Grayling Visit

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April 22, 2010



Televised debate brings renewed hope for Lib Dem candidate

HARLOWS Liberal Democrat Parliamentary hopeful admitted this week he was gobsmacked by the public response to the first of three televised debates between the party leaders. Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg was judged by many to have won last Thursdays live debate, causing the party to surge upwards in the polls. Local candidate David White said the partys appeal to voters was not just a novelty as manifesto promises such as a 10,000 tax allowance had proved a hit. I have been out canvassing and had the most positive response I have had in 10 years, he said. I was gobsmacked.


Parties in battle for council seats

Mr White said the party could now be on track win its biggest share of the public vote since the 1980s. I think well see Labour and the Tories pull out every dirty trick in the book against us, like saying that a vote for us is a wasted vote, he said. Thats the politics of fear. They want to scare voters into voting for them but at the moment people are saying they want genuine change and theyre not scared. Conservative candidate Robert

Halfon claimed he had only met one Lib Dem voter on the campaign trail so far. A lot of people said that Clegg did well but that David Cameron well too, he said. No one is saying that they are going to vote for one or the other because of the debate. They are going to vote for the party that is going to make their lives better. People know that with a hung parliament you get a mish-mash of everything and not a strong Government that can act decisively in an economic crisis. Labour candidate Bill Rammell

agreed that Mr Clegg performed well but insisted the race to become Harlow's next MP remained a straightforward choice between himself and Mr Halfon. The debate has brought the campaign to life, he said. Nick Clegg did well and was good on style, Gordon Brown was robust on policy and Cameron was exposed as big on spin but short on substance. The debate doesn't alter the fact that in Harlow it is a two-horse race and to vote for anyone but Labour risks letting the Tories in. With the vote so close between Labour and Tory last time that is clear.


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The Conservatives swept to power last year and currently hold 19 of the 33 seats. The Liberal Democrats have eight and Labour six. Of the ll seats up for grabs, six are held by the Tories, three by the Lib Dems and two by Labour. Conservative group leader Andrew Johnson said this week: We are looking forward to building on our achievements of the past two years, particularly the council tax freeze, bringing a new university campus to Harlow and regenerating the town centre. Long-standing Tory councillors Tony Hall, Joshua Jolles, Mike Garnett and Nick Churchill are seeking re-election, while relative newcomers David Carter and former Liberal Democrat councillor Linda Pailing who joined the Tories earlier this year are also standing. Mrs Pailing, who currently represents the Netteswell ward, will be standing for election in Little Parndon & Hare Street where she will be hoping to oust former Labour group leader Tony Durcan. Labour will also be defending Harlow Common, where sitting councillor Maggie Hulcoop faces a challenge from Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Independent candidates. Labour group leader Mark Wilkinson said: The Labour group is committed to restoring the Harlow services that have been destroyed by the Tory administration. This has been a year when council tenants rents have been hiked up and the Active Retired scheme and future of the crematorium have been savaged by the Tories in moves often supported by the Liberal Democrats. Quite simply, the Labour group wants to make Harlow a town to be proud of once again. The Lib Dems will be hoping to build on their current position as the second largest party on the authority. The key battle for the party will be retaining their seat in Bush Fair following the resignation of Eleanor Macy, with newcomer Paulette Alexander attempting to keep all three of the wards seats in Lid Dem hands. Lib Dem group leader Chris Millington said: The Conservative council has stopped listening and, with its succession of stealth taxes, is making the same mistakes Labour did in the 1990s. A Liberal Democrat council would abolish neighbourhood car parking charges and restore free green waste and heavy squad collections. We would support retention of council housing, restore funding to the popular Town Show, bring back the estate clean ups, put money back into Harlow Welfare Rights and Advice and review the provision of wheelie bins. For a full list of candidates standing in this years local elections, log on to our website at and click on the link to our dedicated Election 2010 page.

Seats in each of the towns 11 wards will be contested in a battle which promises to be every bit as dramatic as the national poll.

WITH the headlines dominated by next months General Election, it is easy to forget voters in Harlow will be faced with another tough decision on May 6 which party is best equipped to run the town.

CHANCELLOR Alistair Darling visited Harlow to listen to the views of a group of floating voters. An invited audience of about 20 people quizzed the Labour politician for more than an hour. Afterwards, Mr Darling told the Star: "It was very, very informative. Harlow is a very marginal constituency, in fact one of the most finely balanced constituencies in the whole country, so

it's important to do everything we can to win support. "My message is that we have been through one of the deepest recessions the world has ever seen, we are now beginning to see the economy grow. To wreck the economy now, which the Tories would do, would be disastrous." Bill Rammell was also at the meeting, which was held at the home of local councillor Edna Stevens last Wednesday.

SHADOW Home Secretary Chris Grayling was given a tour of the Occasio House young peoples accommodation project during a visit to Harlow on Thursday. Mr Grayling, who was accompanied by Conservative Parliamentary candidate Robert Halfon, met service managers and tenants before being shown a typical room at the award-winning residential foyer in Playhouse Square. Mr Grayling said a Conservative government would encourage the growth of similar charitable organisations by stripping away "unnecessary" layers of

bureaucracy. "We have talked about the need to empower charitable organisations to provide them with the support they need and set them free from some of the bureaucracy that holds them back," he said. "I think the charitable sector can make a huge difference in dealing with the social problems we face in the UK and this is a great example." Mr Grayling and Mr Halfon are pictured with Chris Woodhead, director of care and support at East Potential, and foyer manager Judith Lathey.

To watch exclusive video interviews with both Alistair Darling and Chris Grayling during their visits to Harlow, log on to

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