Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi

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Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi

Advertising has become the integral part of todays life, and Outdoor Advertisement has a crucial role in this ground. This is because there is a wide market consisting of endless brands or products. The consumer today is influenced by advertising and this result in his purchase behavior. Hence advertising gained importance is the and recognition which in is society. used by Advertising parameter

consumers to decide on a purchase of a particular product. The brand that is projected and advertised well is going to sell well in the market. But in Karachi, there was no data available in this ground; so that an advertiser can see the effect of advertisement on consumers buying behavior. This report will help to see the trends of Outdoor Advertisement in Karachi and also have a concise view of consumers behavior towards billboards , rather outdoor advertisements are tends to change any consumers buying decision or not? What types of advertisement have deep impact on the psychology of male and female separately? Last but not the least, what consumers wants advertisers to bring in? Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who have lent their hand in making this project a success. Initially we would like to extent our warm thanks to prove Mr. Salman Raja for guiding us and giving his valuable support and helping us with every minute aspect on this project. Sir really made this project a great learning experience. We are also thanks full to our institute "Preston Institute of Management Sciences and Technology" for providing us an opportunity to work on this project and gain valuable experience and hindsight on conducting a research project. Lastly, we would like to extend a very warm thanks to all the respondents who give us their valuable inputs to make this project a success. It would not have been possible without them.

Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi




Preface..............................................................1 Acknowledgment ...............................................2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Executive Summary....................................4 History of Hoardings...................................6 Types of Hoardings ..................................10 Customary Dimensions ............................15 Psychological Impact ...............................18 Objectives & Methodology........................21 6.1 Research Methodology ...........................23


Demography of Area.................................24 7.1 Traffic Density.........................................27


Current Scenarios.....................................28 8.1 Occupied to Vacant Ratio.......................30 8.2 Heavy & Non-Publicized Areas................31


Advertising Agencies................................33 9.1 Problems..................................................34

10. 11. 12. 13.

Consumers Perception.............................37 Opinion.....................................................45 Conclusion................................................48 Recommendation ....................................50

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi

Executive Summary

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi

Big organizations in Pakistan had a narrow spectrum of advertising choices for quite a few years and sensational latest media generally accessible all over the globe were virtually unheard of. This report is commissioned to examine the Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi for purpose to see the importance, impact and consumer perception in current scenarios. The target population of research was of Shahra-e-Faisal and qualitative, descriptive type research was done on a non probability random sample with the size of 100 and questionnaire was distributed. Target population was at least middle pass, non blind and travelers in the same time. The survey reveals that outdoor advertising have profound effects on the consumers buying behavior. The Safety, Size, Powerful visuals, Clever Creative are demanding features. And for the better visibility in night Reflective medium or solar billboards are used and clutter or hindrance should avoid. Road junctions are currently most impactful place for advertising. There is also seeing declining trend in billboard industry due to the possible reason of current recession. Spending a lot of time evaluating their effectiveness as a single component of the strategy may be time spent in futility. However, that does not lessen their impact on the subconscious and the creation of positive imagery for the masses. The results document the facts that billboards are important promotional tool.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi

History of Hoardings

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi

In the times of 1948, billboards were not in existence but posters and other small and large size hand painted adverts were mostly used for the purpose of Film advertisements, they were hand painted because of no other mean of printing. They were very cheap and were very much successful. In those times horses, cars and bicycle were being used in this process. This trend was in fashion for a long time and people were kept aware of new upcoming events in cinema industry. In 1948 film Teri Yaad was released, big and small size posters had helped in publicity. Besides cinema industry, advertisements were also been used for households and many other purposes like Orient Airways, DAWN, B.P. and other eatables. Although those ads were not so colorful but the details are attractive even. For example look the ad to above right; this BP factory also exists today. Karachi phone number given in the advertisement comprises of 4 digits only. Compare this to 8 digit land line and 11 digit mobile numbers of today. Many of the companies and businesses mentioned in these advertisements still exist. These ads appeared in the Pakistan Year Book of 1949
Prepared by: Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi

printed by Kitabistan, Karachi. Note that in the ad to the left, an old timer is seen drinking cooking oil with spoon apparently it was very good for health. According to the ad, Co-Co Gold oil also rekindles ones feelings in addition to the obvious health benefits. Like the same there were some ads from 1950 are also placed. Big organizations in Pakistan had a narrow spectrum of advertising choices for quite a few years and sensational latest media generally accessible all over the globe were virtually unheard of. However, all that became history in the late nineties as the market for breath taking kinds of ads rose as a bigger number of organizations competed for a portion of the budding market. One such form was digital printing that could be employed for a variety of indoor and outdoor purposes. Large billboard ads and store signage in Pakistan were principally manually painted and were confronted with a few problems such as fading of colors and unsatisfactory composition, with most hoardings and shop frames being manufactured with low gauge metal sheets or plastic. A number of suppliers gave superior quality displays with impressively painted pictures, but the period it utilized to supply these signs were huge because of the labor-intensive process. Another type of customary outdoor
Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

