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Union Assembly Proposal 3.

3 Proposal to introduce a new democratic structure:

Under this system a student would submit an idea for change and it would go through to one of the ePolling Zones. Here is a breakdown of the different aspects of Union Assembly. Idea for Change 1. 2. A student would have an idea for change The student goes on to the Students Union and through that submits

their idea for change online. This would be a simple online form. 3. The idea is automatically sent to a staff member of the Students Union 4. 5. The staff member sorts the idea into one of the eZones The staff member of the Union would then contact the student and

explain the next steps and assign them a Union Rep to liaise with regarding the motion 6. 7. The Union Rep and staff member then offer ongoing support The idea is taken to a vote (where a vote is taken on its importance)

on the ePolling Zone and if it is in the top two it goes forward for debate at Union Assembly 8. Union Assembly then acts as a sorting hat and decides whether to put the idea forward to Big Ask, to pass the idea or to reject the idea 9. If an idea is not in the top two but still considered important it may be possible for a member of Exec or a Rep Officer to take the idea forward to Assembly

Other Ideas for Change There may be some ideas and issues that are deeply important to specific groups of the student body but may not be considered popular or populist; in these instances it would be possible to have Rep Networks/Officers and Executive Officers to have direct access to put forward motions to Union Assembly. So an emergency motion for example can be taken to Assembly, and given that it would be an emergency motion Assembly would still have the power to pass it straight away. In this way there would be no difference in passing emergency motion to what there is now with Union Council. If something fails to go through the ePolls an officer (Rep/Exec) could choose to take it up, or the person submitting the idea could still petition for an extraordinary Referendum (this would be done through the collection of signatures - similar to how this works now). Welfare and Citizenship This ePoll zone would work to ensure that students are treated fairly within the community in which they live. The zone would focus on issues such as student housing, working with the local authorities, community cohesion and environmental concerns. The zone would work on how students become citizens of Nottingham and engage in residential life through voting, looking after where they live, running in local elections and crime prevention. This is where you should go if you want to stand up for human rights, the rights of students including welfare provision, health and wellbeing, religion, and financial help and to ensure that equality is within our community. Education This ePoll zone would be all about improving students educational experience here at University of Nottingham; this could be anything from campaigning for a fairer funding system or lobbying for better computer rooms on campus. Student Development This ePoll zone would be all about making students active within the Union, whether it is through sport, participation within a society, volunteering, and/or raising money for charity or getting involved in student media. The zone would focus on ensuring that the Union and the University are helping students to achieve the skills that they need to find work after graduation. Union Assembly Chaired by an Assembly Chair (elected), Exec and Rep officers would report to Union Assembly and would be held to account at those meetings. The Assembly would also provide political and representational guidance for officers. The top 2 most important issues from each zone would go through to Assembly for debate. Any student can attend and speak at Assembly meetings.

Union Reps and panellists would have a vote; these are the only members with a vote. Debate is had in the Assembly; a decision would then be made to take to referenda or pass as policy. Union Reps can be mandated to work with Exec or Rep Officers on projects. This system would replace Union Council. Union Reps would be current students who are elected in cross campus elections to represent the whole student body by holding Officers to account and voting on ideas for change. They would be elected in a block election. They would receive full training and support. Union Reps would be accountable to Union Assembly; any member would be able to bring a motion of no confidence similar to how Rep Officers and Exec Officers are held accountable by Council. A student panel would also be selected for Assembly meetings. The student panellists would be randomly selected from the student body, the make-up of which would be representative of students including undergraduates, postgraduates, international, mature students, etc. The student panellists would be given an honorarium to cover their expenses, for example this could be travel/childcare expenses. They would be given full training.

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