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PROGRAM PENSISWAZAHAN GURU PENDIDIKAN JARAK JAUH ________________________________________________________________ SEMESTER MAC 2011





Looking at the level of English achievement in school is the minimum level in the UPSR examination results the school has decided to act to change this situation. One of the findings by analyzing the results and views of teachers, the very real weakness is the weakness of vocabulary.

Thus, the school has made the decision to run the program in my Vocabulary pocket (VIMP) to improve students' performance in examinations. In fact, to help students in reading, writing and understanding English is high.

This program involves careful planning and detailed so that it can have a positive impact on teaching and learning process. The program is arranged systematically by thinking about the needs and circumstances of students and the local environment. So it is significant to the state of being filled with exciting activities.

Here is the role of teachers as facilitators to monitor and determine the program on track. Full attention should be centered on the students through the activities planned in a systematic and meaningful situations.

Aims and Objectives

Aims To expose the students towards the vocabulary (as listed in the syllabus) is exciting and spontaneous, and significant in everyday life in the classroom and outside the classroom.

Objectives 1. Treasury introduced through interesting activities for their use more attractive and meaningful. 2. Vocabulary introduced systematically from simple to more hard or concrete to the abstract.

3. The level of student achievement will also be assessed from one stage to determine the level of actual performance, using a set of instruments. Duration of programme Programme will run throughout the year. From January to November 2011.

Target groups

Participation is for all students from Year 4 to Year 6 (Tahap2). Students who achieve a specified level will be transferred only to the extent that higher and that failure to remain at current levels (activities will be added or modified to meet).

Report implematation of programme

1. Implementation of the program through three stages. When the student has surpassed the one it will be difficult questions. Similarly, when students surpassed the 2 will be a question more difficult and challenging. 2. In Stage 1, teachers will list the most simple vocabulary according to their performance in school. Then, set the illustrations are relevant and meaningful in the lives of local students. For example, students are given worksheets or exercises that the students wanted to write words through illustrations are given and a dictionary reference to it. As for the word aunt, brother, sister, cousin husband, brother, uncle and others who built the family chart. Monitoring can be carried out once each week for training provided. Training can be provided in accordance with the appropriate amount to the student. Problems will be placed on the notice board and make sure all students have a notebook to be recorded and assessed. Assessment is based on the criteria set out in the evaluation form. 3. In stage 2, teachers will be simple vocabulary lists according to their achievement. Then, give an illustration of appropriate and meaningful in the lives of local students. For example, students are given worksheets or find these things in the picture and write the numbers or find the meaning where the things on (base on worksheets). Monitoring can be carried out once each week or month for training provided. Training can be provided

in accordance with the appropriate exercises that the students wanted to write words through illustrations are given and a dictionary reference to it. As for the word behind,in front of , near , on and under or anything else . Problems or exercises will be placed on the notice board and make sure all students have a notebook to be recorded and assessed. Assessment is based on the criteria set out in the evaluation form. 4. In stage 3, teaches will be complex vocabulary lists according to their achievement. Then, give an illustration of appropriate and meaningful in the lives of local students. For example, students are given worksheets or find these things in the picture and write the numbers or find the meaning where the things on (base on worksheets). Monitoring can be carried out once each week or month for training provided. Training can be provided in accordance with the appropriate exercises that the students wanted to write words through illustrations are given and a dictionary reference to it. As for the example, do the crossword, match the verbs with words, complete the sentences with the adjectives given or write the opposites words or anything else . Problems or exercises will be placed on the notice board and make sure all students have a notebook to be recorded and assessed.Assessment is based on the criteria set out t in the evaluation form. In addition, this exercise can be performed by holding Spelling Bee or : Wheel of Fortune.

Strenghts and Weakness of programme

Strenghts 1. Source material for the training given to all students adequate. 2. All students have been exposed to this program before carrying out activities according to level. 3. Support and cooperation from all parties in the school. 4. Good time management to ensure the success of this program and assign account for a given time.


1. There are students who are unable to do exercises properly tap the time constraint. 2. Less energy watchdog has led to follow the slow level run. 3.A lot of sheets should be used and this requires a lot of money. 4. Dictionary is not enough for many students who did not have its own dictionary.

Suggestions and recommendations

My recommendation is that this is indeed activities are basically interesting and fun. However, time constraints and the lack of provision of these activities lead to slower and less successful. But in fact, if done with good will with good results to improve the performance of English in schools. In addition, good time management in terms of length of time for students to complete the work or the work piece should be reviewed.

Regular monitoring should be conducted. Week period given by teachers for students to practice can not be done by some students. This will need ongoing exposure among students. A variety of worksheets to facilitate students' reference dictionary. Interesting and different training techniques will cause the student to enjoy learning English. Cooperation from all parties should be taken into account in making this programme.

The commitment of students and teachers also need to be upgraded. This is because the implementation is made throughout the year. If there are shortcomings related to each other would alienate one another. The construction of identity for the success of these activities should have no feeling of dissatisfaction for each other. Monitoring should be knowledgeable in each of the questions given to students.


Make sure that the training provided at all levels to ensure adequate understanding and meaningful disclosures in accordance with the vocabulary list in the syllabus. Attachments

provided are examples only, if there is better training or applied effectively by the school. Similarly, the material attached please be increased to suit the student.This program should be systematically monitored and assessed for the impact their involvement can be recorded for further action deemed necessary. Effective monitoring will determine the level or position students in English. Monitoring system by the teachers need to be consistent and regular basis with all levels. This is because it will not raise discrimination in the selection of students to level 3. Form coordinated monitoring by class or year. The format has the required form must also be compatible with the objectives to be achieved. The result of this monitoring will be seen that this program is very effective and help students. English proficiency can be improved. Even the vocabulary of students in English increases. This indirectly helps all students to master English in all aspects. Aspects of reading and speaking in English could be improved. Students already know how to use the appropriate words in the speech. This helps in assessing the suitability of the oral reading of students in English.

Similarly, in writing, students also can write well. They believe the use of the word in English. So they can write well. Opportunity to find meaning in this dictionary really helped the students and thus improve the performance of English.

In fact, children need an interesting learning situations and bring cheer. So we as teachers need to be creative in determining the approach to teaching and learning. It will help us deliver an effective lesson for students in such circumstances. Students are much more fun with the activities provided in the worksheet. Worksheet, which has helped attract students interested in English. Students will be more excited to know the words that they have not been explored. Student interest in the work piece is interesting, lively illustrations and a style or pattern that is easy to hard training. Techniques are highlighted to give satisfaction to the students in the effective use of English. Students are more active in learning English. Indirectly, they will strengthen their mastery of the language. In addition, students are more open to working alone in the search for the meaning of the word in the dictionary. Such efforts to encourage students to compete among the students enjoyed the class. This process of shaping a better approach to effective learning.

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