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DRG Manual

Version 1.0 Version 1.1 Version 1.2 January 2001 April 2001 January 2002

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DRG Manual

Diagnosis Related Group DRG DRG Work Station DRG Work Station: Overview DRG Work Station: DRG Data DRG Work Station: Diagnoses DRG Work Station: Procedures Data Exchange with a DRG Coding and Grouping System Export DRG Data Import DRG Data Set-Up of Grouper Connection Synchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System Asynchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System Delete and Archive Data Connect a DRG Coding and Grouping System Example for Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System Copy DRG Catalog into In-House Service Catalog Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Grouper 4 5 5 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 15 16 18 20 21 25 26 28

DRG Manual

Diagnosis Related Group

Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) are the basis for classifying medical cases. A DRG groups cases that are similar in a medical sense, and that roughly have the same resource consumption. The correct and complete entry of medical documentation - in particular diagnoses and procedures - has a particularly important role to play in a DRG system.

The entry of diagnoses and procedures that serve as the basis for determining DRGs is part of the following transactions of the component Medical/Nursing Documentation in the IS-H System: Diagnosis Processing Procedure Processing

The connection of the majority of external DRG coding and grouping systems to the IS-H System is part of the component Communication in the IS-H System. The DRG work station (transaction codes NPDRG1 and NPDRG2) forms the interface that connects the two components.

When you enter DRG-relevant data, the IS-H System ensures the validity, completeness and integration of this data. The following functions are available to you for this purpose in the IS-H System: DRG work station (transaction codes NPDRG1 and NPDRG2) The DRG work station comprises two functions: Assignment and maintenance of DRG-relevant data Data exchange with DRG coding and grouping systems Report IS-H: Key Figures for Diagnosis and Procedure Documentation (RNLDIA02) Status management for medical basic documentation The transactions for maintaining diagnoses and procedures let you set the following case statuses: In process To be checked Complete Medical Controlling work station The Clinical Work Station provides you with the view type Medical Controlling, via which you can create case list based on default selections. Connection to a DRG coding and grouping system SAP provides a generic interface to accommodate interaction with a DRG coding and grouping system. The IS-H System presents the DRG-relevant data at the outbound interface using data extractors, and accepts the DRGs, the MDC-relevant and DRG-relevant diagnosis and procedure codes from external systems at the inbound interface. SAP provides sample connections for a number of manufacturers. Report IS-H: Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Coding Systems Report for a case selection for interaction with a DRG coding and grouping system. Report IS-H: Copy DRG Catalog into In-House Service Catalog 4

DRG Manual The IS-H System contains the administrative diagnosis and procedure data for determining DRGs. This data includes: DRG primary and DRG secondary diagnosis (primary and secondary diagnosis) DRG primary and DRG secondary procedure (primary and secondary procedure) DRG-relevant patient and case data The system passes this data to an external DRG coding and grouping system that uses this data to compute a DRG which it then passes back to the IS-H System. The DRG data is stored in the IS-H System.

Basis for classifying medical cases. A diagnosis related group (DRG) groups cases that are similar in a medical sense, and that roughly have the same resource consumption.

A DRG is a flat rate covering the integral treatment of a case, described using diagnoses and procedures. At present, precisely one DRG is assigned to each medical case. You can depict possible complications using secondary diagnoses. The secondary diagnoses determine the value for the severity of illness that contributes to calculating the flat rate. A basic DRG is defined by a precisely determined diagnosis (group) together with, in certain cases, precisely determined procedures. The billable DRGs reflect the variable resource consumption. Examples for criteria defined using the secondary diagnoses - are the severity of illness, the length of stay or the discharge type. The DRGs are divided into Major Diagnostic Categories (MDC). Usually, the assignment to an MDC is made using the primary diagnosis.

26 MDCs containing 641 DRGs are defined in version 12 of All Patient DRGs (AP-DRGs). These include, for example: MDC 01: Diseases and disorders of the nervous system MDC 02: Diseases and disorders of the eye MDC 03: Diseases and disorders of the ear, nose, mouth and throat MDC 04: Diseases and disorders of the respiratory system

The basic rate of a DRG determines the standard case costs for treating the illness described by the DRG. The basic rate has a cost weight (CW) of 1.0. Each complication or supplementary diagnosis that is documented during the treatment modifies the CW with which the basic rate is subsequently multiplied to determine the reimbursement for the treatment.

DRG Work Station

The DRG work station (transaction codes NPDRG1 and NPDRG2) provides you with all of the functions you need to Assign and maintain the DRG-relevant data Start data exchange with the DRG coding and grouping system Save the data returned by the DRG coding and grouping system in the IS-H System 5

DRG Manual

In Customizing for IS-H you make all the settings required to connect a DRG coding and grouping system to the IS-H System. You can then call this DRG coding and grouping system directly from the DRG work station. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange.

To be able to use the DRG work station, you have to make the following settings in Customizing for IS-H: Define a DRG diagnosis catalog in the IMG activity Set Parameters for Diagnosis Documentation. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Medical/Nursing Documentation Set Parameters for Diagnosis Documentation. Maintain the master data and agreements for the DRG coding and grouping system in the IMG activity Define DRG Grouper. Even if you've still to connect a DRG coding and grouping system, you have to specify a default entry in Customizing to call the DRG work station. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper. Define possible values for the attribute Severity of Illness in the IMG activity Define Severity of Illness for DRG. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Medical/Nursing Documentation DRG Documentation Define Severity of Illness for DRG. Define the validity period for the DRG and MDC catalogs in the IMG activity Set Parameters for DRG Documentation. In the DRG Group. Ctrl field, stipulate which DRG coding and grouping system is to be active during this period. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Medical/Nursing Documentation DRG Documentation Set Parameters for DRG Documentation. Only relevant for the country version Singapore: Define a value for the attribute Risk of Mortality in the IMG activity Define Risk of Mortality for DRG. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Medical/Nursing Documentation DRG Documentation Define Risk of Mortality for DRG.

