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United Arab Emirates University Faculty of Business & Economics Department of Business Administration

HRMD360: Staffing Organizations Fall 2011

Instructor: Dr. Mohammed A. Al-Waqfi Sec. 51

Human Resource Information Systems and HRIS at ARAMEX

Group Members: Kawthar Fernini 200834978 Hamda Ali 200724319 Nawal Al-Amodi 200734885 Razan Al Shaikh 200734450 Yasmeen Qusay 200834963 Khadija Al Darmaki 200713221

Table of Contents:
Introduction About HRM Overview of HRIS What type of systems used How is the system used Advantages Disadvantages Companies in UAE using HRISConclusion References Appendix

We are a group of six students and we have decided to write a report on a very important topic which every company needs which is Human Resource Information Systems. In this report we will first be explaining what a HR information system is, how it is used worldwide and what kinds of systems are there, advantages and disadvantages and problems and solutions. We have also wanted to know if real life companies are using HRIS, therefore we have contacted ARAMEX and sent them a questionnaire to answer. We got information about their HRIS and had discussed their answers between us.

About HRM
Human Resource Management Process: HRM activities play a major role in insuring that an organization will survive and prosper. Today, employees human resource demands more of their job and responds favorably to management activities that give them greater control of their lives. HRM consist of numerous activities, including of : 1) HR planning. 2) Recruitment. 3) Selection. 4) Performance appraisal. 5) Training & development. 6) Employee Compensation.

HR planning process:
Human resource planning is the process of systematically reviewing human resource requirements to ensure that the required numbers of employees with the required skills are available when and where they are needed and also it is how organization assesses the future supply of and demand for human resource.

There are four factors including in our HR planning: Quantity: How many employees do we need? Quality: Which skills, knowledge and abilities do we need? Space: Where do we need the employees? Time: When do we need the employees? How long do we need them?

Recruitment process:
Recruitment refers to the process of screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm , from whom the organization may select the most appropriate to field its staff needs and also it is directly related to both human resource planning and selection. In addition, recruiting often represent the first contact between organizations and prospective job applications. There are two types of recruitment which are internal (when company seeks to fill the vacancies by workforce already work with them) and external (When company seeks to fill the vacancies by searching about workforce outside the company) This process begins when the need to fill a position is identified and it ends with the receipt of rsums and completed application forms. The result is a pool of qualified job seekers from which the individual best matching the job requirements can be selected.

Selection process:
Is the process by which an organization chooses from a list of applicants the person or persons who best meet the selection criteria for the position an available, considering current environmental conditions. The steps in the selection process, in ascending order include preliminary reception of applicants, employees interview, employment test, reference checks and recommendation selection decision and physical examination.

Performance appraisal process:

Is a process by which a manager or consultant examines and evaluates an employee's work behavior by comparing it with preset standards which is determine the extent to which an employee performs work effectively. Process in performance appraisal contains three steps: defining performance expectations, appraising performance, and providing feedback.

There are several purpose of using evaluation such as: Development Motivation HR and employees planning Communication Legal compliance HRM research

Training & development process: Training: Is a systematic process of altering the behavior of employees in a direction that will a achieve organization goal and it is related to present job skills and abilities. In addition, it has a current orientation and helps employees master specific skills and abilities needed to be successful. Development: Is the frame work for helping employee develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge and ability. Moreover, it prepare individual for the future. Employee Compensation: Compensation represents the rewards employees receive for performing their job and it either; Intrinsicintrinsic compensation represents employees critical psychological states that result from performing their jobs. Extrinsicextrinsic compensation includes both monetary and nonmonetary rewards.

Overview of HRIS
Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) have become one of the most important tools for many businesses. Even the small, 20-person office needs to realize the benefits of using HRIS to be more efficient. And also HRIS is advancing to become its own information technology (IT) field, which allows companies to cut costs and offer more information to employees in a faster and more efficient way. HRIS refers as a software or online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a business. The Human Resource Information System ,should provide Management of all employee information, Reporting and analysis of employee information and Company-related documents such as emergency evacuation procedures, and safety guidelines. And also The Human Resources Information System provides you with a broad range of functions that enable you to perform standard reporting from all Human Resource areas. In addition, it lets you define your own reports quickly and efficiently. The mission of the Department of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) is to develop and lead information system plans that meet Human Resources automation, data, records and information management requirements. The system have several objectives such as helping the organization reach its goals, providing the organization with well- trained motivated employees, communicating HRM policies to all employees and helping to maintain ethical and socially responsible behavior.

