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Chapter 6 Life Development Humans evolve as a species and during their life span.

. Physical changes occur through different stages of life. Infants 1 months through 1 year, develop fast. 90-180bbm, 30-60 breaths. Grow 30g per day. Weight triples by end of first year. Prone to nasal congestion. Rib cage less rigid. More fragile lungs. Nose filters out bad stuff, more prone to nasal congestion. Breath through diaphragm. Mono reflex opens arms wide, grabs at things. Palmer grasp grabs when something is in hands. Want to jerk away. They do not wanna let go. Rooting reflex turns toward touch. Suckling reflex neonates lips stroked. Fontanels allow head to pass through birth canal. Posterior fuses by 3 months old. Anterior fuses by 9-16 months. Maintains some of mothers immunities. Starts to recognize people by 2 months. At 5 months they sleep! Teeth at 6 months. 7 months, afraid of strangers. Interact with environment and develop. Want secure attachment. Trust needs to be maintained. Have mom+dad calm down the kid. Toddlers One to three years. 90-150bpm. 20-30 breaths. Systolic eighty through one hundred. Preschoolers three to six. 80-140bpm. 20-25 breaths. Systolic 80-100. Weight gain levels off. Getting bigger ans stronger. Passive immunity is gone by now. Neuromuscular makes considerable progress. Potty training, teething occurs. Better muscular and neuro control. Master basic language. Speak an express. Play and interact with other children. Recognize sexual differences. Cause and effect learning. School age 6-12 years of age. 70-120bpm. 15-20 breaths. 80-110 systolic. Grow 4lbs a year, permanent teeth come in. Little sponges of knowledge. Reasoning and act to avoid punishment. Get what they want. Look for approval from peers and society. Act to avoid punishment. Decisions based on conscious. Wanna be like the other kids. Adolescents/teenagers 12 through 18 years of age, 60-100bpm. 12-20 resps. Sudden growth spurt. Sexual development. Girls take longer to develop. Acne occurs and periods begin. Deal with conflict. Self conscious. Want to create own identity. Anti-social behavior. Irrational behavior. High risk of suicide and depression. Don't always open up. Early adulthood. 19-40s of age. Normal vitals. After 25 life function goes down. Settle down, stress, family, most stable period of life. Middle adults 41-60 years of age. Normal vitals. Cancer incidence increases. Vulnerable to vision and hearing aids. Menopause. Diabetes, hypertension, weight problems occurs. Healthy living decreases. Focus on life goals. Change lifestyle. Caring for aging parents and children leaving for college. Stressed out. Late adults 61+ - Life expediency changes. 78-80 years age limit. Vital signs determined by overall health. Overcome numerous medical problems. Cardiovascular changes, heart rate/cardiac output decreases. Vascular system becomes stiff. Atherosclerosis. Liver, bone marrow breaks down. Things slow down and break down. Size of airway increases, surface area of alveoli decreases. Elasticity decreases. Breathing is more labor intensive. Wider and elastic. Bigger breaths to get bigger for the same amount of air. Aspiration and obstruction more likely. Vital capacity is only 50% of prime amount. Residual volume increases. This is why more geriatrics than other patient populations.

Insulin production decreases. Metabolism decreases. Exercise less, same food intake. Hormone production drops off but desire is still there. Taste decreases as taste buds stop working. Less saliva production. Longer to digest and excrete food. Gallstones more common. Filtration in kidneys decreases. Kidney mass decreases by 20%. Harder to clear wastes from body. Harder to conserve fluids. Motor/sensory functions become slower. Need less sleep. Harder to remember. Peripheral nerve sensation diminishes. Easier to get injured. Brain decreases in size. Harder to see and hear. Hearing loss is 4x more common than vision loss. Until 5 years before death, people retain high brain function. 95% of elderly live in a home. Financial limits restrict access to heath care and medications. Medications shared between others to save money. Elderly need to face their own mortality. Isolation and depression can be challenges. Many have mindset that they are not old.

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