To be able to call the DRG work station, you need the authorizations of the authorization object N_NDIA_ORG.

The DRG work station is composed of 4 tab pages. These tab pages let you decide whether you wish to see a full screen for an object, for example, the diagnosis, or whether you wish to have all the information at a glance on an overview screen. The function bar contains the relevant functions for the data displayed on each tab page. The case header displayed above the tab pages contains the general information on the selected case. You cannot change this data in the DRG work station.

DRG Manual
Overview of the Tab Pages

All data pertaining to DRG, MDC, diagnoses and procedures is assembled on the Overview tab page. For more information, see DRG Work Station: Overview. The DRG Data tab page contains data on the DRG that is assigned to this case. This information comes from the DRG coding and grouping system. For more information, see DRG Work Station: DRG Data. The Diagnoses tab page contains the DRG-relevant diagnoses for the specified case. For more information, see DRG Work Station: Diagnoses. The Procedures tab page contains the DRG-relevant procedures for the specified case. For more information, see DRG Work Station: Procedures.

1. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Hospital Patient Management Medical/Nursing Documentation Maintain (transaction code NPDRG2) or Display (transaction code NPDRG1). The Display or Maintain DRG Data screen appears. 2. Specify the patient number or the case number, or determine the required patient using the patient index search, and choose him or her from the patient list. The patient's case list appears. 3. Select the case line or a movement line, and then choose Choose. The DRG work station appears.

DRG Work Station: Overview

All of the DRG-relevant data and functions for the selected case are located on the Overview tab page in the DRG work place.


Maintain DRG Data

Group Code Procedures Code Diagnoses Hierarchic Catalog OU Hit List Diagnosis Coding Catalog Keyword Catalog Copy Line

Header Data
Overview DRG Data Diagnoses Procedures

DRG Code Sev. of Illn. Weight Diagnoses


MDC Code Cost Weight Art.Resp.Durat. Procedures Hours ROM

Table Control with Diagnosis Data

Table Control with Procedure Data


of 1


of 1

DRG Manual The function bar makes the following functions available to you: Group function is If you have set up synchronous data transfer in Customizing for IS-H, the available to you. The IS-H System calls the DRG coding and grouping system, and transfers the data that is relevant for determining the DRG. The DRG coding and grouping system returns the result of the grouping immediately to the IS-H System. If you have set up asynchronous data transfer in Customizing for IS-H, the Import DRG Data functions are available to you. Export DRG Data and

Export DRG Data function, the IS-H System transfers the data that Whenever you execute the is relevant for determining the DRG to the DRG coding and grouping system. Prior to exporting, the system prompts you to save your entries should you have made changes.

Whenever you execute the Import DRG Data function, the IS-H System imports the data generated by the DRG coding and grouping system. Prior to importing, the system warns you that it will overwrite the existing data (DRG, diagnoses and procedures) in the IS-H System. Code Procedures: If you have connected an external procedure coding program to the IS-H System, you can call it by choosing Code Procedures. Code Diagnoses: If you have connected an external diagnosis coding program to the IS-H System, you can call it by choosing Code Diagnoses. Hierarchic Catalog: This pushbutton lets you search for a diagnosis in the hierarchic diagnosis coding catalog. OU Hit List: This pushbutton calls the diagnosis hit list defined for your organizational unit. Diagnosis Coding Catalog: This pushbutton lets you search for a diagnosis in the diagnosis coding catalog. Keyword Catalog: This pushbutton calls the keyword catalog. Copy Line

The following functions are available to you on the Overview tab page: DRG Code: Contains the DRG code for the selected case. This code should feature in the DRG catalog you defined. When you enter a DRG code or a DRG code is returned by the DRG coding and grouping system, and you save your input, the descriptive text for this code is displayed to the right of the DRG Code field. MDC Code: This field contains the MDC code for the selected case. Sev. of Illn.: In this field, you can select a value for the severity of illness by choosing , or you can apply the value transmitted by the DRG coding and grouping system. You must have defined the possible values in Customizing for IS-H beforehand. Weight: Specify the weight of the patient at admission in this field. Costweight: In this field, specify the cost weight of the DRG, or apply the value transmitted by the DRG coding and grouping system. Artificial Respiration Duration: In this field, specify the length of time artificial respiration was required during the treatment. Risk of Mortality (ROM): In this field, select a value for the risk of mortality by choosing . This attribute must be specified by the physician. Diagnoses and Procedures: In these tables, you can maintain the DRG-relevant data for diagnoses and procedures. For more information, see DRG Work Station: Diagnoses and DRG Work Station: Procedures.

DRG Manual

DRG Work Station: DRG Data

The DRG Data tab page in the DRG work station contains the DRG-related data without the diagnoses and procedures.


Maintain DRG Data

Group Copy Line


DRG Data



Diagnosis Related Groups DRG Code MDC Code Sev. of Illn. DRG Comment Coding Info. DRG Catalog MDC Catalog Cost Weight ROM Coded on Regrouping

Case Data Weight Art.Resp.Durat. Hours

The function bar makes the following functions available to you: If you have set up synchronous data transfer in Customizing for IS-H, the Group function is available to you. The IS-H System calls the DRG coding and grouping system, and transfers the data that is relevant for determining the DRG. The DRG coding and grouping system returns the result of the grouping immediately to the IS-H System. If you have set up asynchronous data transfer in Customizing for IS-H, the Import DRG Data functions are available to you. Export DRG Data and

Export DRG Data function, the IS-H System transfers the data that Whenever you execute the is relevant for determining the DRG to the DRG coding and grouping system. Prior to exporting, the system prompts you to save your entries should you have made changes. Whenever you execute the Import DRG Data function, the IS-H System imports the data generated by the DRG coding and grouping system. Prior to importing, the system warns you that it will overwrite the existing data (DRG, diagnoses and procedures) in the IS-H System.

