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Advertisement impact on social prejudice and behaviour.

Advertising may have some good points, but also there are some negative aspects too. While some of them are obvious, most of advertising potentially harmful facets go undetected. Here are some of the most important:
1. Hidden Costs

You should know that advertising costs lots of money and that money comes from you - the consumer. When you buy a product, you pay for the product itself, which means its packaging, costs of the development, the machinery, the facility where the product has been made in, etc. But what you probably dont know is that by buying some product, you also pay for that its advertising as well. While its logical to pay objective costs, such as package or production, its not understandable why pay company to tell us about the product we already bought.
2. Lying to Customers

Advertisers know that they cannot outright make false claims, because any claim they make must be supported by some kind of statistic, according to the law. However, advertisers can and often do bend and curve the truth for their own benefit and in order to promote and advertise own product. Company can exaggerate certain features of their products or they can make vague and ambiguous claims that sound good. Of course any negative features of the product wont be mentioned. Advertisements can be deceitful, especially for younger population who spends days in front of TV screen and watch aggressive and false advertising in between popular shows.
3. Conditioning and False Trendsetting

But, in order to hypnotize mass population, companies need to create trends that customers will follow. This is the true purpose of advertising today. Advertisers have found out that if they make a product, and make customers believe that their product will make them happy, sales will skyrocket. To fulfill that, advertisers must bombard customers with images and false claims for hours every day patiently, until people start to believe in certain things. Once a trend and its image for advertising purposes have been created, conditioning can begin. Customers become addicted to products that they usually dont need, and thats the real image of our society of over consumerism. Today, because of ad conditioning and trendsetting, judgments are made on what kind of clothes people wear, what shampoo and kitchen cleaner they use, and not on who we really are. This leads to a certain degree of social discrimination and emotional insecurity, especially in younger population. In order to be accepted and cool, you need to spend.

4. Censorship

Advertisers want their ads shown on certain stations or websites that have certain content, because they want to attract a certain audience. Most mass media mediums have become nothing more than vessels for advertising, which means that advertising and companies that use it have become a powerful force as far as censorship. But, how can advertising censor a television networks programming? If you have a popular prime time show thats a bit sketchy toward certain things or views, that can be an obstacle for popular brand product that want prime time advertising in that show. Producers will never say: Heck with the commercial! Instead they will ask show writers to rewrite sketchy parts that can ruin products reputation. That basically means that our precious moments of fun or enlightenment are often replaced with long and boring commercial blocks, which basically means subtle censorship.
5. Degradation of Art

The last negative effect of advertising presented in this article I want to discuss is the complete degradation of some forms of art. No more creativity on TV. Everything you see or hear on it now is meant to sell you something. Actors present you new products you should by. Models look more beautiful and younger with new makeup that you should - guess what buy. You watch 90 minutes movie, but its extended to two hours because of commercials. Football game is 30 seconds of action followed by endless minutes of advertising agony. Another problem are totally unimaginative commercials, made for zombies. Theyre mostly not funny, not creative and they lack even smallest trace of art. With so much money in their pockets, great corporations make fools of themselves because of these ads. But they still occupy our precious time for fun and enlightenment.

It can be concluded that advertisers lost their compass long time ago. Advertisements are made in spirit of blind over consumerism. Without a soul. However, money from consumers pockets who are attracted to shiny goods, still keeps them breathing. Next time you go shopping, or see an advertisement, ask yourself if you really need that product. Also, ask yourself what it all really costs. And is it worth.

