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WIPRO Model Question Paper 2nd August 2011 | Wipro Mock Test 01A 1 Focus Academy for Career Enhancement Wipro Mock Test O1A Instructions Before the Test: (1) Keep only the identity card, pencil, eraser and sharpener with you. DO NOT KEEP with you books, rulers, slide rules, drawing instruments, calculators, cellular phones, stop watches or any other devices or loose paper. (2) Use only HB pencil to fill in the Answer Sheet. (3) Ensure that your name and roll number have been entered in the space provided correctly. (4) Directions for answering the questions are given before each group of questions. Read these directions carefully and answer the questions by darkening the appropriate circles on the Answer Sheet. Each question has only one correct answer. (5) All questions carry one mark each. Questions. (6) Do your rough work only on the test booklet and NOT on the Answer Sheets. At the start of the Test: (1) As soon as the signal to start is given, open the test booklet. How to Answer: (1) This test contains two sections with 40 questions. You have 45 minutes to complete the test. (2) Candidates found violating the instructions will be disqualified. After the Test:

(1) At the end of the test remain seated. The invigilator will collect the Answer Sheet from your seat. (2) You may retain this test booklet with you. | Wipro Mock Test 01A 2 Focus Academy for Career Enhancement

Wipro Mock Test 01A

SECTION I: QUANTS & LOGICAL 1) It takes Mr. Karthik y hours to complete typing a manuscript. After 2 hours, he was called away. What fractional part of the assignment was left incomplete? (a) (y-2)/y (b) (y-1)/y (c) (y-4)/y (d) (y-5)/y 2) 55 men can finish a job in 42 days. If the work has to be completed 9 days earlier, how many additional men must be engaged to complete the work? (a) 15 (b) 20 (c)25 (d) 12 3) If A can complete a work in 6 hours, and B can complete it in 8 hours, then how much time would they take to complete the work together? (a) 3 3/7 (b) 2 5/2 (c)4 5/6 (d) 3 2/7 4) Two trains start from A & B and travel towards each other at speed of 50kmph and 60kmph resp. At the time of the meeting the second train has traveled 120km more than the first. The distance between them is (a) 1100 (b) 1200 (c)1250 (d)1320 5) In covering distance, the speeds of A & B are in the ratio of 3:4.A takes 30min more than B to reach the destion. The time taken by A to reach the destination is (a) 0.5 hr (b) 1hr (c) 2hr (d)4 hr 6) A boat goes 50 Km upstream in 10 hours and a distance of 40 Km. Down stream is 9 hours. The speed of the boat in standing water is (a) 5.2 km/ph (b) 4.9 km/ph (c)4.72 km/ph (d)4 km/ph 7) The difference between a discount of 50 % on Rs. 500 and two successive discounts of 45 % and 5% on the same amount is (a) Rs.15 (b) Rs.11.25 (c) Rs.11 (d) Rs.10 8) P owes Q Rs.455 payable 4 months hence and Q owes P Rs.450 payable 2 months hence. If they agree to settle their account what sum should be paid over and to whom reckoning the rate of true discount p.a. (a) Rs.12 (b) Rs.13 (c) Rs.11 (d) Rs.16 9) A farmer sells 2 horses for the same price. In one he gains 20% and in the other he loses 20%. What is his overall profit or loss? (a) 4% profit (b) 4% loss (c) 2% profit (d) 2% loss 10) In a class of 120 students numbered 1 to 120, all even numbered students opt for Physics, whose numbers are divisible by 5 opt for Chemistry and those whose numbers are divisible by 7 opt for Math. How many opt for none of the three subjects? (a) 19 (b) 41 (c) 21 (d) 57 11) Of the 200 candidates who were interviewed for a position at a call center, 100 had a two-wheeler, 70 had a credit card and 140 had a mobile phone. 40 of them had both, a two-wheeler and a credit card, 30 had both, a credit card and a mobile phone and 60 had both, a two wheeler and mobile phone and 10 had all three. How many candidates had none of the three? (a) 0 (b) 20 (c) 10 (d) 18 12) In a class, except 18 all are above 50 years.15 are below 50 years of age. How many people are there (a) 30 (b) 33 (c) 36 (d) none of these. 13) Complete the series: 4, 3, 5, 9, 12, 17, ? (a)32 (b)30 (c)24 (d)26 DIRECTIONS: In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III . You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements , disregarding commonly known facts. | Wipro Mock Test 01A 3 Focus Academy for Career

