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IRANS PLAY IN THE INTERNATIONAL ARENA AND THE INDIAN REACTION Iran has been a player in international politics from 1940s and has been an issue and a pawn for pressuring India by Western countries, namely Unites States. During World War II the Allies attacked Iran, arrested the Shah and made use of the railways and the oil resources. In 1946, Soviet Union was the last Ally to leave after supporting a lot of separatist movements. In 1953, there was a Coup and the Shah came back to power after being exiled in the West. With the Cold War in full swing, the Shah Imperial Government aligned itself with the West. In 1979, there was an Iranian Revolution where Iran was converted into a Muslim state. And so after 1979 Iran has been pushed into the limelight of international politics over a variety of issues. These issues are : the hostage crisis in Tehran (1979-981) the war with Iraq (1980-88) the spiraling relationship with the United States and the West the current nuclear predicament.

In contemporary times, understanding Iran on the international map, two important aspects are the spiraling relationship with the United States and the West and the current nuclear predicament are the two most important points. Iran is seen as a safe haven and strong supporter of terrorist organizations, especially Hezbollah. It was in 1979 when the hostage crisis at Tehran, where the US embassy was assaulted and US citizens were held as hostages that US broke diplomatic ties with Tehran, ties which are still to be restored. After the crises had ended many funds in the US belonging to Iran were frozen. Diplomatic ties between Iran and US have constantly been frozen, and more dialogue between the two nation is the need of the hour. Concerns over human rights and civil rights violation also beckoned raised eyebrows from European countries. The Islamic Republic took of repressive development turn where the State intruded into all aspects of an individuals private life. A new economic elite emerged over the crumbling one which plundered economic resources with political support. Unites States and the West have growing concerns over Irans nuclear ambitions. Israel has shown real concern about this against the context of Irans avowal to destroy Israel. While the US voices its concern in an international forum, Russia has constantly supported Iran in such forums. Iran has signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in 2003. However the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is the United

Nations watchdog for nuclear programs has reported that Iran has not fulfilled its obligations which includes declaring its nuclear enriching programs. The international community that consists of mainly Europe and United States have constantly put sanctions on Iran to isolate it and force it to stop its nuclear programs. However such pressure is more likely to encourage Iran to pursue its nuclear goal, considering it will be an ideological win if it succeeds. The United Nations Security Council has passed about five resolutions against Iran trying to curtail its nuclear ambitions by banning all nuclear enrichment activities, banning the supply of nuclear related material, imposing arms embargo and freezing Iranian assets. The UN Security Council resolution in 2010 banned Iran from: participating in any activities related to ballistic missiles tightened the arms embargo, travel bans on individuals involved with the program froze the funds and assets of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines

The UN resolution further recommended that states: Inspect Iranian cargo Prohibit the servicing of Iranian vessels involved in prohibited activities Prevent the provision of financial services used for sensitive nuclear activities Closely watch Iranian individuals and entities when dealing with them Prohibit the opening of Iranian banks on their territory Prevent Iranian banks from entering into relationship with their banks if it might contribute to the nuclear program Prevent financial institutions operating in their territory from opening offices and accounts in Iran.

While the UN Security Council passed these resolutions, Iran has clearly ignored them. Yet Irans role as the supplier of oil and gas reserves yields it much power in the world economics. The world has great economic interest in Iran and this is what Iran has used to counter the international pressure to isolate it. Many European companies have signed deals with Iran for gas. Italy and Austria have signed deals with pipes going via Turkey and Greece. The Khomeil Petrochemical Complex and the Italian company Basell signed a 20 million euro contract for the transfer of technology. The Austrian Oil and Gas Group are in discussion of a project for the transfer of oil and gas to Austria. French giant Total was ready to invest 12 billion dollars in an LNG project. Royal Dutch Shell and Spanish Repsol have shown great interest in LNG projects too. The Spanish energy company Fenosa was awarded a 32.5 million euro engineering contract for Iranian LNG project. However in January 2012, European Union banned the

