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Personal network management

A focus on four dimensions can help managers improve their connections.

The first is the extent to which managers seek out people within or outside of their

functional areas.
Second is the degree to which hierarchy, tenure, and location matter of the manager's social relationships. Third is the length of time managers have known their connections.

Fourth is the extent to which manager's personal networks are the result of interactions that are built in their schedules (such as planned meetings) rather than ad hoc encounters in the hallways. Because informal networks are not, by their very nature, part of the official hierarchy, they are often starved of resources - and the right kind of management attention. It is only after executives openly and systematically start working with informal networks that the groups will become more effective. Moreover, we have found that people with strong personal networks - such as the key role-players - are more satisfied in their jobs and stay longer at. their companies than employees with weak networks. Thus, working with the role-players to improve their effectiveness will not only boost productivity but will also help executives retain the people who really make their organisations tick.

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The employee's skill/will matrix and the leadership style

High will Guide the enthusiastic beginner (low skill, high will) Invest time early on coach and train, answer questions and explain Create a risk-free environment to allow early "mistakes" / learning Relax control as progress is shown Structure, control and supervise Delegate to the peak performer (skill high and will high) Provide freedom to do the job Set objectives, not methods Praise, don't ignore it Encourage coachee to take responsibility Involve in decision-making for "ownership" of the decision Use "tell me what you think" approach Take appropriate risks Give more stretching tasks Don't over-manage, don't micro-manage

Direct the disillusioned learner (skill and will are low) First build the will by: clear briefings, identify motivations, develop a vision Second build the skill by: structure the tasks for "quick wins", coach and train Then sustain the will by: "state of the art" feedback, praise and nurture Direct and support

Excite the reluctant contributor (high skill, low will) Identify reasons for low will as the style of management, the tasks, Motivate Monitor and feedback Praise, listen and facilitate

Low will

The employee's support/challenge matrix and his motivation

Support high

Annoyed, demotivated

Motivated, stretched

Why are you here?

Anxious, frustrated, helpless


challenge high

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Early alert development checklist how not to choose someone

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Insensitivity to others: abrasive, intimidating or bullying style, uncaring Cold, aloof and arrogant: makes others feel inferior, stupid, diminished, bad, always has to win, doesn't listen, isolates self from others Overly ambitious: focuses excessively on self and career progress and promotions, bruises people on the way up, primarily manages up to please top management Lack of composure: gets emotional and volatile under stress, does not handle pressure well, unpredictable Fails to staff effectively: consistently picks the wrong people, uses inappropriate standards, cloning, not good at building teams, doesn't resolve conflict among staff Over managing: is a poor delegator, over controls and meddles, doesn't get the most out of people, doesn't develop subordinates well Unable to think strategically: can't deal wit business or organisational complexity of jobs

requiring complex strategy formulation, gets mired in details and tactics, can't adapt to new situations easily, can't make the transition from a technical to a general manager 8. Betrayal of trust: fails to follow through on promises, leaves people dangling due to unmet promises, says one thing and means another, makes a splash and moves on without really completing the job 9. Low detail orientation : lets things fall through the cracks, lacks attention to essential details, leaves a trail of little problems, overcommits and under delivers 10.0verdependence on an advocate/mentor: has stayed with the same

boss/mentor/champion 11.0verdependence

too long, isn't seen as independent and able to stand on own

on a single skill: over-relies on one core talent / technology /

functional perspective 12. Unable to adapt to bosses/strategies/management/culture : has trouble working with

and adapting to bosses and others with different philosophies and strategies, disagrees with higher management on culture/ strategies/issues 13. Performance problems with the business 14. Key skill deficiencies: perform consistently lacks one or more key executive-level, job-required skills to


Managing up 30 ways to build a career-advancing relationship with your boss

1. Do good work 2. Be supportive, not competitive, he needs your help for his advancement 3. Get involved in your profession 4. Observe your boss' style in working, in decision-making, in personality, in conflict 5. Give advance warning about problems, don't cover them up 6. Keep your work well accomplished 7. Figure out our boss' likes an dislikes, and act accordingly 8. Observe your boss' times of day, his biorhythm 9. Learn how your boss feels about paperwork, is he a listener or a reader 10. Make sure you're in tune with your boss' goals 11. Help your boss succeed 12. Be a "goodmouther" but don't cover up problems 13. Learn how to negotiate like a pro 14. Learn when to fight, how to fight, and when to leave it alone 15.Visit quickly and not too often and not for trivial issues 16. Give negative feedback well, use the AID, PRAISE, constructive feedback 17. Don't become a threat 18.Accept responsibility for your successes and for your failures 19. Prepare for your meetings 20. Build an appropriate personal relationship 21. Look like a professional 22. Give credit and praise generously 23. Stand up for what you believe and need 24. Be informative, but not a "gossip-monger", keep him in the knowledge loop 25. Build mentoring and networking relationships throughout the organisation 26. Listen actively 27. Tolerate some bad moods 28. Demonstrate total loyalty and honesty, respect the chain of command 29. Learn how to handle criticism 30. Get organised

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