Enhancement 14) Statements: Some carrots are brinjals. Some brinjals are apples. All apples are bananas. Conclusions: I. Some apples are carrots. II. Some bananas are brinjals III. Some bananas are carrots. (a) only I follows. (b) only II follows. (c) only III follows. (d)only either II or III follows. 15) Statements: All keys are locks. All locks are bangles All bangles are cars. Conclusions: I. some cars are locks. II. Some bangles are keys. III. Some cars are keys (a) only I follows. (b) only I and II follows. (c) only I and III follows. (d) All I, II and III follow. 16) Jan 1, 1992 was Wednesday. What day of the week was on Jan 1,1993 ? (a) Friday (b) Thursday (c) Wednesday (d) none of these. 17) ABEF is related to BCFG in the same way as GHKL is related to... ? (a) FGKJ (b) HILM (c) HIKJ (d) HIML 18) 12 6.5 7.5 12.75 27.5 71.25 ? (a) 225.75 (b) 216.75 (c) 209.75 (d) 236.75 19) A tennis marker is trying to put together a team of four players for a tennis tournament out of seven available. Males - a, b and c; females m, n, o and p. All players are of equal ability and there must be at least two males in the team. For a team of four, all players must be able to play with each other under the following restrictions: b should not play with m, c should not play with p, and a should not play with o. Which of the following statements must be false? (a) b and p cannot be selected together (b) c and o cannot be selected together (c) c and n cannot be selected together. (d) none of these 20) The first republic day of the India was celebrated on 26th January,1950. It was (a) Friday (b) Thursday (c) Wednesday (d) none of these. 21) PSYCHOTIC (a) holy (b) earthly (c) sane (d) physical 22) PUSILLANIMOUS (a) fragrant (b) masculine (c) inopportune (d) courageous 23) PULCHRITUDE (a) austerity (b) ugliness (c) inerrancy (d) beatitude 24) INSOLENT (a) audacious (b) generous (c) deferential (d) detrimental 25) ACQUIESCE (a) acknowledge (b) restate (c) consent (d) interfere 26) HACKNEYED (a) trite (b) equine (c) serrated (d) jointed 27) The king was impressed with the magician and asked ," what can I do for you"? (a) The king was impressed with the magician and asked what he can do for him. (b) The king being impressed with the magician and asked what he could do for him. (c)The king was impressed with the magician and asked what he could do for him. | Wipro Mock Test 01A SECTION:II VERBAL DIRECTIONS: In the following questions choose the word which the exact opposite of the given words. DIRECTIONS: In the following questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word. DIRECTIONS: In the questions below the sentences are been given in the direct/indirect speech from the given alternatives , choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in indirect/direct speech. 4 Focus Academy for Career Enhancement 28) They asked who he was and what he wanted. (a)"who do you want ?" They asked him. (b)"who are you ,sir , and what do you want"? They asked. (c)"what and when do you want "? They asked. 29) The wind blow down the trees. (a)The trees were blow down by the wind. (b)The trees were blown down by the wind. (c)The wind were blowing down the trees. (d)The trees are being blown down by the wind. 30) This house was built by John Mathews in 1991.

(a)In 1991, John Mathews built this house. (b)John Mathews ,in 1991 built this house. (c)John Mathews built this house in 1991. (d)John Mathews in 1991 built this house. 31) My friend sent me a letter. (a)A letter was sent to me by my friend. (b)I was sent a letter by my friend. (c)I sent my friend a letter. (d)My friend sent a letter to me. 32) A lot of goods have been stolen by the customers. (a)The customers stole a lot of goods. (b)The customers steal a lot of goods. (c)The customers have been stealing a lot of goods.(d)The customers will steal a lot of goods . 33) The capacity of embryonic stem cells to develop into most type of human (a) tissue, which makes them (b) tissue, makes them (c)tissues, which make them (d)tissue, making them 34) Female sparrows and immature are quite non-descript compared to (a) those of adult males, their (b) the adult male, which has (c) adult male sparrows (d) adult males and their 35) One of every two new business (a) has failed (b) fails (c) may have failed (d) should fail 36) Which one of the following is same as uncle, aunt, brother? (a) Child (b) Boy (c) Adult (d) Nephew 37) Which one of the following is same as Jute, Cotton and Wool? (a) Nylon (b) Rayon (c) Silk (d) Terylene 38) Which one of the following is same as cork, plug, dam? (a) Obstruction (b) Drain (c) Pipe (d) Tap 39) Resignation : Office : (a) Competition: Game (b) Illness: Hospital (c) Abdication : Throne (d) Moisture : Rain 40) Explore : Discover (a) read : skim (b) research : learn (c) write : print (d) think : relate

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