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The Christian Way of Courtship Anna Isabel T. Adea February 28, 2012 Courtship is a relationship between a man and a woman together who considers or pursues marriage in their lives. Along with courtship are wisdom and principles. And true love is ruled by principle plus feelings. The importance of courtship is to protect your body. We can protect our body, mind, and spirit by using it in the service of God. If we do this, we will not be conformed to this world but instead, we will be transformed by Christs life within us and do His perfect will. And so they will choose to court in a way that is pleasing to God. In Ecclesiastes 12: 1 we are reminded to remember now the Creator in the days of thy youth. This means that it is the time to think about God and turn to Him. And when we do this, our mental and physical faculties will be at their best. Thus, Christian courtship will bear a Christian home which then will serve God with their joined lives. Titus 2:6 tells us that we should set our minds on the things that really matter and desire eternal things more than passing, temporary things. Right courtship is realizing that the body, mind, and spirit belongs to God. In 1 Corinthians 6:20 it read: Ye are bought with a pricethe price of the life of the Son of God. This means that you should be able to glorify God in our body, mind, and spirit.


One is ready to embark into courtship when he can balance both romance and wisdom in a relationship. In choosing a life partner, it requires to consider the persons character and attitude because God wants us to value more the qualities that will last. But in doing so, we should also ask ourselves if we posses these in our own lives. Make the decision to date only fellow believers and you will see Gods presence and true blessings on your relationship. By having God and our God-fearing parents in decision-making, it will make our life in a right path. Let us make Christ our counselor by studying the Bible and with fervent prayer. The Bible is our perfect guide for us to know how to respect and honor our parents and other people as well as we learn to know ourselves. It is from God where all true love comes. Jesus being our dearest lover, wants to have a close and intimate relationship with Him. He

wants us to know Him deeply. He longs to talk with us all day, anytime, anywhere as long as we are all alone with Him. He never fails to forget us because we are the object of His love and the crowning glory of His creation.


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