Grammar Basics Exam

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Grammar Basics Exam

A Cornucopia of Assessments over Pronouns, Articles, Adjectives, Plural, Singular, and

Masculine and Feminine Words.

Make sure to read every set of directions CAREFULLY before answering the questions. If
you do not understand a set of instructions or have a question, raise your hand and ask me.
Section I: Pronouns
Provide the English translation for each of the following Spanish pronouns. (1 point each)
YoTl EllaNosotrosEllosSection II: Articles
Complete the table by providing the correct translations of the words The and A. (1
point each)










Translate each of the following phrases into Spanish, making sure to choose the correct
article, paying attention to whether the verb is plural, singular, masculine, or feminine. (2
points each)

The girl ______________________________________

A boy ________________________________________
Some tables ____________________________________
The pen _______________________________________
Some women____________________________________
A door ________________________________________
Some men ______________________________________

Section III: Plural and Singular Nouns

8. List two of the three ways that you can change a Spanish noun in order to make it
plural. (2 points)

Translate each of the following nouns into Spanish, paying attention to whether or not the
word is plural. (1 point each)
9. Notebooks__________________________________
10. Walls ______________________________________
11. Woman ____________________________________
12. Doors______________________________________
13. Pencils ______________________________________
14. Man ________________________________________
15. Folder _______________________________________
Section IV: Masculine and Feminine Nouns
16. What are the two ways to tell whether a word is Masculine or Feminine? (2 points)

For each of the following words, circle M if the word is masculine and F if the word is
feminine. (1 point each)
17. La Carpeta
18. La Mujer
19. El Boligrafo
20. La Puerta
21. El Chico
22. El Hombre



Section V: Spanish Adjectives

23. Spanish adjectives change depending on the noun they are describing. List two
reasons that an adjective would change because of the noun it describes. (2 points)

Translate each of the following phrases into Spanish, paying particular attention to making
sure that the noun and the adjective agree. Also make sure that you have the correct article
for each phrase. Note: its important to remember for this exercise that in Spanish, the
order of words is sometimes different from English. (4 points each)
24. The lazy girl ___________________________________________________
25. Some healthy women _____________________________________________
26. An angry boy ___________________________________________________
27. A weak table ___________________________________________________
28. The strong walls _________________________________________________
29. The interesting boys ______________________________________________
30. A mean woman _________________________________________________
31. Some red pens __________________________________________________
32. The curious girl _________________________________________________
33. The tall man ___________________________________________________

Section VI: Ser and Estar

34. What are three situations in which you would use Ser? What are three situations in
which you would use Estar? (6 points)

35. Ser and Estar are two Spanish verbs that mean the same time in English. What do
they mean? (2 points)

Provide the correct conjugations (forms) for Ser and Estar. (1 point each)


Provide the correct Spanish translation of Ser for each of the following English phrases.
(1 point each)
I am ______________________
They are ___________________
You are ____________________
She is ______________________
We are _____________________
He is ______________________
Provide the correct Spanish translation of Estar for each of the following English phrases.
(1 point each)
We are ______________________
She is _______________________
They are _____________________
I am ________________________
You are ______________________
He is ________________________

Provide the correct conjugation of Ser in order to complete the sentence. (2 points each)
36. I am from Mexico.
a. ________________ de Mexico.
37. They are all doctors.
a. Todos ____________________ medicos.
38. You are taller than him.
a. __________________ mas alto que l.
39. She is a Methodist.
a. __________________ Metodista.
40. We are a family.
a. _____________________ una familia.
41. They are from Europe.
a. ______________________ de Europa.
42. He is a lawyer.
a. ______________________ un abogado.
43. I am short.
a. _______________________ baja.
44. You are very curious.
a. _______________________ muy curioso.
45. We are all loyal.
a. Todos _________________________ fieles.
Provide the correct conjugation of Estar in order to complete the sentence. (2 points each)
46. I am outside the house.
a. _________________________ fuera de la casa.
47. We are tired today.
a. _________________________ cansados hoy da.

48. He is in a bad mood.

a. _________________________ de mal humor.
49. You are in Science class.
a. _________________________ en la clase de ciencia.
50. They are in the last house.
a. _________________________ en la ultima casa.
51. You are daydreaming today.
a. _________________________ en las nubes hoy da.
52. We are on our way.
a. _________________________ en camino.
53. I am in a different country.
a. _________________________ en un pas diferente.
54. She is in a good mood.
a. _________________________ de buen humor.
55. They are on top of the building.
a. _________________________ encima del edificio.

Congratulations, you have completed the Exam. Please make sure that your name and
todays date are on the first page of your Exam, and turn it in to me.

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