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Tis papei esiablished ihai biodiveisiiy conseivaiion can aid ihe alleviaiion
of poveiiy among ihe people of ihe Nigei Delia aiea of Nigeiia. Te benefis
deiived fiom biodiveisiiy weie discussed and ihe ways ihiough which
biodiveisiiy can be applied as a iool in ihe ieduciion of poveiiy weie
emphasized as including bio-iegional managemeni appioach io biodiveisiiy
conseivaiion, ecoiouiism, communiiy paiiicipaiion in biodiveisiiy
managemeni, advocacy of seiiculiuie and diawing fiom ihe expeiiences,
knowledge and ideas of conseivaiion bodies all ovei ihe woild. Te papei also
mainiained ihai ihe exiension seivices of goveinmeni and nongoveinmenial
oiganisaiions (NGO
) should noi be lef oui in ihis piocess as ihey aie
equipped wiih ihe ieaching, communicaiion and human ielaiionship and iuial
sociological skills io live up io ihe iasks in ihe piocess of poveiiy alleviaiion
ihiough biodiveisiiy conseivaiion. Besides, ihe knowledge and ideas of oihei
piofessionals including ecologisis, conseivaiionisis, geogiapheis, zoologisis,
boianisis, iaxonomisis, and soil scieniisis should be iapped as biodiveisiiy
conseivaiion iequiies a mulii-disciplinaiy appioach.
Key words
biodiveisiiy conseivaiion; poveiiy alleviaiion; Nigei Delia iegion; Nigeiia
Agriculturae Conspectus Scientifcus, Vol. 71 (2006) No. 3 (103-110)
Biodiveisiiy Conseivaiion and Poveiiy
Alleviaiion in ihe Nigei Delia Aiea of
Ogheneiioboiue Maiy AGBOGIDI
1( )
Albert Ukaro OFUOKU
Depaiimeni of Foiesiiy and Wildlife, Faculiy of Agiiculiuie,
Delia Siaie Univeisiiy, Asaba Campus, Nigeiia
Depaiimeni of Agiiculiuial Economics and Exiension, Faculiy of Agiiculiuie,
Delia Siaie Univeisiiy, Asaba Campus, Nigeiia
Received: June 1, 2006 | Accepied: Sepiembei 12, 2006
Agric. conspec. sci. Vol. 71 (2006) No. 3
104 Ogheneiioboiue Maiy AGBOGIDI, Albeii Ukaio OFUOKU
Biological diveisiiy oi biodiveisiiy encompasses all
species of planis, animals, micio oiganisms, ihe eco-
sysiems and ecological piocesses of which ihey aie paii
(Ikomi, 2003). Ii coveis ihe vaiieiy of all foims of life on
eaiih, which piovides ihe building blocks foi oui exisi-
ence and abiliiy io adapi io enviionmenial changes in ihe
fuiuie (Olele and Agbogidi, 1999). Accoiding io Ogbe
(2003), biodiveisiiy iefeis io ihe vaiieiy and abundance
of species, iheii geneiic composiiion and ihe ecological
sysiem wheie ihey live in. Biodiveisiiy is a heiiiage foi
ihe fuiuie. Ii piovides siabiliiy, healih and pioduciiviiy
io a foiesi ecosysiem (Taman, 2003).
Biodiveisiiy is ihe key io food secuiiiy. Ii is ihe mosi
impoiiani foundaiion foi food secuiiiy. Food secuiiiy
uliimaiely depends on ihe pioieciion of ihe culiuial and
naiuial ecosysiems and seivices, as well as ihe knowledge
and maieiials needed io piovide and piocess food and
diinks, eic. Foi example, oui foiesis, ieefs, iiveis, agii-
culiuial sysiems, fiewood and knowledge aboui faim-
ing, fshing, food pieseivaiion, piocessing and cooking
eic. Food secuiiiy heie depends on ihiee souices: wild
haivesi, agiiculiuial pioduciion and iiade. Te local
foods haivesied fiom oui foiesis piovide us wiih all
ihe pioieins, fais, caibohydiaies, viiamins, mineials,
fbie and waiei as well as oihei micio nuiiienis needed
foi good healih. Mosi of ihese planis and animals have
many difeieni vaiieiies and bieeds. In aieas wheie bio-
diveisiiy loss is piomineni, even ihough ihe iowns may
noi aciually expeiience food shoiiages, ihe nuiiiiional
siaius of ihe people who live iheie is siill fai fiom sai-
isfacioiy. A signifcani piopoiiion of ihe dwelleis may
sufei fiom malnuiiiiion. Alihough iheie may noi be
deaih as a iesuli of hungei, iheie could be high levels of
anemia and defciencies in viiamins a and oihei iiace
elemenis (Taman, 2003).
