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Help to Self 1

William Stephenson, On Doing More In Life

William Stephenson
My name is William Stephenson; I grew up in Manasquan and have spent most of my life
in New Jersey. I’d like to speak with you about achieving your best, about making the
most of your assets and realizing your biggest dreams. I was raised with the adage that
my accomplishments were only limited...

I Think I Can. I Think I Can. Can I?

Michele Wahlder
I think I can. I think I can. Can I? Your mental train ticket to self-empowerment We all
find ourselves at certain points in our lives holding first class tickets to negative mental
trains of thought. Michele Wahlder (MS, LPC, PCC), a two-time cancer survivor and
Dallas, Texas-based...

Manifestation Exercise # 11 - Discovering the Hidden Positives Behind The

Janeen Clark
This is a good exercise to use when you want to discover what is really going on behind
the scenes of your negative experiences. There is something positive beyond them - you
just need to discover what it is. You see, your higher self sees beyond time and current
circumstances. It knows your...

How To Make Many Friends Easily

Ivan Campuzano
How to make many friends easily.. With every goal you have in life, people will always
be a critical part of it. How fast you reach your goals depends on how well you deal with
people and the level of influence you have on them. In order to really influence people
you must become a person...

Creating Your Vision

Ivan Campuzano
Creating Your Vision "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one" Albert
Einstein I feel that one of the most important ingredients in your formula for success is
having a clearly defined and vivid vision of where you want to be. At first the “how” is
not that important, ...

Alternative Notions of Life, a Different Path (5): Why me or why not me? Your
Carl "JC" Pantejo
“Prosperity: The eternal flow of all that’s good in life…” *Below is the fifth installment
of a series of articles from the real life experiences of the author. The only deviations
from the truth may be the names of people and places. These stories are also incorporated
in “My Friend Yu –...

The Law of Attraction, Television & You

Richard Blackstone
Help to Self 2

The law of attraction tells us that you bring into your life that which you put your
attention on. The secret to life is to put your attention on what serves you and take your
attention away from what does not serve you. Does your spiritual growth come from the
television? Does television...

Laughter Is Truly The Best Medicine

Laurie J. Brenner
If there's one thing I have to admit about my mother is that she was always right about
this: Laughter Is The Best Medicine. If you can't laugh about yourself and the things that
happen to you - you're headed for a heart attack or some other malady, it's the way the
body works. Laughter...

Keeping an Inventory of Ourselves

John Park
Our behavior is pretty much ruled by our pride. Our emotions and our actions are of self-
will. We want our lives to be in perfect order as WE would like them. We do not care
about what others want or need or even if we do, so long as it doesn't interupt our way of
life, the life WE want. If we want...

Accept It and Know What To Do With It

Irma Givens
Have you ever had a major setback stop you in your tracks? Well, you're not by yourself.
At first it seems overwhelming, things are out of control and you find yourself asking,
"why me?" Guess what? It's not only you. We all experience setbacks, some more than
others, during our lifetime. For...

How to Pass an Interview!

Zohra Sarwari
Nine Steps to Interview Success These days, the average person changes their career
seven to ten times within their life span. This means that the average person is going to
send out several hundred copies of their resumes in their lifetime…and yes, they’re going
to have to go through several...

5 Brilliant Rumi Quotes

Wendy Betterini
I have a lot of favorite authors, but one that tends to spark a welcome wave of inspiration
and renewal every time I read his work is Rumi. Rumi was a 13th century Persian poet
(1207-1273). Though his original works were written in Persian, they have also been
translated into other languages and are...

Time Management: Who Needs It In Retirement?

Windsor Augustin
Time management tools, strategies and even software are useful to goal-oriented
managers in the corporate environment, right? If you’re in your retirement planning
years, isn’t it a waste of time (no pun intended) to focus even an ounce of energy on time
management skills? After all, time is the one...
Help to Self 3

5 Different Ways To Meditate

Trevor Johnson
There are many different ways to meditate. Each one is a different method with broadly
the same end result. Check out these different meditation methods to see which suits you
best. Walking meditation This is one of the easiest ways to meditate, although obviously
it isn't as separate...

How Do We Get Out Of This Mess?

Terrence Aubrey
We have a problem, a big problem, we have been traveling the wrong path, somehow, at
sometime we took a wrong turn and now it is wake up time. The big question now is
having gained ever more momentum in traveling this road, can we turn around, slow
down,or change dirrection. It would seem that we...

Scared or Sacred? Our Response to Transition Times

Tama J. Kieves
These days, many of us are in the bog-swamp-fog of transition. Transition is that Jello-
like place on the way to a new identity—a place that defies certainty in the meantime.
Maybe we have chosen to leave something behind. Maybe we’ve been heaved off a
crumbling ledge--with or without a severance...