The Effects Of Advertising On Teens

The effects of 2 People see advertisements all around the globe that attempt to lure consumers to buy products. Advertisements are placed in newspapers, magazines, schools, and on billboards everywhere. According to marketing consultants Stan Rapp and Tom Collins, on a typical day, an average American sees over 5,000 advertisements a day (Gay, 1992). Many questions arise about these advertisements, such as Is advertising deceptive? Does it create or perpetuate stereotypes? Does it create conformity? Does it create insecurity in order to sell goods? Does it cause people to buy things that they really dont need?(Alexander & Hanson, 1993, p. 240). Advertisers use specific methods to target teen consumers, but these methods are not always successful or ethical. Advertising is giving the general public information about new goods and trying to increase overall sales, which increases the efficiency of the nations economy. It is supposed to be a significant way of getting the point across about a product and create motivation for people to buy. Advertising alone, however, does not get customers. It simply catches consumers attention, gets them to walk up to a shelf, and make an impulsive purchase. However, getting the customer back requires a more creative marketing approach. There are several ways to research consumers behaviors, likes, and dislikes. The most popular method is tests and surveys, both before and after a product is introduced. Telephone surveys are very common, but they take several thousand calls to get a substantial number of responses to work with. Along with those, written questionnaires and samples, either handed out in stores or sent by mail, are effective tests to see if consumers like a product or not. The reactions to the samples, results of questionnaires, and number of participants are all recorded as The effects of 3 a part of the researching process to come up with effective ads. All of this data collected also has other purposes, such as information on warranties and which groups to target for certain products. Companies also check whether the ads are being productive by means of comparing the money made and number of sales during periods of advertising to those during a time of no advertising. Some companies even allow average consumers to preview a commercial to get a response. As a result, companies learn what consumers want before wasting money on useless ads. A well-known advertising strategy is making consumers feel insecure and creating fears that can be overcome by buying. Advertising reveals the latest fashions and the new popular novelties on the market. It exhibits perfect individuals wearing the new styles and looking good. Consumers observe this perfection and envy it. Therefore, they go out and buy in hopes of reaching perfection. Furthermore, being an accepted member of society has become very important to most individuals. For instance, the presence of body odor on individuals makes them an outcast in society. Advertisers use this knowledge to their advantage by developing ads that show a person using deodorant and being recognized as popular. Fear also works into the whole advertising process. Due to the fear by consumers that they will not fit in, they pay close attention to the new ads for the new looks, which gives advertisers more drive to make their ads portray the ideal person. Advertisers also insure that ads are simply informational, but many disagree and believe that they are definitely persuasive. According to Douglas Kellner, a professor of philosophy, as early as the 1920s, advertising critics argue that ads began to persuade Americans, due to the new invention of the assembly lines and the concept of corporations, that buying material The effects of 4 goods was the thing to do. They tried convincing people that spending hard-earned dollars on items that could be hand-made was the new accepted behavior that would enhance their lives (Alexander & Hanson, 1993). Likewise, critics of the advertising industry argue that it connects products with preferred emotions, such as happiness and popularity. For example, beer commercials often show a man after a hard days work enjoying an icecold beer to relax him. They also argue that ads give people the impression that products can give them talent. Take athletics, for example. Nike ads are accused of implying that their shoes will give a consumer athletic ability. Michael Jordan is shown in a television commercial dunking a basketball, wearing a new style of Nike shoes. Consequently, kids are going to want the same pair to be like Mike (Wolf, 1998, n.p.). On the other hand, advertising agencies say that they just give the consumers up-to-date information. They show change in their ads because they know that is what consumers want and to fulfill the needs of the general public, change. Thus, persuasive strategies are considered techniques used by advertisers to get consumers to buy. Teenagers have become top consumers in todays society, so advertisers have focused on getting their business. According to Simmons Market Research Bureau of New York City, teens bought 25% of all movie tickets and 27% of all videos, totaling $6.6 billion. In 1998, teens spent $1.5 billion on jeans, almost twice as much as in 1990, and $3 billion on sneakers, almost four times more than the amount spent in 1997 (Tulley, 1994). Another reason teens are being targeted is the fact that there are many more teens in America today than the past Generation X. The current number is even expected to grow in the next decade, giving advertisers more reason to target them. Winning teens over as customers, today, means possible long-term customers, The effects of 5 which equal big profits. The majority of teens also have part-time jobs or some type of income. With the possibility of the minimum wage raising once again, teens have come to possess a lot of buying power. According to the Teenage Research

