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Sarvashree L. K. Mishra Sambit Misra L. N . Patro M. R. Das Santanu Ku. Mishra Editor-in-Chief : Sri Ganesh Ch. Mishra
The views expressed in the articles / write ups are not necessarily the views of the Editorial Board but of the subscribers only.


In our Circle there is an agreed Transfer Policy between the Bank and the Association in order to effect transfers for Scale-I and II officers to take care of the needs of the officers as well as the requirement of the organization. Off late it is observed that the executives of the Bank are not very much concerned about the needs and the requirements of the officers. In our Circle the transfer policy is due for review as it has already been over in December 2008. Shortages of officers in Berhampur (GM.) Module and in Sambalpur Module are of grave concern for the Association. Last annual transfer exercise witnessed large scale aberrations. It was a learning point for the leadership of the Association to get ready with suggestions taking feedbacks from all concerned. The bank has also advised the Association to submit its suggestion at the earliest to finalise the policy in a meeting. Accordingly, the Association had convened the Circle Executive Committee meeting on 12.06.2011 to take a final view on the matter. Members desirous of suggesting any change in the present policy can do so through e-mail, through fax or through letter to the Association office at the earliest. Our motto is each officer should share the good centres as well as bad centres of the Circle without exception in order to achieve equity, fair play and justice.


7-8 8-12

Articles / Write ups / Letters etc. on Trade Union Subjects and other topics of interest are invited from the members. It should be sent to the Association office neatly typed / written.

Jointly we are a force


The Annual General Body Meeting of SBI Officers' Association, Bhubaneswar Circle, was successfully held at 'Hotel Swosti Premium', Bhubaneswar, on the 13th March 2011, with record attendance of more than 2300 members. The dignitaries who attended the meeting included Sri C.H.Narasimha Rao, CGM of Bhubaneswar Circle, Com. G.D.Nadaf, General Secretary of All India State Bank officers' Federation, Com. D.S.Rishabdas, General Secretary of Chennai Circle, Com. S.K.Mukherjee, General Secretary of SBIOA North East Circle, Com. B.K.Awasthi, General Secretary of Lucknow Circle, apart from Sri Ranjan Kumar Pati and Sri J.B.Mohapatra, President and General Secretary respectively of the SBI Staff Association, Bhubaneswar Circle. The compering was done by Com. Anjali Sharma, who welcomed the guests to the glorious land of Odisha, famous for Lord Jagannath, and known for its culture of universal brotherhood and singular contribution to the nation. She introduced the guests and invited them to the dais. The programme started with a splendid vocal rendering of the provincial anthem "Vande Utkala Janani" performed by the artists of NINAD, the in-house musical forum of State Bank family, followed by felicitation of the guests on the dais with flower bouquets by leaders of our circle. The Meeting was formally inaugurated by Sri C.H.N. Rao, CGM of the Circle, by lighting the auspicious lamp, ably joined by all the guests on the dais, followed by floral tributes to the legendary leaders of our Circle, Late Com. P.V.S. Murty and Late Com. N.N.Das, the founder President and General Secretary respectively of SBIOA Bhubaneswar Circle. On the eve of the meeting, CGM Sri Rao inaugurated the updated edition of "Associate", containing 2

the telephone numbers of all the members of the Circle association. Com. Nadaf inaugurated the Special Issue of the "Officers' News" containing the service conditions of officers. Both the publications were brought out by the SBIOA Bhubaneswar Circle, thanks to the commendable efforts of Com. Ramesh Chandra Patra, Circle AGS, and Com. D.S.Ray, member of Circle Executive Committee. The triennial organizational election of the circle Association had been successfully conducted in December 2010, to the fullest satisfaction of all members. Com. K.C.Das, chairman of the election committee, along with other members of the Committee, viz. Com. N.K.Rath, Com. K. Appa Rao, Com. G.V.Rao and Com. G.S.Maharana, were felicitated for their valuable contribution in conducting the elections in a very free and fair manner. Com. L.K.Mishra, Circle President, presided over the meeting. Calling the inaugural session to order, he welcomed all the members to the meeting. The meeting was significant for being held in the wake of two very important events, viz. organizational elections and the 9th triennial General Council Meeting of AIBOC, both of which were conducted smoothly and elegantly, earning acclaim and appreciation from all quarters. He thanked all the members for their cooperation and contribution in making both the events successful. He reminded the members that the Association is at a crossroad, especially in the backdrop of radical and sweeping changes taking place in the Bank and the economy as a whole, which underscores the need to take important decisions to protect the interest of the members in the face of constant onslaughts on their rights and benefits. The Circle General Secretary Com. Ganesh Chandra Mishra, in his inaugural address, paid rich tributes to Com. A.K.Motayad, retired State Secretary of AIBOC, for his seminal contribution in making the Triennial General Council Meeting of AIBOC at Bhubaneswar a grand success. He also acclaimed Sri C.H.N.Rao, CGM, as being a perfect human being and a perfect Banker, with a human touch. He assured the