Under Diagnosis Related Groups on the DRG Data tab page, you find the results of the grouping that the DRG coding and grouping system has generated and transferred to the IS-H System: DRG Code: Contains the DRG code for the selected case. This code should feature in the DRG catalog you defined. When you enter a DRG code or a DRG code is returned by the DRG coding and grouping system, the descriptive text for this code is displayed to the right of the DRG Code field. MDC Code: This field contains the MDC code for the selected case. DRG Catalog: In this field, specify the catalog to which the DRG belongs. This should be the catalog you entered in Customizing for IS-H under Define Parameters for Diagnosis Documentation.

DRG Manual MDC Catalog: Specify the MDC catalog. This should be the catalog you entered in Customizing for IS-H under Define Parameters for Diagnosis Documentation. Severity of Illness: You enter a value for the severity of illness in this field by choosing . You must have defined the possible values in Customizing for IS-H beforehand. Cost Weight: Specify the cost weight of the DRG in this field. Coding Info.: This field contains user-specific information pertaining to the coding process. By default, the system displays the identification of the external DRG coding and grouping system that performed the coding. Coded on: This field contains the date at which the DRG was determined. The DRG coding and grouping system transmits this date during the data import. You can change the date manually. Regrouping: This indicator designates that DRG regrouping is advised since this DRG could have changed. It is planned that the IS-H System will always automatically set this indicator when changes have been made to the diagnoses and procedures taken into account by the connected DRG coding and grouping system. Such changes can cause a different value to be returned when the DRG is determined. Risk of Mortality (ROM): This field is relevant for the country version Singapore only. In this field, you select a value for the risk of mortality by choosing . You can clear the DRG fields by choosing .

In the Case Data group box, enter the case data relevant for determining the DRG that the IS-H System transmits to the DRG coding and grouping system upon grouping or exporting data. Weight: Specify the weight of the patient at admission in this field. Artificial Respiration Duration: In this field, specify the length of time artificial respiration was
required during the treatment.

DRG Work Station: Diagnoses

You maintain the DRG-relevant diagnoses on the Diagnoses tab page in the DRG work station.


Maintain DRG Data

Code Diagnoses Hierarchic Catalog OU Hit List Diagnosis Coding Catalog Keyword Catalog Copy Line

DRG Diagnosis Diagnosis Ctgry 1 Category Complication and ICD-10 DRG-Relevant Comorbidity Level
Overview DRG Data Diagnoses Diagnosen

Referral Diagnosis

Treatment Diagnosis

Discharge Cause of Department Diagnosis Death Main Diagnosis Admission Surgery Diagnosis Hospital Diagnosis Main Diagnosis

Diagnosis 1 D. D 384.2

D.. C.. Diagnosis Text Tympanotomy

Org. Unit Surgery 11

R.. T A D S C D H User-Def.Dgn.Text


of 1


DRG Manual The table columns correspond to the fields you are familiar with from the transactions for maintaining diagnoses and procedures. In addition, you'll find the following DRG-specific columns: DRG Diagnosis Category: Specifies the category of the diagnosis in relation to the DRG. You can choose from the following attributes: Primary diagnosis Secondary diagnosis No DRG diagnosis When you specify a category for a diagnosis, the system takes this diagnosis into account for the data exchange with the DRG coding and grouping system. By default, the system assigns the category Secondary diagnosis to all diagnoses. DRG relevant: This indicator is set by the external DRG coding and grouping system. It shows that the system used the diagnosis in question to determine the DRGs. This indicator is set only if the DRG coding and grouping system you use returns this information. Complication Level: This indicator identifies a secondary diagnoses as an accompanying illness and applies only to secondary diagnoses. The external DRG coding and grouping systems can set this indicator if a secondary diagnosis was relevant for calculating the severity of illness.

DRG Work Station: Procedures

You maintain the DRG-relevant procedures on the Procedures tab page in the DRG work station


Maintain DRG Data

Code Procedures Copy Line

Main Code

Entry Sequence of DRG-Relevant Procedure DRG Category

DRG Data Diagnoses Diagnosen

Procedures Dept.OU Perf. OU Start Start Time


SP Code 1-275.X

MC PNo DPC Rel Srg TypComment






of 1

The table columns correspond to the fields you are familiar with from the transactions for maintaining diagnoses and procedures. In addition, you'll find the following DRG-specific columns: PNo.: This field is relevant for the country version Singapore only. The value in this field is an internal number for the procedure that is used for data exchange with the DRG coding and grouping system (for example, primary or secondary procedures).


DRG Manual DPC: Specifies the category of the procedure in relation to the DRG. You can choose from the following attributes: Primary procedure Secondary procedure No DRG procedure Rel.: This indicator shows that the procedure is relevant for determining the DRG. Usually, this indicator is set by an external DRG coding and grouping system. It shows that this procedure was used to determine the DRG. This indicator is set only if the DRG coding and grouping system you use returns this information.

Data Exchange with a DRG Coding and Grouping System

SAP provides a generic interface to accommodate interaction with a DRG coding and grouping system. The IS-H System presents the DRG-relevant data at the outbound interface using data extractors, and accepts the DRGs, the MDC-relevant and DRG-relevant diagnosis and procedure codes from external systems at the inbound interface. Alternatively, you can create a program that accommodates the exchange of data using a concrete interface.

In Customizing for IS-H, maintain the master data and agreements (institution-specific and user-specific) for the DRG coding and grouping system. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper and Define DRG Grouper Assignment.