In Other Words?
Steven Gillman
People use the expression "in other words" because sometimes other words are necessary
to better understand something. You probably use it yourself, but how often do you
actually think about the words you are using, and the effect they may have? How often do
you change the words you use in order...

Reduce Your Stress Simply: Excerpted From Life's Little How To Book
Jaleh Donaldson
Sample Chapter 1: Reduce Your Stress Simply Stress is an everyday part of life. You can't
avoid it, but you can do certain things to alleviate it. In our society, people try to reduce
stress in a variety of negative ways, such as taking over- the-counter drugs, overeating,
and watching...

Get Over Procrastination and Start Living Your Life

Greg Frost
So you have recognized that you have a problem, finally. Procrastination has taken over
your life, and you want it back. As difficult and impossible as it may seem, it is
achievable. Approach a counsellor or a therapist for help, and don’t forget that the best
person to help you is yourself. First,...

Avoiding Short Term Memory Loss

Greg Frost
Various names for memory loss are amnesia and dementia. One of our biggest fears as we
age is losing our mental facilities, and how to deal with family members who are
Help to Self 4

experiencing such memory loss. Short term memory loss can be triggered by stroke,
circulation, Alzheimer’s as well as poor conductivity...

Self Affirmative Exercises for a Brand New You

Greg Frost
Positive affirmations, when worded optimally and charged with emotions, are able to tap
into the boundless power of the subconscious mind. There are many exercises and
techniques that can help you achieve the benefits of positive affirmations, by putting the
subconscious mind to work for you. 1....

Creating Custom Subliminal CDs

Greg Frost
The mind is a highly complex instrument, consisting of different levels of consciousness,
namely the conscious and the subconscious. Subliminal messages work by bypassing the
conscious mind into the subconscious mind, in order to provide it with the goals to
transform into reality. Communication links...

How to Get a Photographic Memory Fast

Greg Frost
The adage that knowledge is power rings true ever more. Companies are looking for
people who are intelligent, and able to apply this intelligence to their work. Having a
photographic memory comes into play here, as the advantages of being able to recall
every minute detail as if you had the object...

How to Make the Most of Your Subliminal CDs

Greg Frost
Subliminal CDs work by sending positive affirmations into your subconscious mind. This
helps the subconscious to accept the message as a command, and as the subconscious is
unable to reason by itself, unlike the conscious mind, this allows it to accept the positive
messages as reality. Many...

Training the Subconscious Mind with Autosuggestion

Greg Frost
Autosuggestion is a technique of mind training generated from each individual, which
allows the subconscious mind to accept positive thoughts and goals, and from there
engage its dormant power in achieving those goals. Sounds hard? With the following
techniques, you will be well on your way to training...

Memory Improvement in a Nutshell

Greg Frost
Your mind is an amazing resource, and the first step towards utilizing this is to believe in
the power of your mind. By doing so, you will be able to improve your memory, which is
based on the power of your mind in processing and deducing. Why are some people able
to have better memories than others?...
Help to Self 5

How to Relieve Stress for Free

Greg Frost
When talking about stress, stress management experts will always emphasize that the
focus should be on making stress work for you, rather than eliminating stress. Without a
doubt, it is impossible to live a stress free life in our times, when the needs of money and
material wants and needs drives...

Define Procrastination and its Causes

Greg Frost
Procrastination, defined simply, is when an individual delays completing their tasks
intentionally. Overtime, this turns into a habit as it is always easier to take the path with
on resistance. It is very easy to fall into the trap of procrastinating, and the root causes of
people doing so varies...

Stop Procrastination and Take Action

Greg Frost
Procrastination is a bad habit that can turn into a rapidly downward spiralling journey. It
starts of innocently as an avoidance of tasks and responsibilities that need to be fulfilled,
but if allowed to develop can turn into a nasty habit. There are many negative and
harmful effects of procrastination,...

How Procrastination Harms Your Life

Greg Frost
It has often been said the procrastination is the grave of opportunity. Indeed, procrastinate
today and you lose countless opportunities that could have blossomed had you not
procrastinated. Procrastination is a bad habit, with many negative effects on your job,
relationships and mental health. How...

The Deadly Effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Greg Frost
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) refers to the delayed reaction, sometimes for longer
than 6 months, to a highly stressful or life threatening event. Often the causes for PTSD
are myriad and distasteful, and more than 40 million women in America suffer from it.
Although childhood abuse and sexual...

Various Quotes on Confidence

Greg Frost
It may be difficult for you to keep focusing on the positive and the accomplishments in
your life, especially when you are going through a particularly challenging obstacle. Here
are 8 of my personal favorite quotes on self confidence, and the importance of it to our
lives. Keep this quotes close...

