Max Weber

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Max Weber Maximilian Carl Emil Weber Maximilian Carl Emil Weber (Born: April 21, 1864 in Erfurt,

(Born: April 21, 1864 in Erfurt, Germany Died: June 14, 1920 Germany Died: June 14, 1920 in Munich, Germany from in Munich, Germany from Pneumonia) was a German ) was a German political economist and political economist and sociologist who was considered sociologist who was considered one of the founders of the one of the founders of the modern study of sociology and modern study of sociology and public administration. He began public administration. He began his career at the University of his career at the University of Berlin, and later worked at Berlin, and later worked at Freiburg University, University of Freiburg University, University of Heidelberg, University of Vienna Heidelberg, University of Vienna and University of Munich. He and University of Munich. He was influential in contemporary was influential in contemporary German politics, being an German politics, being an advisor to Germany's advisor to Germany's negotiators at the Treaty of negotiators at the Treaty of Versailles and to the Versailles and to the commission charged with commission charged with drafting the Weimar drafting the Weimar Constitution. Webers Six Major Principles A formal hierarchical structure.A formal hierarchical structure. Management by rules.Management by rules. Organization by functional specialty.Organization by functional specialty. An "up-focused" or "in-focused" mission.An "up-focused" or "in-focused" mission. Purposely impersonal.Purposely impersonal. Employment based on technical Employment based on technical qualifications.qualifications. Predisposition to grow in staff "above the Predisposition to grow in staff "above the line."line."

What is bureaucracy? Weber perceived bureaucracy as a threat to basic Weber perceived bureaucracy as a threat to basic personal liberties; he also recognized it as the most personal liberties; he also recognized it as the most efficient possible system of organizing. He predicted efficient possible system of organizing. He predicted the triumph of bureaucracy because of its ability to the triumph of bureaucracy because of its ability to ensure more efficient functioning of organizations in ensure more efficient functioning of organizations in both business and government settings. Weber both business and government settings. Weber identified a set of organizational characteristics.that identified a set of organizational characteristics.that could be found in successful bureaucratic could be found in successful bureaucratic organizations.organizations. Rules and standard procedures enabled Rules and standard procedures enabled organizational activities to be performed in a organizational activities to be performed in a predictable, routine manner. Specialized duties predictable, routine manner. Specialized duties meant that each employee had a clear task to meant that each employee had a clear task to perform. Hierarchy of authority provided a sensible perform. Hierarchy of authority provided a sensible mechanism for

supervision and control. Technical mechanism for supervision and control. Technical competence was the basis by which people were competence was the basis by which people were hired rather than friendship, family ties, and hired rather than friendship, family ties, and favoritism, which dramatically reduced work favoritism, which dramatically reduced work performance. The separation of the position from the performance. The separation of the position from the position holder meant that individuals did not own or position holder meant that individuals did not own or have an inherent right to the job, which promoted have an inherent right to the job, which promoted efficiency. Written records provide an organizational efficiency. Written records provide an organizational memory and continuity and over time. memory and continuity and over time.

Although bureaucratic characteristics carried to an Although bureaucratic characteristics carried to an extreme are widely criticized today, the rational extreme are widely criticized today, the rational control introduced by Weber was a significant idea control introduced by Weber was a significant idea and a new form of organization. Bureaucracy Bureaucracy is the structure and set of Bureaucracy is the structure and set of regulation in place to control activity, regulation in place to control activity, usually in large organizations and usually in large organizations and government. It is characterized by rule government. It is characterized by rule following procedures, formal division of following procedures, formal division of responsibility, hierarchy and impersonal responsibility, hierarchy and impersonal relationships. In practice the interpretation relationships. In practice the interpretation and execution of policy can lead to informal and execution of policy can lead to informal influence.influence. Bureaucracy is a concept in sociology and Bureaucracy is a concept in sociology and political science referring to the way that political science referring to the way that the administrative execution and the administrative execution and enforcement of legal rules are socially enforcement of legal rules are socially organized.