Two types of connection exist: Direct, synchronous connections the IS-H System can access via methods that can be called directly (via an OLE server, for example). For information about the synchronous connection, see Synchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System. Indirect, asynchronous connections requiring interface files. The export and import files must be two separate files that the IS-H System stores in different directories.

Depending on your DRG coding and grouping system and your in-house organization, the file the DRG coding and grouping system sends to the IS-H System can contain DRG data for more than one case. You cannot upload this file into the IS-H System directly. You first have to execute the program Split DRG File into Separate Case-Related File (RNUDRG0B). This program splits the file into several single-case files that you can then upload into the IS-H System. For information about the asynchronous connection, see Asynchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System.


DRG Manual
Data Exchange

For data exchange with the DRG coding and grouping system, the IS-H System uses all diagnoses and procedures defined as primary and secondary diagnoses and primary and secondary procedures. These diagnosis and procedure codes, together with patient-related and case-related data, such as the patient's name, birthdate, admission data and discharge type, are passed to the DRG coding and grouping system. This system computes the DRG, and, if required, further information, which it passes back to the IS-H System.

Case/Patient Data from the IS-H System

Diagnoses Procedures DRG



DRG-Relevant Data

DRG-Relevant Data

DRG Coding and Grouping System

Compute DRG


The DRG coding and grouping system only passes the DRG data to the IS-H System. The IS-H System does not accept changes relating to diagnoses or procedures.
Country Version Singapore

The DRG coding and grouping system cannot change case-related data, such as the patient's name, age, or discharge type. It can, however, change the classification of diagnoses and procedures as primary and secondary diagnoses/procedures so as to compute a DRG. The DRG coding and grouping system then passes the determined codes back to the IS-H System. This data overwrites the DRG-relevant codes that existed previously in the IS-H System. Thus the DRG coding and grouping system directly uploads changes in terms of primary and secondary diagnoses and procedures into the IS-H System.

You can start the data exchange directly from the DRG work station in the IS-H System. For more information, see DRG Work Station. SAP provides an interface to accommodate interaction with different DRG coding and grouping systems. For customers in Germany using DRG coding and grouping systems commercialized by SGB, ID and 3M, SAP provides sample code in the form of function modules. For more information about this, see Set-Up of Grouper Connection. For customers using 3M Innovation's DRG coding and grouping system, SAP provides a one-off (tag-oriented) interface for the country version Singapore. This one-off delivery, however, does


DRG Manual not include support for 3M products or subsequent adaptations or modifications, should the 3M product change. SAP provides the formatting modules for the 3M Codefinder tag-oriented format. Refer to the function modules ISH_DRGCDF_FORMAT_3MTAG_OUT and ISH_DRGCDF_FORMAT_3MTAG_IN. Create the directories in which the IS-H System is to place the files for the data exchange with the DRG coding and grouping system should the DRG coding and grouping system you use require this. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper File Conventions.

Export DRG Data

You can use two different methods to export data from the IS-H System to a DRG coding and grouping system. Directly for one case using the DRG work station (NPDRG2). In mass processing mode using the program IS-H: Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Coding System (RNUDRG0A) for any number of cases, selected according to admission or discharge date, case number, or patient's name. The system extracts patient-related and case-related information such as the patient's name, case number, age, sex, admission date and discharge type, as well as special DRG-relevant diagnoses and procedures, if they have already been entered in the IS-H System, and passes this information to the DRG coding and grouping system.

Asynchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System

Whenever you execute the Export DRG Data function in the DRG work station, the IS-H System passes the data that is relevant for determining the DRG to the DRG coding and grouping system. This includes the relevant patient and case information and the various primary and secondary diagnoses and procedures. Prior to exporting, the system prompts you to save your entries should you have made changes. Delete Exported DRG-Relevant Data This function is only relevant in relation to the connected DRG coding and grouping system. It concerns, in particular, all systems that are connected via a file interface and that require the data export and import function. When you have exported DRG-relevant data once, you can only export again after you have imported the generated data. In case of errors during DRG data import, or if you wish to reexport changed data, you first have to delete the exported data, correct the data in the DRG work station (transaction code NPDRG2), and export again. To delete the exported data in the DRG work station, choose DRG Data Delete Exported Data. During the deletion process, the IS-H System deletes the exported files, and recreates them with new content. For more information about this, see Asynchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System.
Synchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System

Depending on the connected DRG coding and grouping system, the export and import of data can be carried out in a single step. How you can control this is described in the Customizing activity for 14

DRG Manual connecting a DRG coding and grouping system. In such cases, the IS-H System exports and imports the data simultaneously whenever you choose Group. For more information about this, see Synchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System.

Import DRG Data

You can use two different methods to import DRG data from the DRG coding and grouping system: For one case using the DRG work station (NPDRG2). In mass processing mode using the program Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Grouper (RNUDRG0A) for any number of cases, selected according to admission or discharge date, case number, or patient's name. The IS-H System imports the DRG code, the MDC code, coding-specific information, such as the coding date and the coding user (if provided by the DRG coding and grouping system) and a set of diagnosis and procedure codes. Upon data import, the IS-H System deletes all previous information pertaining to DRG, MDC, DRGrelevant diagnoses and procedures, before storing the set of new values. In this way, the IS-H System stores only the most recent DRG code.

Asynchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System

Whenever you execute the Import DRG Data function, the IS-H System imports the data generated by the DRG coding and grouping system. Prior to importing, the system warns you that it will overwrite the existing data (DRG, diagnoses and procedures) in the IS-H System. When you confirm the warning, the IS-H System clears all fields containing DRG-relevant data, and inserts the data it received from the DRG coding and grouping system. For more information about this, see Asynchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System.
Synchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System

Depending on the connected DRG coding and grouping system, the export and import of data can be carried out in a single step. How you can control this is described in the Customizing activity for connecting a DRG coding and grouping system. In such cases, the IS-H System exports and imports the data simultaneously whenever you choose Group. For more information about this, see Synchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System.