How to Recession Proof Your Job: Ten Job Secrets for Career Success!
Ed Sykes
Economic times constantly change and organizations adapt to these changes. For you to
find career success, you must be pro-active about your job. What are the career secrets of
Help to Self 6

those who soar to the top in their careers no matter what the economic environment is in
the world? The following...

The Law of Action - Helps You Manifest What You Desire!

Adam Price
The law of action states that knowledge alone isn't power, knowledge put to good use is
the ultimate power. Because when you look at it, both knowledge and action when
separated and acted upon without the other is fruitless. It was Ralph Waldo Emerson that
said "Nothing great was ever achieved...

Daily Affirmation For Your Personal Growth

Timothy Vigil
What a life I have! It is so ___________________", now you fill in the blank. How do
you view your life right now? Are you where you thought that you would be? Are you
where you want to be? Life is funny. When we were children, our lives and thoughts were
filled with the hopes, the...

Empower Yourself Through Any Setback

Tamara Vaughn
Everyone faces challenges in business and in life. And even positive experiences such as
getting a promotion or finding Mr. or Ms. Right can present you with challenges. For
example, a new position brings new responsibilities and sometimes new headaches, and a
new love interest poses the challenge...

Using Neuro Linguistic Programming In Your Hypnosis Practice

Shawn Carson
I am a little unusual, though by no means unique, in coming to hypnosis through NLP. I
remember one occasion early on during my NGH training: I asked a question using my
“NLP vocabulary”, which is sometimes very different from “hypnosis vocabulary”. My
instructor, Melissa Tiers, is herself an NLP...

The Pursuit of Happiness Is Not Just Your Right, It’s Your Responsibility!
Ricky Powell
You may think the pursuit of happiness, as our forefathers mentioned in the Declaration
of Independence, is that of a selfish search. However, quite to the contrary, it is one of the
most selfless quests an individual can undertake. Although you may not realize it, being
happy or at the very...

Succeed By Trying To Fly Like Rambo

John Watson
Many people never find out what they can achieve until life has passed them by and with
it the chance to discover what they are capable of. In Rambo III, the hero hijacks a Soviet
attack helicopter in Afghanistan during the Afghan-Soviet war. His friend, the Colonel,
asks: "Can you fly that thing?"...
Help to Self 7

Choose To Be At Cause In Your Game

John Kenworthy
Have you ever thought about how you influence yourself? Are you like a thermometer,
reacting to changes in the environment, or are you a thermostat, ready and willing to
change yourself according to changes in the environment? In golf, there are only two
things that affect your game. Yes,...

Over 40? The 10 steps to FINALLY doing the work that’s JUST right for you
Craig Nathason
P is for Perfect: Purpose What is life about? How will you make a difference in the
world? Your purpose drives your behavior and can provide you with daily energy and
happiness. What is the purpose of your life? Think deeply about where you most want to
make a contribution in the world. Doe...

Make Your Wishes Come True - Practical application of the Law of Attraction - Be
'Awareful' of What You Wish For!
William Mark Lae
Robbie stubbed his toe on the object. “Dammit!” He examined his bare foot. No blood.
“Got to trim those nails,” he thought as he dug the offending object from the sand. It was
a magic lamp. >>FAST FORWARD>> You already know this tale. Once Robbie uttered
his wish, the diabolical Genie...

New Year’s Resolutions Anyone? 7 Steps to Make Them Happen

Sue Brenner, PCC, PMP
There's still time to get your resolutions rolling... The first of the year gave you a blank
piece of paper on which to write the next year of your life. New Year’s resolutions
anyone? The holidays may have widened your hips or piled on the credit card debt. That's
why people say things...

The Kabbalah of Adolescence

Shifra Hendrie
The Kabbalah of Adolescence Adolescence – The Darkness Before the Dawn Do you
remember what it was like to be an adolescent? The anger, the confusion, the rebellion?
The intense need to express yourself, even in ways that were upsetting to the people
around you? Or maybe you...

Breaking Out of Jail

Shifra Hendrie
Breaking Out of Jail: The Kabbalah of Transformation The true value of a human being is
determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation
from the self. --Albert Einstein Who are you? Are you a mother, father, child, friend,
spiritual seeker,...

Self Hypnosis for Musicians

Sam Brown
Perhaps you are interested in using hypnosis to help you achieve the goals you have set
Help to Self 8

for yourself, or perhaps you are just curious and interested to learn more. If you are
thinking of trying some of the many hypnosis products that are out there but find yourself
being sceptical, or even nervous,...

Opening The Channel To Universal Power

Rick Gettle
Excerpt From “The Science Of Success Achievement Course” © 2008 Rick Gettle/The
Master Mind Alliance Whatever The Mind Can Conceive And Believe --- It Can
Achieve…. Napoleon Hill “Whatsoever A Man Soweth, That Shall He Also Reap.” If A
Man Is Intelligent, He Will Naturally...