What type of Systems used

There are many types of systems used in HR which are: - Operational HRIS - Tactical HRIS - Strategic HRIS - Comprehensive HRIS - Limited-function HRIS

Operational HRIS:
Operational human resource information systems provide the manager with data to support routine and repetitive human resource decisions. Several operational-level information systems collect and report human resource data. These systems include information about the organizations positions and employees and about governmental regulations. 1. Employee Information Systems The human resource department must maintain information on each of the organizations employees for a variety of decision and reporting purposes. One part of this employee information system is a set of human resource profile records. An employee profile usually contains personal and organization-related information, such as name, address, sex, minority status, marital status, citizenship, years of service or seniority data, education and training, previous experience, employment history within the organization, salary rate, salary or wage grade, and retirement and health plan choices. The employee inventory may also contain data about employee preferences for geographical locations and work shifts. Another part of an employee information system is an employee skills inventory. The skills inventory contains information about every employee, such as work experience, work preferences, test scores, interests, and special skills or proficiencies. 2. Position Control Systems A job is usually defined as a group of identical positions. A position, on the other hand, consists of tasks performed by one worker. The purpose of a position control system is to identify each position in the organization, the job title within which the position is classified, and the employee currently assigned to the position. Reference to the position control system allows a human resource manager to identify the details about unfilled positions. 3. Applicant Selection and Placement Information Systems After jobs and the employee requirements for those jobs have been identified and after a suitable pool of job candidates has been recruited, the candidates must be screened, evaluated, selected, and placed in the positions that are open. The primary purpose of the applicant selection and placement information system is to assist human resource staff in these tasks. 4. Performance Management Information Systems Performance Management Information Systems include performance appraisal data and productivity information data. Performance management information systems data is frequently used as evidence in employee grievance matters. Careful documentation of

employee performance and of how the performance was measured and reported is critical to acceptance of appraisal information in grievance hearings. Performance management information can lead to a number of decisions beyond merely supporting the operational decision to retain, promote, transfer, or terminate a single employee. 5. Government Reporting and Compliance Information Systems Government Reporting and Compliance Information Systems provide information needed both to maintain compliance with government regulations and to improve productivity and reduce costs associated with employees.

Tactical HRIS:
Tactical information systems provide managers with support for decisions that emphasize the allocation of resources. Within the human resource management area, these decisions include recruitment decisions; job analysis and design decisions, training and development decisions, and employee compensation plan decisions. 1. Job Analysis and Design Information Systems The information inputs to the job analysis and design information system include data from interviews with supervisors and workers and affirmative action guidelines. Inputs also include information from sources external to the firm, such as labor unions, competitors, and government from sources external to the firm, such as labor unions, competitors, and government agencies. The outputs of the job analysis information system are job descriptions and job specifications. These outputs provide managers with the basis for many tactical human resource decisions. 2. Recruiting Information Systems To direct the recruiting function, the organization needs to develop a recruiting plan. The plan specifies the positions to be filled and the skills required of the employees for these positions. To develop the plan and to monitor its success, a recruiting information system is necessary to collect and process the many different types of information needed to construct the plan, including a list of unfilled positions; the duties and requirements of these positions; lists of planned employee retirements, transfers, or terminations; information about the skills and preferences of current employees; and summaries of employee appraisals. Other inputs to the recruiting plan include data about turnover rates and about the success of past placements. 3. Compensation and Benefits Information Systems

The Compensation and Benefits Information Systems may support a variety of tactical human resource decisions, especially when compensation and benefits information is related to information from internal and external sources. Compensation and benefit plans can play an important part in improving an organizations productivity. Tying employee productivity to pay or encouraging increased productivity with incentive pay plans can often improve an organizations productivity substantially. 4. Employee Training and Development Systems The training offered by the employee training and development systems must meet the needs of jobs available in the organization as identified through the position control system and the job analysis and design system. The training should also be directed at those persons interested and capable of benefiting from it, as identified by the skills inventory and human resource files.