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Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


advertising was neon with several visual effects, like lighting different portions, shown on signs. The neon sector was flourishing prior to the beginning of digital print media in Pakistan in spite of important basic issues. Neon displays were most efficient in the dark and presented little in terms of thrill throughout the day and were considerably high on repair expenses with neon tubes needing replacement considerably commonly. The third generally well-established kind of advertising in Pakistan comprised offset printed posters, which were generally consumed indoors or applied in considerable quantities on communal walls. Offset posters were however inadequate in dimensions and were subject to hardships such as color fading and tearing too easily. Even the finest quality displays did not retain their brightness for more than a tiny number of days. Screen-printing for small displays was also accepted in Pakistan. While semi-manual machinery were utilized everywhere on the globe, Pakistans sector was still predominantly a labor-intensive process. Screenprinting was convenient and easily attainable in the major cities. However, the quality was gravely poor and similar to the other widespread media faced difficulties like color fading and regular theft.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


The primary digitally printed billboards or large skins,

as regularly alluded to in the business, were acquired from international firms in countries like Australia. The effect generated by these excellent quality displays was the beginning of a quick and much required transformation in the advertising sector in Pakistan. Organizations immediately started to arrange orders for printed signs and the face of outdoor media in Pakistan totally changed from then on. Within a small number of years Pakistan had a small number of its own limited print shops and with low-cost technologies quite easily available from China, the printing sector turned into a respected and lucrative industry.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Types of Hoarding

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


In the targeted area of research, we found the following types of outdoor advertisements:


Bridge Panel

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Building Wrap

Cut Out

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Bus Stop


Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi



These outdoor advertising have many types of products and services being displayed, of mostly were services, industry possessing regarding electric is also FMCGs, cellular companies, political parties, banks, mobile phones. and Some so on. them educational generators institutions, social Drama

advertising on many bridge panels. But only one LED at the Hotel Metropole is the most attractive type of advertisement can be seen clearly from the signal of Mehran Hotel. There is much clutter that limits the visibility of consumer and many areas are very much advertised or non-advertised are mentioned on upcoming pages.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Customary Dimensions

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Outdoor Advertising is mainly comprised of three mediums: Transport Displays, Street Furniture and Billboards. Among the three methods, billboards have proven to be superior in attracting attention and promoting consumer action. Billboards often succeed over other forms of media such as internet, TV and radio by projecting the advertisers message to a wide spectrum of lifestyle oriented consumers in a highly cost-effective manner. Over the past decade, the shape and form of the outdoor medium has changed. Previously 'Outdoor' advertising was associated with Billboards, but now encompasses a wide range of 'outof-home' formats to reach consumers where they live, work, play drive, shop and commute. Outdoor Products come in number of poster sizes, formats and other configurations that suit many different outdoor advertising opportunities. Out-of-Home Media does not have a flat, fixed price list or the dimensions. There are many factors that affect billboard and other outdoor media prices. These factors include market population, location, traffic and demand.

The mostly in use sizes in billboards are under.

10 10 10 10 10 12

Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft.

x x x x x x
Adnan Ahmed

20 23 39 40 50 40

Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft.

Muhammad Umer Sabir

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Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


15 Ft. 60 Ft.

x x

45 Ft. 20 Ft.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Bridge Panel:
The dimensions of bridge panels may vary due to the width of the road.

4 Ft. 8 Ft. 10 Ft. 12 Ft.

x x x x

80 Ft. 90 Ft. 110 Ft. 110 Ft.

Building Wraps:
The building wrap also varies in dimensions due to the space available.

