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21 Days to A Positive-Attitude Habit This may come as a surprise...

but your attitude is more important than your aptitude in determining your success in life! Just how critical is attitude to achievement? Well, take a look at one of the greatest inventors of the last two hundred years - Thomas Edison. Every time you turn on a light switch, you experience the result of his persistence in the face of continuous failure. Edison tried 10,000 times to get his light bulb invention to work, but failed each time. However, he had this to say about his lack of success. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." You can learn to have this kind of outlook on life, but it needs to be purposefully installed into your daily living. You probably know it takes about 21 days to break a habit by replacing it with a new one. If you are plagued with persistent negative thoughts toward life, you can replace this mindset with a new positive-attitude habit! Here is a 21-day five-step program to change a negative attitude to a positive one. 1. Take charge of what you're thinking. This is a moment-by-moment decision that doesn't happen overnight. It's a habit that will take some time to build. How can you do this? Choose to think uplifting thoughts instead of discouraging ones. You get to decide what you think, which in turn determines how you feel. Become aware of this and dwell on positive ideas throughout the day. At first you may have to force yourself to find something positive. Consider keeping a journal and write down at least one good thing in your life each day for three weeks. Then think about these blessings instead of discouraging thoughts.

2. Read inspirational material. During this 21-day training period, fill your mind with good thoughts. The best book of all to read is that priceless diamond of world literature - the Bible. You'll never know what wonderful results from reading it are around the corner until you open its covers! 3. Focus on others. For the next 21 days make an extra effort to help other people. Concentrating on assisting others will help you more than you realize. If you succeed in becoming wealthy but are poor in respect to your relationships, you will not be truly prosperous at all! So make a special effort of focusing on others during your 21 days of building your new positive-attitude habit. This will free you up to allow the butterfly of happiness to land on your shoulder when you least expect it. 3 Steps to Defining Success and Defining Your Future Q: Are you a success? A: Its all in how you define the word! An American investment banker was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican Village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The banker complimented Miguel, the Mexican, on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. Miguel replied that it took only a little while. The banker then asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish. Miguel said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The banker then asked, But what do you do with the rest of your time? Miguel said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life, senor." The banker scoffed, "I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and, with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the

proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats. Eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise." Miguel asked, "But senor, how long will this all take?" To which the banker replied, "15-20 years." But what then, senor? The banker laughed and said "That's the best part. When the time is right you would announce a public listing and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions."

7 Tips For Lasting Motivation And Greater Success Lasting motivation is possible once you adopt an outlook that allows you to be more successful. Here are seven tips you can use today to overcome procrastination and start achieving much more. 1. Success is not achieved accidentally. It is a systematic, deliberate process of deciding what you want to do with your life, what you will do when you get there, and what the steps are to get you where you want to be. One of the most important aspects of success is the ability to visualize your path and stay focused on your goal until you reach it. 2. The sooner you envision your dreams and develop a plan to turn them into reality, the faster you will accomplish your goals. Mental pictures are a mechanism to lead you down the path of true independence and motivation. Procrastination is a self-defeating behavior that develops in part due to low self-esteem and fear of failure.

Your imagination is like a preview of your future. If you don*t use your imagination your life will remain mundane and unfulfilling. 3. Overcoming procrastination is the first step in helping you create the lifestyle you desire. You must change the habits and behaviors that led you to procrastinate in the first place. Change is a slow process so be sure to reward yourself along the way for small achievements. Instead of focusing on the difficulty of a large task, break it into smaller jobs and create a timeline for finishing them. 4. Several small jobs done over time are much more manageable that one large task with no end in sight. You*ll be astonished at how much you can get done if you concentrate on one thing at a time instead of cluttering your mind with multiple tasks. Try tackling the more undesirable tasks early in the day so that by afternoon you can pursue more pleasant activities. 5. Relieve yourself of the pressure created by clutter in your office or home. Develop a filing system, rid yourself of unnecessary papers, and give yourself an organized place to work. 4 Powerful Ways To Fire Up Your Motivation It's so difficult to go on when everything seems to fail, isn't it? Are there times in your life when you really want to call it "quits" because you just can't see any good results from all the hard work you've done? Hold your horses! Never ever think of giving up. Winners never quit and quitters never win. Take all negative words out of your mental dictionary and focus on the solutions with utmost conviction and patience. The battle is never lost until you've abandon your vision. But what if you're really exhausted physically, mentally, and most of all emotionally? Here are some sources of motivation to prompt you in reaching the peak of accomplishment.