Poveiiy has been vaiiously defned by many ieseaich-
eis. Ii is ihe gieaiesi social malaise am iciing mankind
(UNEP, 2002). Poveiiy bieeds degiadaiion. Ii has been
ideniifed as a majoi coniiibuioi io enviionmenial deg-
iadaiion in ihe uiban ciiies of Nigeiia in ieceni iimes
(Taman, 2003). Poveiiy is a majoi challenge confioni-
ing many couniiies including Nigeiia. Alihough many
poveiiy alleviaiion piogiams have been pui in place by
vaiious goveinmenis io lessen ihe poveiiy buiden in-
cluding moneiaiy and fscal policy measuies, ihe use of
maikei inieiveniions in low piicing of esseniial com-
modiiies; ihe shaiing of ihe buiden of pioviding social
seivices wiih piivaie seciois and public secioi efoii on
siiaiegic developmeni (Agbamu, 2006). Tese aie moie
oi less, shoiiieim measuies. In ihis papei, ihe consei-
vaiion piinciples and piaciices io alleviaie poveiiy in
ihe Nigei Delia iegion have been emphasized noi only
as shoiiieim measuies bui as long ieim panacea io
also aid susiainable developmeni. Ii is esiablished heie
ihai ihe abundani biological diveisiiy, which if piop-
eily hainessed and conseived will impiove ihe living
siandaid and beiiei ihe life of ihe people. Alihough sev-
eial siudies have been caiiied oui on poveiiy in Nigeiia
and suggesiions on how ii can be alleviaied piincipally
ihiough ihe use of macio and micio economic iools,
iheie is pauciiy of infoimaiion on ihe conseivaiion of
biodiveisiiy as a iool io ieduce poveiiy in ihe Nigei Delia
aiea of Nigeiia.
Tis ieview has been undeiiaken io piovide infoi-
maiion on how ihe conseivaiion of ihe biodiveisiiy of
ihe Nigei Delia aiea can help in ihe alleviaiion of ihe
poveiiy of ihe inhabiianis.
Causes and impact of poverty
Aboui iwo ihiids of ihe Nigeiian people aie pooi,
despiie living in a couniiy wiih vasi biodiveisiiy (Naiional
Planning Commission, 2004). In 1980, an esiimaied 27
peiceni of Nigeiians lived in poveiiy and by 1999, aboui
70 peiceni of ihe populaiion had income of less ihan
US $I a day and ihe piopoiiion has iisen since ihen
(Woild Bank, 2001).
Poveiiy has many causes, all of which ieinfoice one
anoihei. Tis is because ihey have aiianged ihemselves
in a feaiuie wheel. One souice of poveiiy is ihe ovei-
exploiiaiion of naiuial iesouices, which has iesulied in
ihe desiabilisaiion and depleiion of ihe biodiveisiiy. Te
exiiaciion of oui iesouices was noi coniiolled and is siill
noi coniiolled. Tis led io mismanagemeni and many of
oui iesouices have gone inio exiinciion while oiheis aie
facing exiinciion. Dioughi and famine, which ihough
aie pioducis of naiuial disasiei ihai have been aided by
mans ovei-exploiiaiion of biodiveisiiy, aie oihei causes.
Inadequaie oi lack of income is also iegaided as a cause
of poveiiy. Many iuial families depend on biodiveisiiy
foi income. Tis ihey have oveiexploiied and desiioyed
leaving veiy liiile oi noihing io exploii foi income io
iake caie of iheii food, cloihing and sheliei needs. Lack
of savings: Te incomes deiived fiom iheii exploiiaiion
of ihe foiesis weie noi em cienily managed and have
been exhausied. Mosi of ihese people nevei saved foi
ihe fuiuie ihinking ihai ihe iesouices will coniinue io
fow wiihoui an insighi inio ihe impending caiasiiophe.
In ihe woids of Ihimodu (1996), poveiiy may emanaie
fiom lack of adequaie savings oi inabiliiy io invesi ihe
available income pioduciively io geneiaie incieases in
physical asseis ihai will lead io economic giowih.
Lack of iechnical knowledge is anoihei cause of pov-
eiiy. Mosi of ihe ciiizens ihai aie pooi ioday aie def-
cieni in iechnical knowledge and ihis makes ihem io fnd
Agric. conspec. sci. Vol. 71 (2006) No. 3
103 Biodiveisiiy Conseivaiion and Poveiiy Alleviaiion in ihe Nigei Delia Aiea of Nigeiia
ihemselves in low paying, siienuous menial jobs, which
aie biodiveisiiy exploiiaiion ielaied. Teie can also be
ihe pioblem of aiiiiude of ihe enviionmenial law enfoic-
eis. Tey keep blind eyes io illegaliiies ihai iake place
in foiesis. Tese illegaliiies iub on poveiiy incidences.
Om cial coiiupiion has wiiiien deaih waiianis foi many
foiesis foi a biibe, some dishonesi om cials have been
known io give shoii-ieim concessions io companies ihai
plundei ihe iimbei wiih no iegaid foi conseivaiion ai
ihe expense of foiesi communiiies.
Laige companies have boughi up huge iiacis of feiiile
land and used mechanized equipmeni io haivesi cash
ciops. Tis iiend ihiew a loi of faim hands oui of woik.
Tis made ihousands of people io move io ihe ciiies. Tis
was because afei ihe Second Woild Wai, ihese laige com-
panies used chain, saws and bulldozeis io cleai foiesis
on a laige scale. Oihei iuial dwelleis weie also foiced
io move io ihe iain foiesis. Depleiion of biodiveisiiy in
ihe Nigei Delia is noi ihe ineviiable iesuli of incieasing
populaiion and poveiiy. Ii is ofen ihe iesuli of manage-
meni, ciime, gieedy commeice and coiiupi goveinmeni.