CGM that officers of the Circle would not lag behind in taking up challenges and responsibilities to bring glory to the Circle. Referring to Com. Nadaf, he hailed his outstanding leadership quality and his instrumental role in ensuring successful release of the special SBI balancing package. Being privileged to be a member of the Core Committee and the Steering Committee of the AIBOC as well of the Federation, he was hopeful that the entire gamut of remaining issues like improvement in pension, enhancement of entertainment allowance, etc. will be clinched in near future. With the present Chairman slated to retire this month and the new chairman due to take over charge shortly, there are a lot of issues to be taken up in right earnest, like unilateral decisions taken by the Bank, increased volume of workload on officers, the need to work in an error-free manner, etc. He called upon the Federation to evolve strategies to effectively cope with future challenges. He described the presence of Com. J. B. Mohapatra and Com. Ranjan Pati in the Meeting as a symbol of our unity in the joint struggle. Sri C. H. Narasimha Rao, CGM, conveyed his greetings to all members. Seeing the jam packed house, he felt the time was ripe for finding a larger hall to accommodate the members in the next AGM. He commended the efforts of the Association in bringing out the Special Issue of the 'Officers' News' and the telephone directory 'Associate'. While admitting that NPA management was the major burning issue of the time, he also stressed the importance of a smooth Annual Closing exercise ahead being the top priority. He suggested that life need not be viewed only from the prism of blackand-white or good-and-bad. He further emphasized the need to uphold the image of the Bank as well as of the officers in the eyes of the general public. Citing the instance of some Government Departments, whose name were synonymous with corruption, he reminded that it was not so in the case of our Bank. However, of late there were feelings that our image is being dented because of stray incidents of corruption. He exhorted all officers to be conscious of the way they conducted themselves in public and the way people perceived us. People by and large perceive Bank officers as being respectable men/women 3

of integrity. We should not allow this image to be dented by our actions. Since the present compensation package in the Bank with other amenities ensures a comfortable standard of life, he wondered why there should be any need for illegal gratification. But the misdeeds of a few bring disrepute to the Bank and the entire workforce. It was the duty of each member to earnestly fight for the image of the Bank and to use every available opportunity to explicitly articulate the image of the Bank in public. We must expressly propagate the message among the public that State Bankers are not corrupt and that they live within their means. If anybody is seen indulging in corruption, it is the duty of others to bring it to the notice of the Bank to preserve the image of the Bank. Com. Sri D.S.Rishabdas, General Secretary of Chennai Circle, nostalgically recalled his association with the Bhubaneswar Circle and its present leadership. He said that when he remembers Bhubaneswar Circle or Odisha, what comes to his mind immediately is not just Lord Jagannath and Konark, but also the militant and vibrant comrades of the Association. He conveyed his revolutionary greetings from more than 4500 members of Chennai Circle. He was full of praise for the towering leadership of Com. G. C. Mishra and called him as the elderly statesman in the Federation. His maturity, commitment and dedication were incomparable. Democracy was at its best in the Bhubaneswar Circle Association. One of Com. G.C.Mishra's greatest achievements was his success in uniting the rival associations and factions under one banner. Considering the high stature in which Com. G.C. Mishra was held in the Federation and in other Circles, he felt honoured to share the dais with this great trade Union leader. Overwhelmed by the large gathering spilling out of the meeting hall, he also echoed the feelings of the CGM and impressed on the need to look for alternative site or a stadium for the meeting. While sharing the concern of the CGM on the Bank's image, he underlined the fact that cases of corruption in Bank are very negligible. He drew the attention of the Bank to the issue of dire shortage of officers. On regulated working hours, he cited the achievement of the Chennai circle Association in

successfully implementing the practice of closing the branches' gates at 4 P.M. Officers need regulated working hours for a healthy family life and better quality of life. Seeing the successful running of 7 schools by the Chennai Circle Association, some of their members had expressed a desire to start an old age home for retired members. He hoped for early resolution of other important issues like Self-Leasing and Revision in Rental ceilings. The way Bhubaneswar Circle was conducting general body meeting annually was an example for other circles. Annual meetings help in better communication of grievances, better responsiveness, resulting in strong bond among the members. Noting that while many central Trade Unions were not very active, he said that it was the vibrant, active and apolitical Federations in the Banking sector which have kept the flag of trade unionism flying high amidst a climate of declining trade unionism. He also highlighted the contribution of Trade Unions in saving our economy from the global economic meltdown, through their opposition to privatization and globalisation. Trade Unions in the Bank also had a very progressive and enlightened vision about their role in the society. While the government sector was buffeted by unending scams, the trade unions held a hope for uprightness and probity. He also stressed the need to tackle the problems arising out of the increasing number of retirements every year. He ended his speech by paying glowing tributes to Com. G. C. Mishra, who is an example for others, as were members of Bhubaneswar Circle for their commendable militancy and unity. He felicitated Com. G. C. Mishra and Com. L.K. Mishra with shawls. Com. Sri J.B.Mohapatra, Gen. Secy of SBI Staff Association, congratulated the team of Com. G.C.Mishra and Com. L.K.Mishra for their landslide victory in the recently concluded organizational elections. He promised that the cordial relationship maintained between SBISA and SBIOA will continue in future and all problems can be solved amicably. He hoped that the CGM's expectations from the staff and officers would be fully met. Com. G. D. Nadaf, the Federation General Secretary and the Secretary of AIBOC, the cynosure of 4

