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Collaborative Lesson Plan for LI876 Title: U.S.

Immigration through Angel Island and Ellis Island Grade level: 4th grade Overview: Learning about immigration to the United States by people from China and Europe through Angel Island and Ellis Island using online and print resources. Time frame: 11/14-12/2 Content area standards: KSDE Social Studies Standards 4th Grade: History Benchmark 1, History Benchmark 2, History Benchmark 4 Common Core English Standards (applicable for Kansas and Missouri) Reading Standards for Informational Text: 1, 3, 4, 7, 9. Speaking and Listening Standards: 2, 4, 5. Information literacy standards: AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner: Skill 1: 1.1.1, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.8, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.5, 1.4.1, 1.4.3, 1.4.4 Skill 2: 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.4, 2.1.6, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.4.4 Skill 3: 3.1.1, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.6, 3.2.1, 3.3.3, 3.4.2 Skill 4: 4.1.1, 4.1.4, 4.1.8, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.1, 4.4.6 Cooperative teaching plan (what the teacher will do; what the librarian will do): The teacher will introduce immigration to students by having them read Tears and Dreams, historical fiction story, and Island of Hope, a non-fiction piece about Angel Island and Ellis Island. These stories are a part of the text Best Practices in Reading which includes fiction and non-fiction to help students comprehend subjects. Tears and Dreams is about a young Chinese immigrant who comes to the United States through Angel Island. The teacher will have students create a report on a fictional immigrant child. The report will be a diary of an immigrant child entering the United States either through Angel Island or Ellis Island. The students must have at least five entries that tell their name, who they are traveling with, their country of origin, their place of entry, and their destination using details learned from at least three resources. This assignment will be in keeping with their fiction and non-fiction theme. This diary will be a combination of the two by being a piece of historical fiction.

The librarian will keep the theme of learning about the subject through fiction and non-fiction resources. While using the SMARTboard, I will demonstrate how to perform searches on the librarys OPAC. I will show them preselected examples of appropriate historical fiction. I will also help the students find and evaluate online resources that will expand their understanding of immigration and improve their research skills. Specific examples of online resources that they can use for their research include: ethemes,, and Google images. Required resources: Computer and SMARTboard to access the library catalog, the Internet and databases; preselected historical fiction (Henry and the Kite Dragon, Red Means Good Fortune, and My Chinatown; non-fiction books The Statue of Liberty and If Your Name was Changed at Ellis Island. End product/culminating activity: A historical fiction diary created by the students. Assessment overview (statements about students improved abilities in specific areas as a result of the assignment, as well as evaluation of the library media program): As a result of this collaborative unit, students will have improved their writing abilities from creating the diary. Their research and computer skills will have also improved. Document, evaluate, report on collaboration with teacher: I first spoke with Mrs. King on Monday, November 14. We spoke about what they would be learning in the next couple of weeks, and how I could help increase student learning on that subject. She told me they would be starting a unit on immigration and that I could help by showing the kids how to research for their projects. Over the next few days, we communicated via e-mail to refine ideas and decide when I would present. I asked her to look over the lesson that I had created and to give feedback. She also helped me decide where to present the lesson. I was considering having the students go to the library to computer lab, but she said that it would be better to keep them in the classroom. She had a SMARTboard to use and it would cut down on transition time and distractions. Mrs. King also let me know how their projects turned out and thanked me for my help.

My Lesson: Introduction: What you already know: Discuss some of what they learned from Tears and Dreams. Body of Lesson: 1. In your class you read some fiction and non-fiction about Angel Island. Lets look up some fiction and non-fiction about immigration in the library. a. Get on OPAC b. Do a subject search for immigration. c. Try searching for Chinese Americans, Angel Island, Ellis Island. d. Any other ideas for searches? Show some examples of fiction relevant books. a. My Chinatown poems about a Chinese boy who comes to America. b. Red Means Good Fortune novel about life in San Franciscos Chinatown. c. Henry and the Kite Dragon a boy in the 1920s immigrates to America from China. Where else can we look besides in library books? Internet! a. Get on the Internet and go to and click on ethemes. i. What is ethemes? 1. From MU, source for content-rich, kid-safe online resources Look up information about Ellis Island. ii. Look at the Scholastic site. iii. Also look at the American Family Immigration History Center. 1. Let kids type in their last names. 2. Under genealogy famous arrivals 3. Under Ellis Island photo albums iv. Also the site. b. How can we tell these are reliable resources? i. CARDSS (use form 5-6 Ask Yourself Questions As You Evaluate the Information You Find on the Web) 1. Credibility 2. Accuracy 3. Reliability 4. Date 5. Sources 6. Scope c. image search (If time) i. Search for Ellis Island kids, Ellis Island identification card. See what kids looked like when they arrived. See the cards they received and check the information provided.



Conclusion: Think about whether youre more interested in Angel Island or Ellis Island. Think of which you would like to learn more about. Search on your own using ethemes or Make your own search terms to find what youre interested in (pictures, I.D. cards, state parks, museums, etc.)

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