1) The Overwhelming Feeling of Attaining your Desired End How would you feel after accomplishing your mission? Of course you will feel ecstatic. You might be shedding tears of joy. Let this tremendous feeling sink in and encourage you to persist despite all odds. When I was studying for the Board Exams, I used this technique to motivate me. I would envision the sweetness of folks calling me a CPA. It would command respect. People will look up to me as a higher level of authority. And I would have better chances of finding a good job. I absorbed all these great perceptions into my inner being in order to achieve my ultimate goal. 2) The Reward System How would you feel if you've entered a contest, but there are no prizes for the winners? It's not very encouraging, isn't it? The same principles apply to your vision. Reward yourself after accomplishing a goal. Set a particular incentive for every objective. Let's say if you've achieved a particular task, you'll treat yourself to your favorite restaurant. When you've finished a bigger task, you'll go on a vacation. Got the idea? Just set something gratifying to indulge in after completing a certain undertaking. Hidden Secret Of Your Personality Have you ever thought your personality will be judged by the how words you use ? Have you Ever thought Your words can affect hereditary process? You will come to know most exclusive facts about yourself.. go ahead. TAHC=P cycle >> it is stand for :- Thought > Action > Habit > Character = Personality.

As thought generated by mind- It commands to do an Action An loop of action makes Habit- Continuous use of habit make changes in Character of us and character seems in the form of personality. Mind is very mystic and provide two way programming for brain, Our thought are controlled by listening, writing, speaking. Our personality has power to affect next more than 100 generations by process of hereditary. Now our vocabulary, it plays very Imp role in life. The words we speak shows the personality of a person. As I told before that mind provide two way programming that is our way of processing thoughts are controlled the way we speak & then the THAC cycle shows its color. An Imp fact 4u that :- Words (vocabulary) are the tools, Speaking/talking is process to use that tools, better use of tools best the result. Now understand it scientifically > talking/speaking is a PSYCHO-NURAL-MUSCULAR activity which is a help-bridge and integrate the conscious and subconscious mind to distills- crystallize & clarifies the thoughts(THAC=P). The person who speak blunt always uses blunt words, in-fact persons mind gives command (subconsciously) to use blunt words. There are synonyms and Antonym, Positive and negative. Listen, there is no much explanation how we use words but the following example will make understand everything. I just want to say that Vocabulary can be toxic if we use words in a improper way.

Personality of Leadership Have you ever wondered what type of person or personality makes the best leader? Most would consider the answer to that question to be the person that has the greatest success, the largest organization, or the best staff. Conversely, have you ever wondered how it is that a person with little drive or entrepreneurial skills ends up in a leadership position? You know the type person I am writing about, a person that couldnt lead a dog on a walk, but has been given the responsibility of leading a large and well-established organization. While I was in college I met a person that had skills and a personality type much different than I first thought. After serving in a very successful

pastoral role for several years this person was offered the position of Bible Department President at Lee University. Part of his duties included teaching a full load of classes at the university. When he arrived to class on his first day he had a notebook for each student. A notebook full of outlines for lessons he was going to teach the entire semester. WOW! To say the least, I was impressed. I just knew that this person had to be the most organized person in the world. Years later, however, I had the opportunity to work with his son, and I made the remark that he must have the most organized father in the world. His response was, My dad is incredibly unorganized, but he makes up for it with his leadership personality. He knows the value of having a diverse team around him. That statement, and learning experience, gave birth to this months edition of Footprints and Monuments. Some people have an easier time developing their leadership skills than others. Most agree that certain personality types make better leaders. So the real question is, What is your leadership personality? Below are examples of different leadership personalities, as you read each one try to decide which best fits you.

Powerful leader this type leader is also known as the lion in the organization. He is a person that loves to be in the drivers seat. The strength of this leadership personality is good decision making skills, the negative is the tendency to be a morale killer. However, once people see his caring heart, they will learn to love and respect him, and will also grow from his challenges. Perfectionist leader this type leader is also known as the beaver in the organization. She is the type person that keeps all the Ts crossed and the Is dotted. A person with this personality type can easily handle the details of day-to-day operations, but can let the small stuff get in the way. Rest assured however, everyone that she comes in contact with will learn and grow from her wisdom. Peaceful leader this type leader is known as the golden retriever in the organization. He is by far the hardest to motivate, and will frustrate most of the other personality types. However, this type of personality possesses the greatest amount of compassion. So much so that it will be very easy for others to share their innermost feelings with him.

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