10 12 12 18 18

Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft.

x x x x x

80 Ft. 60 Ft. 100 Ft. 120 Ft. 135 Ft.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Psychological Impact

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Billboards immediately attract attention and usually leave a lasting impression if they are visually pleasing. But they don't necessarily increase business growth for a company as much as they increase name recognition and image as part of an overall strategy. Effective billboards must have a clear, concise message and attractive illustrations and visual appearance. They need to be as clutter-free as possible and easy to read. They only receive about 2-4 seconds of a driver's attention so the message needs to be easily digested. Assessing the value and effectiveness of outdoor billboard advertising is challenging. There are many methods of advertising which produce results that are easier to evaluate such as newspaper ads and direct mail campaigns. The difference with billboard advertising is that it is exposed to the masses but there is no real way to evaluate who really absorbs the message. evaluating Methodologies effectiveness, have but been they applied weak to in are

demonstrating validity. Billboards are not typically utilized by small companies to promote a particular product or service. Viewers
Prepared by: Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


don't have time to jot down a phone number or other information. That's why billboards are more often used by large companies promoting their brand and image. Major corporations such as insurance, beer, or soft drink companies have money to put into billboards to promote brand awareness. A picture is truly worth a thousand purpose. Rather than focus on the effectiveness of billboards as a single component of a company's marketing and promotional campaign, it is more important to see it as part of the entire campaign. The benefits of billboard advertising include: Instilling brand recognition Emphasizing a specific image Keeping brand name in front of the masses Filtering to the subconscious for future recall when purchasing products Supporting revenue growth when combined with other advertising strategies Giving a "feel good" feeling about a product or service Marketing campaigns deploy a variety of advertising tools focused on engaging new customers. They bombard the senses with information about the specific product and billboards are one tool in the toolkit. When billboard advertising is combined with proven strategies for revenue growth, they can enhance a company's market position and overall image thus contributing to the success of the marketing campaign.
Prepared by: Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir







Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Spending a lot of time evaluating their effectiveness as a single component of the strategy may be time spent in futility. However, that does not lessen their impact on the subconscious and the creation of positive imagery for the masses.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Objectives & Methodology

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


The purpose of this survey was to find out the following fields of the outdoor advertisements in the Karachi city. Importance: Rather they have any significance or they are just waste of money and space. Impacts: What impact do they create on the perception and buying decision of consumers? Consumer perception: What is the current

consumers perception, regarding billboards? Current scenarios: What is the current ratio of empty to occupy? And What is more being advertised? Beside these some other findings were also under consideration, Most visible areas: What areas have more

billboards? and what areas have no billboards? Contribution to accidents: Do these billboards contribute in accidents or not? Consumers opinion: What is the opinion of

consumers to enhance the field of advertisement? For these findings, Shahra-e-Faisal was taken as the sample because it has the highest flow of traffic. There are

vehicles are traveling through this road in 24

hour duration. Its very difficult to conduct the research in other areas of concern, but as compare to others, this
Prepared by: Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


road has variety of people mostly are associated with business activities and is a perfect sample. The demography of the area is been discussed already. Shahra-e-Faisal is the longest signal free corridor among others, and is mostly visited daily by the people of all the levels. Despite that fact of significance, many type of advertisements are frequently appeared in this area but others vicinities are very much vacant also.

Research Methodology:
A non probability random sample was taken, with the sample size of 100 and questionnaire was distributed. Target population was at least middle pass, non blind and travelers in the same time. As, all the areas of Karachi are not been surveyed, hence results may vary.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Demography of Area

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Shara-e-Faisal is one of the major boulevards Karachi, Pakistan. Faisal Faisal) Road. Shara-e-Faisal is controlled by the Defense Housing Authority (DHA). Most of National and Multinational Companies offices, Schools, Shopping plazas, Banks and Institutes, Restaurants are close with Shara-e-faisal, and so it is the 1st most important road. Shara-e-Faisal one of the largest Business districts in Karachi. Due to the Jinnah international airport, faisal road is being visited by many foreigners and local people of all age group every day. Sensitive places like services recruitment centers and museums are also there, beyond this operating of these services is also being done mostly from this area, Army house is the most secrete place allocated on the road. of It in Sindh, is

named after King (Shah Saudi

Arabia. The former name of Shara-e-Faisal was Drigh


Quaid-e-Azam International Airport

Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

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Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Jinnah Terminal (Hajj Terminal) Drigh Road Railway Station Pakistan Air Force Museum Ayesha Bawani Academy Karachi Grammar School Faisal Bank Head Office Faisal Cantonment Shah Faisal Town Metropole Hotel Awami Markaz Gora Kabristan FTC Building Regent Plaza LAL Kothi Lal Quila