In 1993, Afiican foiesis accounied foi aboui 13% of ihe
woild ioial (320 million heciaies) (FAO, 1997). Aboui
30% of ihe iegions poieniial foiesi covei had been losi.
Nei defoiesiaiion coniinues ai a high iaie paiiiculaily
in ihe iiopical aieas. Poveiiy incidence by geogiaphi-
cal iegions in Nigeiia as illusiiaied by Fedeial Om ce of
Siaiisiics is shown in Table 1. Changes in foiesiland covei
in iiopical Afiica aie piesenied in Figuie 1.
Te Niger Delta area and its biodiversity
Alihough ihe Nigei Delia is biologically ihe leasi
known ecosysiem in Nigei (Ogbe, 2003), ii has Afiicas
laigesi mangiove foiesi (Olomukoio, 2003). Olomukoio
(2003) iepoiied ihai ihe Nigei Delia has ihe mosi ex-
iensive fiesh waiei swamp foiesi in Wesi and Ceniial
Afiica and mosi of Nigeiias iemaining piimaiy foiesis.
Te Nigei Delia coveis an aiea of 70,000km
in ihe cen-
iial paii of Souihein Easiein Nigeiia. Te Nigei Delia
includes Siaies like Delia, Bayelsa, Riveis, CiossRivei,
Akwa-Ibom, Edo, and Ondo. Te aiea lies wiihin laii-
iude 60
N and 60
21N and longiiude 30
4E and 90
Ii consisis of a numbei of chaiacieiisiic ecological zones
compiising sandy coasial iidge baiiiei saline mangioves,
fiesh waiei, swamp foiesis and seasonal iainfoiesi (Ogbe,
2003; Olomukoio, 2003). Te Nigei Delia iegion is iich
in biodiveisiiy as ii is inieiwoven wiih iiveis, mangiove
foiesis and abundance of aquaiic and wildlife, hence
Ogbe (2003) iepoiied ihai ihe Nigei Delia is a hoi spoi
foi biodiveisiiy. Figuie 2 shows ihe diagiam of ihe Nigei
Delia aiea of Nigeiia.
Te iegion is siiuaied in a dim culi ieiiain. Ii is en-
dowed wiih foiesi and game conseivaiion aieas; Naiional
Paiks, Wildlife sanciuaiy (Edo Siaie), Taylo Cieek (Riveis
Siaie), Siubbs Cieek foiesi Reseives (AkwaIbom Siaie)
eic. Tese aieas coniained a wide iange of biodiveisi-
iy bui ioday, ihe foiesi geneiic iesouices of ihis iegion
aie gieaily ihieaiened boih in diveisiiy and in iichness
mainly by human aciiviiies wiihoui knowing ihai any
infuence, which diminishes ihe iichness and diveisiiy
of oui enviionmeni, diminishes ihe fullness and pei-
haps ihe span of oui lives. Te biological diveisiiy of ihe
Region Extremely poor (%) Moderately poor (%) Non-poor (%) Type of environmental problem
North - East 58 27 14 Desertification
North - West 58 24 16 Desertification
North - Central 48 28 25 Desertification
South - East 38 32 30 Soil erosion
South - West 37 34 26 Soil erosion and desertification
South - South 38 34 26 Oil pollution
Source: FOS (1999)
Table 1.
Poveiiy incidence by geogiaphical iegions in Nigeiia
Figure 1.
Changes in foiesiland covei in iiopical Afiica (Souice:
Salim and Ullsien, 1999, (a) Defoiesiaiion io non
wooden land covei (b) Defoiesiaiion io oihei wooded
land (c) Fiagmeniaiion (d) Degiadaiion (loss of densiiy)
closed io open foiesi (e) Conveision io long fallow, shifiing
agiiculiuie (f) Conveision io planiaiion, - Amelioiaiion
(inciease of densiiy) fiom open io closed foiesi)
Agric. conspec. sci. Vol. 71 (2006) No. 3
106 Ogheneiioboiue Maiy AGBOGIDI, Albeii Ukaio OFUOKU
Nigei Delia coniains ihe mosi exiensive and complex
lowland foiesi, aquaiic ecosysiem in Wesi Afiica and
ii is of iegional and global impoiiance (IUCN, 1992).
Te impoiiance of ihe delia as a habiiai foi a gieai vaii-
eiy of coasial and esiuaiine fauna and foia, which lack
any maiine oi coasial pioiecied aiea is well known. Te
full signifcance of ihe Delias biodiveisiiy iemains un-
known because new ecological zones and species con-
iinue io be uncoveied and majoi gioups such as highei
planis and biids, iemain unsiudied in laige aieas. Ogbe
(2003) iepoiied ihai ihe delia has moie fiesh waiei fsh
species ihan any oihei coasial sysiem in Wesi Afiica.
Biodiveisiiy holds gieai piomise in Nigei Delia and ihe
iesi of Nigeiia foi impioving ihe qualiiy of life of ihe
communiiies iheie. Whai is needed is ihai iis manage-
meni should be iailoied io ieceive adequaie suppoii as
well as sum cieni funds io make iegionwide paiiicipa-
iion aiiiaciive. Species ihieaiened by ihe decline of foi-
esis and oihei naiuial habiiais aie shown in Figuie 3.
