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Subject: Journalism I: Introduction to Journalism Unit: Interviewing Skills Lesson: Interviewing Basics Name: Elise Taylor Grade: 9th-11th

Time Frame: One day

Rationale Why are you teaching this lesson? What is the purpose of this learning activity? Where might this lesson fall in the context of a larger unit? The purpose of this lesson is to establish the expectations of the interviewing unit and to familiarize students with the basic skills and concepts involved with the interview process. This lesson will be the first lesson of the interviewing unit, and will be covered during one regularly scheduled class period.

Objectives Communicate a clear idea of what the student should be able to do, understand, or care about. Students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Outline and describe the basic components of interviewing Observe their surroundings critically and analytically Infer meaning through observation Compare/contrast interview styles/subject matter Identify what to expect from an interview

Questions to Consider: 1. What are the components/characteristics of a good interview?

2. How do we use observations to make sense of the world around us?

3. How do we determine the style and tone of an interview? Resources Specific resources or materials you will use.

PowerPoint presentation, InFocus projector, computer, YouTube video clips, paper, writing utensil, handouts (Interview Basics, 21-Question Framework) Sequencing What is the sequence of the lesson? How will you introduce concepts or texts to students? How will checking for student understanding? How will you support the needs of individual students in learning your objectives? How will evaluate student learning? Students will be introduced to the process of interviewing others for the purpose of writing meaningful articles and stories. During this lesson the class will take notes

from a PowerPoint presentation covering interviewing basics, including: Choosing a topic, researching a topic, selecting a person to interview, setting up an interview, preparing questions, preparing materials and equipment, practicing the interview, conducting and recording the interview, transcribing the interview, and following up after the interview. A handout of the PowerPoint will be provided; however, I will instruct them to take notes during the lecture. Once the PowerPoint presentation is finished, we will watch two different video clips of interviews, the first clip being Tom Brokaw and the second one being (someone from a reality tv show). Students will be instructed to pair up with another student. For this activity, one student will focus on the interviewer, and their partner will focus on the person being interviewed. Both students should be taking notes related to the basic interview features weve noted thus far (quality of interview questions, mannerisms, environment, equipment used, etc.) After watching this clip, the entire class will participate in discussion of what they found and we will compile a list of observations made from watching the interviewer and the person being interviewed. For the second video clip, students will switch roles and take notes again. For this clip, students will participate in a think-pair-share activity. Students will come together and share their findings with their partner. They will be encouraged to compare/contrast their findings and add any information they can. I will then place partner sets into larger groups, where they share their findings with each other and create posters with their own lists. We will spend the rest of the class period sharing these posters. Closure Statements or actions to bring to an appropriate conclusion and help students make sense of what they've learned.

Assessment Specify methods used to determine student learning. May be formal or informal. Should assess each previously specified objective. Students will be assessed according to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Participating in note-taking during PowerPoint Level of critical thinking during think-pair-share activity Pair/Group participation and collaboration Participation and contribution during class discussion Willingness to cooperate during activities

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