Link Roads

Main National Highway Rashid Minhas Road Shahra e Quaideen Shaheed e Milat road Dr. Dawood Pota Road Rafeeq Shaheed Road Abbasi Shahed Road Tipu Sultan Road Habib Ibrahim R.A Road Air Port Road

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Traffic Density
Aut Time of Day Priva te Cars o Taxi es Rick sha w 7:008:00 8:009:00 9:0010:00 10:0011:00 11:0012:00 12:0013:00 13:0014:00 14:0015:00 15:0016:00 16:0017:00 17:0018:00 18:0019:00 19:0020:00 20:0021:00 21:0022:00 22:0023:00 23:0000:00 00:001:00 1:002:00 2:003:00 3:004:00 4:001330 2 1909 1 1600 0 1422 2 1639 0 1938 9 1945 7 1540 6 1798 5 1780 7 2109 4 2199 0 2404 2 2316 1 1976 0 1237 4 8883 5862 3258 1606 967 1003 572 739 1166 1047 1253 1434 1371 1153 1286 1347 1449 1150 1171 978 988 751 726 500 511 237 179 185 304 673 899 939 109 5 135 8 130 0 118 4 104 0 118 6 122 7 107 0 104 9 945 688 365 356 213 126 94 37 21 Public Transport Motor Contra ct Cycle & Scoot er
Carria ge /Schoo l Buses UTS/ KPTS Buse s Larg e Bus es Inter -city Buse s Mini Buses/ Coach es


2880 6561 8388 7134 7082 6554 5828 5703 6789 7314 6786 8283 6884 6458 6027 3756 2390 1577 828 333 167 144

1485 3 1241 1 6396 5187 7167 9888 9240 1026 9 3360 3456 3204 2142 1752 1197 1746 1515 1161 212 276 92 258 161

289 0 384 8 280 5 311 0 292 6 261 4 271 8 185 2 134 7 245 1 158 3 198 1 151 8 144 6 142 4 394 136 0 0 0 68 0

286 0 0 0 0 60 0 180 152 780 117 2 609 526 360 83 23 0 23 0 23 0 0

778 50 0 80 0 0 165 734 543 283 0 223 653 0 0 300 151 0 21 0 0 0

8973 1130 4 1272 7 1034 0 8527 9218 7519 7773 6543 8149 9792 9154 8489 6153 5942 3666 2243 878 267 0 31 62

4480 2 5467 7 4838 0 4205 9 4444 0 5051 4 4759 8 4425 4 3904 6 4277 2 4630 8 4660 2 4608 4 4069 7 3665 8 2314 3 1604 6 9264 5288 2384 1707 1576

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


5:00 5:006:00 6:007:00 Total 947 1932 3159 27 258 335 207 84 54 96 163 18 282 981 1091 25 608 2988 9953 9 0 694 358 08 318 626 522 1 0 343 432 4 785 3731 1422 31 3252 1172 7 7492 77

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Current Scenarios

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


At the sharah-e-faisal following types of outdoor advertisements were found, and are given in details.

Metropole To Airport
(as per 18/10/2011)
FMC G Cellu lar Politic al Ban ks Othe rs Vaca nt Tot al

Billboard Bridge Panel Building Wrap Cut Out Bus Stop Electrical Inflatable Total

18 7 2 7 4 1 0 39

19 1 1 0 3 0 0 24

2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2

42 4 0 8 3 1 0 58

35 4 2 0 2 0 1 44

117 17 6 15 12 2 1 170

Airport To Mertopole
(as per 18/10/2011)
FMC G Cellu lar Politic al Ban ks Othe rs Vaca nt Tot al

Billboard Bridge Panel Building Wrap Cut Out Bus Stop Electrical Inflatable Total

10 5 2 9 4 0 0 30

25 1 0 0 5 0 0 31

7 1 0 0 0 0 0 8

2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

39 4 4 7 1 1 0 56

27 6 6 0 4 0 0 43

110 17 12 16 14 1 0 170

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Occupied to Vacant Ratio

The survey reveals that at least 26% of hoardings remain vacant throughout the month and 74% are occupied with several advertisements.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Heavy & Non-Publicized Areas