Biodiveisiiy is ciiiical io ihe mainienance of a healihy
enviionmeni. Ii piovides diieci benefis such as food,
medicine and eneigy. Some diugs cannoi be manu-
faciuied syniheiically (Ikomi, 2003). Foi example, of
ihe caidiac siimulanis, digiioxin can only be obiained
fiom diied Digitalis spp (Ikomi, 2003). Fishes, iepiiles,
mammals, shell fsh eic aie food oiganisms haivesied
fiom weiland, foiesis and maiine ecosysiems of ihe
Nigei Delia, and used io meei ihe food needs of man.
Biodiveisiiy caieis foi oui life suppoii sysiem io ihe ie-
cycling of esseniial elemenis including caibon, oxygen,
niiiogen eic. In addiiion, ii helps io miiigaie polluiion
pioieci waieisheds and combais soil eiosion. Ii acis as
a bufei againsi excessive vaiiaiions in weaihei and cli-
maie, ihus pioieciing man fiom caiasiiophic evenis
beyond human coniiol.
Biodiveisiiy also piovides immense economic values
in ihe aiea of ecoiouiism and susiainable livelihood of
local communiiies and foi conseivaiion of naiuial envi-
ionmenis which was iecognised inieinaiionally when ihe
Uniied Naiions declaied 2002 as ihe inieinaiional yeai
of ecoiouiism. Ecoiouiism iepiesenis one of ihe aieas
wheie ihe link beiween economic developmeni and con-
seivaiion of naiuial aieas is poieniially cleai and diieci.
Ecoiouiism could help geneiaie benefis io local com-
muniiies such as employmeni and mineials ievenues. Ii
could also piovide foi infiasiiuciuie such as ioads and
eleciiiciiy oi piovide pioceeds foi communiiy piojecis
such as school consiiuciion and healih clinics (Ogbe,
2003). Biodiveisiiy aiiiacis hikeis, animal waicheis and
phoiogiapheis alike. Geneiic iesouices diveisiiy iepie-
senis ihe iesouice base fiom which mosi of ihe pieseni
agiiculiuial ciops and domesiicaied animals have been
bied by geneiaiions of Nigeiians. Biodiveisiiy allows foi
ihe esiablishmeni of foiesi ieseives, naiuial paiks, game
ieseives, (including wildlife paiks, biid sanciuaiies and
siiici naiuie ieseives), special ecosysiems and habiiais
e.g. sacied gioves, sieams and lakes oi oihei siies ihai
aie ieseived by local communiiies foi iheii spiiiiual,
iecieaiional and oihei socio economic values.
Ecologically, biodiveisiiy helps io siabilise ihe fow
of waiei ihus, pieveniing excessive fooding and diying
oui, enhancemeni of gaseous exchange, manufaciuie of
food, wasie disposal, niiiogen fxaiion, and pesi coniiol.
Much of ihese economic and nuiiiiional benefis of ihese
biodiveisiiies aie laigely unexploiied due io how liiile
ihey aie exploiied.
Potentials for proftable exploitation of
biodiversity in the Niger Delta to alleviate
Teie aie a numbei of ways in which biodiveisiiy
conseivaiion can seive as a iool foi poveiiy alleviaiion
in ihe Nigei Delia aiea specifcally and in ihe couniiy as
a whole. Teie is ihe bioiegional managemeni appioach
io biodiveisiiy conseivaiion. Tis appioach sees ihe iask
as a long-ieim on-going assignmeni involving ihe use of
afoiesiaiion, nuiseiy developmeni, landscape caie and
Figure 2.
Nigei Delia aiea of Nigeiia
Niger Delta
Agric. conspec. sci. Vol. 71 (2006) No. 3
107 Biodiveisiiy Conseivaiion and Poveiiy Alleviaiion in ihe Nigei Delia Aiea of Nigeiia
oihei aciiviiies io achieve iis goal. All ihese aciiviiies
can piovide signifcani employmeni oppoiiuniiies foi
ihe pooi of ihe iegion. To gei ihe besi of ihe appioach
howevei, iequiies cooidinaiing goveinmeni agencies,
communiiy leadeis, business and piivaie gioups wiihin
ihe iegion so ihai biodiveisiiy conceins aie included in
ihe iegional planning piocesses.
Ecoiouiism is anoihei viial way biodiveisiiy could
seive as a iool foi poveiiy ieduciion in ihe Nigei Delia
zone. Ecoiouiism is a sub- seciion of ihe iouiism indus-
iiy caieiing foi iouiisis who wish io visii naiuial aieas io
obseive wildlife, naiuial landscapes and iiadiiional cul-
iuies. Ecoiouiism is enviionmenially iesponsible iiade
and visiiaiion io ielaiively undisiuibed naiuial aieas, in
oidei io enjoy and appieciaie naiuie (and accompany-
ing culiuial feaiuies boih pasi and pieseni) ihai pio-
moies conseivaiion, and piovides foi benefcially aciive
socio economic involvemeni of local people (IUCN,
2002). Te economic benefis of iouiism and ecoioui-
ism in ihe couniiy cannoi be undeiscoied. Teie is a
geneial demand in Nigeiia and ihe Nigei Delia in pai-
iiculai foi iouiism and ecoiouiism developmeni. Delia
siaie and ihe Nigei Delia in geneial wiih iheii diveisi-
iy of culiuies and ecosysiems no doubi piovide ample
oppoiiuniiies foi ecoiouiism. Te Goveinmeni, NGO

and piivaie secioi should be called upon io suppoii ihe
susiainabiliiy of ecoiouiism by developing ecoiouiism
siiaiegies as componenis of public policies, and iniio-
duciion of sound enviionmenial piaciices including
wasie ieduciion. Inieinaiional invesiois and donoi pai-
iicipanis should also iniegiaie planning foi ecoiouiism
inio piogiammes ielaied io conseivaiion.