all attention, addressed the gathering in his inimitable style, interspersed with interesting and hilarious observations. He called the AGM of the circle as an annual festival and noting that the meeting broke its record of attendance each year, called for a bigger Hall for the meeting. The way Bhubaneswar circle religiously holds its AGM every year displays the commitment of the members and was an inspiration for others. The meeting provided a unique opportunity to the members to freely exchange their feelings with others, which boosts the love and affection among them and sends an unambiguous message to the leadership to act with greater vigour. He complimented the Circle leadership and the members for taking leading role in successfully holding the 9th triennial General Council Meeting of AIBOC at Bhubaneswar, which had won appreciation from all quarters. He was overwhelmed with disbelief, seeing the sea of humanity following the procession in the AIBOC Meet. The event has been written in golden letters in the book of Bank Officers' movement in the country and every member of the Circle association deserved applause for the same. He congratulated the team of leaders for their splendid victory in the organizational elections. However, he expressed concern that since majority of the leaders would retire within a span of 1-2 years, there is an urgent need to prepare the succession plan. Members should be groomed to hold higher responsibilities and younger generation needs to take over. He wondered if, after the 2nd wing of the Association i.e. Pensioners wing, there is a need to create a Youth Wing in the Association. He put a poser : Are the new recruits / promoted officers aware of the contribution of the Association and Federation behind all their amenities and entitlements? Facilities do not come overnight. Behind each benefit lies the sacrifice and endeavor of present and past leaders of the Association. To believe that benefits come automatically without any struggle is nothing but a myth. He expressed confidence that Bank's balance sheet will grow from strength to strength year after year and the CGM's expectations from the officers will be met. Drawing an analogy, he pointed that there is no threat to the Management, since it had the weapon of out-sourcing in

its armory to get any work done. But, Trade unions did not have the same cushion, since their activities cannot be outsourced. The strength of the Association is its membership and we need to strengthen it further. Referring to the concern of the CGM on the Bank's image, he invited everybody's attention to the other facet of a Bank Officer' image in the society : Bankers sleeping on the floors of the Bank at night, leading a very unsocial life and a discordant family life, all because of the burden of work. Officers were becoming NPA for their families and the Bank needs to do something to correct this image. On the manpower requirement, he said, computers cannot function on their own. They require human beings to run, which the Management must realise. Good many P.O.s have been recruited, but are yet to join. By the time they join, our vacancies would double. We can delay recruitment / joining, but we cannot delay retirement. A Bank officer is now made to function like 'All-in-one' (Messenger -Sweeper- Clerk -Manager). In the quest to attain certain magical numbers, Branches are being opened without minimum infrastructure and staffing. He cited an example of a Branch in Nagpur opened in a garage, with grossly inadequate work space. Virtual Branches are being opened in computer servers. This is also denting our image in the society. Business Correspondents/Business Facilitators are being appointed without having much responsibility. Although, the Association fights corruption charges against the members, the sole objective is to ensure that the innocent is not victimized. The general perception is that corruption in Bank officials is minimal, although there is all pervasive corruption in the society. This clean image must continue so that we will continue to be held in high esteem. The special Balancing Allowance is only a part of the 17.50%. It is nothing extra as some others feel. The arrears will be paid after March 2011. On the issues of increase in Entertainment entitlement and Rental ceiling, he said these are in the pipeline. The major issue is the anomalies in the Pension. The Corporate Centre has appointed Shri B.B. Dash, Ex-CGM (HR) as the advisor for this purpose. The issue must be resolved without any further delay. He hoped that the good relationship of the Chairman with the Finance Ministry would clinch the issue. 5

Transfer policy needs to be reviewed. Transfers should be made on need basis and should not be a routine exercise. Some Trainee Officers on promotion have been transferred out of their parent Circles. This will discourage employees to take promotion. The issue has been taken up with the Management. However, he advised the membership to be in readiness for a strike call in April 2011, if necessary. He welcomed the 10 days' compulsory Annual Leave, but the timing of the leave should be the prerogative of the official concerned and not to be decided by the Management. Bank must arrange accordingly. Finally, Com. Nadaf thanked the members for giving the opportunity to be present in this historic meeting. He lauded the roles played by Com. G. C. Mishra and Com. L.K. Mishra in rendering him valuable support in dealing with crisis situations. He advised the members to strengthen the Association, the Federation and the Bank. The younger generation needs to be ready to take over and shoulder greater responsibilities. He expressed confidence that their enterprise will not only make the Bank glorious but also will strengthen the Association. Com. S.K.Mukherjee, General Secretary of SBIOA North East Circle, in his address, expressed his gratitude for being privileged to attend the AGM of this Circle for the third year in succession. He was overjoyed with the hospitality of the Circle, and conveyed the revolutionary greetings from more than 3400 members of N.E. Circle. The acute shortage of manpower is because of the Bank's policy of non-recruitment for last so many years. On the perception of corruption, he held that it is very negligible in the Bank. He highlighted the important role played by the Federation in slowing down the pace of ugly faced reforms, and in preserving the public sector character of the Bank. He lent support to the efforts for financial inclusion. He complimented the members with warm wishes for meaningful deliberations in the business session of the AGM. Com. B.K.Awasthi, General Secretary of Lucknow Circle, conveyed the fraternal greetings from more than 6000 members of his Circle. He described

