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[Commissioner] Commissioner letter of interest

Subject: [Commissioner] Commissioner letter of interest

From: "Russ Lehman" <>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2008 22:13:47 -0800
To: <>

Russ Lehman
1501 Thomas St NW
Olympia, WA 98502
Hm 360 956 1564
Wk 360 867 6716

Questions to be answered:
(1) why they want to serve as county commissioner,
I believe that this is a unique time in American politics and policy making. With the election of Barack
Obama the country, at least a majority, said that they value intelligence, curiosity, temperament, hope and
perhaps most of all, change. Change has become a cliché lately but it seems clear that Mr. Obama promised,
and the country wants real change: change in the way politics has been practiced where often times the best
answer to a particular problem goes unheard simply because who raises it; change in the role money plays in
our process whereby great potential candidates are precluded because of traditional “monied” interests who
can afford the price of admission; change in what often times has been called the “old boy/girl” network
where smart and exceptionally well qualified people are discouraged by what they see as an inside ballgame;
and change in the values that underpin our Democratic system – so that honesty, fairness, peace and justice
are the critical building blocks to every public policy made by our leaders. The opportunity to bring that
passion and commitment to the Board of County Commissioners is, especially at this time, is unique indeed.

(2) what they believe makes them uniquely qualified to fill this vacancy,
I served as a School Board Director for seven years. As such, I gained tremendous insight about how to work
with staff, public employee organizations, and directors of dramatically differing world views. I also
understand that there is an administration to run the organization on a day-to-day basis. When the right
people are “on the bus, and in the right seats” the organization can do amazing things. The administration,
and the people in charge, in this case the executive, are to be given the tools necessary to do their job. They
also have the responsibility of carrying out the intent and the letter of the acts of the legislative body the
As an attorney I understand how important intent, language, meaning and legislative (and other) history are.
With this election, and Commissioner McLeod’s resignation an opportunity now exists to add to the BOCC
passion, intellect, leadership and vision which this county is hungry for. I have shown in my elected and
professional positions that I possess those qualities.

(3) how they are prepared to stand for election in 2009 and then again in 2010,
I have run for, and won, public office twice before in Olympia. I have raised approximately $4.5 million
dollars in 2 elections in WA state (U.S. Senator- against Slade Gorton, and WA Supreme Court- against Jim
Johnson). I have many years experience speaking in public and have gone door to door for many candidates
many times. While 2 elections in the next two years are something even the most political of candidates
would not relish, I am prepared to do what is necessary to run and, and win those two times. I will endeavor,
as I believe all Democratic candidates should do, to involve and inspire as many young and new voters of all
ages to get involved in our system. Far too many people have checked out. This past election showed us what
can be done with a strong and relevant message, and the right kind of messenger to dramatically increase
those who are part of the system.

(4) what they intend to accomplish during their term as county commissioner. (Assuming a term is 4

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[Commissioner] Commissioner letter of interest

years and not less than one)

I intend to work together with my colleagues in doing what will be painful but is absolutely necessary to do
first – pass a budget that is sustainable and balanced while at the same time reflecting the values of this
county. That may sound simple but if it was it would have already been done. I have no silver bullet but will
add to the process clear headed and thoughtful approaches which will not adhere to the status quo merely
because “it has always been done that way” but will consider all reasonable ways to provide the services to
this community it reasonably expects and at the same time being responsible to create a budget that is truly
sustainable. I will work on land use laws and policies to help Thurston County grow in a manner that reflects
our commitment to preserving this beautiful environment while assuring that all “development” occurs in a
manner that is sustainable for this community and the environment. These are two critical areas which need
immediate attention and I will dedicate myself to fully understanding the problems/issues and then propose
any possible changes.

I look very much forward to hearing from you as to an interview date and time.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Russ Lehman

Commissioner mailing list
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