Oiganisaiion of specifc gioups noiably women and
young people (youihs) wiihin local communiiies foi sus-
iainable developmeni and conseivaiion of biodiveisiiy
is anoihei viable appioach of biodiveisiiy conseivaiion
wiih siiong oiieniaiion io poveiiy ieduciion (Campbell,
1996; Huni ei al., 1996; Oiji, 2003). Poveiiy is a mulii
dimensional pioblem ihai iequiies muliidisciplinaiy
appioach and soluiions. Pioieciion siiaiegies should
be pui in place wheie local people especially women
and young people should be selecied as iaigei gioups
and iheii paiiicipaiion in pioieciion siudies should be
ensuied. Similaily, ihe coniiibuiion of local auihoii-
iies io ihese pioieciion siudies should be encouiaged.
Ii has been iepoiied ihai ovei 99% of foiesi diveisiiy is
in non- iimbei species. Te exploiiaiion of ihese species
including mushiooms, chew siicks, snails, heibal collec-
iions eic, aci as souices of income io ihe iuial populace
iheieby ieducing iheii sufeiing (Udo, 2002; Agbogidi
and Okonia, 2003). Poveiiy ieduciion aciiviiies in ihe
Nigei Delia should use ihe piinciple of mass paiiicipa-
iion. Te foiesiei could esiablish a close paiineiship wiih
ihe local people and iake inio seiious and full consideia-
iion, iheii opinions and emoiions so ihai ihe commu-
niiy will have a sense of belonging (Shuncheng, 1998).
Inhabiianis should have access io foiesi ieseives, wildlife
sanciuaiies and naiional paik io obiain non iimbei foiesi
pioduce. Availabiliiy of exiension seivices could boosi
iheii involvemeni in ihe colleciion of NTFPs. Ekeke and
Nwonuala (1999) iepoiied ihai ihe baie aieas cieaied in
ihe mangioves by oil woikeis can be successfully ieveg-
eiaied wiih adapied indigenous iiee and shiub species.
Educaiion of iuial communiiies on ihe naiuial ioles and
impoiiance of biodiveisiiy can inciease iheii awaieness
and open avenues foi beiiei uiilisaiion of foiesi iesouic-
es (Idumah, 2001). Developmeni of iniegiaied foiesiiy
and food pioduciion io boosi local employmeni; foiesi
pioducis and income so as io ieduce poveiiy among
ihe iuial dwelleis is anoihei way of poveiiy ieduciion.
In ihe same vein, siiengihening of ihe local peoples
capaciiy io adopi sound and susiainable agio foiesiiy
piaciices wiih a view io impioving pioduciion ai mini-
mal cosis ihiough impioved soil nuiiienis is necessaiy.
Communiiy paiiicipaiion in foiesiiy aciiviiies could be
used as a siiaiegy foi poveiiy alleviaiion (Idumah ei al.,
2003). Foi many people, foiesis aie viial souice of food,
medicine, iaw maieiials and income, of which iuial com-
muniiy has made susiainable use (Tewaii and Tiwaii,
1997; Chijioke, 2003; Ikojo ei al., 2003).
Saving biodiveisiiy means iaking sieps io pioieci
genes species, habiiais and ecosysiems (Adekunle, 2003).
Te besi way io mainiain species is io mainiain iheii
habiiais (FAO, 1993). Conseivaiion of biodiveisiiy could
involve ihe following: pieveniion of degiadaiion of key
naiuial ecosysiem, as well as iheii efeciive managemeni
and pioieciion (Agbogidi ei al., 2003b), mainienance of
diveisiiy on lands and waiei ihai have alieady been dis-
iuibed (Foskeii and Foskeii, 2004), and iesioiaiion of
loss species io iheii foimei habiiais and pieseivaiion of
species else wheie in gene banks, zoos, boianic gaidens
and oihei ofsiies faciliiies (OlaAdams, 1996).
Figure 3.
Species ihieaiened by ihe decline of foiesis and oihei naiuial
habiiais (Souice: Salim and Ullsien, 1999)
Agric. conspec. sci. Vol. 71 (2006) No. 3
108 Ogheneiioboiue Maiy AGBOGIDI, Albeii Ukaio OFUOKU
Biodiveisiiy conseivaiion musi iake place ai indi-
vidual household level, village / communiiy level, local
goveinmeni level, siaie, naiional level and global / in-
ieinaiional level. Efeciive conseivaiion efoiis have io
begin in ihe felds, faims, foiesis, waieisheds, giasslands,
savannas, coasial zones and seiilemenis wheie people
live and woik. Appioaches io iuial poveiiy alleviaiion
in ihe Nigei Delia iegion should be mulii-dimensional
involving economic, ecological and social faciois io sai-
isfy ihe expeciaiions of ihe inhabiianis (Ciispin, 1994).
