Convergence of Media and Telecom

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Convergence of Media and Telecom

NEM & the Integration of Broadband and Mutimedia

Michiel Pelt Alcatel Research & Innovation NEM Workshop 3 December 2004


MediaTelecom convergence is a multi-faceted movement

Service and network convergence: a wide range of applications over a single network Device convergence: PCs, STBs, mobile phones support communication and media consumption Industry convergence: hitherto unrelated industry players enter a new arena of competition


User-Centric View
Observing the emerging examples of, and the opportunities for richer user experiences of networked electronic media Convergence phenomena reflect societal shifts The empowered user seeks control, self-realisation and participation

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Media and Telecom Convergence


Internet (technology) initiated the convergence movement

Various application data transported over a single network technology Consumable on a multi-purpose device, initially the PC Triple Play: voice (telecom) + data + video (media)


Broadband, supporting Big Media Objects, drives convergence




Broadband Access
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The Triple Play Laboratory


The Triple Play laboratory is ready

Equipment, broadband infrastructure and multimedia devices are in place Components are available: voice, data, video

Video Data Voice


User-Centric Experimentation
Dont make the alchemists mistake of looking for the essence: the killer application Create and discover new user experiences that combine the basic components in innovative ways


The first intriguing phenomena in the converged world can now be observed

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Convergence Phenomenon #1: The Long Tail


On-line Services modify the consumption behaviour

Media content not profitable in physical stores, constitutes a healthy market in an on-line environment Example: Rhapsody on-line music store
735,000 Songs

#plays/month @ Rhapsody


Total Rhapsody Sales


39,000 Songs

Inventory Rhapsody

Inventory Wall-Mart


Rhapsody sales Of Long Tail

Songs only available at Rhapsody THE LONG TAIL

39,000 Source: 100,000 Media titles ranked by popularity

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Long Tail Catalyser

2,300,000 Books 25,000 DVDs

130,000 Books Barnes & Noble Amazon

Amazon Long Tail Sales

3,000 DVDs

Blockbuster Netflix Netflix Long Tail Sales

Mainstream hits serve as entry point Recommendations guide users exploration of the long tail

NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 6

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Two Good Friends The Long Tail and Community Communication

Media Broadcast One-to-Many The Long Tail One-to-A Few
supported by

Telecom One-to-One

Community Communication A Few-to-A Few

Recommendations and rating by community Of users

Word-of-mouth e-mail, chat, Instant, messaging

Webfora and boards

Community opinion leaders (critics) on weblogs

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The Basic Component Families Revisited

Radio Music Movies Broadcast TV Books games E-mail Telephony Blogs Fora


Content User


Voice Conferencing Video Communic. Chat

Friends Neighbourhood Affinity Groups Sports Clubs

NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 8


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The Empowered User


The cited long tail examples operate in an on demand fashion

Giving the user the power to control what and when to consume


Personal Video Recorders provide similar control in the broadcast television space

User becomes his own program packager, selecting and scheduling his preferred content into his personal channel


The observed consumption behaviour reflects the societal shift from mainstream markets to individual and fragmented tastes
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NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 9

Convergence Phenomenon #2: Personal Content


45% of American broadband users used the PC to send digital pictures

Downloading pictures is the only on-line activity that skews toward female consumers
(Source: Yankee Group 042004, Consumer Entertainment)


Every day 12,000 weblogs are created

(Source: Technorati, 10/2004)

Worldwide still ca mera sa les

120 Million of units 100 80 60 40 20 0
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Digital-still cameras

Analog-still cameras

Source : PMA Data Watch 01/2004, Infotrends research group

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Another Perspective at the Looooong Tail


The long tail continues infinitely

Broadband distribution and multimedia content devices transform the user into a content creator, blurring the border between creators and consumers, between audience and actors
Professional Content Creators
Commercial content People pay to consume Personal Content People pay to share

Prosumers Semi-Professionals One-to-A Few

End-users = Everybody

One-to-Many >

Everybody-to-A Few

A wide spectrum of content emerges

Professional Broadcasts (news, sports, shows, )