Com. G. C. Mishra as his 'Guru' in trade union career. He greatly valued his suggestion of meeting members and visiting branches as being the fundamental recipe for success in trade unionism. He rued that although there was specific time for Bankers for going to office, there is no such time for leaving office. Regulated working hours is the crying need of the hour. On the issue of corruption, he said whatever little existed in the Bank is a fallout of the wide spread and all pervasive atmosphere of corruption prevailing in the society. Corruption has become the most secular thing, transcending the barriers of caste, creed and religion. He also called for a review of the Bank's policy on Compassionate appointment to provide a safety net to the officers and employees. Com. Ranjan Kumar Pati President of the SBI Staff Association, congratulated the leadership of Com. G. C. Mishra and his team for the thumping victory in the recent elections. He also expressed his commitment to maintain the level of cooperation between the two sister organizations. He expressed the hope that the positive outlook and attitude of the present CGM, the CDO and the AGM(HR) would foster a healthy atmosphere for resolution of all problems. In his concluding remarks, Com. L. K. Mishra appealed all to care for each other's comfort and extend mutual help. He called for clear H.R. management policies, local solutions to problems, wherever possible, and a human touch to the policies and actions of the Bank Management. The inaugural session came to an end with a vote of thanks by Com. T. C. Mishra, the DGS of the Circle. BUSINESS SESSION Com. D.S.P. Mishra, Vice President of the Bhubaneswar Zonal Committee, did the compering of the business session. Business session started after felicitation of the leaders with flower bouquets. Com. L. K. Mishra presided over the meeting and thanked all the members for successful conclusion of the inaugural session. The General Secretary's report was read out by Com. G. C. Mishra and was unanimously approved. 6

The reports of the Zonal Secretaries of Bhubaneswar, Berhampur and Sambalpur module read out by Com. M.R.Das, Com. L.N. Patro and Com. Shantanu Kumar Mishra respectively were also unanimously approved. Com. L.N. Patro emphasized the need to maintain secrecy of passwords in the CBS network, failing which members will not be in a position to save their jobs. As a result, all the efforts of the Federation to improve facilities and amenities would be fruitless. Members should save their jobs first to avail themselves of the benefits. We must work within the norms and systems and procedures of the Bank, without being carried away by misplaced zeal to achieve impractical budgetary goals. He also called for urgent action in providing adequate infrastructure to Branches. While VVR checking is important, ironically there are still Branches without a functioning Line Printer for months together to print the VVRs. The House approved the Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31.12.2010 read out by Com. Arun Kumar Bishoyi, Secretary Finance. Com. Tara Charan Mishra, the Circle DGS, moved 12 no.s of resolutions on the following issues: 1. 2. Acute Staff Shortage Enhancement of cash relief provided to the bereaved family of members from Rs50,000/- to Rs.60,000/-. Branch Ambience with air-conditioning. Delay in conclusion of Disciplinary proceedings. Regulated Working Hours. Security arrangement in Branches and ATMs. Creation of new Regions. Adequate Hardware and maintenance support to Branches. Limiting Working on Sundays and holidays. Adequate Training facilities for skill development and knowledge updation. Measures to stabilize the HRMS. Implementation of Five Day Week.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

All the resolutions were passed unanimously. Com. G.C.Mishra in his address called upon the members to remain alert and vigilant and to uphold the dignity of officers through exemplary conduct. Appointment of Auditors: Com. Arun Kumar Bishoyi, Secretary Finance, proposed the appointment of M/s B. S. Subudhi & Co. as the Auditors for the year 2011, which was unanimously approved. The House bade an emotional farewell to Com. T. C. Mishra, DGS, who would retire on 31st March 2011, and to Sri P.K.Sahu, ex-president of Berhampur Zonal Committee, who retired in December 2010, and placed on record its appreciation for their contribution to the Circle Association. The business session ended with a vote of thanks by Com. Sambit Mishra, the Circle Organising secretary. (Ganesh Chandra Mishra) General Secretary