imports of petroleum and petroleum products which come from Iran. European Union accounts for 18 percent of Iran oil exports. In reaction Iran banned oil export to Britain and France. However in spite of Irans strong face and strong portrayal of ideology against the West, in February Iran has agreed to a visit from a team of IAEA. Irans nuclear ambition has constantly threatened to destabilize the region which contains two conflict ridden countries- Iraq and Afghanistan. Also a nuclear Iran would seem like Shia Iran against Sunni Islam (which includes countries such as Afghanistan, Syria and the rest of the Gulf countries), with a strong possibility of friction between Shia Iran and Arab Sunni. One of the reasons attributed to Iran nuclear ambition is the fact that Pakistan is the only other Islamic State to possess nuclear capabilities and more important the fact that Israel has nuclear weapons that are trained on the Arab and Islamic neighbors. There will always be friction between the West and Iran. For Iran it is a matter of ideology against the West and so it maintains a brave face. Most of its victories are an ideological boost. It was only a few days ago that Iran revealed some of its nuclear achievements. United States have called these nuclear achievements for insignificant. For Iran the highest form of defiance against the Western world is for it to achieve nuclear capabilities. None of these victories are real, it is only something that Iran boasts off. While human rights violations in Iran continue to be a matter of grave concern, its position as a supplier of oil and gas to the rest of the world and its presence in the nuclear zone make it impossible to ignore in world politics.

WHERE IRAN FITS IN THE INDIAN PICTURE For India, it is a relentless task to balance the relationship with Iran and Israel considering the hostility and aggression between the two. Israel provides military help and is seen as a country that is similar to India, which has terrorist states for neighbors. Since 1979, India has become closer to Iran, and currently India has only an economic stake in the country. Iran contributes about 12 percent of oil imports and India has an ambition plan of gas import through Pakistan. India has taken a public stance against Irans nuclear ambitions. India has banned any material that could attribute to the growth of their nuclear enrichment program. However this public stance is most probably Indias effort to keep a balanced relationship between Iran and Israel. In 2012 there was strong pressure from the West to ban import of oil from Iran, and even Saudi Arabia step up offering to make up for the 12 percent oil imported from Iran. As India moves closer to US there is increasing

pressure for such action against Iran. However, the oil from Iran is essential for India to have subsidized fuel prices and this is important to keep the electorate happy. Many saw Indias unwillingness to impose sanctions against Iran as undermining US and European sanctions against Iran and allowing Iran to survive the international pressure to isolate Iran. Some thinkers have suggested that India should play the role of a bridge between US and Iran. However that will not occur in the foreseeable future with both the countries not willing to talk to each other. The planned gas pipe from Iran into Indias is to meet India growing energy demands. The pipe running though Pakistan would be seen as peace keeping move towards Pakistan on Indias part. However India has not been able to finalize on such a deal because there are concerns about Irans stability. India is also concerned at the large amount of funds Iran gets from China and the number of Chinese companies building infrastructure and helping in exploiting of resources with contracts worth up to 40 million dollars in Iran. India also sees it relationship with Iran as a means to increase its influence in Central Asia, as India grows ties with Iraq and Afghanistan too. On February 13th 2012 a magnetic bomb was placed on an Israeli attachs vehicle in New Delhi. The wife of an Israeli diplomat was seriously injured in the attack. Similar attacks against diplomats of Israeli occurred across Asia. Israeli pointed the finger for these attacks on Iran pointing to strain in the relationship between India, Israel and Iran. Though other countries confirmed that the attacks were by Iran, Indian still has to confirm that. India with its relationship with Iran has ignored all the clandestine support that Iran gives to terrorist organizations which are active against Israel. After such an attack India may have to rethink, in the anticipation of balancing out its relationship between Israel and Iran. There have been suggestions that India will have to choose between Iran and Israel. However with India not suggesting who the culprits are, it may be able to walk this tightrope. In the context of growing pressure from Israel and the West, India may be forced to relook at the Indo-Iran relations. In the meantime, Iran continues to be an important part of Indias economic resource value and contributes to its rising, influence in the South Asian region.

REFERENCE, 13th February 2012 les/media/csis/pubs/sam92.pdf, 13th February 2012, 13th February 2012; India-Iran Relations: Changing the Tone?, 13th February 2012, 13th February 2012, 13th February 2012, 13th February 2012

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