Unlimited, teenagers spent $140 billion in 1998, which is 14 percent more than in 1997 (Berkowitz & Evangelista, 1999). Teens are able to spend their money more freely because they do not have the responsibilities of adults. They even have a greater influence on household spending, as their role in the spending of their parents money continues to grow. For instance, it is not unusual for a parent to send their teenager to the grocery store for them, giving them complete control of brand choice. Thus, teenagers are becoming big targets for advertisers due to their growing consumerism. Why are teenagers such big targets in the advertising industry? The answer is simple: They are different. Advertisers view them as a constant changing generation with optimistic outlooks. They want to show individuality by their clothes and possessions, yet fit in with their peers. Their optimism comes from the good rate of job placement after college, the good position of the nations economy, and the very low unemployment rates. Teenagers can basically strive for any career with a good chance of being successful. They like to feel good about themselves, so they buy new materials to produce that feeling. Teens are continuously purchasing new items to keeps up with the changing trends. Therefore, advertisers use their view of teens to create ads. With this in mind, advertisers devise specific ads, using a variety of tactics, to appeal to these changing teens. Although marketers each have their own unique techniques, they all use original, flashy, and funny ads to reach the teenage audience. They make posters with college age students that create a fun and happy image. Television commercials include music with The effects of 6 good beats and bizarre images because that is what gets the attention of teens. For example, the Gaps swing dancing commercials were a big success among teens. They bought their clothes and accessories from the Gap because they could relate to it. That is one reason Gap is ranked as the number one casual clothes store among teens. Advertisers use celebrities to endorse products because teens admire and look up to them. Since teens are still trying to find themselves, advertisers try to create ads and brands that will survive past the finding years of teenagers, so they will have them as future customers. Due to the change in todays teens, advertisers target them much more. Another controversial subject with advertising is that fact that teenage smoking is on the rise. According to TIPS (Tobacco Information and Prevention Source), at least 6,000 people try a cigarette for the first time each day, all of which are under eighteen years old. There are at least 4.5 million smoking adolescents in the United States. From 1988 to 1996, the number of adolescents, ages twelve to seventeen, who are daily smokers, has increased by 73 percent ( Teenage smoking has obviously increased in the United States. As a result, tobacco advertisements are being blamed for the increase use of tobacco by teenagers. Many advertising critics argue that tobacco ads do indeed influence and contribute to the number of teenage smokers. Most teens, however, disagree and believe that their peers are the number one factor in their decision to smoke. Since image is very important to teens, they evaluate what image their smoking friends portray. If they want that image too, they may also take up the habit of smoking. A teens attitude towards cigarettes is a considering factor, ranking above advertising that leads to teen smoking. It is obvious that if one has a negative attitude The effects of 7 towards cigarettes, he or she will be less smoke. However, if individuals openly accept cigarettes, they may end up as a smoker. Also, those around cigarettes on a daily basis are more likely to be persuaded to smoke than individuals who are not around cigarettes. In the opinions of teens, tobacco ads do not play a big role in their decision to smoke. Advertisers use a variety of tactics to target particular groups, such as teens, to market their product. There are many views on advertising. Despite the many opinions that advertising is manipulative, a waste of money that could go towards other issues, and a bad influence on human beings, there is no true way of proving it has a bad effect on people. It is simply intended to reveal the benefits of products that consumers want. It is vital to many businesses, as some would be unable to survive without a way of making their products known. Although advertising is accused of influencing consumers to buy things they do not need, they have the choice to buy. It is up to the consumer to make wise choices and develop shopping skills that are intelligent.

Advertisements make you believe things that are not true. For example: in one commercial for chocolate covered wafers, shows a kid eating them during a lesson and then being able to erase the teacher with a sponge. This is not true and makes kids think that school is the most boring thing in the world when it is actually interesting if you see it the right way.

[image source]

The "buy me that" syndrome Every time parents take their children to toy stores and supermarkets the children start begging them to buy a toy that they saw in commercials on TV. During children's programs on TV there are to many commercials that are trying to convince kids to buy toys, drinks, and junk food. I also have the "buy me that" syndrome. Even though I know how silly commercials are and what they try to do, I still can't hold myself back. For example in a mall I saw a kind of stuffed animal that hugs you. Then I remembered seeing it in a commercial so I decided to buy it. It was good that my mom was with me because she pointed out some things that proved me that it wasn't worth it. In the end I didn't buy it. When I got home I was happy that I didn't waste my money on something I didn't even need it.

[image source] -~PG-2

"Children who watch less TV want fewer toys", says Thomas N. Robinson M.D. That's why parents shouldn't let their kids watch TV commercials. For example my parents turn down the volume when commercials start. When they gets too inappropriate they change the channel to a program that we are allowed to watch.

