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Downtown Oakland Association/ Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association Joint (S.O.B.O.

) Sidewalk Operations Beautification Order Committee October 26th, 2011 at 12:30pm Cathedral Conference Center-Room B Present: Staff: Laurie Berberich, Michelle Lane, Martin Ward Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Ted Tarver

Minutes The following items were discussed and recommendations or actions are made to the Board as follows:


Introductions were made and the meeting began at 12:40 p.m. Andrew walked the committee through the 2011 YTD SOBO expenses for LMUDA and it was noted that we are coming in under budget in the beautification category. We are on track to complete the hanging plants on Broadway and back of BART projects by early 2012. Michelle Lane requested clarification on the residential beautification requirement as outlined in the Management Plan. Staff will review the Management Plan and inform the committee of any requirements put forth. Andrew referred to page 2-4 of the agenda packet and presented the proposed 2012 LMUDA SOBO budget to the committee. The Block by Block proposed budget is $486,089.48, a figure based on the additional 72 weekly ambassador hours approved in May. The Peralta budget includes a proposed 3% annual increase from $257,339.27 to $265,059.45 with no reduction to staff and the same level of service delivery as 2011. Andrew explained that watering would have its own line item in the 2012 budget. Andrew referred the committee to the 2011 YTD DOA expenses and the proposed 2012 DOA


Creation of 2012 Budget/Staff Recommendations

No action taken.

388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612 DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax 510.452.4530

SOBO budget on pages 5-8 of the agenda packet. Peraltas budget was built on a not to exceed figure of $210,000.00 with a reduction of all staff on Wednesdays and the assurance that PSCs delivery levels will remain consistent with 2011 levels. Martin requested that staff go back to the service providers, BBB and Peralta, and request that they hold contract amounts the same as 2011and have them explain any changes to the service levels. In regards to Peralta DOA, the difference in service did not correlate with the difference in staffing and that needs to be clarified. If costs are due to increased costs of doing business then that need to be explained. Andrew discussed possible PROW improvement projects we could consider undertaking in 2012 including sidewalk grinding, the installation of security cameras, acid etching removal and enhanced lighting in targeted areas. Andrew to provide the committee with cost estimates related to these proposed enhancements. Andrew conveyed JCs suggestion that, given the hold up with the medians, we reallocate funds to install hanging plants on Broadway and the installation of planters on BART ledges. Laurie and Martin were in favor of that reallocation Martin asked for the cost breakdown of each project and the DISI contribution. Andrew to send that cost breakdown to the committee at his earliest convenience. Review RFP issued by City of Oakland for Parklets The issue of adding Parklets to the districts master encroachment permit was discussed. Staff presented the citys Pilot Parklet RFP to the committee for review. There was a decision made for staff to monitor the progress of the pilot program and report back to the committee. The meeting adjourned at 1:47 p.m. and no executive session took place. No action taken.

Adjournment to executive session to discuss renewal of contracts for service providers Next Meeting Date

No meeting is currently scheduled.

Minutes taken by Victoria Decker, staff

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