Strategic HRIS:
1. Information Systems Supporting Workforce Planning Organization involved in long-term strategic planning, such as those planning to expand into new market areas, construct factories or offices in new locations, or add new products, will need information about the quantity and quality of the available workforce to achieve their goals. Information systems that support workforce planning serve this purpose. 2. Information Systems Supporting Labor Negotiations Negotiating with craft, maintenance, office, and factory unions requires information gathered from many of the human resource information systems. The human resource team completing the negotiating needs to be able to obtain numerous ad hoc reports that analyze the organizations and unions positions within the framework of both the industry and the current economic situation. It is also important that the negotiating team be able to receive ad hoc reports on a very timely basis because additional questions and tactics will occur to the team while they are conducting labor negotiations. 3. Specialized Human Resource Information Systems Software A great deal of software has been specifically designed for the human resource function. This software is available for all types and sizes of computers, including microcomputers. Software specifically designed for the human resource management function can be divided into two basic categories: comprehensive human resource information systems software and limitedfunction packages that support one or a few human resource activities.


Comprehensive HRIS:
In the last few years, the software industry has produced several products that organize the various human resource information systems into integrated software referred to as human resource information systems, or HRIS, software. In general, the computerization of HRIS has resulted in an integrated database of human resource files. Position files, employee files, skills inventory files, job analysis and design files, affirmative action files, occupational health and safety files, and many other human resource files are constructed in a coordinated manner using database management systems software so that application programs can produce reports from any or all of the files. Thus, the human resource management director can produce reports listing likely internal candidates for open positions by running an application program that queries position files, job requirements files, and skills inventory files.

Limited-Function HRIS:
Numerous commercial software packages are sold for use on mainframes, minicomputers, and microcomputers that are designed to handle one or a small number of human resource functions. Microcomputer versions of these single-function software packages are relatively inexpensive and easy to operate and allow the human resource manager to automate a function quickly and easily. 1. Training Software Many training software packages are available for all types and sizes of computers to provide on-line training for employees. They include

Management training software Sales training software Microcomputer training software Word processing training software

These software packages can be used in computer-based training programs designed by human resource department for training specific employees in-group and independent study programs. Computer-based training aids often simplify the trainers job and allow the trainer to individualize instruction more easily than in traditional, group-based training classes


How system is used

Several major software companies provide HRMS packages. SAP, PeopleSoft, Oracle, and ADP are the largest. Depending on the company's needs and size, package options may include some or all of the following services:

Employee career cycle management 24/7 data access to authorized managers Customized levels of access to confidential data Pre-populated forms and templates Access to real-time datawith instantaneous updates Employee administration Benefits administration Compliance Recruitment Performance and development Safety and health Succession planning Time-off management Organization management Payroll Training 401k plan administration

The opportunities to add more services are endless and continue to improve. For most companies, the hardware and software needed to run these programs are fairly standard. Hardware and software is dependent on the complexity of the HRMS package; more complex HRMS packages require more hardware.

HRMS technology costs vary considerably, depending on the size of the company and its HR needs. Costs for deploying a comprehensive HRMS package include license fees, implementation, technology, training, and maintenance. Costs typically range from $300 to $700 per employee as an initial investment for companies with more than 1,000 employees. Smaller companies may decide it is better to rent the application than buy it. Research has found that most companies can recoup HRMS costs within three years of system launch, based on process efficiencies alone. The value of HRMS results from a reduction in HR support costs, based on efficiency improvements. By eliminating paper and process inefficiencies, companies can expect additional cost reductions while improving service and becoming more efficient. There are many other benefits of HRMS. Giga Information Group believes that HR departments can reduce time spent on administrative work by 40 percent to 50 percent, resulting in either the elimination of headcount or the redeployment of effort to higher value tasks, such as decision support and employee development. Another benefit of HRMS includes allowing HR to transition from an administrative department to a strategic management department. The strategic value aspect of the HRMS investment focuses on managing human capital by supporting functions such as recruitment, performance/competency management, employee development, and employee customer service. By executing well in these areas, companies can reduce employee turnover, reduce hiring costs, and improve individual performance. According to PeopleSoft, the Enterprise program is designed with the Internet in mind, and allows employers to:

Plan the workforce needed to carry out an organization's business objectives, attract the right people, and provide them with the tools they need to be productive. Assess workforce skills and design learning and performance programs that develop people in alignment with their career paths and corporate objectives. Optimize a global workforce by putting the right people in the right jobs at the right time. This includes tracking the workforce and monitoring performance. Plan compensation and reward structures that align the workforce with corporate objectives. This includes linking the right employees with the right types of compensation, and rewarding them with a total package that maximizes efficiency, reduces costs, and increases overall performance.

