Vintage Flowers

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You Will Need: Circular Needles Double Pointed Needles

2x Size: US10.5+ Size: 2x US13, 2x US15

Rx: Vintage Flower Bag Difficulty: Advanced Intermediate Use With:

5 hanks Berroco Peruvia 100% Peruvian Highland Wool Color: 7142 Blue-Grey double stranded Scrap yarn for flowers in contrasting or complementing colors Knitting in the round, Using 2 circular needles to knit in the round, Increasing and Decreasing, Picking up stitches, I-cord

Special Techniques: Directions:

Using US13 needles holding two strands together CO 100 stitches using long tail cast on Join round using wrap and turn method place marker at join Top of bag: Rounds 1 & 2: knit around Round 3: purl around (creates ridge row) Round 4-11: knit around Work garter stitch for three rows as follows: Rnd 12: purl around Rnd 13: knit around Rnd 14: purl around Body Bag portion of bag. Change to US15 circs. Rnd 15: Knit from US13s onto US15s all the way around. Begin increases: (note: stitches will be tight on first row after changing from US13s) Rnd 16: kfb every stitch to end of round (200 stitches) Rnd: 17-28: knit every row (approx. 5 from garter stitch rows) Rnd 29: kfb every stitch to end of round (400 stitches) Rnds 30 & 31: knit around Rnd 32: k2tog every stitch around (200 stitches) Rnd 33-44: knit every row (approx. 5 from last k2tog row) Rnd 45: k2tog every stitch (100 stitches) After round 45 switch back to US13s for bottom of bag. Pie part of bag: Rnd 46-53: Work garter stitch for 7 rows. Begin with and end with purl rows. Rnd 54 : Add in 2nd US13 needle, knit 50 stitches onto new needle, drop needles (leave to dangle with worked stitches) work remainder of stitches on established needle Rnd 55: (k9, k2tog) 10 times (90 stitches) Rnd 56: (and every odd row until noted): knit around Rnd 57: (k7, k2tog) 11 times, k2 (81 stitches) Rnd 58: (k5, k2tog) 13 times, k3 (71 stitches) Rnd 60: (k3, k2tog) 18 times, k3 (56 stitches) Rnd 62: (k2, k2tog) 18 times, k2 (41 stitches) Rnd 64: (k1, k2tog) 20 times, k1 (22 stitches) Rnd 66: k2tog every stitch around (11 stitches)

Design,original pattern, and sample by Gail Pasqualotto. Reverse pattern writer Daniella Cortez.

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To close hole at bottom of bag: Break yarn leaving a tail of several inches. Thread darning needle with yarn tail. Slip the stitches from the knitting needles onto the darning needle and draw yarn through stitches as if knitting and cinch tight. Insert Ruffled Portion: Turn bag inside out, using US13 circs pick up 100 stitches at the top of the first row of garter stitches on right side of bag. (Before increases start, this will be the first ridge of purl rows on the outside of the bag.) You will be working reverse stockinette stitch, however you will knit every row just as if you were knitting stockinette stitch Rnds 1-8: knit every row Rnd 9: k2tog every stitch (50 stitches) Rnd 10: k2tog (count k2tog stitch as first stitch) (k7, yo twice, k2tog) 5 times, k6, yo twice (52 stitches) Rnd 11: kfb every stitch (104 stitches) Rnds 12-19: knit every row Bind off using US15s I-Cord draw string: Knit I-cord long enough to thread through eyelets on ruffled portion of bag leaving enough length to carry the bag with. (I-cord is knit on 2 double pointed needles. To knit the I-cord cast on 3 stitches, knit across and then instead of turning stitches slide the knit stitches to the other end of DPN without turning, this will leave the working yarn on the wrong side of the knit stitches, now knit across again pulling the working yarn across the back side of the work. This cinches up the back of the knit row into a cord.) Flowers and Leaves: To knit the flowers: for small flowers CO 16 stitches. Row 1: knit across. Row 2: purl. Row 3: k2tog every
Design,original pattern, and sample by Gail Pasqualotto. Reverse pattern writer Daniella Cortez.

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stitch. Repeat Rows 2 and 3 until you have 2 stitches left. Bind off. For medium sized flower CO 22 stitches, knit the same as small flower. For large flowers CO 34, knit same as small flower. Leaves: CO 3 stitches. Row 1: k1, yo, k1, yo, k1. Row 2: purl across (and all wrong side rows). Row 3: k2, yo, k1,yo, k2. Row 5: k3, yo, k1, yo, k3. Row 7: knit across. Row 9: ssk, knit to last 2, k2tog. Row 10: purl across. Repeat rows 9 and 10 until you have three stitches left then ssk, k1. Bing off last two stitches. Tips: Be sure to count your stitches at the end of every row to make sure they match the number of stitches given. Felting is a forgiving process, so if you are off by a stitch or two you can increase (m1 or k1fb) or decrease (k2tog) symmetrically to reach the stitch count you are supposed to have. Felt this bag in five minute increments if you are felting in a washing machine. Yarn will felt quickly when agitated in hot water. Put a clean towel in the machine with the bag. Check regularly until bag is felted to desired dimensions. If you want a less uniform felt, hand felt by rubbing the bag against itself under very hot water with a little bit of soap. To shape bag after felting it is useful to put a bowling ball or other heavy round object inside of the bag while it dries.

Design,original pattern, and sample by Gail Pasqualotto. Reverse pattern writer Daniella Cortez.

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