Heavy Publicized: Road junctions of Karachi are full of flashing billboards and are heavily the of billboards. Heavy advertised advertised. Throughout different type way from Metropole to Airport, all the flyovers are full of intersections are as under, Metropole signal Mehran hotel Regent plaza FTC flyover Quaideen Flyover Baloch colony Star gate Malir Halt Some sections of the road are also much advertised are as under also Metropole to Nursery

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Baloch colony to metropole

Non-Publicized areas: Some particular portions on this road are in possession of Air force so due to some circumstances air force not let the billboards to be there. Trough out the Karsaz to the Drigh Road the area is just having few billboards. At second place, area under Civil Aviation is almost vacant except star gate and the inside front portion of Air port.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Advertising Agencies

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


An advertising agency or ad agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising (and sometimes other forms of promotion) for its clients. An ad agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's products or services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and branding strategies and sales promotions for its clients. Typical ad agency clients include businesses and corporations, non-profit organizations and government agencies. Agencies may be hired to produce television commercials and radio commercials as part of an advertising campaign.

Although the advertising business is on its glance, even electronic media is exposing ads for their dramas, morning shows, talk shows and even news channels, but this outdoor media industry is facing some severe problems. From the government till the local addicts, agencies have to fight for the minimum loss. in contact Power Failure: Due to the disconnection of lights to the billboards, visibility has come down and agencies
Prepared by: Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir


the survey some issues regarding this were also came

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


have to put lights on their own generators or now the solar setups are also being used. These are quite expensive alternate to be chosen.

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Reflective medium: The other way, to make billboards visible, a reflective medium is being used but the printing is not very easily available, hence expensive.

Theft: The lights, equipments and panaflex are theft by drug addicted. Sometime these types of activities are also done sake. by cheap competitors for their own

Over Pasting: In many over area of

Karachi billboards are found pasted with political banners having different type of appeal, information about upcoming political events like mobs and sometimes regarding the invitation to the welcome of someone.
Prepared by: Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Crashing down: In 2007s cyclone more than 400 mostly people due were to died, falling

billboard, the winds uprooted importantly hundred of steel billboard hoardings came crashing down on to the streets. Sometimes administration asked to remove billboards, this is really an issue.

Tear off: Panaflex are torn off by people or sometimes strong winds also contribute to this issue also. Even this is not very frequently happen but it is a type of loss.

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Consumers Perception

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Measuring the true impact of billboard advertising is a complicated affair. Since there is no way to be sure who has seen let alone took notice of the advert it is difficult. If the location is right that will surely get positive impact. Prime locations would be such as roadside where drive time/rush hour traffic congregates, here captive audience trapped by their car and slow moving traffic. In the survey, locations like restaurants, traffic signals, bus stops and other places were under consideration and people were requested to fill up the forms comprising following questions and the highest attaining results are explained. Do you notice advertisement those come in your way?

Figure 1.1

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


As shown in figure 1.1, the most women with 45% notice billboards sometimes and men has 28% ratio in this option. The 43% of men and 41% of women notice billboards many times. Below than 5% of men and women said that they never noticed billboards.

What kinds of ads have impressed you the most? In terms of Presentation

Figure 1.2

Figure 1.2 states that, 35% of men are impressed in terms of presentation by women as model but 36% of female want to see T.V celebrity as model. The ratio of Sports celebrity is also 32% and 23% of male and female respectively. 10% of people have different opinions; they want to see people engaged in social services and others.

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


In terms of product category

Figure 1.3

Figure 1.3, explains in terms of product category, women leads food option with 27% and men with 25%. Women have more ratios in mobile handsets than male with 28% and 11%. Billboards with message of Mobile Network Services women again have high value of 28% and men have 22%.

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Do these billboards effect your buying decision?

Figure 1.4

Figure 1.4, illustrate that, buying decision of men are never changed but females buying decision can be changed by advertisements. Rarely is also an option mostly selected by men and women with 28% and 36% respectively.

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Do you notice the changes in billboards?

Figure 1.5

Figure 1.5, shows that men notice the changes in billboards many times with 49%, and women rarely notice the changes 36%. Sometimes was answered by male and female 36% and 32% respectively.

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


Do billboards contribute to road accidents?

Figure 1.6

Safety is the issue of all times in Karachi, figure 1.6 shows the consumers perception about contribution to accidents. 39% of male has answered yes and women have agreed 9% only. But 8% men and 41% women believe that there is no relation between billboards and accidents. And 5o% females and 46% males are Not Sure about this issue.

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


How often do you visit this/these road/s?

