Sopa and How It Effects Us

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and How it effects ALL of us

PP-322 Communication Skills

Presented byAnkit Jain(09120008) B.Tech 3rd Year P&P

SOPA- Stop online piracy act

PIPA- Protect IP Act

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a United States bill introduced by U.S. Representative Lamar S. Smith to expand ability of U.S. Law enforcement to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. Provision includes the requesting of court orders to bar advertising networks and payment facilities from conducting business with infringing websites, and search engines from linking to the sites. The law would expand existing criminal laws to include unauthorized streaming of copyrighted content, imposing a maximum penalty of five years in prison. A similar bill in the U.S. Senate is titled the PROTECT IP Act(PIPA).

Proponents of the legislation state it will protect the intellectualproperty market and corresponding industry, jobs and revenue, and is necessary to bolster enforcement of copyright laws, especially against foreign websites. Claiming flaws in present laws that do not cover foreign-owned and operated sites, and citing examples of "active promotion of rogue websites" by U.S. search engines, proponents assert stronger enforcement tools are needed. Opponents state the proposed legislation threatens free speech and innovation, and enables law enforcement to block access to entire internet domains due to infringing content posted on a single blog or webpage. They have raised concerns that SOPA would bypass the "safe harbor" protections from liability presently afforded to Internet sites by the Digital Millennium Copyright ActOther opponents state that requiring search engines to delete a domain name could begin a worldwide arms race of unprecedented censorship of the Web and violates the First Amendment.

on th 18 January

On January 18, 2012, the English Wikipedia, Reddit,

and an estimated 7,000 other smaller websites coordinated a service blackout, to raise awareness. In excess of 160 million people viewed Wikipedia's banner. Other protests against SOPA and PIPA included petition drives, with Google stating it collected over 7 million signatures, boycotts of companies that support the legislation, and a rally held in New York City. Wider protests were considered and in some cases committed to by major internet sites, with high profile bodies such as Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Amazon, AOL, Mozilla, LinkedIn, IAC, eBay, PayPal, Wordpress and Wikimedia being widely named as "considering" or committed to an "unprecedented" internet blackout . A series of pickets against the bill were held at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. Two picketers were arrested. Kaspersky Lab, a major computer security company, demonstrated its opposition to SOPA and "decided to discontinue its membership in the BSA



The English Wikipedia blackout occurred for 24 hours on January 1819, 2012. In place of articles, the site showed only a message in protest of SOPA and PIPA asking visitors to "Imagine a world without free knowledge.". It is estimated in excess of 160 million people saw the banner


On January 19, 2012, Megaupload, a website

providing file sharing services, was shut down by the US Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[181] This led to what Anonymous called "the single largest Internet attack in its history".[2] Barrett Brown, described as a spokesperson for the group Anonymous by the state-run[182] news outlet RT, said the timing of the raid "couldn't have come at a worse time in terms of the government's standpoint".[2] and said that the websites of the Justice Department, FBI, Universal Music Group, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and Broadcast Music, Inc had been shut down.[2] Some commentators and observers have asserted that the FBI shut down of Megaupload proves that SOPA and PIPA are unnecessary.

......and so on
& Also The Number of SOPA-PIPA OPPONENTS increases drastically in just one day as compared to supporters of sopa-pipa

Although the actions of Anonymous received support, others have argued that the denial of service attack risked damaging the anti-SOPA case .The attack included a new, sophisticated method whereby internet users who clicked on links placed in chat rooms and on twitter participated, some without their knowledge, in a denial of service attack, thereby breaking existing US law. Anonymous used "Low Orbit Ion Cannon" (LOIC) to attack supporters of SOPA on January 19th, 2012. Anonymous claimed this to be their largest attack with over 5,635 people participating in the DDoS attack via LOIC.[188] LOIC was utilized by many attackers, despite the fact that a network firewall could easily filter out network traffic it generates, thus rendering it only partly effective.[citation needed] The group threatened to shut down Facebooks 60,000 servers in Operation Global Blackout on January 28, 2012.[189]




Every website will be regulated according to the regulations imposed by the government. Scams and other fraudulent activities will be prevented.

There will be an increase in the revenue of the businesses since customers will be obliged to purchase from the original source.

Copyright owners have the right to shut down any websites who replicate their particular contents, videos and many others.

The government will have a hard time implementing such act as it involves the World Wide Web which has billions of files to check and regulate. It will cost them a big amount of money because they have to make massive campaigns worldwide.

The biggest threat that the implementation of this law posses is its impact on Online Freedom of Speech. Laurence H. Tribe, a Harvard University professor of constitutional law, released an open letter on the web stating that SOPA would "undermine the openness and free exchange of information at the heart of the Internet. And it would violate the First Amendment Similarly, the Center for Democracy and Technology warned, "If SOPA and PIPA are enacted, the US government must be prepared for other governments to follow suit, in service to whatever social policies they believe are importantwhether restricting hate speech, insults to public officials, or political dissent."


People will be required to shell out a big amount of money whenever they want to download something like music or video

Millions of websites will be removed from the World Wide Web and it will cause a lot of destruction in the online world.

It Destroy Job
The promoters of the SOPA-PIPA are pretending that it would save jobs and help the economy, but in reality it would actually destroy jobs and hurt the economy. because people starting ignoring job offers by Web Companies which dont have any future.

Negative impact on capital
If SOPA became law people stop investing in web companies because knowing the fact that websites can be shut down anytime by just a single copyright complaint against Them.

How come this law worries me?

Myself being a Blogger. If this law passes then it gives the government the right to shut down my blog and many other sites at their discretion just from a complaint and NO proof! NO PROOF!!! If I get a link that is copyrighted on my blog that SOMEONE ELSE adds, and then someone complains I am shut down due to no fault of my own. That is WRONG!! Where would the line be then? They could hide behind this for SOOO many things!

A Proposal by the opponents of the bill.

Opponents of the bill have proposed the Online

Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act (OPEN)

as an alternative.[3][4] On January 20, 2012, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Smith postponed plans to draft the bill: "The committee remains committed to finding a solution to the problem of online piracy that protects American intellectual property and innovation ... The House Judiciary Committee will postpone consideration of the legislation until there is wider agreement on a solution.

And we have got to wait


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