring,andenforcinginternalcontrolsMaximizereturnandlimitriskoncashbyminimizing bank balances; making investments Prepare budgets by establishing schedules; collecting, analyzing and consolidating financial data; recommending plans Prepare special reports by collecting, analyzing and summarizing information and trends Comply with federal, state and local legal requirements by studying existing and new legislation; anticipating future legislation; enforcing adherence to requirements; filing financial reports; advising management on needed actions Ensure operation of equipment by establishing preventive maintenance requirements and service contracts, maintaining equipment inventories; evaluating newequipmentandtechniquesProtectoperationsbykeepingfinancialinformationandplansconfidential

FinancialController(fromsetupcruisesoperatingsystem) Employed,Executive(VP,SVP,etc.) BaliHaiCruises Hospitality Denpasar,Indonesia 5011,000employees Successfully to setup "Overall Cruise System Operations" Achievement to carry out from losses situation in year1992and1993tobecomeprofitsituationinyear1994and1995 Anotherachievementissuccessfultosetupcruiseoperationsystem,standardoperationproceduresEffortsare takentoachieveasfollow: Guidefinancialdecisionsbyestablishing,monitoringandenforcingpoliciesandproceduresProtectassetsby establishing,monitoring,andenforcinginternalcontrolsMaximizereturnandlimitriskoncashbyminimizing bank balances; making investments Prepare budgets by establishing schedules; collecting, analyzing and consolidating financial data; recommending plans Ensure operation of equipment by establishing preventive

maintenance requirements and service contracts, maintaining equipment inventories; evaluating new equipment and techniques Maintain professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviewing professional publications; establishing personal networks; participating in professional societiesHandlingTaxExemptandCustomExemptonImportationBoatthefirstone,alsohandlingtaxcasesat TaxCourt

Nov 1991Jun 1992 (1 years)

PreopeningChiefAccountant(Chartered) Employed,Manager(Manager/Supervisor) Amankila(LifeStyleFiveStarResort) Hospitality Karangasem,Indonesia 201500employees Setuphotelpreopeningsystem(sixmonthsworkingcontractspecialforpreopening)Designallformsused bythehotelandissuedAccountingStandardManualtosupportalldepartmentsinimplementationControlling preopeningBudgetversusActual SpendingPreparing PreopeningCashRequirementtothehotelownerTo develop excellence Accounting Training Courses Handling Importation Goods Custom Clearance, when all handling agents unable to clearance four trucks of hotel equipment at Tanjung Perak Port Surabaya and Airport Ngurah Rai Denpasar such items of: Crockery; Glassware; Silverware; Imported Pillows; Imported Blanket,etc.PrepareAssetRegisterforthehotelPrepareOperatingBudgetandFiveYearsProjectionofHotel Operation

Jan 1988Aug 1991 (3 years, 7 Months)

GeneralManager(Preopening) Employed,SeniorExecutive(CEO,CFO,President) PacungLuxuryMountainResort Hospitality Tabanan,Indonesia 51200employees SuccessfullytosetupwholehoteloperationSettingupandleadingallhotelpreopeningandnewopening: PrepareallHotelOperatingManualPrepareallDepartmentalStandardOperatingProceduresDraftingHotel's LogoandHotel'sFormsPrepareallpositionJobsDescriptionPrepareFeasibilityStudyofthehotelforgetting governmentapproval andbank loanPrepareFiveYears Hotel's OperationProjection Prepare HotelBusiness PlanPrepareHotelOperatingBudgetConductTradeShow,TableTop,RoadShowandSalesBlitz

AssistantFinancialController Employed,Manager(Manager/Supervisor) GardenHotel Hospitality Jakarta,Indonesia 201500employees Assist Financial Controller for day to day operation and responsible handling audit and prepare Monthly FinancialReport.ControlallCurrentAssetsbydoingreconciletheseaccountsbymonthly.ControlandOperate GeneralLedger. AssistFinancialControllertoprepareYearlyHotelOperatingBudget. AssistFinancialControllertodosomeOperatingAnalysisandCashFlowForecasting


Has compiled a complete Hotel Operating Manuals as follows: TitleofManuals Establishment for:

Numberof Page 97 112 78 63 121 118 93 60 29 130

HotelAccountingPolicy Hotel Preopening Manuals HotelFrontOfficeManuals Hotel Housekeeping Manuals Hotel Operating Housekeeping (A) Hotel Operating Housekeeping (B) HotelFood&BeverageManuals Hotel Preopening Engineering Manuals HotelBanquetOperatingManuals Hotel Bar & Beverage Manuals Hotel Bar Service Checklist HotelButlerManuals HotelButcherHandbook HotelF&BServiceHandbook HotelGuestDirectoryTemplate Hotel Health & Safety Manuals Hotel Architecture Requirements Hotel Electrical Requirements Preopening Hotel Standard Requirements Preopening Hotel Staff Requirements IncentiveHotelStaffs Hotel Management & Staffs Manuals HotelManageronDuty

SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement

41 26 63 46 40 64 58 27 71 28 47 31



Establishment for:

Numberof Page 45 Depend Depend 175 179 13 24 425 Lot Lot Lot

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

HotelMarketingPlanTemplate HotelBusinessPlanTemplate HotelBudgetPlanTemplate HotelSales&MarketingManuals HotelF&BCostController BombThreatGuidance HotelFireSafetyPlan Hotel Accounting Standard Manuals ManyReportTemplates&Checklist AllPositionsJobsDescriptions AllDepartmentsS.O.P

SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement SunParadiseHotelsManagement

AlloftheaboveinformationandtheinformationIhavewritteninaccordancewithfactsandexperiencethe realtruth.IthereforeinviteallinterestedpartiestoconductreferencecheckstonameafewthatIwroteinthe referencetable.

So I propose these Curriculum Vitae presented to you for your consideration of my employment as professionalsorexpertsinthefieldofhotelbusinessinyourcompany.


AgustinusAgusPurwanto,SEMM BBPIN:27EFF139

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