Enterprise One works with the original Enterprise program and also let employers:

Maintain a database of employee skill sets and competencies, as well as information about outside applicants. Track approved positions and headcount by company and department. Track recruitment data, such as where a company is finding employees, how long they stay, qualifications, and recruitment costs. Simplifying the employee evaluation process through automated workflow, which automatically alerts employees and managers about scheduled performance reviews. Helping managers to understand discrepancies between employees' expected and actual performance through built-in competency gap analysis tools. Providing true exception reporting with flexible reporting tools that summarize data, embed workflow messaging, and populate spreadsheets.

Finally, PeopleSoft's PeopleSoft World program was developed to help small businesses cope with the cost of changing hardware; it is built to work with the IBM iSeries. According to PeopleSoft, this system offers:

Flexible and affordable pricing. Pre-integrated applications optimized on an IBM iSeries means lower implementation costs and ongoing IT needs. At the same time, users get a flexible architecture that enables them to tailor menus, security, and reporting to the specific needs of their business without costly modifications. Self-service capabilities: Web browser-based access to applications enables employees, customers, and suppliers to access relevant information quickly and easily, with less training. Full, robust solution: PeopleSoft World is a comprehensive, but low-maintenance solution for small businesses. It offers the same functionality available to larger enterprises, not a stripped-down version of a larger solution. It supports multicurrency, multi-language, and multi-company requirements and provides integration with other key PeopleSoft technologies.

All PeopleSoft Software is built on a Web-based platform, enabling "portal" technology. For both Enterprise and Enterprise One, portals are available to connect with employees over the Web. Technology continues to evolve, and HR is no exception. One of the fastest growing trends in HRMS is Web-based training/e-learning. E-learning tends to be far more affordable than classroom learning, and a higher degree of focus results in time savings. Not all e-learning


is the same: some courses are self-paced with tutors available, some are instructor-led in real time, and some allow for student interaction. Another HRMS trend is the use of online surveys. This allows companies to get fast information on their employees, policies, procedures, competition, and anything else they decide to survey. This also gives employees a sense of belonging and contributing to their company. Online employee surveys usually have an 80 percent return ratio, which is much higher than paper surveys. Employees are becoming more self sufficient in the workplace because of HRMS and the growth of technology. They are able to answer questions, down-load forms, enroll in benefits, change payroll options, and complete training on their own. This saves both time and money. An employee does not have to make several phone calls in order to speak with the one person who knows the answer to their questions. Answers are readily available, usually on the company intranet. This also frees up HR to focus on more profitable activities for the company, such as recruiting and employee development. Another growing trend includes improved methods for monitoring and managing employees' use of the Internet. This helps management to improve productivity, reduce legal liabilities, and control IT costs. Companies are blocking e-mail that may be offensive in order to reduce legal liabilities. They also are blocking Web sites that are inappropriate for workplace viewing. This has improved productivity by reducing non-productive activities.

The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a business. Normally packaged as a data base, hundreds of companies sell some form of HRIS and every HRIS has different capabilities. Pick your HRIS carefully based on the capabilities you need in your company. The better The Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) provide:

Management of all employee information. Reporting and analysis of employee information. Company-related documents such as employee handbooks, emergency evacuation procedures, and safety guidelines.


Benefits administration including enrollment, status changes, and personal information updating. Complete integration with payroll and other company financial software and accounting systems. Application tracking and resume management.