Goveinmeni could sponsoi afoiesiaiion | iefoiesiaiion
piojecis foi eaily canopy covei and liiiei accumulaiion
io enhance covei iecoveiy. Afoiesiaiion piaciices should
also be advocaied, encouiaged and suppoiied by piivaie
invesiois and NGOs (Keyojo ei al., 2002).
Advocacy of seiiculiuie: Seiiculiuie is a vocaiion,
which involves ihe pioduciion of mulbeiiy leaves foi
feeding silkwoims wiih ihe sole aim of pioducing co-
coons fiom which silk is obiained (Jayeola and Adeduian,
2002). Jayeola and Adeduian (2002) posiied ihai a hec-
iaie of mulbeiiy geneiaies iemuneiaiive employmeni
io 12 io 20 peisons ihioughoui ihe yeai.
Teie should be incieased inieiesi in enhancing ihe
pioduciion of iiee pioducis paiiiculaily ihe non-iimbei
foiesi pioducis (NTFPs) ihiough domesiicaiion of in-
digenous iiee species io inciease faimeis income, iheii
food and nuiiiiional secuiiiy (Agbogidi ei al., 2003b;
Oiegbome, 2003). Te NTFPs have been ideniifed as
ihe mosi foimidable way of meeiing ihe aims of devel-
opmeni, conseivaiion and poveiiy ieduciion (Belchei
and Kusieis, 2003). Teie is also ihe need io oveicome
negaiive associaiion beiween economic developmeni
and enviionmenial qualiiy (Udo, 2002; Udo, 2003).
Fabiyi and Oyagade (2003) advocaied ihe use of wood
iesidues while Nwaigbo (2003) noied ihai ihe develop-
meni of shoii ioiaiion coppice (SRC) ciops in ihe Nigei
Delia aiea.
Expeiiences, knowledge and ideas could also be diawn
fiom bodies involved in conseivaiion such as Woild
Conseivaiion Union foimeily Inieinaiional Union foi ihe
Conseivaiion of Naiuie and Naiuial Resouices (IUCN),
Uniied Naiions Enviionmeni Piogiamme (UNEP),
Food and Agiiculiuie Oiganisaiion (FAO) and Woild
Meieoiological Oiganisaiion (WMO) and moie iecenily,
ihe Woild Conseivaiion Siiaiegy (WCS).
Te aquaiic ecological pioblems of ihe Nigei Delia
iegion should be impioved io alleviaie ihe iuial poveiiy
level of ihe inhabiianis. Fishing is ihe main siay of eco-
nomic aciiviiies of mosi inhabiianis of ihe iegion apaii
fiom faiming. Efoii should be made io impiove ihe
aquaiic life of ihe people. Aquaculiuial and pisiculiuial
enviionmeni should be developed. Te iouiisi poieniial
of ihe mangiove swamp foiesi should be fully exploii-
ed foi maximum ievenue geneiaiion since ihe aquaiic
and wildlife iesouices iypically iepiesenis ihe iegion.
Goveinmeni and allied oil and gas piospeciing compa-
nies in ihe aiea should fully iniegiaie ihe hosi commu-
niiies in iheii poveiiy ieduciion piogiams. Tese may
include building and iehabiliiaiion of schools, piimaiy
healih caie seivices, communiiy waiei supply, aduli liiei-
acy classes, food secuiiiy and nuiiiiion, family planning,
ieconsiiuciion and iehabiliiaiion of ioads, piovision and
mainienance of eleciiiciiy io ihe iuial populace, fiee and
basic communiiy educaiion, skill acquisiiion ceniie and
vocaiional iiaining insiiiuies io empowei ihe youihs of
ihe aiea employmeni, piovision and cieaiion of jobs foi
iuial inhabiianis which will ieduce iension, unemploy-
meni and oihei social vices in ihe Nigei Delia aiea. Te
piovision of ihese could impiove ihe living siandaid of
ihe iuial populace in ihe aiea.
Impiovemeni of human capabiliiies ihiough iiain-
ing by exiension woikeis is anoihei way poveiiy can be
ieduced in ihe Nigei Delia aiea. Agbamu (2006) pos-
iied ihai agiiculiuial and iuial exiension woikeis can
help io piomoie agiiculiuial and vocaiional knowledge
among iuial dwelleis in a bid io equip ihem wiih capa-
biliiies, which can enhance iheii pioduciion aciiviiies.
He fuiihei siaied ihai highei pioduciiviiy in agiicul-
iuie is aiiainable by using moie knowledge in ihe pio-
duciion piocess.
Biodiveisiiy embiaces all species of macio and micio
foia and fauna and ihe ecological sysiems and pioc-
esses of which ihey aie a paii. Ii is veiy ciucial io ihe
exisience of mankind especially when ii has ihe poien-
iials io solve ihe pioblem of poveiiy in ihe life of man.
Te Nigei Delia aiea, which has Afiicas laigesi and ihe
woilds ihiid laigesi mangiove foiesi also houses ihe mosi
exiensive fieshwaiei swamp foiesi in Wesi and Ceniial
Afiica, and mosi of Nigeiias iemaining piimaiy foiesis.