Set-Up of Grouper Connection

For data to be exchanged between the IS-H System and the DRG coding and grouping system you have to enter master data and agreements for the DRG coding and grouping system in Customizing for IS-H. The IS-H System supports the broadcast of data to one or more DRG coding and grouping systems. You can define the same DRG coding and grouping system for all users. However, Customizing for IS-H also lets you stipulate that only specific users may extract data from particular DRG coding and grouping systems.


DRG Manual

For the direct connection of a DRG coding and grouping system, SAP makes available sample coding for the DRG coding and grouping programs from the following manufacturers: SGB: function module ISH_OLE2_SGB_GROUPER_OUT ID: function module ISH_OLE2_ID_GROUPER_OUT 3M: function module ISH_OLE2_3M_GROUPER_OUT From a technical perspective, all three connections are OLE connections (OLE stands for "Object Linking and Embedding"), so-called direct (synchronous) connections. In contrast to this, you have to connect certain internationally used DRG coding and grouping systems indirectly, i.e. via a file interface.

If you wish to modify the SAP sample code for connecting a DRG coding and grouping system, SAP recommends that you copy the complete function group NGROUPEROLE2 into a customer-specific function group. Then make the desired changes to the code, and enter the new function module name in the IMG activity Define DRG Grouper.

Process Flow
1. Install the DRG coding and grouping system at the DRG work stations for your institution. Note that the OLE registration of the respective DRG coding and grouping system must exist on each work station required. 2. Define the DRG and MDC catalogs in Customizing for IS-H. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Medical/Nursing Documentation DRG Documentation Set Parameters for DRG Documentation. 3. In Customizing for IS-H, make the necessary settings for connecting the DRG coding and grouping system. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange. 4. Now test the connection to the DRG coding and grouping system by choosing work station (NPDRG2). Group in the DRG

Synchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System

The direct or synchronous connection of a DRG coding and grouping system involves OLE connections (OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding).

For the direct connection of a DRG coding and grouping system, SAP makes available sample coding for the DRG coding and grouping programs from the following manufacturers: SGB: function module ISH_OLE2_SGB_GROUPER_OUT ID: function module ISH_OLE2_ID_GROUPER_OUT 3M: function module ISH_OLE2_3M_GROUPER_OUT

From a technical perspective, all three connections are OLE connections (OLE stands for "Object Linking and Embedding"), so-called direct (synchronous) connections. In contrast to 16

DRG Manual this, you have to connect certain internationally used DRG coding and grouping systems indirectly, i.e. via a file interface.

Process Flow
1. Set DRG documentation parameters Specify the following parameters for each DRG coding and grouping system in relation to a given institution in the table Change View "IS-H: Set Parameters for DRG Documentation". Valid From and Valid To Specify the validity of the parameter record here.

DRG Catalog MDC Catalog DRG Group. Ctrl. You can use any name to identify the DRG grouper control. It serves as the unique reference to the DRG grouper assignment that you create in the IMG activity Define DRG Grouper Assignment. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Medical/Nursing Documentation DRG Documentation Set Parameters for DRG Documentation. 2. Create master data (IMG activity Define DRG Grouper) For each DRG coding and grouping system you use, enter the master data in the table Change View "IS-H: DRG Grouper". The assignment of DRG program, command line options and file names is not relevant for the synchronous connection of a DRG coding and grouping system. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper. 3. Maintain DRG system agreements (IMG activity Define DRG Grouper) Specify the DRG system profile for the respective DRG coding and grouping system in the table Change View "IS-H: DRG Grouper". Do not make any specification in the Trace/File field. This field is used for error analysis: You can create trace entries in a file on the presentation server, application server or in a database file that identifies an error situation. This enables you to see whether errored data is transmitted to the grouping system. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper. 4. Maintain user-specific agreements (IMG activity Define DRG Grouper Assignment) In the table Change View "IS-H: DRG Grouper Assignment" specify the DRG coding and grouping system to be used for each institution in relation to the following parameters: DRG Grouper Control Enter the control you specified in the IMG activity Set Parameters for DRG Documentation. User Assign a specific user to the DRG coding and grouping system, or specify * as the default entry. Callpoint


DRG Manual Specify a specific callpoint, or a default entry (*). You can specify the DRG Work Station (NPDRG2) or the report IS-H Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Coding System (RNUDRG0A) as the callpoint. DRG Grouper ID Specify the unique identification for the DRG coding and grouping system that you defined in the IMG activity Define DRG Grouper. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper Assignment.

You'll find examples for Customizing settings of a synchronous and asynchronous connection to a DRG coding and grouping system under Example for Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System.

Asynchronous Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System

In case of the asynchronous connection of a DRG coding and grouping system, the systems involved exchange data via a file interface. The IS-H System saves the information in an external file that can be processed by an external program when required. The IS-H System uploads the results file returned by the external program.

Create an entry in the IS-H System for each external DRG coding and grouping system you wish to use, so that the IS-H System can recognize the external system. You can add commands with which you can directly call the external system if the DRG coding and grouping system supports this mode.

Process Flow
1. Set DRG documentation parameters Specify the following parameters for each DRG coding and grouping system in relation to a given institution in the table Change View "IS-H: Set Parameters for DRG Documentation". Valid From and Valid To Specify the validity of the parameter record here.