Weber on Bureaucracy Max Weber has probably been one of the most Max Weber has probably been one of the most influential users of the word in the social science influential users of the word in the social science sense. He is well-known for his study of sense. He is well-known for his study of bureaucratization of society; many aspects of bureaucratization of society; many aspects of modern public administration go back to him.modern public administration go back to him. Weber described the ideal type of Bureaucracy in Weber described the ideal type of Bureaucracy in positive terms, considering it to be more rational positive terms, considering it to be more rational and efficient from of organization than the and efficient from of organization than the alternatives that preceded it, which he characterized alternatives that preceded it, which he characterized as

charismatic domination and traditional as charismatic domination and traditional domination. According to his terminology, domination. According to his terminology, Bureaucracy is part of legal domination. However, Bureaucracy is part of legal domination. However, he also emphasized that Bureaucracy becomes he also emphasized that Bureaucracy becomes inefficient when a decision must be adopted to an inefficient when a decision must be adopted to an individual case. The key characteristics of Bureaucracy Bureaucracy Specification of jobs with detailed rights, Specification of jobs with detailed rights, obligations, responsibilities, scope of obligations, responsibilities, scope of authority.authority. System of supervision and subordination.System of supervision and subordination. Unity of Command.Unity of Command. Extensive use of written documents.Extensive use of written documents. Training in job requirements and skills. Training in job requirements and skills. Application of consistent and complete Application of consistent and complete rules (company manual).rules (company manual) Assign work and hire personnel based on Assign work and hire personnel based on competence and experience.

The Seven principles of BureaucracyBureaucracy 1. Official business is conducted on a continuous Official business is conducted on a continuous basisbasis 2. Official business is conducted with strict rules.Official business is conducted with strict rules. 3. Every officials responsibilities and authority are Every officials responsibilities and authority are part of a vertical hierarchy of authority, with part of a vertical hierarchy of authority, with respective rights of supervision and appeal.respective rights of supervision and appeal. 4. Officials do not own the recourses necessary for Officials do not own the recourses necessary for the performance of their assigned functions but are the performance of their assigned functions but are accountable for their use of these resources accountable for their use of these resources 5. Official and private business and income are strictly Official and private business and income are strictly separated.separated. 6. Offices cannot be appropriated by their incumbents Offices cannot be appropriated by their incumbents (inherited, sold, etc.)(inherited, sold, etc.) 7. Official business is conducted on the basis of Official business is conducted on the basis of written documents

Bureaucratic Control Bureaucratic control is the use of rules, hierarchy of Bureaucratic control is the use of rules, hierarchy of authority, written documentation, standardization and authority, written documentation, standardization and other bureaucratic control uses the bureaucratic other bureaucratic control uses the bureaucratic characteristics defined by Weber and illustrated in the characteristics defined by Weber and illustrated in the UPS case. The primary purpose of bureaucratic rules UPS case. The primary purpose of bureaucratic rules and procedures is to standardize and control employee and procedures is to standardize and control employee behavior.behavior. Within a large organization, thousands of work Within a large organization, thousands of work behaviors and information exchanges take place both behaviors and information exchanges take place both vertically and horizontally. Rules and policies evolve vertically and horizontally. Rules and policies evolve through a process of trial and error to regulate these through a process of trial and error to regulate these behaviors. Some degree of bureaucratic control is used behaviors. Some degree of bureaucratic control is used in vertically every organization. Rules, regulations and in vertically every organization. Rules, regulations and directives contain information about a range of directives contain information about a range of behaviors.behaviors. To make bureaucratic control work, managers must To make bureaucratic control work, managers must have the authority to maintain control over the have the authority to maintain control over the organization. Weber argued that legitimate, rational organization. Weber argued that legitimate, rational authority granted to managers was preferred over other authority granted to managers was preferred over other types of control (i.e. favoritism or payoffs) as the basis types of control (i.e. favoritism or payoffs) as the basis for organizational decisions and activities. Within the for organizational decisions and activities. Within the larger society, however, Weber identified three types of larger society, however, Weber identified three types of authority that could explain the creation and control of authority that could explain the creation and control of a large organization.a large organization. The goal of Bureaucratic control is employee The goal of Bureaucratic control is employee competence.competence.