Tis iegion is iich in biodiveisiiy as a iesuli of ihe pies-
ence of iiveis, mangiove and fieshwaiei foiesis and ihe
abundance of aquaiic and wildlife. Te piofiable exploi-
iaiion of biodiveisiiy in ihe Nigei Delia has poieniials foi
alleviaiing poveiiy among ihe people of ihe Nigei Delia
ihiough biodiveisiiy appioach io biodiveisiiy conseiva-
iion, ecoiouiism, communiiy, paiiicipaiion, advocacy
of seiiculiuie and boiiowing of knowledge, expeiiences
and ideas fiom conseivaiion bodies. Oihei poveiiy ie-
duciion piogiams ihai can be geneiaied ihiough biodi-
veisiiy conseivaiion include ihe following: iiee nuiseiy
developmeni, mushioom pioduciion, snaileiy, micio-
livesiock piogiams (giass-cuiiei faim, iabbii pioduc-
iion, guinea fowl pioduciion), fsh pioduciion in foiesi
esiaies, and iniegiaiion of livesiock (pouliiy, piggeiy,
Agric. conspec. sci. Vol. 71 (2006) No. 3
109 Biodiveisiiy Conseivaiion and Poveiiy Alleviaiion in ihe Nigei Delia Aiea of Nigeiia
goai / sheep) and iniegiaiion of food ciops. Te exien-
sion seivices of goveinmeni and nongoveinmenial oi-
ganisaiions (NGO
) should noi be lef oui in ihis piocess.
Tey aie equipped wiih ihe ieaching, communicaiion
and human ielaiionship and iuial sociological skills io
live up io ihe iasks in ihe piocess of poveiiy alleviaiion
ihiough biodiveisiiy conseivaiion. Poveiiy will be alle-
viaied meaningfully if ihese piofessionals aie involved
in ihe piojeci. Besides, ihe knowledge and ideas of oihei
piofessionals including ecologisis, conseivaiionisis, ge-
ogiapheis, zoologisis, boianisis, iaxonomisis, and soil
scieniisis should be iapped as biodiveisiiy conseivaiion
iequiies a mulii-disciplinaiy appioach.
Adekunle V.A.J. ioo,. Tiends in foiesi ieseivaiion and
biodiveisiiy conseivaiion. In: Okoko Adekunle V.A J.
and Adedunian S.A. (eds.). Enviionmenial susiainabiliiy
and conseivaiion in Nigeiia. Jubee Niyi Publisheis,
Akuie. Pp 8i o.
Agbamu J.U. iooo. Poveiiy ieduciion siiaiegies foi
agiiculiuial and iuial developmeni in Nigeiia. In:
Adedoyin S.F. (ed.). Pioceedings of ihe ro
Naiional Confeience of ihe Agiiculiuial Exiension
Socieiy of Nigeiia (AESON) held in Badeggi, Nigei Siaie,
beiween r
and r,ih June, ioo,. Pp i8 _,.
Agbogidi O.M. and Okonia B.C. ioo_. Role of women in
communiiy foiesiiy and enviionmenial conseivaiion. In:
Akindele S.O. and Popoola L. (eds.). Pioceedings of ihe
Annual Confeience of FAN held in Calabai, Cioss
Rivei Siaie, beiween o
and rr
Ociobei, ioo_. Pp r,-
Agbogidi O.M., Okonia B.C. and Doloi D.E. ioo,.
Paiiicipaiion of iuial women in susiainable foiesi
managemeni and developmeni. In: Okoko E., Adekunle
V. and Adedunian S. (eds.). Enviionmenial susiainabiliiy
and conseivaiion in Nigeiia. Jubee-Niyi Publisheis,
Akuie. Pp io-i,o.
Aigbokhan B.E. r,. Poveiiy alleviaiion in Nigeiia: some
micio economic issues in poveiiy in Nigeiia. Te
Nigeiian Economic Socieiy r8r-iro
Belchei B. and Kusieis K. ioo,. How io make money fiom
foiesi pioducis. Id irNaiuial Resouices Highlighis
Foiesiiy :i.
Campbell J.Y., Chaiiapadhyay R.N. and Das C. ro.
Income geneiaiion ihiough communiiy foiesiiy.
In: Vicioi M. (ed.). Pioceedings of an Inieinaiional
Seminai, Banagkok, Tailand, r8ih- ioih Ociobei, r,,
RECOFTC, Banagkok.
Chijioke E.O. ioo_. Communiiy foiesiiy and poveiiy
alleviaiion: a ieal possibiliiy in ihe Nigei Delia aiea.
In: Akindele S.O. and Popoola,L. (eds.). Pioceedings of
ihe i
Annual Confeience of ihe Foiesiiy Associaiion
of Nigeiia held in Calabai, Cioss Rivei Siaie, o

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Ciispin T. r. Te impoiiance of biodiveisiiy infoimaiion:
needs and opiions, Riddles Lid, U. K.
Dugan P. r_.Weilands in dangei. Miichell Beazley
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Ekeke B.A. and Nwonvala A.I. r. Refoiesiaiion of baie
degiaded mangiove aieas in ihe Nigei Delia. Delia
Agiiculiuiisi o: ,, 88.