Advertising Effects Advertising is paid, nonpersonal communication that is designed to communicate in a creative manner, through the use of mass or information-directed media, the nature of products, services, and ideas. It is a form of persuasive communication that offers information about products, ideas, and services that serves the objectives determined by the advertiser. Advertising may influence consumers in many different ways, but the primary goal of advertising is to increase the probability that consumers exposed to an advertisement will behave or believe as the advertiser wishes. Thus, the ultimate objective of advertising is to sell things persuasively and creatively. Advertising is used by commercial firms trying to sell products and services; by politicians and political interest groups to sell ideas or persuade voters; by not-for-profit organizations to raise funds, solicit volunteers, or influence the actions of viewers; and by governments seeking to encourage or discourage particular activities, such a wearing seatbelts, participating in the census, or ceasing to smoke. The forms that advertising takes and the media in which advertisements appear are as varied as the advertisers themselves and the messages that they wish to deliver. The word "advertise" originates from the Latin advertere, which means to turn toward or to take note of.

Effects Of Advertising On Children

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The ad filmmakers are formulating fresh ways of enticing the consumers to buy their products. If an advertisement for a product attracts the consumers, they tend to purchase it frequently, or at least buy it once. If a company has to survive in this competitive world, he/she has to project the image of its products in such a way that they pick up the maximum sales, when they hit the stores. The best way to persuade the consumer to stick to the product of the particular brand, when numerous choices are provided to him/her in the market, is attractive advertisement. However, the ad filmmakers should remember that the commercials can also have negative IMPACT on people, especially the young children. In this article, we have presented some of the most visible effects of advertising on children, positive as well as negative. Positive Effects Of Advertisement On Kids

Advertising makes the kids aware of the new products available in the market. It increases their knowledge about the latest innovations, in the field of technology as well as otherwise. Convincing ads, which center around healthy food products, can help improve the diet of a child, if they are attractive enough.

Negative Effects Of Advertisement On Kids

Advertisements encourage the children to persuade their parents to purchase the products shown in the commercials, whether useful or not. The little ones tend to get adamant, if they are not bought the product. Children often tend to misinterpret the messages conveyed in commercials. They overlook the positive side and concentrate more on the negatives. Many advertisements in the present times include dangerous stunts, which can be performed only by experts. Even though the commercials broadcast the statutory warnings with the ad, the kids often try to imitate the stunts at home, with fatal results. The flashy advertisements broadcast in television generate impulse shopping in children. Children, after watching the glitter of commercials, often lose the ability to live a life without materialistic joy. The kids usually get more attracted towards the costly branded products, such as jeans and accessories. They disregard the inexpensive, but useful, ones that are not shown in the commercials. Advertisements have an indirect effect on the behavior of children. They might develop temper tantrums, when deprived of the latest toys and clothes that are shown in the commercials. The personal preferences in clothing, toys, food and luxurious of children are altered by the advertisements, to a great extent.

Junk foods, such as pizzas, burgers and soft drinks, are heavily promoted during children's TV viewing time. This develops a craving for fatty, sugary and fast foods in kids, thereby affecting their health adversely.

How does advertisement influence peoples behavior?

Todays modern era is a world of advertisement. In every walk of life, there is huge competition. It has made advertisement the more important. The loudest you are, the most noticeable you will. Without advertisement, there are lot of worthy things around our life, become unnoticeable. In my view, advertisement has great impact on peoples behavior. In every walk of life, we can find advertisement. Radio, television, newspaper, mobile even when one reading electronic mail, s/he can find advertisement in his mail box. Advertisement creates needs. It can be possible that without seeing advertisement, I do not have that need but after seeing or hearing, I get urge to purchase that particular thing. For example, I have mobile. It is working properly but after seeing advertisement of another mobile with more features, I want that mobile now. Advertisements are the best way to create needs among the consumers. Advertisement is the mirror of our society. Advertisers design advertisement according to the characteristics of society. They try to influence consumer behaviors according to their emotions. Thats why they make different advertisement for different age groups or different communities. For example, a kid wear advertisement tries to influence kids behavior how to wear clothes or which color is better to wear. Advertisement helps in making life better. It motivates us to work hard so that we can purchase better things. It gives knowledge about new products and motivates us to make it better than previous. It is the great source of competition and motivation to invent things better. Advertisement has bad impact also. It motivates us towards materialism. We want new things all the time which motivates us to earn more money. We do not have time for each other. I like to do those things from which I can earn more money instead of sitting with friends or family members. To get luxury life, I can be motivated to do wrong things also. In conclusion, every coin has two faces. The same way, advertisement motivates us to earn more money. However, it depends on a person, how he earns money. It tries to influence human behavior. Again, it depends on our maturity that what message we should take from advertisement. In my view, advertisement is the great source of knowledge. It motivates to work hard and make life more pleasure.