The advocate has to submit the TIR direct to the bank in a sealed cover. On receipt of the TIR, it should be read carefully keeping in mind the following aspects. The format of TIR should be as per Annexure B, C and D of the above referred circular. Kissam of land is very important. Agricultural lands can only be taken as primary/collateral security for agricultural loans. For non agricultural loans the kissam should be such that SARFAE5I action can be initiated in case of need. SARFAESI action can be initiated on 'homestead, industrial, patita, bari etc. kissam of lands. For home loans, the kissam must be gharbari, bari etc. For industrial units, the kissam should be industrial. The EC obtained should be for 13 years for 'per' segment loans and for 30 years for other than 'per' segment loans. Money receipts evidencing deposit of required fees/dues should also be available. Both Hal & Sabak Khata and plot number must be mentioned in the EC. This is very important because sale/purchase effected under Sabak numbers does not get reflected in the EC obtained with Hal numbers and vice versa. Search report for the broken period must be obtained after execution of documents / creation of EM but before disbursement of loan. The specification of land, the name of the owners on the sides (north, south, east and west), the side of the land adjoining the road as appearing in the TIR must be independently verified to cross check the position. The land must be accessible through public road and should not be a lock land as it has very low marketability. The flow of title from the Mother teed to the Current Deed as described in the TIR have to be read carefully. Mother deeds are the documents of original rights over the property. Those are Settlement Patta or documents evidencing conclusive proof of ownership. The flow must be clear and unambiguous. The land should have been mutated in the name of the buyer. The evidence of deposit of Mutation Fee (Money Receipt) should be held on record. 7


Pitambar Sutar, (CM-Vig.) TIR or Title Investigation Report is required to be taken from banks empanelled advocate to ensure that the documents are genuine and sufficient for creation of valid Equitable Mortgage by deposit of the title deeds . The format of TIR is specified in E-Circular No. CPP/ KKK/CIR/20 dated 03.06.2006. The TIR format has got five parts. The first part is the Letter to Advocates for search and verification of the deeds/documents. This format is required to be sent by the Branch in a sealed cover to the empanelled advocate advising him to verify the documents. The list of such advocates is available in the circle site under LAW DEPARTMENT'. In addition to the land documents, up-to-date rent receipt, holding tax receipt, EC etc. are required to be obtained at the time of such verification. Money receipts evidencing deposit of required fees/dues should also be available.

The list of original documents to be deposited and the person(s)/Owners having title to the property and depositing the same must be as specified in the TIR. Any additional documents/affidavits if specified in the TIR, has to be obtained before! at the time of deposit of the documents. The EM should be created at a centre notified by the State Government. The EM confirmation has to be addressed to the BM of the Branch located at the notified centre and sent by Registered Inland Letter. If the financing branch is located at a non- notified centre and EM is created at a notified centre, then the EM confirmation, a copy of the EM recital, the original land documents must be collected by the financing branch and held in the custody of the Manager of Division/FO/BM as per the arrangement, after being numbered serially. EC to be obtained through an empanelled advocate once a year! at the time of each renewal and the money receipt for EC has to be held with the Branch. Any specific case of doubt/deviation must be referred to the controlling office and action taken as per advice received from them. IMPORTANT E-CIRCULAR 1. P&HRD. Sl. No.:680/2010-11 Circular No.: CDO/P&HRD-CM/52/2010 - 11 Wednesday, November 10,2010.

OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (INCLUDING PART TIME) W.E.F. 01.08.2010 1. The Central Board of the Bank, in its meeting held on 8th November, 2010 has decided that all categories of officers (including full time/part time Medical officers) and employees (clerical and sub-ordinate including security guards), who join/joined the Bank in permanent scale (including part-time) on or after 1st August 2010 shall be offered the benefits of DCPS/NPS in lieu of existing defined benefit pension scheme. Such officers/employees, who join/joined the Bank on or after 1st August 2010 will not be entitled to become members of existing SBI Pension Fund. These officers/employees will, in addition to being eligible to DCPS/NPS, become members of SBI Provident Fund i.e. Contributory Provident Fund, subject to provisions contained in SBI Employees' Provident Fund Rules. Further, Gratuity, as applicable, will continue to be available to the new recruits. 2. Till such time the detailed Scheme of DCPS/NPS is formulated, recovery of 10% of the Salary and Dearness Allowance will be made from the salary from the month such officers/employees join the Bank. The Bank shall make matching contribution in regard to such officer/ employee. 3. P&HRD. Sl. No. : 907/2010 - 11 Circular No. : CDO/ P&HRD -PM/67/2010 - 11 Wednesday, February 02, 2011.

REWARD AND RECOGNITION BEST AGM (REGION) SCHEME MODIFICATIONS Renamed as "Chairman's Club Scheme (for Regional Managers)" with effect from the financial year 2010-11. With effect from the financial year 2009-10, the Special LFC shall have to be availed within one year of the declaration of the award (instead of six months as at present). If Special LFC is not availed within the time limit of one year, cash award as already laid down in the scheme will suo motto be given to the awardee. 2. P&HRD. Sl. No.:743/2010- 11 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-PM/58/2010 - 11 Monday, December 06, 2010.

DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PENSION SCHEME / NEW PENSION SCHEME FOR ALL NEWLY RECRUITED EMPLOYEES (OFFICERS/EMPLOYEES) W.E.F.1.8.2010 APPOINTMENT OF SERVING EMPLOYEES AS PROBATIONARY OFFICERS / APPOINTMENT OF SERVING OFFICERS IN HIGHER GRADE IN THE BANK 1. The Bank has been making recruitment of officers/ specialist officers and may come across with following cases: i. Clerical employees of the Bank may be appointed as Probationary Officers/Officers. ii. The serving officers of the Bank may be appointed as Officers in higher grade. The above categories of clerical employees/officers may have membership of SBI Employees Provident Fund and SBI Employees Pension Fund before being appointed as Probationary Officers or Officers in higher grade. 8


2. In this connection, the matter was examined and it has been decided to adopt following course of action in respect of such employees/officers: i. The clerical employees selected as Probationary Officer/ Officers' Grade in the Bank will have to resign from Bank's service and join as Probationary Officers/Officers' Grade afresh, subject to stipulated conditions there in. ii. The serving officers of the Bank, who has been selected for appointment in the higher grade by the Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) or any such recruitment department, will have to resign from Bank's service and shall join as Officer in the higher grade afresh, subject to conditions stipulated there in. iii. The past service of above category of clerks/officers in the Bank will not be reckoned for any benefit except the carryover of balance in Provident Fund account. For this, his/her Provident Fund account as a clerk/officer will be closed and a new account will be opened and the entire balance of provident fund will be transferred to a new account, with the approval of the Trustees of SBI Employees Provident Fund Trust. iv. Accordingly, such clerical employees/officers will not be eligible for existing defined benefit pension scheme. However, they will be eligible for Defined contribution Pension Scheme (DCPS) / New Pension Scheme (NPS) in terms of our Circular No. CDO/P&HRD-PM/58/ 2010-11 dated 6.12.2010, subject to terms and conditions as stipulated by the Bank. v. The above instructions shall have retrospective effect from 1.8.2010. 4. P&HRD. Sl. No. : 948/2010 - 11 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-CM/71/2010 - 11 Saturday, February 12,2011.


P&HRD. Sl. No. : 965/2010 - 11 Circular No.: CDO/P&HRD-PM/74/2010 - 11 Thursday, February 17,2011.

OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT CENTRALISED ACCESS CONTROL POLICY DEPROVISIONING OF USER- IDs OF EMPLOYEES 1. It has been decided by the Executive Committee of the Central Board of the Bank in their meeting dated 15th January, 2011 to implement a Centralised Access Control policy for de-provisioning of users-IDs arising out of transfer/deputation to other organization /posting abroad/ retirement/ resignation/ voluntary retirement/ incapacitation to perform duties (death/ missing/ absconding etc.)/dismissal / termination/ suspension/ voluntary vacation/ cessation of employees/officers from the Bank's service including User-IDs not put in use in Core Banking System for a period of 15 days and above. 6. P&HRD. Sl. No. : 999/2010 - 11 Circular No.: CDO/P&HRD-PM/81/2010 - 11 Tuesday, March 01,2011.

SALARY REVISION W.E.F. 1.11.2007 PAYMENT OF "SPECIAL BALANCING ALLOWANCE" TO ALL OFFICERS/EMPLOYEES WHO WERE IN THE PERMANENT SCALE OF THE BANK AS ON 31.10.2007 1. The above allowance i.e. "Special Balancing Allowance" will not be payable to any officer/ workmen employee (including part-time) who joined the Bank on or after 1.11.2007. 2. Such allowance will be payable to above category of officers and employees (i.e. award and sub-ordinate staff) at 6.5% and 6.4% respectively of the revised basic pay effective from 1.11.2007 (i.e. with reference to basic pay applicable for 9th bipartite only). It is to be noted that such allowance will be paid at aforesaid rate on moving basic pay on or after 1.11.2007 till the period of 9th Bipartite settlement. However, such allowance will be frozen on the expiry date of 9th Bipartite settlement and will not have any reference to the basic pay of subsequent Bipartite settlements. 7. P&HRD. Sl. No. : 1022/2010 - 11 Circular No.: CDO/P&HRD-PM/83/2010 - 11 Tuesday, March 08,2011.

PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUBMISSION OF SELF APPRAISAL 1. The Reporting Authority can proceed to record the report without waiting for Self-Appraisal if it is not received within a month from the due date i.e. before 30th April. 2. Accordingly, it has been decided to revise the last date for submission of duly completed Self Appraisal Form from 30th April to 15th April every year. The revised instruction will be effective from the Financial Year 201011 onwards. 9

SBI- RETIRED EMPLOYEES MEDICAL BENEFIT SCHEME (REMBS) DOMICILIARY TREATMENT- CLARIFICATION 1. Members of the REMB Scheme have been allowed reimbursement of expenses incurred under domiciliary treatment, wherever applicable, in respect of any disease (i .e. not restricted to 20 specified diseases) subject, however, to the ceiling not exceeding 10% of the eligible amount under the Plan opted by the member/beneficiary with yearly ceiling of 1/10th of the amount i .e. maximum up to 1% of the limit per annum. Such expenses shall be reimbursed only on production of medical prescription of a registered medical practitioner having at least MBBS qualification and supported by valid cash memo of a registered medicine shop. 2. Dental treatment as prescribed by a registered medical practitioner having atleast BDS qualification and supported by valid cash memo of a registered medicine shop may also be considered subject to the monetary ceiling as mentioned in the above Circular. 8. P&HRD. Sl. No. : 1023/2010 - 11 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-PM/84/2010 - 11 Tuesday, March 08,2011.