DRG Catalog MDC Catalog DRG Group. Ctrl. You can use any name to identify the DRG grouper control. It serves as the unique reference to the DRG grouper assignment that you create in the IMG activity Define DRG Grouper Assignment. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Medical/Nursing Documentation DRG Documentation Set Parameters for DRG Documentation. 2. Create master data (IMG activity Define DRG Grouper) For each DRG coding and grouping system you use, enter the master data in the table Change View "IS-H: DRG Grouper". DRG Grouper-ID: Enter the identification key for the DRG coding and grouping system. Cmnd Grouper: For the DRG coding and grouping system to be called directly when data is exported from the IS-H System so that the DRG is determined immediately, you have to specify the path and the name of the executable file of your DRG coding and grouping system.


DRG Manual

Example for 3M's tag-oriented DRG coding and grouping system under Windows: c:\3mhis\Wincoder\Interfac\cfwinfil.exe Example for 3M's German DRG coding and grouping system (with fixed field length): c:\3mhis\Codexpert\ce.exe Option Grouper: If you specified an executable program in the step above, you can pass parameters to the external command also as a command line option.

Example for 3M's tag-oriented DRG coding and grouping system under Windows: Interface=&1 batchout=&2 Example for 3M's German DRG coding and grouping system (with fixed field length): i &1 o &2 The values &1 and &2 are defined placeholders. The system replaces them with the name of the actual import or export file. Log File: If you don't wish to start the DRG coding and grouping system each time DRG-relevant data is exported from the IS-H System, you can generate a file in which the IS-H System stores all external calls you started. This means that this file records all exported files for you. To start the DRG coding and grouping system at a later point in time, you can use this file in your own applications as well. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper. 3. Directories and logic for building file names Specify an abstract link and the logic you wish to use for the file names for the directory or directories in which you wish to save the DRG-relevant data. The file names should always contain at least a part of the case number to make it easier for you to assign them. First check if your DRG coding and grouping system places restrictions on the directory or file names that can be used: for example, certain systems can only process names whose length does not exceed 8 digits. It is only possible to create an abstract reference if you use only one DRG coding and grouping system and your users save their data all in the same directory. Otherwise you have to set up different links or directory identifications to which you then assign actions in the Customizing tables. You'll find information about the entries that have to be made in the table Change View: "IS-H: Define DRG Grouper File Conventions" in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper File Conventions. 4. Maintain DRG system agreements (IMG activity Define DRG Grouper) Specify the DRG system agreements for the respective DRG coding and grouping system in the table Change View "IS-H: DRG Grouper". Do not make any specification in the Trace/File field. This field is used for error analysis: You can create trace entries in a file on the presentation server, application server or in a database file that identifies an error situation. This enables you to see whether errored data is transmitted to the grouping system. 19

DRG Manual You'll find information about the various fields in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper. 5. Maintain user-specific agreements (IMG activity Define DRG Grouper Assignment) In the table Change View "IS-H: DRG Grouper Assignment" specify the DRG coding and grouping system to be used for each institution in relation to the following parameters: DRG Grouper Control Enter the control you specified in the IMG activity Set Parameters for DRG Documentation. User Assign a specific user to the DRG coding and grouping system, or specify * as the default entry. Callpoint Specify a specific callpoint, or a default entry (*). You can specify the DRG Work Station (NPDRG2) or the report Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Grouper as the callpoint (RNUDRG0A). DRG Grouper ID Specify the unique identification for the DRG coding and grouping system that you defined in the IMG activity Define DRG Grouper. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper Assignment. You'll find examples for Customizing settings of a synchronous and asynchronous connection to a DRG coding and grouping system under Example for Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System.

Delete and Archive Data

Upon export of the DRG data, the IS-H System creates a file in the DRG outbound directory.

A subsequent export cannot take place as long as a non-processed outbound or inbound file or the corresponding log information still exists. In case of errors during DRG data import, or if you wish to re-export changed data, proceed as follows: 1. Delete the exported data. 2. Correct the data in the DRG transaction. 3. Export again. You access the function for deleting the exported data by choosing DRG Data Delete Exported Data, or by selecting the No Export Checks option in the report Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Grouper (RNUDRG0A). During this deletion process, the report deletes the files that have already been exported along with their logs and the next export will recreate the DRG files with new content. After you have successfully imported the inbound DRG file, the IS-H System automatically moves it to the directory you specified in the IMG activity Define DRG Grouper File Conventions.

An archiving step is not necessary for outbound DRG files, since the IS-H System can regenerate these files at any time. 20

DRG Manual

Connect a DRG Coding and Grouping System

The IS-H System is open and flexible to accommodate data exchange with various DRG coding and grouping systems. The generic IS-H interface operates with IS-H parameters and tables, which the IS-H System translates upon export into external values, either in a customer-specific ABAP function module, or in an external executable file, connected to the IS-H System via an RFC connection.

The IS-H System is the leading system in terms of data integrity. This means that you can only change patient master data and the case-related data in the IS-H System, and not via an import from the DRG coding and grouping system. If you need to change this type of data as well, make use of the SAP BAPI constructs and build these into your system environment. The generic interface uses BAPI structures wherever existent, and IS-H table structures and parameters otherwise.

Considerations for determining whether the layout of the external system satisfies IS-H requirements: Does the system allow interactive DRG determination, or is determination an automated batch process? Is the data exchange file-based, or via direct parameter transfer? Does the system support multiple users? Do these users have an IS-H license? Are the diagnosis and procedure codes exported from the IS-H System to be used in the external DRG coding and grouping system? What type of catalog do you use for DRG codes and DRG-relevant diagnoses and procedures? Do you need to operate several DRG coding and grouping systems, or only one?

When importing the data, the IS-H System only saves the value imported last. If you determine DRG values from several DRG coding and grouping systems, you have to decide which is the relevant value.

