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Planning Considerations

With reference to Leicester City Councils Local Plan: EN8 Planning permission will normally be granted for applications for changes of use of listed buildings necessary to ensure their continued viability. EN9 Alterations to listed buildings, including alterations to interiors only, will not normally be approved if they would impair the architectural or historic interest of the building. EN22 (extract): Replacement shopfronts will normally not be approved where the existing shopfront survives in good condition and dates from the nineteenth century. H13 Planning permission will normally be granted for the use of under-used upper floorspace, unlettable offices and other redundant buildings for residential purposes S2 Planning permission will normally be granted for proposals which enhance the Central Shopping Cores attractiveness.. Underused Land and Buildings: Because of the limited space for industry and commerce, particularly within the Inner Area, this Local Plan seeks to identify areas and buildings which are under-used and which have potential for more productive use including space for the expansion of local firms. There is also potential for redundant land and buildings to be brought into industrial or commercial use to help relieve the areas of high unemployment.Demand for starter units remains high, particularly in the Inner Area. Reference should also be made to the Governments Urban White Paper and the East Midlands Development Agencys Urban Action Plan

Guiding Principles for the viable re-use of The Exchange Buildings: 1. Do not look at the building in isolation, the viability of the success of this building depends on the successful regeneration of the whole area. 2. Analyse the area surrounding the building to produce a vision that creates an area of vitality and vibrancy with a sense of place: A legible pedestrian desire line between the heart of the City centre and the railway station and a new major visible and accessible public space at present the St. Georges Churchyard is a hidden backwater. Reinforce the sense of arrival at the existing strong edges to the area and, at the same time, make sure that people are encouraged to pass into and through the area. National guidance seeks an element of affordable residential accommodation do not let this play too heavily on the re-use, there is already a substantial amount of such accommodation being planned for the area think, more importantly, about the long-term viability of the building.

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