An HRIS or HRMS monitored by qualified specialists who know technology and HR functional and tactical processes can manage compliance with federal and state laws, streamline processes for recruitment and selection, and produce analyses, data and reports for internal and external use. Other advantages of an HRIS include the ease of use for qualification computer technology specialists, accuracy of information and the ability to perform HR audits using any combination of parameters. The employee and manager self-service features are excellent ways to free up the time of your human resources staff members for project work and other duties. Employees and managers can locate answers and information quickly without the need to consult an HR representative every time. Furthermore, the advantages of having a sophisticated HRIS are many. An HRIS monitored by qualified specialists who know technology and HR functional and tactical processes can manage compliance with federal and state laws, streamline processes for recruitment and selection, and produce analyses, data and reports for internal and external use. Other advantages of an HRIS include the ease of use for qualification computer technology specialists, accuracy of information and the ability to perform HR audits using any combination of parameters. The employee and manager self-service features are excellent ways to free up the time of your human resources staff members for project work and other duties. Employees and managers can locate answers and information quickly without the need to consult an HR representative every time. An effective HRIS provides information on just about anything the company needs to track and analyze about employees, former employees, and applicants. Your company will need to select a Human Resources Information System and customize it to meet your needs. With an appropriate HRIS, Human Resources staff enables employees to do their own benefits updates and address changes, thus freeing HR staff for more strategic functions. Additionally, data necessary for employee management, knowledge development, career growth and development, and equal treatment is facilitated. Finally, managers can access the information they need to legally, ethically, and effectively support the success of their reporting employees. In additional, an advantage of a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in payroll is that it automates the entire payroll process by gathering and updating employee payroll data on a regular basis. It also gathers information such as employee attendance, calculating various

deductions and taxes on salaries, generating automatic periodic paychecks and handling employee tax reports. With updated information this system makes the job of the human resource department very easy and simple as everything is available on a 24x7 basis, and all the information is just a click away

A human resource management system may take the form of an information management system. An organization uses an HRMS to manage information about its work force. This information helps managers and HR professionals make decisions regarding employees. Without the right information available to decision makers, an HRMS has few applications beyond record-keeping and reporting. Unauthorized Access When an organization collects personal data about its employees in an HRMS, certain security risks may arise. An organization spends funds to keep employee private information secure against internal and external threats. One disadvantage of an electronic HRMS is that an organization must collect information about who accesses employee private information. This data requires follow up with an audit process, which could result in disciplining or prosecuting an employee who accesses employee data without authorization or without an official purpose. Specialized Knowledge The need for data control is another potential disadvantage of an HRMS. This data control extends beyond unauthorized access of employee private information. An organization using an HRMS such as PeopleSoft must employ its own set of technical staff to program, troubleshoot, update and support the system. While an HRMS may help an organization reduce the cost of HR personnel, it could increase the requirements for technical staff with knowledge specific to the HRMS solution. Data Entry Errors An HRMS is also only as good as its human programmers and end users. People with high-level access, such as people who update an HR master file, may enter the wrong information deliberately or in error. If data is improperly updated, changed or lost, an organization can face government fines and other costs associated with damage to the HR master file. Pick a system


with lots of internal controls so that one employee cannot make changes to your company's master file. An HRIS also can be a problematic for small businesses in which some employees must wear many hats. If your company isnt big enough to have a dedicated human resources technology specialist, consider outsourcing. Some of the disadvantages of an HRIS involve human error during information input, costly technology to update your system and malfunctions or insufficient applications to support your human resources needs. There is a demand for computer and technology specialists with general information technology knowledge, and finding a qualified specialist with human resources functional area knowledge can be difficult. With such a demand, your cost to hire an HRIS specialist may be far above the average salary for a computer technology specialist. The cost per-hire for another employee in a specialized field may be a stretch for some small businesses.