Fabiyi J.S. and Oyagade A.O. ioo_. Uiilisaiion of wood
iesidues as means of ieducing poveiiy among iuial
communiiy. In: Akindele S.O. and Popoola L. (eds.).
Pioceedings of ihe i
Annual Confeience of FAN held
in Calabai, Cioss Rivei Siaie, beiween o
ioo_.Pp o ,r.
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Foiesiiy Papei, ro,. ro,p.
FAO r,. Siaie of ihe woilds foiesis. r,. Rome: FAO.
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Huni S.M., Jackson W.J. and Shiesihia K.B. ro. Income
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In: Vicioi M. (ed.). Income geneiaiion ihiough
communiiy foiesiiy. Pioceedings of an Inieinaiional
Seminai Bangkok, Tailand, r8
Ociobei, r,,
RECOFTC, Bangkok.
Idumah F.O. ioor. Foiesiiy sub secioi and poveiiy
alleviaiion in Nigeiia. In: Popoola L., Abu J.E. and Oni
P.I. (eds.). Pioceedings of ihe i,
Annual Confeience of
ihe Foiesiiy Associaiion of Nigeiia (FAN) held in Abuja,
FCT, fiom r,
Sepiembei, ioor Pp _r _i,.
Idumah F.O, Akinyemi O.D.and Yakubu F.B. ioo_.
Communiiy foiesiiy: a siiaiegy foi iuial developmeni
and poveiiy ieduciion. In: Akindele S.O. and Popoola
L. (eds.). Pioceedings of ihe i
Annual Confeience of
FAN held on Calabai, Cioss Rivei Siaie, beiween o

Ociobei, ioo_. Pp _o _8.
Ihimodu C.E. ro. Poveiiy and susiainable developmeni in
Afiica. A papei piesenied ai ihe capaciiy building couise
ai ihe Uniied Naiions Insiiiuie foi Developmeni and
Economic Planning (IDEP). Dakai, Senegal.
Ikojo H.A., Udofa S.I. and Azeez A. ioo_. Communiiy
foiesiiy appioach io poveiiy alleviaiion in iuial aieas.
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ihe i
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of Nigeiia held in Calabai, Cioss Rivei Siaie, o

Ociobei, ioo_. Pp r- 8.
Ikomi R.B. ioo,. Biodiveisiiy: a building block foi
susiainable enviionmenial siabiliiy. A papei piesenied ai
ihe Delia Siaie maiden council meeiing on Enviionmeni
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Sepiembei, ioo,.rip
IUCN ri. Coasial and maiine, biodiveisiiy iepoii foi
UNEP: Ideniifcaiion esiablishmeni and managemeni of
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Janzen D.H. rr. How io save iiopical biodiveisiiy.
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110 Ogheneiioboiue Maiy AGBOGIDI, Albeii Ukaio OFUOKU
Jayeola V. and Adeduian S.A. iooi. Seiiculiuie in Odo Siaie:
a means of alleviaiing iuial poveiiy. In: Abu J. E., Oni
P.r and Popoola L. (eds.). Pioceedings of ihe i8
Confeience of ihe Foiesiiy Associaiion of Nigeiia (FAN)
held in Akuie, Ondo Siaie, fiom
iooi. Pp ioi io,.
Keyojo O.A., Abu J.E. and Omokhua G. iooi. Ruial poveiiy
dynamics in ihe Nigei Delia iegion of Nigeiia: opiions
foi susiainable developmeni. In: Abu J .E, Oni P.I
and Popoola L. (eds.). Pioceedings of ihe i8
confeience of FAN held in Akuie, Ondo Siaie fiom
Novembei, iooi. Pp _,o _8.
Naiional Planning Commission ioo. Naiional Economic
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Nwaigbo L.C. ioo_.Shoii ioiaiion coppice foi communiiy
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suiiabiliiy of Gmelina arborea Roxb. In: Akindele S.O.
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Confeience of FAN held on Calabai, Cioss Rivei Siaie,
beiween o
and rr
Ociobei, ioo_. Pp ,i 8r.
Odebiyi J.B. and Ogunjobi M. ioo_. Role of non-iimbei
foiesi pioducis (NTFPs) in alleviaiing poveiiy in Odeda
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Akindele S.O. and Popoola L. (eds.). Pioceedings of ihe
Annual Confeience of FAN held on Calabai, Cioss
Rivei Siaie, beiween o
Ociobei, ioo_. Pp ,-o_.
Ogbe M.O. ioo,. Biological iesouice conseivaiion: a majoi
iool foi poveiiy ieduciion in Delia Siaie. A key noi
addiess deliveied ai ihe Delia Siaie maiden Council
meeiing on Enviionmeni wiih all siakeholdeis held ai
Neliose Hoiel, Delia Siaie, Nigeiia beiween i8
and i

Sepiembei, ioo,. rop.
Ola A. r8,. Issues in biodiveisiiy. U.S. Congiess Om ce of
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Ola Adams B.A. ro. Conseivaiion and managemeni
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Olele N.F. and Agbogidi O.M. r. Te diveisiiy and
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Olomukoio J.O. ioo,. Enviionmenial polluiion and iis
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Oiegbeme A.O. ioo,. Piopagaiion and culiivaiion of
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Pioceedings of ihe i
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