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Proof of the Rationality of

Rodolfo A. Nieves Rivas Abstract

We present in this article how to obtain the terms of a recurrent hypergeometric progression by iteration. Which are used as numerators of a quotient function whose denominators are the terms of the corresponding factorial sequence. Thus, achieving by this way a functional equation that allows a relationship with the zeta function related to the series of the reverse of the squares. Then we use a functional equation in a proof of the rationality of 2. Concluding with a theorem that guarantees the construction of the constant: Key words: Hypergeometric progression, Series, Rationality, Zeta function Introduction By the application of the solution to the Basilea problem 1 solved by Leonard Euler2 in the year 1879 and using the information obtained from OEIS 3. We present the characterization of a functional equation of the Zeta function4 to develop a Hypergeometric progression series5 related to the series of the reverse of the squares6 or the Basilea problem achieving the rationality of 2, concluding by this way with a theorem that guarantees the construction of the constant .

Theoretical framework: Main Theorem: The quotient of the sum of all the quotients of a product divided by all and each one of their factorsd is equal to the sum of the reverse of all the factors of such product. Proof: Let:
n n 1 zQ


( n) z (n !)

n n 1 zQ

1 ( n) z

Where: (n!) is constant. When C: (n!)z is the product. For: z = 2

Theoretical Basis:

Characterization of a Hypergeometric Progression Let: an = (n)z . an-1 + [(n-1)!]z For all: n1 When: n Where: a0 = 0 (Condition) For all: Z1 Where: Z Natural.

(a natural number)

Characterization of the Quotient Function: Let: an / [(n)!]2 (Rational) (A013661)1 = (2) = 2 / 6 Where: an = [(n)2 .an-1]+ [(n-1)!]2 For all: n1 Where: an is the numerator. (Natural) (A001819)1 When: [(n)!]2 is the denominator. (Natural) (A001044)1 (a natural number)

Functional Equation and its relationship with the Zeta Function:

6 6[ z ]

n n 1 zQ

n! ( n) z

(n !)

n 1 zQ

6(an ) 6 = = 2 z z (n !) ( n)

For: Z = 2 Where: When: For all: n1 Where:

Descriptive Analysis of the Results:

Some terms obtained by iteration of a Recurrent Hypergeometric Progression

a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 = = = = = 0.1 1.4 5.9 49.16 820.25 + + + + + + 1 1 4 36 576 [(n-1)!]z

= = = = = =

0 1 5 49 820 21076


an = an-1 .(n)z (A001819)1

= (a natural number)

For: z = 2 Where: n

Some terms obtained by a Factorial Sequence 1! = 1 2! = 2 3! = 6 4! = 24 5! = 120 n! = (a natural number) (A000142)1 Some terms obtained by the Squared Factorial Sequence (1!)2 = 12 = 1 (2!)2 = 22 (3!)2 = 62 (4!)2 = 242 = = = 4 36 576 14400

(5!)2 = 1202 =

(n!)2 = (a natural number)2 = (a natural number) (AOO1044)1 Some terms obtained by the Quotient Function: a1/[(1)!]2 a2/[(2)!]2 a3/[(3)!]2 a4/[(4)!]2 a5/[(5)!]2

1/1 5/4 49 / 36 820 / 576 21076 / 14400 . . . .

= = = = =

1 1.25 1.3611111111 1.4236111111 1.4636111111 . .


/ [(n)!]2 = (2) = 2 / 6


When: n Main Objective: Proof of the Rationality of 2

If: an = [(n)2 .an-1]+ [(n-1)!]2 For all: n1 When: n Where: a0 = 0

(a natural number) (A001819)

Then: an / [(n)!]2 = 2/ 6 Q+ (is a rational) (A013661) Since: [(n)!]2 is a natural number (A001044) And as: 6(an) / [(n)!]2 = 2 = [6(A001819)] / (A001044) Where: 6(an) is a natural number. [6(A001819)] When: [(n)!]2 is a natural number (A001044) Then: 6(an) / [(n)!]2 = 2 Q+ (is a rational). (A002388) Discussion and Recommendations It is important to say that once have been confirmed the obtained results in this investigation. It would lead us to found the theoretical basis that guarantees its application in other related problems such as: : a) Rationality of the reverse of cubes.(Aperys constant) b) Rationality of the reverse of primes. c) Rationality of e constant. d) Rationality of the Euler-Mascheronis constant e) And others.

Examples: Rationality of the Reverse of Primes.

n i n n n 1 P Pr ime n 1


1 Pn

i 1 n n 1

Pi Pn

Remark: We suggest the study, analysis and proving of the following results because they are directly linked to the stated objective: :

a) b) =

c) If: an = [(n)2 .an-1]+ [(n-1)!]2 is natural For all: Then: When: ; Where: a0= 0

n 1



1 e


ln (6)

n 0




ln (6)

Limits of the L-functions (Fractals) Application to the Quadrature of the Circle. Examples: Sums of the Reverse of all nth. Powers of:


n 0 Constant

1 1

n n 1 Constant _


1 1


1.466942206 0.466942206

Conclusion: Theorem: If: 2 is rational. Therefore: is constructable.


[1] A Handbook of Integer Sequences (1973, ISBN 0-12-648550-X), con 2.400 secuencias. [2] The Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (1995,ISBN 0-12-558630-2), con 5.487 secuencias [3] Urea M.G Los dos mximos sistemas del mundo ISBN: 9978-22-404-1. Edit.ABYA YALA Ecuador 2004 Pag.290 [4] Lang S.Algebra.ISBN 84-03-20216-4.Pag:584-591(Apendice 1) Ed. Aguilar Madrid.1977

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