Advertisement has a great influence on society and its effect has been getting stronger as days passed by IN technology. Years ago there were a few advertisements that were published in newspapers and magazines or BROADCAST ON radios. But now, there are several ways that advertisements can affect our life such as commercials on T.V., banners on a website or short videos in our cell-phones. All of these platforms are called mass media that people can be affected by these platforms even they are reluctant. But it is A proven fact that advertisements have direct effect on our LIVES. Firstly, commercials on T.V. during a soccer game can reach millions of spectators at a time. After the commercial is BROADCAST, there is a rapid growth IN the demand of a product or a service. In addition, advertisements can change shopping habits. People generally try a new product after they watch the commercial on T.V. In some commercials, erotic scenes are used in order to attract peoples attention. ANOther commonly USED method, which is mainly used in commercials, is to tell a funny story. People watch these commercials again and again because these funny commercials make them smile. Children, on the other hand, the most primitive groups that commercials want to take their attention. Because children have huge impact on their parents decisionS while shopping. For example some computer manufacturers use pictures of characters such as Barbie or Spiderman on their products. Some brands use special-short music while their commercial is being BROADCAST. As a result people can recognize the product even IF they do not watch the commercial while they are walking in the city center or malls. Also, slogans or logos of brands can be kept in peoples mind and this is another way of attracting peoples attention to the brand. As a result, advertisements can influence peoples behavior in such ways as mentioned above.

The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior

By Osmond Vitez, eHow Contributor updated September 07, 2011

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The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior Advertising is targeted messages that communicate information from a company to individual and groups of consumers. This medium allows companies to draw consumers to the companys goods and services. In can also influence consumer buying behavior, which helps companies increase sales revenue. Related Searches:

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Economic markets include companies that supply goods or services and consumers who make purchases relating to these items. While consumers will need to purchase goods to live a certain quality of lifesuch as food, clothing or housingother products are not as necessary. Therefore, companies must find a way to drive demand for other products.


Advertising can help companies develop consumers' awareness to an unmet need or introduce a product that consumers may see as valuable. This influence is often present when new products enter the market. Customer awareness is often low for these items until companies promote them and attempt to drive customer demand through advertising.


Companies may also need to use advertising to stave off the popularity of a competitors products in the economic market. This will result in advertisements that will influence consumers to change their buying behavior and switch products for specific reasons, such as cost or quality.

Have you ever wanted to buy something you did not need? I totally agree that advertising can influence peoples behavior. After watching commercials, people are inspired to purchase products. I think they end up buying something they dont need. In this essay, I will provide three reasons to support my opinion. First, advertising can inspire people to purchase some products. It is a common goal that almost all commercials want to achieve. For example, there is a sexy girl in a diet supplement commercial. Through the good features of the girl, people who want to keep fit will imagine that they can be the same if they buy this product. However, sometimes, advertising makes people buy something they do not need. Second, advertising can also inform people about a product and provide details of the product. It gives consumers more options to decide if they want to buy the product. For example, if we need to buy a cell phone, we can compare functions from advertising. Hence, advertising makes products more understandable for people. Advertisements not only notify people about a product but also promote a product to the public. Third, companies use special discounts to attract consumers. The special discount promotions provide a call to action. For example, department stores have anniversary sales, they use advertising to let everyone receive the information. In conclusion, I agree advertising can influence peoples behavior. Not only can advertising inspire consumers to purchase products, but inform some details of products to people. The most important thing is advertising can provide information about specials discounts by department stores.

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