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The Easter Tree

Props: Tree (can use a Christmas tree), cut out objects for children to place on the tree, three microphones. Place the tree in the middle of the platform, a microphone on each side of the tree that Mike and Sarah will us for reading their lines. The childrens parts can be taped to the back of the object (ex. angel) they hold in order to read it before hanging it on the tree. Choir: Kids stand elevated in loft behind the tree. Step forward to read their part and step back to sing with choir. There is one simple song with several verses to the tune of Oh Christmas Tree About: 12 children and Mike and Sarah. Mike and Sarah are discussing Easter, when some friends come along to help Mike understand why Easter is so important. The kids come carrying a lily, butterfly, cross, crown, angel, and lamb and share how these symbols are meaningful in relationship to Easter. Mike and Sarah can be youth or older elementary kids. You will need fluent readers to read the other lines. A very simple play with little practice needed.

Mike: What is Easter all about anyhow? Sarah: Easter is one of the most important holidays of the year. If Jesus had not risen from the grave, there would be no Easter. He is alive. Song: (Tune: O Christmas Tree) He is alive, He is alive, He is alive this Easter, (repeat) He came to earth a baby born, He is alive this Easter morn, He is alive, He is alive, He is alive this Easter.

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh March 2012 All rights reserved. May use for your ministry to make copies.

Mike: I still dont understand all the symbols of this season and why they are so important. Sarah: When I went to the store with my mom this week, we did see so many different kinds of candy. We saw a chocolate lamb, a chocolate cross, white chocolate lilies, a white angel on a stick, and a white chocolate crown. Mike: Angels and crowns are for Christmas. What do they have to do with Easter? Sarah: If it was not for the crown and the angels announcement, they would not be any Easter. Another thing I saw was some pink butterflies, and all kinds of colors of plastic eggs. They were so cool! Mike: Now I know you are crazy! There were no butterflies in the manger, no butterflies in the garden, no butterflies at the cross, and no butterflies at the grave. So where did butterflies some from? Sarah: You do sound confused and have a lot of questions. I think our friends today will help answers all these questions. Mike: Friends? And who is that? Lamb: Baaa! Baaa! (Pause) "Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; and looking upon Jesus as he walked, he said, Behold the Lamb of God." (John 1:35-36). Jesus came to earth as a lamb. He meekly obeyed the will of God and offered up his life for ours. He gave his life for our sins. Many years ago, a lamb would be given for the sins of the people. Today, since Jesus died on the cross for our sins, we can be forgiven when we ask him into our heart. (Place lamb on the tree) Mike: Wow! So that is what the lamb is all about. To think that someone would do that for me.just for me! Wow! Angel: the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For it is by the Holy Spirit that this child has been placed in her. When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary as his wife. (Matthew 1:20, 24). (Place angel on tree) Angel: The angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were afraid. The angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for behold, I announce to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. And suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to all people. (Luke 2: 9,10, 13) (Place angel on the tree)

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh March 2012 All rights reserved. May use for your ministry to make copies.

Angel: Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white, seated where Jesus body had been, one at the head and the other at the foot. They asked her, Woman, why are you crying? They have taken my Lord away, she said, and I dont know where they have put him. (John 20:11-13) (Pace angel on the tree) Song: (Tune: O Christmas Tree) He is alive, He is alive, He is alive this Easter, (repeat) The angels shared a special song; to us the Savior does belong, He is alive, He is alive, He is alive this Easter. Sarah: It is wonderful to hear how all these symbols tie in with Easter. I sure hope this is giving you an understanding of each one so far. Mike: I am surprised to hear all this. Yes, it is good! I am sure glad there are friends who will share this message with others. But I cant wait to hear the rest. Crown: The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on Jesus head. They put on him a purple robe (John 19:2). One day, we will receive a crown of glory. That will be a happy day! (Place crown on the tree) Cross: Jesus carried his own cross, and went out to the place of the Skull called Golgotha. There they crucified him, and with him two othersone on each side and Jesus in the middle. Pilate had a sign prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. (John 19:17-19). (Place cross on the tree) Song: (Tune: O Christmas Tree) He is alive, He is alive, He is alive this Easter, (repeat) The crown he wore upon his head, the cross he bore for me instead, He is alive, He is alive, He is alive this Easter. Lily: The Easter lily stands for purity, hope and life. Jesus was pure and holy and because of what he did for us on the cross we have hope of heaven some day. He gives us life today all because of His great love. (Place lily on the tree) Lily: Lilies grow in gardens like the one that Jesus prayed in before he was taken away to be crucified. (Place lily on the tree) Lily: Look at the birds of the air; and how our heavenly Father feeds them. See the lilies in the field and how they grow. Even a king in all his fancy clothes is not dressed like one of these. Since God takes care of these, dont worry, he will take care of you, too! (Matthew 6:26-30) (Place lily on the tree).
Rev. Jeanne McIntosh March 2012 All rights reserved. May use for your ministry to make copies.

Mike: I am learning so much today. Did you know that about the lilies? Sarah: No, I did not. I really like the part about how a lily stands for purity, hope and life. Jesus sure does give us that. But I think we have just a few more friends to hear from. Just look at those butterflies! Such pretty colors, too! Butterfly: A butterfly is a symbol of long life. (Place butterfly on tree) Butterfly: The Greek word for butterfly means soul (Place on tree) Butterfly: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16). We will live forever and ever in heaven with Jesus. Sarah: Thank you so much for sharing this good lesson with us today! Mike: Sure thing! We learned a lot! We wish all our friends a Happy Easter! Both: Happy Easter! Song: (Tune: O Christmas Tree) He is alive, He is alive, He is alive this Easter, (repeat) God cares for you, so much today, Hell walk beside you all the way. He is alive, He is alive, He is alive this Easter.

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh March 2012 All rights reserved. May use for your ministry to make copies.

The Easter Three Parts for Toddlers

Each carry an egg cut out of cardstock colorful paper (green, blue, yellow, pink, white, black). Punch a hole in the top of the egg and tie a ribbon around so they can hang low on the tree. A teacher can read the line and the child say only the color of the egg (shout it out). Do all of these or as many what toddlers that you have. 1. The green egg stands for the grass that Mary walked on to go see Jesus at the tomb. Shout..GREEN! (Place egg in the tree) 2. The blue stands for the bright sky when Jesus arose from the grave. Shout.BLUE! (Place egg on the tree) 3. The yellow stands for the bright light from the angel at the tomb. Shout.YELLOW! (Place egg on the tree. 4. The pink stands for the joy the disciples felt when they saw Jesus was aliveShout JOY! (Place egg on the tree. 5. The white egg stands for how pure Jesus was the Lamb of God who took our place on the cross. ShoutWHITE! (Place egg on the tree.

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh March 2012 All rights reserved. May use for your ministry to make copies.

6. The black egg stands for our sin that Jesus will wash away. Shout.BLACK! (Place egg on the tree). 7. The orange egg stands for the sunset God gave to us. Shout.ORANGE! (Place egg on the tree). 8. The purple egg reminds us of the many blossoms of flowers growing in Gods garden. Shout.PURPLE! (Place egg on the tree). 9. The red egg is like Jesus blood that was shed for our sins. Shout.RED! (Place egg on the tree). 10. The gold egg stands for the streets we will walk on someday. Shout.GOLD! (Place egg on the tree).

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh March 2012 All rights reserved. May use for your ministry to make copies.

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