The following parameters and tables are provided for exporting data:
Parameter Name Description Structure/Fields

Generic function provides these parameters for the export process SS_PATIENT_DATA Structure with patient master data such as name, sex, birthdate. Structure with case data. Structure with newborn's birthdate. BAPI1084OUT



TNGRP2 Structure with DRG coding and grouping system agreement data from Customizing for IS-H.


DRG Manual
SS_FILE_NAME Structure with name of the data exchange file that is to be written. 255 characters


Structure with SAP user name of 12 characters user triggering data export. Table with information for admission and discharge. Table with DRG-relevant diagnoses and their attributes. Table with DRG-relevant procedures and their attributes. BAPI2097MOVE BAPI2098DATA NICP2

Generic function expects to receive these parameters for bilateral mode, when import and export are done with one function call SS_RETURN_CODE SS_RETURN_TAB SS_DRG_TAB 0 = Data exchange is ok. Table with error messages. Table with one entry that contains the DRG value and all attributes such as MDC, SOI, ROM, grouping date, user and comment. Type Integer BAPIRET2 NDRG


BAPI2098DATA Table with one entry that contains the DRG-relevant diagnoses and their attributes as determined or changed by the DRG coding and grouping system. NICP2 Table with one entry that contains the DRG-relevant procedures and their attributes as determined or changed by the DRG coding and grouping system.


Function module ISH_DRGCDF_FORMAT_3MTAG_OUT provides an example for this interface. The following parameters and tables are provided for importing data:
Parameter Name Description Structure/Fields

Generic function passes these parameters for the import process


IS-H institution from where the import process was started. IS-H case number for which the import process was started.

4 characters 10-digit number

Structure with the DRG coding TNGRP2 and grouping system agreements 22

DRG Manual that you stipulated in Customizing for IS-H.


Structure with name of the data exchange file that the system is to read. Structure with the name of the archive file. After successfully importing the inbound file, the system moves it to the directory which serves as an archive. Make sure that the housekeeping of the archive occurs regularly.

255 characters


255 characters


Structure with SAP user name of 12 characters user triggering data import. Flag set to ON if system has already transferred the data because export/import was done in bilateral mode. 1 character (space or X)


RNCMAIL If the SS_DATA_GIVEN_DIRECTLY flag is set, this table contains the DRG data read from the import file.

Generic function expects these inbound parameters from the concrete function module SS_INSTITUTION_IN_FILE SS_CASE_IN_FILE

Institution the system actually found in the DRG file.

4 characters

Case number the system actually 10-digit number found in the DRG file (with leading zero). 0 = data exchange is ok; 4 = technical system error, file could not be processed; 8 = external DRG coding and grouping system reports error. Type Integer



Table with error messages. Table with one entry that contains the determined DRG value and all attributes such as MDC, SOI, ROM, grouping date, user and comment. Table with the DRG-relevant procedures and their attributes determined by the DRG coding and grouping system.





DRG Manual

Function module ISH_DRGCDF_FORMAT_3MTAG_IN provides an example for this interface.

You can start the export process in the following ways: Single case processing: Choose Export DRG Data in the DRG transaction. For more information, see DRG Work Station. Mass processing: Start the program IS-H: Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Coding Systems (RNUDRG0A). You can also schedule this program to run as a background job. You cannot schedule the report to run as a background job if you are using a DRG coding and grouping system connected via an OLE interface. For more information about this, see Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Grouper. The IS-H System is able to inform the DRG coding and grouping system that an export has taken place. For an example API/RFC function module, refer to ISH_DRGCDF_EXPORT_PARTNER_CALL. This function module caters for various processing options that you can select in the table of DRG coding and grouping system agreements in Customizing for IS-H. You can use this function as a template to create processing steps specific to your hospital. Copy this function into a function in your own name range, and specify the new function name in the agreements Customizing table. You can start the import process in the following ways: With the DRG coding and grouping system is connected directly, the import function can be incorporated into the export function. Single case processing: Choose Import DRG Data in the DRG transaction. For more information, see DRG Work Station. Mass processing: Start the program IS-H: Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Coding Systems (RNUDRG0A). You can also schedule this program to run as a background job. You cannot schedule the report to run as a background job if you are using a DRG coding and grouping system connected via an OLE interface. For more information about this, see Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Grouper. In such cases, the parameters SS_INSTITUTION and SS_CASE might be empty. The concrete interface function must cater for this. Via an external trigger directly from the DRG coding and grouping system, on condition that the external system supports the trigger. The trigger calls the API/RFC function module ISH_DRGCDF_IMPORT_PARTNER_CALL thus prompting the IS-H System to start the data import process.


DRG Manual

Example for Connection of a DRG Coding and Grouping System

Define DRG Grouper Assignment

Change View IS-H: DRG Grouper Assignment: Details

New Entries

Institution DRG Group. Ctrl User Callpoint


IS-H: DRG Grouper Assignment

DRG Grouper ID


Created by Changed by

/ /

Define DRG Grouper: Synchronous Connection

Change View IS-H: DRG Grouper: Details

New Entries
Institution DRG Grouper ID IS-H: DRG Grouper Description X Synchronous Cmnd Preparat. Option Preparat. Cmnd Grouper Option Grouper Log File FM Sync. FM Out FM Partner FM In Outbound Direct. Inbound Direct. Gen. Param. 1 Gen. Param. 2 Gen. Param. 3 Gen. Param. 4 Gen. Param. 5 Trace Trace OFF ISH_OLE2_ID_GROUPER_OUT RFC Dest. Sync RFC Dest. Out RFC Dest. Part RFC Dest. In Grouper 1

1 GRP1


DRG Manual
Define DRG Grouper: Asynchronous Connection

Change View IS-H: DRG Grouper: Details

New Entries
Institution DRG Grouper ID IS-H: DRG Grouper Description Synchronous Cmnd Preparat. Option Preparat. Cmnd Grouper Option Grouper Log File FM Sync. FM Out FM Partner FM In Outbound Direct. Inbound Direct. Gen. Param. 1 Gen. Param. 2 Gen. Param. 3 Gen. Param. 4 Gen. Param. 5 Gen

