Mood and Memory Clinic

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What is the Clinic?

This program is designed to offer a comprehensive assessment of clients' mood and affect that might be associated with various episodes of affective disorders, as well as the underlying cognitive causes of affective disorders. The program also assesses various types of memory impairment caused by dementia, as well as non-dementia related disorders. The clinic provides comprehensive evaluation of the complex problems of individuals with memory disorders along with recommendations for treatment. A neuropsychologist with specialized training and an interest in quality health care staffs the clinic. Specialists from other disciplines, such as Psychiatry and General Internal Medicine, are consulted as needed.

Evaluation and Follow-Up Care

The Evaluation Evaluation begins with a detailed history of the patient's current problems with memory, mood and affect, thinking, past medical history, and family health history. The presence of an informed relative or friend is essential for a thorough evaluation of the problem since the individual may forget important details. A series of mood and memory questionnaires will be administered in order to complete a differential diagnosis protocol, along with observations of the individual's mood and behavior. Laboratory testing may be ordered to check for metabolic, hormonal, and electrolyte imbalances, as well as infectious causes of cognitive changes. A computerized brain scan (CAT scan or MRI) may be ordered to study the structure of the brain and determine if changes such as stroke or tumor have occurred that may be responsible for the memory disorder. In some cases, a neuropsychological evaluation is ordered. This will help fully assess the individual's problems with memory or thinking. It is also helpful in evaluating the individual's mood. Depression, especially in older adults and people who have suffered from strokes, may produce symptoms similar to those seen in individuals with a dementia. A complete physical examination with an internist is recommended. If the patient does not have a primary care physician, the Clinic can assist the patient in finding one. After the evaluation is completed, the clinician will meet with the patient, family, and caregivers to discuss the results of all of the testing. The diagnosis will be discussed at this time. When the cause of the memory loss is reversible, early identification and treatment may greatly improve the individual's mental status. If the condition is irreversible, the evaluation will determine the extent of the disease process and assist the family in maximizing the patient's function. Treatment may be available to slow the progression of the illness. Educational materials and counseling regarding the disease process, treatment, and appropriate community resources will be provided. Follow-up Care The patient will generally be followed in the Mood and Memory Clinic at six to twelve month intervals. This allows staff to establish and maintain close working relationships with both the individual and family. Additionally, in some instances a Mood and Memory staff is assigned to perform telephone follow-ups regarding the coordination of our recommendations. Referrals are accepted from physicians, community agents, family members, or the patient themselves. Location and Hours of Operation Hours: The Mood and Memory Clinic operates Mondays and Wednesdays of each week. Location: Sibley Hall, Room 227 on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus

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