iii. Such leave (i.e. Extraordinary Leave on loss of pay) may not be granted for more than 360 days during the entire period of service. However, such leave may not be availed of for more than 180 days at a time. iv. Subject to any other rule, such leave may be granted in combination with or in continuation of any kind of leave and the competent authority may commute retrospectively periods of absence without leave into extraordinary leave. v. Such leave will not count for pension, increment, etc and the seniority of the officer will be affected to the extent of such leave granted to her. vi. Since any period of extraordinary leave on loss of pay will have the effect of postponing the date of increment/seniority of the official concerned, as and when the extraordinary leave on loss of pay is granted to /availed of by the members of the supervising staff, a letter to this effect must be placed in the respective service file to enable the concerned controlling authority to take proper care thereof while releasing next annual increments. vii. The authority to grant such leave should be of the rank of General Manager. viii. Other instructions in this regard shall remain the same. 2. In respect of parents of married lady officers for grant of medical aid, the existing instructions are as under:i) Parents of married lady officers are considered to be wholly dependent on her, if the parents ordinarily reside with the officer. If, however, the officer establishes to the satisfaction of Bank that notwithstanding the fact that her parents are living separately from her, they are still dependent on her, the Bank may reimburse such claims on the merits of each case. ii) The lady officer should be the only earning member of the family: (if there are other members earning, but are married daughters, the Bank may consider on merits, the claim of the officer for inclusion of her parents).In respect of parents of married lady officers for grant of medical aid, it has been decided as under: i. The married lady officers may be eligible to claim reimbursement of medical expenses in respect of her parents if she gives a declaration that though her 10

STAFF: SUPERVISING (FEMALE OFFICERS) I. MATERNITY LEAVEEXTRAORDINARY LEAVE ON LOSS OF PAY II. MARRIED LADY OFFICERS MEDICALAIDDEPENDENT PARENTS It has been decided that Extraordinary Leave on loss of pay in continuation to Maternity Leave may be granted to female officers under following circumstances:i. Extraordinary leave on loss of pay may be granted to a female officer when no privilege leave is due to her and when, having regard to her length of service, sick leave is not considered justified by the authority empowered to grant leave. All cases for sanction of extraordinary leave should be critically screened by the controlling authorities before making recommendation to the competent authority. ii. Such leave may be sanctioned when applied for in continuation with the Maternity Leave and the reasons for such leave could be for post natal care/rearing of newly born child etc. or on health grounds of the female officer.

parents are living separately from her, they are still dependent on her. ii. Further, the stipulation that lady officer should be the only earning member of the family has been dispensed with. iii. Other instructions in regard to provision of medical aid to officers shall remain the same. 9. P&HRD. Sl. No. : 15/2011 - 12 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-PM/3/2011 - 12 Wednesday,April 06,2011. 16 Chaitra 1933 (S). STAFF : SUPERVISING REVISION IN RENTAL CEILINGS FOR LEASED ACCOMMODATION/ CAR PARKING CHARGES/ MAINTENANCE CHARGES The current circular deals with the revision in rental ceilings for leased accommodation etc. w.e.f. 01.01.2011. The sqare feet rate for leased housing accommodation has been revised to Rs.12/-(Max) at Bhubaneswar centre w.e.f 01.01.2011. 10. P&HRD. Sl. No. : 32/2011 - 12 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-PM/6/2011 - 12 Monday,April 11,2011. 21 Chaitra 1933 (S). REVIEW OF MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT SCHEME OF THE BANK FOR SUPERVISING STAFF Revision in Medical Reimbursement Scheme for officers w.e.f 01.04.2011. 11.P&HRD. Sl. No. : 90/2011 - 12 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-PM/15/2011 - 12 Wednesday, May 04,2011. 14 Vaishakh 1933 (S). STAFF: SUPERVISING LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION (LTC) / HOME TRAVEL CONCESSION(HTC) CLARIFICATIONS In terms of laid down guidelines, during each block of 4 years, an officer shall be eligible for Leave Travel Concession (LTC) for travel to his/her hometown once in each block of 2 years. Alternatively, he/she may travel in one block of two years to his home town and in the other block, to any place in India by the shortest route. It has also been laid down that an officer may avail of LTC/HTC by circuitous route. However, he/ she shall be reimbursed the expenses from the Headquarters to the designated place/home town by 11