Figure 1.7

In above figure 1.7, 53% of men and 50% of women visit these roads 2 times a day and no women visit these roads more than 4 times but men have 10% ratio in this option.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi



Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


People were asked to give their opinions, in order to flourish the field of outdoor advertisements. It was done to find out the consumers will, and an advertiser can get better image in order to prosper his campaign. Most of them have comments like no idea and some of them said going well. Bit out of most were not in favor of billboards, as they said, billboards must be on the traffic, because they are adding to the road accidents. Some have suggested as per their point of view, Billboards must be

Creative: They must have unique idea. Safe: In sense of, not critical to high wind or bowing down in heavy rains.

Attractive: creative.







Colorful: They must be colorful or if they are black and white they must be sensible.

Have lights: They must have lights, so that they can be visible in night.

Big in size: Big billboards attract the consumers the most. 30 x 90 is the biggest size in billboards.

Religious aspects: They must be ethical and not against the Religious views, or must or be vulgar.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi









appropriately along with above opinions they also exposed better ideas in terms of








creativity must come out in competition.

Price: They have reasonable prices, so that can be engaged more and more.






conducted, so that advertisers can easily distinguish the appropriate size and other fields as per their product need. Bit out of most were not in favor of billboards, as they said, billboards must be on the traffic, because they are adding to the road accidents. These types of statements are not supported by any evidence from Road Traffic Injury Research & Prevention Centre.

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Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi



Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


This study focuses on Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi that comprises the impact on the psychology of consumer. After having a view point of consumers we are up to the conclusion that, the creative and big size, colorful ads are more attractive for the consumers especially LED and cutouts have deep contact. Eatable products advertisement draws attention of people more than any other product. Male and female likes are different and want to see Women as model and T.V. celebrity respectively. Outdoor advertisements are very much able to change the buying decision of women but in men this phenomenon is not successful, but men observe the changes in billboards more repeatedly as judge against to women. Although outdoor advertisement gives a colorful impression to the environment and also do not contribute to the road accidents ratio but they are sometimes unsafe, especially in the rainy season. We had taken Shahra-e-Faisal as sample because of rich demographical aspect; shortage of time and this road represent the entire city of Karachi. This report is representing the perception of Consumers travelling through this road, but in future researches can be expanded to other areas particularly I.I Chundrigar road, M.A. Jinnah road, University road and so on. The research can be extended to nonusers or former users of billboards would provide a useful comparison to the
Prepared by: Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi









additional insights on the strengths and weaknesses of this form of outdoor advertising. Most important, research could examine whether businesses are correct in their views of billboard characteristics that lead to success. Laboratory experiments may be used to test how attitudes and intentions are influenced by billboard characteristics.

Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi



Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


The survey has concluded a few commendations that are as under:






Understand Your Audience - The Outdoor Advertising survey reveals that a poster has about six seconds to deliver its message. Make sure the design is simple, yet bold and is readable from a distance. To test the legibility, look at the rough design from a distance equal to 17 times the width of the artwork. Check it under several different types of lighting conditions and angles, since it will be viewed by passing motorists in all kinds of weather and at different times of the day. Keep copy concise - The less said, the better. A few well-chosen words are all it takes to get that concept noticed - and remembered. A jumble of sentences is all it takes to be passed without a glance - and quickly forgotten. Avoid ornate typefaces. An elaborate or decorative type treatment can make your message - no matter how concise - difficult to read in the few seconds your design will be seen. Avoid typefaces with extreme contrasts. Those typefaces with a mixture of thick and thin lines are difficult to read by passers-by. Heavy, fat typefaces can turn into a blur from a distance, and an ultra-thin, condensed style may simply fade away to nothing. A simple serif typeface has proven to be the easiest to read. Use upper and lower case, if possible. It's been proven that messages presented in all capital letters are difficult to read.
Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

Prepared by:

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi 6.



Choose color wisely. Studies have shown that the easiest-to-read messages are comprised of black type against a yellow background. While this, naturally, does not adapt to every design, keep in mind that high contrast. Rules are meant to be broken. Keep in mind, however, that more is not better. Forget the fine print and the paragraphs of clever copy. When designing a billboard, keep three words in mind: Immediate Visual Impact. This applies to the overall design, the art, and of course, the copy.


Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


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Prepared by: Adnan Ahmed Muhammad Umer Sabir

Outdoor Advertising Trends in Karachi


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Prepared by:

Adnan Ahmed

Muhammad Umer Sabir

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