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October 14, 2010


scenes or below ground. I wonder how many people are involved on this project and if the thought of increasing or possibly doubling the workforce could reduce or halve the remaining time to complete the works before the winter sets in. I would like to see reports covering roadworks progress and a pre-warning of whats planned for the upcoming week, thereby giving us the opportunity to allow some time when cones seem to be moved for no reason but create big tailbacks. Craig Malyon Harlow (address supplied)

SIR, Harlow Council leader Andrew Johnsons comment that the administration will be looking at the chairmans budget is reassuring in comparison to the Labour group leaders dog-in-a-manger riposte that he will be boycotting this years civic dinner (Star, October 7). I feel that if the ruling Conservative group had bit the bullet and cancelled the event, then Councillor Mark Wilkinson would have been the first to complain that Harlow was not stepping up to the plate and being counted! Personally I found the function useful in reminding me that, when a councillor, I was only a representative of the residents and seeing the largesse of other authorities with chauffeur-driven, flag bedecked Daimlers we were in fact spending the minimum and obtaining good value. However, I also thought that we should employ modern management principles and invite our hardworking and talented officers, too. To be honest I felt that I would have been quite happy to put my hand in my pocket and pay 10 towards the cost which I felt was all it was worth. One thing does puzzle me about Councillor Wilkinsons call to set an example. Where has been the Labour groups example in the 40-year period they had their noses in the trough? Plenty of time to cancel the civic dinner during their watch, some might say. Jim Pailing Chelsea Gardens, Harlow

Civic dinner has uses

Press ahead with regeneration

SIR, Where has all the regeneration gone? I noticed that Basildon has just announced a massive private development of its town centre, so we have to question when will our town centre get the regeneration we are so desperate for. Since the Tories have taken control of the council the regeneration plans have gone backwards. The only new thing they have introduced is sponsored crates with trees in them by the closed down cinema. The leisure centre arrived 18

months late. All the local developments in Potter Street, Old Harlow, Clifton Hatch and Staple Tye have lost all energy and purpose. Even the power behind the throne, namely Harlow Renaissance, is about to disappear, which I believe is a massive error in judgement. So where is the motivation and energy that is expected from our political leaders? We looking for inspiration and all we get is apathy. Will the legacy of the Tory council

Whats best for all

SIR, Colin Slasberg has a gap in his memory regarding our former MP (Letters, October 14). Was it a different Bill Rammell that shouted long and hard against the imposition of student charges? I wrote to him shortly before the Parliamentary vote after reading his over my dead body type resistance to any charges for students in local newspapers. History tells us the Bill was nodded through and Mr Rammells name was nowhere to be found on the abstention or those voting against. A week or two later I received a four-page letter from Mr Rammell, which I still have, telling me how Tony Blair had given him much new evidence on the matter and he was able to change his mind. Im sure his promotion to the position of junior education minister at the same time had nothing to do with his change of heart. Just to keep the balance, many recent past

politicians of any ilk have little interest in anything but the advancement of their own standard of living. Note that our current Prime Minister, while Leader of the Opposition, only spoke out against the systematic raping of the public purse by politicians of all persuasions when the Daily Telegraph blew the whistle on it. Robert Halfon as a new MP is not tainted by that brush, but David Cameron sounds about as sincere as Tony Blair to me. One by one his pre-election promises, just like Tonys, have gone out of the window. Gone with the wind, perhaps? Politicians are not all the same but every Labour government in history has been the same in leaving us in a mess, this latest of Biblical proportion. I suppose the best that could be said about the present Liberal-led government is that it is just not possible for them to be worse than Brown and Co. It would be really nice if the brainwashed of any political persuasion who see no way but their way could perhaps think of what is best for all of us, but I wont hold my breath waiting for it to happen. Mike Audritt Hobbs Cross Road, Harlow

SIR, Whilst I respect the integrity of Colin Slasbergs views in his letter, I do not accept that there is any inconsistency in my position whatsoever. Gordon Brown left us with a public debt of 900bn plus. That means we are spending 120m a day just paying off interest. The reason why I support some

