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COMPREHENSION Exercise 1: Answer the following question. True / false items are indicated by a T/F preceding a statement. 1.

T / F Dennis was blind at birth 2. T / F Dennis is the first blind person to use a sonar type electronic device to help in identifying objects 3. T / F Dennis doesnt hear the sounds made by the transmitter 4. T / F with the headgear on, Dennis can identify objects behind him 5. T / F Dennis cannot identify anything closer than six feet from him 6. T / F Dennis has a wider range of vision 6 feet from his eyes than 2 feet from them 7. T / F It seems that blind babies are at least as good as blind adults at using echoes to see

8. How do you think the childs game of peek-a-boo is usually played?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9. Why does the writer say that a blind is doubly handicapped in comparison to sighted child?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10. Why did Bower believe Dennis would be and ideal subject for this experiment?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. There are two receivers on the headger. How does this help Dennis locate the objects?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. If someone holds a book 6 feet directly in front of Dennis and then moves it to only 1 foot directly in front of him, what change sound does Dennis hear? a. a lower-pitched sound c. a sharper sound b. a higher-pitched sound d. a softer sound 13. How could Dennis distinguish between a small ball and a large ball from a distance of 3 feet? The small ball would produce-----------a. a lower-pitched sound c. a sharper sound b. a higher-pitched sound d. a softer sound 14. How could Dennis distinguish between a book and a pillow of the same size and at an equal distance in front of him? A book would produce-------a. a lower-pitched sound c. a sharper sound b. a higher-pitched sound d. a softer sound Exercise 2: indicate which oof the following statements are inferences or conclusions which can be drawn from this article. Check (v) all the correct inferences. 1. ---- Visual stimuli are helpful to intellectual development 2. ---- When Dennis grows up he will not need to use a guide dog or a cane like other blind people

3. ---- Dennis has learned the relationship between the echoes he hears and the shape and distance of an object in front of him 4. ---- It is hoped that school-aged children will be able to use a device similar to Denniss Exercise 3: vocabulary from context; write a definition, synonym, or description of each italicized vocabulary item in the space provided. 1. --------------------Sue has been blind from birth, but she did not let her handicap stop her from going to collage. 2. The singers performance was not very good; the notes he sang were often the wrong pitch-sometimes they were too low and sometimes too high

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