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Lab assignment submission

Posted on: Thursday, September 8, 2011 Within 48 hours after the end of the 5th lab session (for CPE students by the end of week 10 - by Monday 24 October), do the following:

1. Create a folder and name it after yourself exactly as your name is listed in the group list, e.g. ALEXEI SOURIN. Copy into this folder all your files and folders.
2. Name the root file home.wrl. This is the file which will be clicked at to visualize your VH.

3. Create a readme.txt file with a brief description of the It must include: a. Your name, b. Group number, c. Attendance list number, d. Interactive VRML objects implemented with Touch and Proximity sensors (give the file names), e. What implicitly-defined object(s) the VH has (give the file names), f. What parametrically defined morphing objects the VH has (give the file names), and g. Whatever else you want to highlight. 4. Make sure everything works properly when you click at home.wrl, i.e. all the objects, and textures are displayed, sounds and videos are played back, etc. Make sure that the VH will be displayed properly if you place it to a web folder.
5. Zip this folder. The zipped file must have the same name as your folder, i.e. your name. Make sure the zipped file has a reasonable size not exceeding a few MB. Large files (video, sounds) can be placed on the web and linked from the VH through their URLs. 6. Go to the edveNTUre course-site. Click at Assignment button. In the Assignment window click at "View/Complete Assignment: Implicit Fantasies and Parametric Metamorphoses". Type your lab group number and your name in the Comments field. Browse to the zipped file in Attach local file and click atSubmit button.

The assessment will be performed according to your original official allocation to the lab groups as follows:
CSC204 students:
Alexei Sourin: SS1 Zheng Jianmin: SS3, SS5 He Ying: SS2 Fu Philip: SS4

CPE411 students will be assessed according to their attendance numbers in the attached class list CPE411.pdf as follows: Alexei Sourin: 1-9 Zheng Jianmin: 10-19 He Ying: 20-28 Fu Philip: 29-37

When submitting your files, please write in the comments box your group CPE411, attendance number (from the CPE411 group list) and the respective name of the professor according to the above assignment. Your lab instructors will be retrieving your files and email you the confirmation that your assignment is received in good order. If you do not receive a confirmation email within a few days of your submission, please contact your lab supervisor--it is likely that you submitted your file wrongly, e.g. "saved" it rather than "submitted"./>

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