LSA Is The Backbone of All Lysergic Acid Amides

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LSA Synthesis

LSA is the backbone of all lysergic acid amides (LSD, ergotamine, etc), and is psychedelic in and of itself. Erowid can do as good a job describing it as I can, so go look it up there (under morning glories or hawaiian baby woodrose). It stimulates the serotonin 1 and serotonin 2 receptors with moderate affinity for the serotonin 2a receptor in particular. I suspect it also has affinity for histamine receptors due to its somewhat sedating effect. Dose: 0.5-5.0mg orally, eat a light meal about 2 hours prior to reduce nausea. NOTE: this is the dose of *pure* LSA, if you decide not to process it all the way to purity the amount of extract required goes up substantially (several hundred milligrams, depending on purity). The first few steps of this extraction are quite simple, similar to an acid/base extraction. Further purification requires a little skill. WARNINGS: - naphtha fumes are toxic and highly flammable, isopropanol fumes are flammable, do this in a well-ventilated place or outdoors, with no source of flame or sparks (eg: light switches, electric motors/fans) nearby. Don't smoke nearby. - isopropanol is toxic when ingested, be sure that your extract is completely dry before eating it. If you don't trust that you can do this, don't do the purifications. NOTES: - LSA is heat and light sensitive. I suggest working with a red light (the least damaging wavelength of visible light). NEVER use heat to help things evaporate faster. You will need: o morning glory seeds (I recommend the Heavenly Blue strain) or hawaiian baby woodrose seeds o naphtha (from the hardware store, they call it camp fuel or white gasoline, if you can get lab-grade petroleum ether that's even better) o isopropanol (from the pharmacy, they call it rubbing alcohol, it must be the 99% variety, not 90% or 70%)

o distilled water (from the grocery store, it *must* be distilled not mineral)

Step 1: defatting the seeds grind up 100g of morning glory seeds or 25g of hawaiian baby woodrose seeds as finely as possible Place the powder in a jar you can seal, add 250mL of naphtha, seal, and shake. Shake it again a few times over the course of an hour. After an hour, let the seed powder settle out then pour off the naphtha and discard (but do so in an environmentally friendly manner, don't just pour it down the drain or spread it out on the ground, if you can't think of a good way to dispose of it arrange some sort of safe way to burn it away) Add 250mL more naptha, and repeat the previous step Add 250mL more naptha, and repeat the previous step, for a total of 3 washings Spread out the powder on a cookie sheet and put in a cool dark place and let it dry thoroughly until there's no smell of naphtha Typical yield: n/a, the powder will weigh almost as much as it did before defatting You could stop right here and eat the powder (if it's from morning glories about 10g, hawaiian baby woodrose about 2.5g), the defatted seed powder will produce much less nausea and gastrointestinal distress than the raw seed powder, however you can do better! Step 2: performing a crude extraction Place the defatted seed powder in a jar you can seal, add 250mL of distilled water, and shake. Shake it again a few times over the course of 24 hours. Store it in your fridge when you're not working on it. After a day, filter the mush through a coffee filter, save the water and store in the fridge Put the mush back in the jar, add 250mL more distilled water, and shake a few times over the course of 24 hours. Store it in the fridge when you're not working on it. After a day, filter it again, saving the water and adding it to the water you collected the previous day Put the mush back in the jar, add 250mL more distilled water, shake a few times over the course of 24 hours, storing in the fridge when not in use, etc. Filter the mush one last time, saving the water and adding it to the collection, this time you can throw away the seed mush. Pour the 750mL of water extract into a glass baking dish or tray, and put it in a dark room, with a fan blowing across the surface of the water to help it evaporate faster Once all the water has evaporated, use a razor blade to scrape up the thin film of resin that's left behind on the bottom of the tray Typical yield: 2-5g of LSA-containing resin You could stop right here and eat the resin (if it's from morning glories about 500mg, hawaiian baby woodrose about 200mg), honestly this extract is pure enough for most purposes with very little nausea or other side effects, however you can still do better!

Step 3: purifying the extract (you start losing some LSA at this point) using a razor blade, chop up the resin until it's as fine a powder as you can get it (this is difficult as it likes to stick to itself) Pour 50mL of isopropanol into the smallest glass container you can find that you can seal, and add the resin powder to it Shake occasionally over the course of an hour Filter the isopropanol/resin mixture through a coffee filter, saving the isopropanol. What's left of the resin you can either discard, or dry it and eat it (it contains a bit of LSA), or save it for the next time you do this extraction and just add it to the seed powder at the beginning. Put the filtered isopropanol in your fridge overnight, to let any suspended solids fall to the bottom In the morning, pour off the isopropanol into a glass baking dish or tray leaving any solids behind in the jar. Evaporate the isopropanol in a cool dark room, NO FANS! Once all the isopropanol has evaporated, use a razor blade to scrape up the thin film of LSAcontaining residue that's left behind Typical yield: 100-200mg of extract that's about 10% LSA You could stop right here and eat the extract (about 10-20mg), the major impurities are sugars and don't change the experience in any way, however you can *still* do better! Step 4: further purifying the extract (you start losing a lot of LSA at this point) using a razor blade, chop up the extract as fine as possible Pour 5mL of isopropanol into some sort of small, narrow container (a test tube if you have one), and add the extract powder to it Shake constantly for an hour Let it stand in the fridge for a few hours to let the solids fall to the bottom carefully pour off the top of the isopropanol into another small narrow container, leaving the solids behind Put your decanted isopropanol into the freezer for a few hours. A small amount of small crystals should form (I'm talking a really small amount). make as tiny a filter as you can out of a coffee filter scrape the insides of the narrow container you have the isopropanol/crystals in so any crystals stuck to the glass come free, then pour it all through the tiny filter the remaining few mL of filtered isopropanol can be discarded, or evaporated and the residue eaten (it contains a lot of LSA), or saved for the next time you do this extraction and used as the isopropanol in this step. save the crystals, dry them in a cool dark room for a few hours, then store in an airtight glass container in your freezer Typical yield: 5-10mg of ~90% pure LSA

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