The Bureaucratic Official Is personally free and appointed to Is personally free and appointed to his position on the basis of conduct.his position on the basis of conduct. Exercises the authority delegated to Exercises the authority delegated to him in accordance with impersonal him in accordance with impersonal rules, and his loyalty is enlisted on rules,

and his loyalty is enlisted on behalf of the faithful execution of his behalf of the faithful execution of his official duties.official duties. Appointment and job replacement Appointment and job replacement are dependent upon his technical are dependent upon his technical qualification.qualification. Administrative work is a full-time Administrative work is a full-time occupation.occupation. Work is rewarded by a regular salary Work is rewarded by a regular salary and prospects of advancement in a and prospects of advancement in a lifetime career

Professional Bureaucracy Usually found In a complex and stable Usually found In a complex and stable environment, the professional environment, the professional bureaucracy relies on standardization of bureaucracy relies on standardization of skills and the primary means of skills and the primary means of coordination. There is much horizontal coordination. There is much horizontal specialization by professional areas of specialization by professional areas of where the expertise is. The only means where the expertise is. The only means of coordination available to the of coordination available to the organization is standardization of skills. organization is standardization of skills. Those of the professionally trained Those of the professionally trained employees.employees. Although it lacks in centralization, the Although it lacks in centralization, the professional bureaucracy stabilized and professional bureaucracy stabilized and controls its tasks with rules and controls its tasks with rules and procedures developed in the relevant procedures developed in the relevant profession.profession. Hospitals, Universities and consulting Hospitals, Universities and consulting firms are examples.

Machine Bureaucracy Is typical of a large well-established Is typical of a large well-established companies in simple, dynamic companies in simple, dynamic environment. Work is highly environment. Work is highly specialized and formalized, and specialized and formalized, and decision making is usually decision making is usually concentrated at the top. concentrated at the top. Standardization of work process is Standardization of work process is the primary coordinating mechanism. the primary coordinating mechanism. This highly bureaucratic structure This highly bureaucratic structure does not have to adapt quickly to does not have to adapt quickly to changes because the environment is changes because the environment is both simple and stable. examples both simple and stable. examples include large mass-production firms include large mass-production firms such as Container Corporation of such as Container Corporation of America, some automobile America, some automobile companies and providers of services companies and providers of services to mass markets, such as insurance to mass -markets, such as insurance companies.

Advantages of Bureaucracy Precision.Precision. Speed.Speed. Clarity in communication.Clarity in communication. Reduction of friction.Reduction of friction. Reduction of personal costs. Each department has its own agenda, and Each department has its own agenda, and departments dont cooperate to help other departments dont cooperate to help other departments get the job done.departments get the job done. The head of a department feels responsible The head of a department feels responsible first for protecting the department, its people first for protecting the department, its people and its budget, even before helping to achieve and its budget, even before helping to achieve the organizations mission.the organizations mission. There is political in-fighting, with executives There is political in-fighting, with executives striving for personal advancement and power.striving for personal advancement and power. Ideas can be killed because they come from Ideas can be killed because they come from the "wrong" person. Ideas will be supported the "wrong" person. Ideas will be supported because the are advanced by the "right" because the are advanced by the "right" person.person. People in their own department spend much People in their own department spend much of their time protecting their departments of their time protecting their departments "turf."" Information is hoarded or kept secret and used as Information is hoarded or kept secret and used as the basis for power.the basis for power. Top managers are dangerously ill-informed and Top managers are dangerously ill-informed and insulated from what is happening on the front lines insulated from what is happening on the front lines or in "the field."or in "the field." Data is used selectively, or distorted to make Data is used selectively, or distorted to make performance look better than it really is.performance look better than it really is. Internal communications to employees are Internal communications to employees are distorted to reflect what the organization would like distorted to reflect what the organization would like to be, rather than what it really be, rather than what it really is. Mistakes and failures are denied, covered up or Mistakes and failures are denied, covered up or ignored.ignored. Responsibility for mistakes and failure tends to be Responsibility for mistakes and failure tends to be denied, and where possible, blame is shifted to denied, and where possible, blame is shifted to others.others. Decisions are made by larger and larger groups, so Decisions are made by larger and larger groups, so no one can be held accountable.

Conclusion Bureaucracy is often accused of robbing Bureaucracy is often accused of robbing the human spirit and robbing organizational the human spirit and robbing organizational participants of their freedom and dignity by participants of their freedom and dignity by eliminating official business love, hatred eliminating official business love, hatred and all purely personal, irrational and and all purely personal, irrational and emotional elements.emotional elements. However bureaucratic rules and However bureaucratic rules and procedures are likely to persist in all procedures are likely to persist in all organizations, so it is important to consider organizations, so it is important to consider both their enabling and coercive features. both their enabling and coercive features. They not only enable organizational actors They not only enable organizational actors to get certain things accomplished, but can to get certain things accomplished, but can also be used by subordinates as strategic also be used by subordinates as strategic weapons against superordinates. Meaning weapons against superordinates. Meaning that it can be used as a tool of that it can be used as a tool of manipulation and contro

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