Companies in UAE using HRIS

Human resource at Emaar The HR function plays a critical role in the success of EMAAR by serving the needs of the business. By applying the change process, they help create a performance-driven culture for the enterprise. They attract, develop and retain talent, ensuring employee inclusion & engagement. Throughout their work, they strive to deliver simple and effective services. Their goal is to enhance the productivity of all employees. Their responsibilities include HR strategies, employee benefit programs, talent management, performance management, employee development, organization development, employer branding & employee relations. In search of talent, the company actively provides opportunity to young University Graduates for Internships. Human resource at Jafza Jabel Ali Free Zone At Jafza, they know only too well that the foundation and success of any organization is built on employee relations. Jafzas mantra for achieving quality and service excellence begins with hiring the best in class for every aspect of work they undertake. They believe in recognizing merit, diligence, interpersonal skills, initiative and commitment. Once within the Jafza fold, employees are nurtured with orientations, team building exercises, job rotations, staff events, training sessions, career development and a variety of rewards to ensure that good work never

goes unnoticed, for teams and individuals alike. Their employees are promoted on their ability to achieve. To assist in their professional and personal development, they are proactive in introducing employee recognition schemes, competitive compensation packages and a challenging, appreciative working environment. Their Free Zone HR policies are forward looking, open and progressive. Coupled with their ambition to be simply the best, they are on a constant drive to improve the Jafza family as a whole and grow meaningfully as a collective.

Etisalat HR systems Human Resource Management in Etisalat is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers in etisalat. Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.


Aramex is a company that is a leading global provider of comprehensive both logistics and transportation solutions. It was established in 1982 as an express operator and founded by Fadi Ghandour with a small office in Jordan. ARAMEX started to grow in the Middle Eastern countries, and allowed the network big players to explore this region and its business depends on the private sector, which is highly unusual in the Arab world, which depends mainly on government contracts. In January 1997, Aramex became the first Arab-based international company to trade its shares on the NASDAQ stock exchange. Now, ARAMEX provides a rain of tailored services to cope with the market needs. We have chosen ARAMEX to conduct a survey for them because we think that its a successful company in which it has many employees. We therefore wrote a survey and sent it to their HR manager in which they were very helpful in helping us. We had received an immediate response to the questionnaire from the HR manager of ARAMEX who was Dima Jabbour.

Analyzing the Questionnaire

In the first question, we asked the HR manager what kind of system they are using. She replied that ARAMEX is using an online system called MenaHr. We then asked them if we could visit their company and demonstrate their software for us. The manager said that we are welcome to visit any time but confidential information will not be shared. Some companies do not own their own data in which they sell it to other companies or other companies have control over it. But as for ARAMEX, they own their own data which is a good thing to do because any confidential information will not be spread and this would prevent problems. Their HRIS manages all employee information which includes the financial information, employment information and personal information. In context of staffing, the HRIS helps ARAMEX in different ways. It updates the applicants, if hired, they will move them through the system to be employees. If not, they will stay as applicants with their data included in their HR system. The employees of ARAMEX, who are computer users, can update their personal data, submit their requests for loans, letters and leaves and they can update their Annual Vacation Plan.

The software of HRIS offers specific features to help the HR communicate better with employees. Through the HR system, employees can logon to a system called Mename which is part of their MenaHR system. The entire employees request could be submitted and they can track the actions. As for the applicant tracking, the HRIS cannot help the applicant to track his resume through the system. The manager of HRIS has provided us with some advantages of their HRIS system. She has listed the advantages as follows: Al legal documents of the employee is updated in the MenaHR. MenaHR is connected to the MenaMe (employees system) and MenaPay (payroll System). It helps the HR & the employee better to track the requests. Better tracking on the leaves. Can generate any report with any needed information.


In this report (project), we have done lots of research to understand how the HRIS system works. We have found information about the HRIS and HRM, different types of systems that are being used, some advantages and disadvantages, how the system is used and HRIS in Aramex. We have concluded that HRIS is an important system that should be used by every company because it can facilitate the process of applicants and can manage how the company is staffing its employees. It would also solve problems and will help companies in making decisions.




This was the sample survey for the HR manager of ARAMEX

Q1- What type of Human Resource Information System does ARAMEX use? Q2- Can someone visit your company and demonstrate the software system? Q3- Who will own the data from the HRIS? Q4- Does your HRIS manage all the employee information? Q5- How will HRIS help you in the context of staffing? (Hiring employees, attracting etc.) Q6- Will employees be able to enroll in benefits plans and make changes in real-time to their personal data and plan choices? Q7- Does the software offer specific features to help HR communicate better with employees? Q8- Does the HRIS help in applicant tracking and resume management? Q9- What are some advantages to the HRIS? Q10- What are some disadvantages to the HRIS?


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