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2. Basu, Khausik (2011), Understanding Inflation and Controlling it, Speech

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3. Bhanumurthy, N.R and Dony Alex (2008), Threshold Level of Inflation for India,

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12. Patnaik, Illa, Ajay Shah and Giovanni Veronese (2011), How to Measure Inflation

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13. Rangarajan, C, (2011), The Indian Economy : Some Current Concerns, First Dr.

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15. Singh, Prakash, (2010) ''Searching Threshold Inflation for India'', Economics

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16. Singh, Pratima (2011), Inflation in India: An Empirical Analysis, ISAS Working

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17. Vansteenkiste, Isabel (2009), What Triggers Prolonged Inflation Regimes? A

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1. Datt, Ruddar and K.P.M sundaram, Indian Economy, S. Chand & Company Ltd.

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1. Hand Book of Statistics on Indian Economy, Reserve Bank of India- various issues 2. Consumer Price Index Numbers (For AL/RL) on Base 1986-87 = 100, Labour Bureau, Ministry Of Labour & Employment , Government Of India- Annual reports of various years 3. Price Statistics, Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India.


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