Home Video shows and Video Diaries

Regional & Local Community TV

VRT Ketnet Kick Personal PhotoChildren create TV: birthday sharing content shown on TV videos, Blogging

NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 11

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Structure of the Observed Phenomena


The new media consumption/creation user experience is a concatenation and superposition of telecom and media components
Media Exploration Professional Broadcast Content Personal Content Community Communication

MM Capture & Consulting of Storage Devices EPGs Generation of word-of-mouth, Recommendations Broadband Distribution & Consumption recommedations Rating, Comments, >

Equal attention to all phases of the end-to-end user experience is necessary for a satisfying and appealing experience
Turn electronic program guides into community portals


The really exciting prospect is the actual fusion of media and telecom components into a new user experience
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NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 12

Convergence Phenomenon #3: The Real Fusion


Early examples of integrated telecom+media experiences

On-line gaming with voice chat >

Interactive TV with voting

Communication becomes an integral part of the experience of networked electronic media

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NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 13

The AmigoTV Experience: Watching Television Together

Community Television, the next step for Interactive TV = Communication between TV viewers


Find your friends on TV

Use Channel presence to find out what they are watching Comment on the TV program


Talk with your friends


Share your emotions

Change the expression of your avatar (*) Send multimedia messages

(*) Avatar = your graphical presence on TV

NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 14
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lifetimecelebrity years weeks hours microcelebrity Movies TV Big Brother Reality Shows

In the future, everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes. Andy Warhol


Broadcast Participation Television

Another important trend is that people also want to join in more with their media. In a fragmenting society, joining in with media is a substitute for community in a lot more ways than Pop Idol or Fame Academy-style voting. Ashley Highfield, Director, BBC New Media and Technology
NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 15
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Community Community Partic. TV Partic. TV Community Community Partic. TV Partic. TV Community Partic. TV

Participation Televison: On-Line Idol 2006

Composed image Media Aggregation



Video clip without lyrics Singing + webcam Rating Supporting + webcam Comments + webcam . . .


Co- singer


Supporters Broadcast audience

Reduced cost viewer participation

NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 16

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Broadband Triple Play significantly modifies the user experience of networked electronic media

empowering the user who seeks personal control of his media experience drawing heavily on community communication


The emerging real fusion of telecom and media services unleashes enormeous creative energy to stage new broadband user experiences Numerous challenges ahead


Broadband infrastructures that support a new level of multimedia information transfer Versatile and performant, yet simple-to-use multimedia devices Repositioning of the industrial players in the value chain Creative and innovative approach of the new opportunities, always taking the user experience as the starting point
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NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 17

Already addressing the Challenges


Within the MUSE and MediaNet EC FP6/IST projects, Alcatel and its partners have started to address the challenges of media+telecom convergence
Conversational Conversational services services

MediaNet => Enabling the delivery of a myriad ofApplication layer applications over common reference architecture
Common enabling services layer

Game Game service service

Video on demand Video on demand (VoD) service (VoD) service

Application communication SLA control

Service Service Provisioning Provisioning
Network // Network Element Element Management Management

QoS on demand
Network Network Resource Resource Control Control


Accounting // Accounting Billing Billing

Content security // Content security DRM DRM

MUSE => Providing

secure connectivity of multiple services between terminals and multiple providers

Service communication

Network layer


Edge Node

Access Node

Aggregation node

Backbone Backbone network network

Home Home network network

Access Access network network

Regional Regional Network Network


NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 18

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But much more needs to be done down the line!!!

> >

The NEM initiative is a key driver for the convergence between media and telecoms This is a unique opportunity to bring ALL the stakeholders together, share experiences and develop innovative usercentric solutions This is a unique opportunity for the European industry to have a strong lead in an area which is key to develop access to the European diverse cultural environment This is a unique opportunity for the European citizens to benefit from technologies and services that will have been directly developed for themnot for the benefit of others and then adapted to European needs



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NEM Workshop 3 Dec. 04 20

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