Mastitis and Urinary Retention

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Republic of the Philippines CAMIGUIN POLYTECHNIC STATE COLLEGE Institute of Nursing Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin

Mastitis & Urinary retention

Submitted by:
Maria Jessa E. Oclarit, BSN-2 Student

Submitted to:
Mrs. Glenah Marie Martinez-Gaputan, RN.MN Clinical Instructor

DATE: March 17, 2012

Placement: Room 8 Time Allotment: 20 minutes Topic Description: This topic is about breast infection that may occur to a mother 7 days to one week after giving birth, and the urinary inability to urinate. General Objective: At the end of 20 minutes discussion to the class, the listeners should gain knowledge about what is mastitis, how to prevent mastitis, assessment and therapeutic management and also what is urinary retention. Specific Objective I will be able to provide definition of terms Content 1. Mastitis A.1 Definition A.2 When it occur A.3 Cause A.4 Measures I will be able to discuss about assessment and therapeutic management of mastitis. I will be able to provide definition of terms Safety Time Allotment 4 min. T/L Strategies PowerPoint Presentation Using Visual Aid Resources Maternal and Child Health Nursing volume 1 page 689 By: Adele Pilliteri Evaluation Asking questions and oral recitation.

Assessment Therapeutic Management of mastitis.

6 min.

PowerPoint Presentation Using Visual Aid

Maternal and Child Health Nursing volume 1 page 689 By: Adele Pilliteri

Asking questions and oral recitation.

2. Urinary Retention A.2.1 Definition A.2.2 Cause

4 min.

PowerPoint Presentation Using Visual Aid

Maternal and Child Health Nursing volume 1 page 689 By: Adele Pilliteri

Asking questions and oral recitation.

I will be able to discuss about assessment and therapeutic management of urinary retention.

Assessment Therapeutic Management

6 min.

PowerPoint Presentation Using Visual Aid

Maternal and Child Health Nursing volume 1 page 689-692 By: Adele Pilliteri

Asking questions and oral recitation.

Placement: Room 8 Time Allotment: 20 minutes Topic Description: This topic is about breast infection that may occur to a mother 7 days to one week after giving birth, and the urinary inability to urinate.

General Objective: At the end of 20 minutes discussion to the class, the listeners should gain knowledge about what is mastitis, how to prevent mastitis, assessment and therapeutic management and also what is urinary retention.
Specific Objective At the end of discussion the listener should be able to A.1 Definition Mastitis (infection of the breast) It is also the inflammation of the Breast Contents

Know what mastitis

When it may occur The Causes The measures to prevent mastitis.

A.2 When It may Occur May occur as early as the seventh postpartal day or not until the baby is week or months old. A.3 Cause The organism causing the infection usually enters through cracked and fissured nipple. Therefore, measured that prevent cracked and fissured nipple also help prevent mastitis. Occasionally, the organism that causes mastitis comes, from the nasal-oral cavity of the infant. In these instance, the infant has usually acquired a staphylococcus aureus infection while in the infant

A.4 Safety measures to prevent Mastitis These measures include; o Making certain the baby is poisoned correctly and grasps the nipple properly, including both nipple before and areola. Releasing a babys grasp on the nipple before removing the baby from the breast Exposing nipple to air for at least part of everyday Using a vitamin E ointment to soften nipples daily If the woman has one well nipple, encourage her to begin breastfeeding (when infant sucks most forcefully) on the unaffected nipple.

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At the end should know;



ASSESSMENT o MASTITIS is usually unilateral, although epidemic mastitis, because it originates with the infant, maybe bilateral The affected breast is painful, swollen and reddened. Fever accompanies these first symptoms within hours, and breast milk become scant.

How to assess patient with mastitis. o Therapeutic management of mastitis.

THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT o Treatment consist of antibiotics effective against penicillin resistant staphylococci such as dicloxacillin or cephalosporin Breastfeeding continue, because keeping the breast emptied of milk help to prevent growth of bacteria. Cold or Ice compress and a good supportive bra help with pain relief until the process improve. Warm or wet compress may be ordered to reduce inflammation and edema. Therapy started as soon as symptoms are apparent, the condition runs a short course of about 2 or 3 days.

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If left unthreatened, a breast infection can become localized abscess. NOTE: If abscess forms, breastfeeding on that breast discontinue. o However, women encourage continuing, to pump breast milk until the abscess has resolve, to preserve breastfeeding.

At the end the listener 2. Urinary Retention should know what urinary retention is. A.2.1 Definition A urinary in ability to urinate. A.2.2. Cause Because a womans bladder is compress by the infants head during birth, several urinary tracts disorders can occur. Urinary retention occurs as a result of inadequate bladder emptying. After child birth, bladder sensation for voiding is decreased because of the bladder edema, cause by the pressure of birth. Unable to empty the bladder fills to over distention again. At the end should know the listener ASSESSMENT o Urinary retention is associated with the use of anesthesia especially epidural anesthesia. o In a postpartal women, urinary retention with overflow may be or difficult to detect than primary or simple over distention. With primary over distention, a woman does not void at all. A longer than-usual time (>8 hours) passes after birth or between voids. ASSESSMENT by percussion or palpation of the bladders reveal the bladder

How to assess patient with urinary retention. Therapeutics management urinary retention.

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distention o With urinary retention and overflow, a woman is able to void. Voiding is very frequent, however, and in small amounts, her overall output is inadequate. Always measure the amount of a womans first voiding after birth, as a rule, if this voiding is less than 100 mL, suspect urinary retention. Urinary retention is confirmed by catheterizing a woman immediately after she voids. If the urine left in the bladder after voiding (termed residual) is greater than 100 mL, the woman has retention of more than the normal amount. Typically, her physician or nurse-midwife writes an order such as catheterize for residual urine. If this is greater than 100 mL, leave indwelling catheter in place, always use strict antiseptic technique to prevent introducing causing pathogenic bacteria into the sterile urinary tract.

THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT Remove 700 t0 1000 mL of urine Activity and ambulation help to prevent the other complication Encourage the woman to void at the end of 6 hours after removal of the catheter by offering fluid. Administer analgesic so she can relax Assess her to the bathroom as necessary If the woman was not able to void after 8 hours from removal the physician will order reinsertion. Of the indwelling catheter for additional 24 hours.


Maternal and Child Health Nursing Volume 1 page 689-692 By: Adele Pilliteri

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