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Klaus strolled into the workshop briskly, eager to start the days work.

A man of medium height but massive build, Klaus cut an intimidating figure. He was a master mechanic in the Royal Engineering Guild. His workshop was a neat and orderly place, to an extent. Racks and bins of tools stood near the walls, and a small door in the rear led to the large furnace that powered several of his machines. Klaus glanced at one of his assistants. Whats on the schedule for today, he said, anything new this morning? Well, we got a juggernaut this morning. Its pretty banged up, looks like two weeks minimum to get it operational. Also, we have five suits of armor for finishing, and a pair of brutes to calibrate. Lets take a look at that juggernaut, shall we? The steam armor was massive, fully ten feet high and five wide. This particular juggernaut had a hammer in its left hand, and its right elbow was attached to a large cannon. However, even an untrained eye could tell that it had seen better days. Large holes had been punched in its torso, several armor plates had been ripped o Several war machines stood in the shop. The largest of these was a Juggernaut steam-suit.

A light mist hung over the Delkan plains. Everything appeared to be waiting, frozen in expectation. Tror Blackhand grinned wolfishly. There was nothing to prevent him and his band of raiders from looting the small border town of Verdale. A clank and several loud hisses made him turn. As he had suspected, it was his stolen Golem steam suit. One or other of the machines legion of fittings must have wiggled loose for a second. He knew it was risky to bring it, since it routinely gave off loud noises. However, its sheer destructive power more than made up for any lack of stealth. Tror was confident that no border town would have steam suits, or any guns with enough power to significantly damage the Golem. He signaled the other raiders. Move forward, stay alert. They fanned out, looking for any herdsmen or townspeople out early. No point in giving them any advance warning; they might have ways to hide their food. It also didnt pay to let them get any messages to any garrisons until the raiders were well away. One of Trors scouts trotted out of the fog. He had a puzzled expression. He brought his right fist to his left shoulder, a sign of respect among raiders. My Lord, there are no people on this side of the town, he said. Why should we care? That means no one to sound any alarms. This is perfect. He squinted a little; the fog was dispersing now. Hurry, before the fog lifts and some yokel spots us. Tror could almost make out the town now, a large, sprawling affair surrounded by a wall; several barns stood at irregular intervals, each no nearer than a hundred feet from the wall. The gates were closed, but that was probably because of the early hour. He signaled the raiders. Move faster. Suddenly, a massive shape detached itself from one of the barns and stomped towards the raiders. Trors heart sank. It was a Whirlwind steam suit. Its left hand grasped a huge sword. The two small cannon on its right arm belched fire and smoke, and five of Trors men were gone, blasted into oblivion. Charge! Get into that town! Move, roared Tror. He turned to the Golem. Rip that thing apart! The Golem stormed forward, firing as it went. The Whirlwind continued forward, simultaneously raking the galloping raiders with its twin gun. Meanwhile, a group of men popped out of a ditch, discharging their rifles into the raiders, who retaliated with their pistols. The two groups met, and steel

met steel as the ambushers dropped their rifles and grabbed halberds. Neither side could gain an advantage, nor could the Whirlwind continue to shoot at the raiders without harming its allies. Without missing a step, it turned its guns on the Golem. The Whirlwind had two advantages: it was a newer machine, and its pilot had trained extensively with it. Two shells slammed into the Golem, bouncing off its upper armor. The Golems shots so far had either missed the Whirlwind or glanced off of it. Finally, a shot hit, ripping through the ammunition feed for one of the cannons. The Whirlwind charged forward, legs pounding into the ground. The Golem stormed forward, trying to meet its opponent head on. The two machines met with a bang, and the Whirlwinds blade met the Golems hammer slammed together, creating a fountain of sparks and a horrible screech. The Golem was forced backwards by the other machines greater size and weight. Unfortunately for the Golem, the Whirlwind was also quicker, and its second swing ripped off the Golems cannon arm. It shoved its cannon into the gap under the Golems other arm and fired.

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