We must tackle debt

economic cutbacks is because we have to deal with this horrendous debt. I know most fair-minded residents would prefer that 120m a day in debt interest should be spent on public services and reducing taxation. Secondly, your correspondent implies my support for a low tax, less intrusive government implies that I cant support public services. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is that, as the last 13 years has shown, big government does not guarantee good public services. Over the past 14 years people have been taxed far too much without getting value for money for the public services they deserve. To take just one example, despite the billions spent on education one in three children leave primary school struggling to read or write. I have met too many hard-pressed, hardworking families in Harlow often with one partner working in the day and one at night and with two or three jobs between them to know that our taxes are far too high. That is why I strongly back the Government in their pledge to raise the tax threshold for those on lower incomes. My support for lower taxes, value for money public services and a bigger society rather than a big state in no way means I cant stand up for local or national successful public services if I feel them to be under threat. How much better will it be if we can clear the nations debt, get our economy back in order, keep our interest rates low, cut taxes and invest in public services. In doing so we will ensure our economy survives and that people will keep more of what they work hard to earn.

SIR, Now that the dark mornings and evenings are upon us, we find that our daily commute into and out of Harlow on one of the few main trunk roads the A414 from the M11 to Southern Way is a constant drudge. I am sure I am not the only one to find this infuriating as it can easily add a substantial amount of time to our working lives. I, along with many others I am sure, have to set off earlier to try to avoid being late for work. I wonder if during these hard times anybody has actually had payment docked for being late. I am hoping that the final completed works prove worth the pain and resolve some of the problems that this busy section of road had at the best of times. I certainly do not want to knock the construction team responsible for these works but do find the fact that we can go for weeks without seeing any sign, or only little sign, of work frustrating. I can only guess works are going on behind the

support Misery for motorists Thanks for thank the SIR, We would like to

SIR, I read with disbelief that local historian Ron Bill has not been allowed to sell his book about the first 30 years of Harlow Council at either the Museum of Harlow or the Civic Centre (Star, One final point: Labour's last Treasury September 30). minister left a note to his successor saying My understanding is that the book is nonthere was no money left. For this reason, political. Indeed, our local MP was at the even the last Labour Government said it launch. The book outlines the was going to cut 40bn plus from public achievement of the council over a 30-year spending and before the election cut local period and should be viewed by the Harlow services including the local Inland authority as an historic account of the Revenue Office, the Territorial Army and time. 1.6m from the local learning and skills Come on, fellow councillors lets allow budget. this book to be sold as a record of all the Were those cuts inconsistent with that hard work by previous councillors and partys current political position against officers of the council. cuts? I leave readers to judge. Councillor Bob Davis Robert Halfon MP Foldcroft, Harlow House of Commons

be nothing more than wheelie bins and the Lee Dangerfield scandal? Harlow expects and deserves better. We all have an investment in ensuring that Harlow isnt allowed to waste away from lack of drive and determination from our current council leaders. Lets get this show back on the road and collectively make the difference for the benefit of our community. Councillor Tony Durcan Rundells, Harlow

Historic account

POST: Star Letters, 6 West Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 1JW


community for their recent support for the Helen Rollason Cancer Charity at a number of recent events . Having the support for our fundraising events is brilliant as it means we can continue providing our services to cancer patients in the area. Our cancer support centre in Sawbridgeworth has now offered over 500 appointments to patients and will mark the first anniversary of its opening on November 10. Thank you to everyone who took part in the Welly Walk in Hatfield Forest, to all who came along for a our special screening of Sex and The City 2 at Harlow Playhouse which raised approximately 1,200 and to those who attended the ladies lunch at Coho. Thank you also to the local businesses which have supported the charity. We really appreciate the growing support for the charity in the area and hope this will continue to grow in the coming year. Linda Bowler, co-ordinator Helen Rollason Cancer Support Centre Sawbridgeworth

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