the shortest route as per his/her entitlement. These guidelines were relaxed further by stating that an officer may visit a foreign land on the circuitous route (CC reference:- letter No. CDO/PM/16/SPL/12 dated 4.4.2007) while his/her designated place has to be in India. However, visiting the designated place in India is a necessity. 2. The circular contains clarifications on queries from different Circles/ Offices regarding determination of entitlement, submission of bills, carry forward of LTC/ HTC etc. which can be summarized as under: i. Reimbursement of bills if not supported by tickets? ii. Reimbursement of bills relating to sightseeing in foreign land? iii. Determination of entitlement in respect of the sector where national carrier i.e. Air India is not operating? iv. Carry forward of LTC/HTC beyond one year? 12 P&HRD. Sl. No. : 111/2011 - 12 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-IR/17/2011 - 12 Wednesday,May 11,2011. 20,Vaishakh 1933(S). INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES ACT, 1947 DECLARATION OF BANKING INDUSTRY AS A PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICE Please refer to our e-Circular No.CDO/P&HRDIR:50:2010-11 dated 2nd November 2010. 2. In this connection, we have to advise that in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub-clause (vi) of clause (n) of section 2 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, (14 of 1947), the Government of India, vide its Gazette Notification No.S-11017/5/97IR(PL) dated 1st April 2011, has declared the banking industry to be a "public utility service" for the purpose of the said Act for a further period of six months with effect from the 17th April 2011. 13. P&HRD. Sl. No. : 117/2011 - 12 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-IR/19/2011 - 12 Thursday, May 12,2011. 22 Vaishakh 1933 (S). SBI LIFE SWARNA GANGA SCHEME FOR STAFF (UIN:111N006V02) This is an IRDA approved Group Savings linked Insurance plan which is available for sale from 1st May 2011 to 30th June 2011. The product features and operating guidelines for the scheme has been uploaded on Bancassurance online as available in State Bank Times (link =Useful links>Bancassurance online>circle

home page>SBI Life-Swarna Ganga). The proposal forms will be sent physically by SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd and also uploaded on Bancassurance online for ease of operations. 3. The SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd. have clarified that existing policy holder if desirous of applying in this new scheme also, then he has to apply for full amount of cover under the new scheme based on his present cadre. Further, the risk premium of the members will increase on attaining the higher age band and the same will be deducted from his contribution by SBI Life. The age band wise rates are given in page 4/5 of the product features. 14. P&HRD. Sl. No. : 123/2011 - 12 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-PM/20/2011 - 12 Friday,May 13,2011. 23 Vaishakh 1933 (S). SBI SCHEME FOR APPOINTMENT ON COMPASSIONATE GROUNDS IN EXCEPTIONAL CASES The "SBI Scheme for Appointment on Compassionate Grounds in Exceptional Cases" shall be effective from 4.8.2005 the date on which the scheme of payment of ex-gratia lumpsum amount replaced the earlier scheme of compassionate appointment scheme. The scheme will be applicable in the following cases : i. Employee dying while performing his official duty, as a result of violence, terrorism, robbery or dacoity, ii. Employee dying within five years of his first appointment or before reaching the age of 30 years, whichever is later, leaving a dependent spouse and/or minor children. The cases of death related to the period prior to 4.8.2005 will not be considered for compassionate appointment under the scheme. The cases where the dependents have been paid exgratia lumpsum amount will not be considered for compassionate appointment under the scheme. Application for employment under the scheme in respect of past eligible cases of death on and after 4.8.2005 and upto 12.5.2011 shall be obtained by the branch/office where the deceased employee had last worked. The time limit for last date of submission of applications by the

dependents/family in respect of past cases is 31st December,2011 The time limit for submission of applications by the dependents/family in respect of death cases on and after the date of this circular will be six months from the date of death. 15.P&HRD. Sl. No. : 153/2011 - 12 Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-PM/25/2011 - 12 Friday, May 27, 2011. 6th Jyestha, 1933 (S). STATE BANK OF INDIA EMPLOYEES' PENSION FUND RULES: REVISION IN PENSION OF ELIGIBLE MEMBERS OF THE FUND WHO RETIRED/RETIRE ON OR AFTER 1.11.2007 The Executive Committee of Central Board in its meeting dated 26.5.2011 have accorded approval for release of basic pension and dearness relief thereon to those eligible members of the Fund, who retired/ retire on or after 1.11.2007, pending amendments in State Bank of India Employees Pension Fund Rules. 2. In this connection, the details of revision in pension and effective dates are set out hereunder: i. Amount of Basic Pension:The maximum amount of pension for members of the Fund eligible for pension, who retired/retire while in service or otherwise cease to be in employment on or after 1.11.2007, shall be computed as under: a. Where the average of monthly substantive salary drawn during the last twelve months' pensionable service is upto Rs.31,500/- p.m. (the maximum pay scale of JMGS-I) at 50% of the average of monthly substantive salary drawn during the last twelve months' pensionable service (pro-rata in the case of part-time employees); b. Where the average of monthly substantive salary drawn during the last twelve months' pensionable service is above Rs. 31,500/- (the maximum pay scale of JMGSI), at 40% of the average of monthly substantive salary drawn during the last twelve months' pensionable service subject to minimum of Rs. 15,750/- (prorate in the case of part-time employees).

Printed and Published by Sri G. C. Mishra, General Secretary, SBIOA, Bhubaneswar Circle at Bibarani Prakashani, Tankapani Road, Bhubaneswar - 751 014


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