Psycho-Spiritual Development
Lee Bladon
We come into this world with nothing and we leave it with nothing, so it is pointless
trying to acquire lots of material possessions while we are here – because there is no net
gain. Our material balance sheet is always zero at the start of our life and it is always zero
at the end of our life, and...

Become the Miracle You Are Seeking

Kiernan Antares
In numerological terms 2007 was a nine year?a year of completion. It may have begun
with a gentle push to heal and clear away the old but as the months progressed the
intensity of the energy has increased many times over. From September through to the
end of December many of us were pushed to our...

Effective Listening in Business to Motivate and Inspire Others ~ Ten Top Tips
John Bell
The main cause of failing business and the breakdown of relationships tends to be poor
communication. In this article John Bell reveals the main mistakes many people make
and provide permanent remedies, with some top tips you can start using immediately to
motivate and inspire others. John has conducted...

Business Speaker Shares How to Motivate and Inspire Audiences at a Conference

(Article Two)
John Bell
Preparing the talk Having established exactly what is required, you can then begin the
task of preparing your presentation. The best method is to find a large table or desk and
clear it of any clutter. Clutter causes calamities! Take a pad of ‘Post-it’ notes (small sheets
of note paper...

Business Speaker Shares How to Motivate and Inspire Audiences at a Conference

(Article Two)
John Bell
Preparing the talk Having established exactly what is required, you can then begin the
task of preparing your presentation. The best method is to find a large table or desk and
Help to Self 9

clear it of any clutter. Clutter causes calamities! Take a pad of ‘Post-it’ notes (small sheets
of note paper...

Who Am I?
Gerard O'Donovan
(The question that is the gateway to spiritual enlightenment) Having been a coach for
many years, in addition to having been involved in the training of at least 1400 coaches
worldwide, I have come to the conclusion that one of the greatest skills that we, as
coaches, possess and need to perfect...

How To Quit Smoking

Garrett Davis
First off, consult a medical professional if you smoke or if you have any other addictions
that may have deleterious effects. If you smoke and have been thinking about quitting, or
have tried quitting, then this article is for you. If you don’t smoke, but have some other
addiction, then I...

Pendulum Divination - Anyone Can Do It

Carolyn Donnelly
Divination is a simple way to tap into the deep reservoir of wisdom that each of us holds
in our higher conscience. The pendulum is not a magical implement. It is only a tool. The
magic comes from our ability to access a vast pool of knowledge that we already have at
our disposal. Everyone has the...

Experiences from ‘The Flow’ (10): Farangs and Asians – Polarized Views
Carl "JC" Pantejo
“Prosperity: The eternal flow of all that’s good in life…” *Below is the tenth episode in a
series of real life events experienced by the author. The only deviations from the truth
may be the names of people and places. These stories are also incorporated in “My Friend
Yu – the Prosperity...

Experiences from ‘The Flow’ (13) - Farang: Compatibility Issues II

Carl "JC" Pantejo
“Prosperity: The eternal flow of all that’s good in life…” *Below is the thirteenth episode
in a series of real life events experienced by the author. The only deviations from the truth
may be the names of people and places. These stories are also incorporated in “My Friend
Yu – the Prosperity...

Experiences from ‘The Flow’(14) - Farang: Tipping the Scales. Good or Bad?
Carl "JC" Pantejo
“Prosperity: The eternal flow of all that’s good in life…” *Below is the fourteenth
episode in a series of real life events experienced by the author. The only deviations from
the truth may be the names of people and places. These stories are also incorporated in
“My Friend Yu – the Prosperity...
Help to Self 10

Experiences from ‘The Flow’(16) - Farang: Make Your Scale Sway or Walk Away
Carl "JC" Pantejo
“Prosperity: The eternal flow of all that’s good in life…” *Below is the sixteenth episode
in a series of real life events experienced by the author. The only deviations from the truth
may be the names of people and places. These stories are also incorporated in “My Friend
Yu – the Prosperity...

Experiences from ‘The Flow’(15) - Farang: Interpretation of Your Results

Carl "JC" Pantejo
“Prosperity: The eternal flow of all that’s good in life…” *Below is the fifteenth episode
in a series of real life events experienced by the author. The only deviations from the truth
may be the names of people and places. These stories are also incorporated in “My Friend
Yu – the Prosperity...

Alternative Notions of Life, a Different Path (8): Heartbreak and the “Thank You
Carl “J.C.” Pantejo
By Carl “J.C.” Pantejo, Copyright August 2008

“Prosperity: The eternal flow of all that’s good in life…”

(*This article is based on the ideas presented in the book “My Friend Yu – The Prosperity
Mentor,” Copyright August 2007 and further expanded upon in “My Friend Yu – The
Prosperity Mentor, Book...

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