1 GRP2

Grouper 2

c:\3mhis\Wincoder\Interface\cfwinfil.exe interface=&1 batchout=&2 DRGcall_list.txt

RFC Dest. Sync


RFC Dest. Out RFC Dest. Part RFC Dest. In

Define DRG Grouper File Conventions

Change View IS-H: DRG Grouper File Conventions: Details

New Entries Institution Directory ID


IS-H: DRG Grouper File Conventions

Fixed Part 1
Fixed Part 2 Fixed Part 3

DRG I.txt

No.Case No. Digits 5

X Suppress Zeros
Position Fix 1 Position Fix 2 Position Fix 3 Position Case No. Directory Archive Drcty

1 3

2 c:\drg\in c:\drg\archiv\in

Created by Changed by

/ /

Copy DRG Catalog into In-House Service Catalog

The report IS-H: Copy DRG Catalog into In-House Service Catalog (RNUDRG01) lets you copy DRG codes from the DRG catalog into the in-house service catalog. These codes are then available for further processing in service entry. For example, you could use them for transfer into Controlling or for billing purposes. 26

DRG Manual

For the report to be able to assign the DRG codes to the services, you need to have entered the assignment type in the DRG documentation parameters. You maintain this assignment in the IMG activity Set Parameters for DRG Documentation. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Medical/Nursing Documentation DRG Documentation Set Parameters for DRG Documentation.

Selection Screen

In the Institution field, specify the institution into whose in-house service catalog you wish to copy the DRG catalog. In the Source Catalog (DRG Catalog) field, enter the DRG catalog you wish to copy into the in-house service catalog, and in the Target Catalog (In-House Catalog) field, enter the relevant in-house service catalog. If you flag the Test Mode option, the IS-H System simulates the copying of the catalog, and doesn't make changes to the database. In the Additional Selection Criteria group box, the DRG Code field lets you further restrict the master data to be copied from the source catalog. Service Attributes group box This group box contains various selection criteria that let you determine how the report creates the services in the target catalog. In addition to the attributes that you can specify here, note that the report defaults other attributes of the services in the in-house service catalog. For example, it always sets the charge type to "35". The report doesn't copy certain elements of the DRGs. Thus long texts, planned data and additional data specific to the country version Germany are excluded. Settings group box Here you can copy a column you created in the source catalog into the target catalog. If you flag the Create Missing Assignments option and the system detects that a service to be copied is already contained in the target catalog, it checks whether the assignment to this service exists already. If no assignment exists, the report will create it. If you haven't flagged this option, the system discontinues the copy operation for this service. Note that the report does not overwrite service master data. The system does not synchronize the data for an existing service with that of the service to be copied. Different texts or attributes are thus retained.


The report outputs a results list containing the DRG codes and the associated services. The M column indicates if the master data was copied and the A column indicates if the assignment was created. If both columns are empty for a service, the service and the assignment existed already.


DRG Manual

Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Grouper

The program IS-H: Case Selection for Data Exchange with DRG Coding Systems (RNUDRG0A) lets you create a case selection for the mass processing of data exchanged with a DRG coding and grouping system.

To execute this program, you require the authorization S_PROGRAM with the action SUBMIT for the report group N_U_DRG and the authorization N_EINR_REP for the desired institution and for the report RNUDRG0A. The files to be imported must satisfy the following conditions: The file has to have a format that can be interpreted and processed by your DRG formatting modules. For SAP standard this is the 3M tag format, formatting via ISH_DRGCDF_FORMAT_3MTAG_IN. For further information about this, refer to the function module documentation. The file to be imported must only contain data for one case. It must be located on the application server or on the presentation server. The exact directories and file name composition must be maintained for the DRG coding and grouping system in Customizing for IS-H. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare - Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange.

Selection Criteria

You can use the report IS-H: Split DRG File into Separate Case-Related Files (RNUDRG0B) to create a case selection that can be entered as a selection characteristic in the Selection Indicator field. To further restrict the selection result, additional selection criteria, such as admission date, billing indicator and case type, are available to you in the Selection Criteria group box. The following runtime options are available to you: Start Export Directly/Start Import Directly: If you select these checkboxes, the system does not send any further dialog boxes for you to select cases. The IS-H System starts the file export or import immediately. Export Cases Without DRG only: If you select this checkbox, the IS-H System only exports the cases in the directory for which DRGs have not been maintained. Display Cases From Import Files only: If you select this checkbox, when files are imported directly, the IS-H System outputs in the results list only cases that could actually be found in inbound files and were successfully imported into the IS-H System. Note that this field is only active if you selected the Start Import Directly field. When you export the files, the IS-H System writes the files containing the case-related data to the directory you specified under Define DRG Grouper File Conventions in Customizing for IS-H. You'll find more information about this in the IS-H Implementation Guide under SAP Healthcare Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals Communication DRG Data Exchange Define DRG Grouper File Conventions.


DRG Manual

If you do not flag any of the execution options, the program outputs a list of all cases that satisfy your selection criteria and output options. From this list, you can select in relation to the relevant cases whether: You wish to import data from a file from the DRG coding and grouping system into the IS-H System. You wish to write data to a file to be passed to the DRG coding and grouping system. Group.

To execute the export and import function, select the desired cases, and then choose

The program outputs a multilevel list containing all of the cases selected and reporting any errors that may have occurred during the export or import operation. If you selected one of the runtime options, either: DRG data for the cases determined from the selection is directly exported into a file. The files containing the relevant cases are imported into the IS-H System.


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