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Test: Romeo & Juliet

Matching 1. Her father has arranged her marriage to his friend

2. Advises Juliet to marry Paris after Romeo is banished

a. Friar Lawrence b. Juliet c. Mercutio d. Nurse e. Paris f. Prince Escalus g. Romeo h. Tybalt

3. The Montague who killed Tybalt Capulet 4. Source of the poison Juliet took to feign death 5. Killed on what was supposed to be his wedding day by Romeo 6. Juliets cousin; killed Mercutio 7. Mercifully orders Romeos banishment instead of his execution 8. Romeos witty friend who cursed the houses of the Capulets and Montagues with his dying breath

Plot of Romeo & Juliet

9. Why do Romeo and his friends attend the Capulet party?

a. Romeo wants to meet Juliet b. Romeo hopes to see Rosaline; his friends hope hell meet someone new c. He was invited by Tybalt d. As a Montague, its his responsibility to represent his family there
10. Why does Tybalt allow Romeo to stay at the party?

a. Capulet tells Tybalt to leave Romeo alone b. Romeo paid Tybalt to introduce him to Juliet c. The nurse calms Tybalt down and tells him that Romeo is a friend d. Juliet scolds Tybalt for making a scene
11. Why cant Romeo and Juliet be honest with their families about being in love?

a. Romeo is already engaged to be married b. Juliets family is of a lower social class, and it was inappropriate at the time for members of different classes to marry c. Juliet had already vowed to become a nun d. Their families have always hated each other, and the Capulets might even kill Romeo if they found out

Test: Romeo & Juliet

12. Who does Juliet trust with her secret love for Romeo?

a. Lady Capulet b. Tybalt c. the nurse d. Mercutio 13. Why does Friar Lawrence agree to marry them? a. Romeo will pay him a lot of money b. He believes it will bring the two families together peacefully c. He hates the Capulets and hopes it will hurt them to see their daughter become a Montague d. He doesnt know about the troubles between the Capulets and Montagues
14. How does Mercutio die?

a. Romeo kills him with a dagger b. Tybalt kills him with a sword under Romeos arm c. He drowns d. He is poisoned
15. What does Romeo do in response to Mercutios death?

a. makes a citizens arrest b. runs to find Mercutios family c. Romeo kills Tybalt d. kills himself
16. Why does Romeo have to go to Mantua?

a. to find a cure for Juliet b. he is there in a prison, awaiting his trial c. he goes there to escape the black death d. he has been banished by the Prince and may not stay in Verona
17. What does the nurse advise Juliet to do about Paris?

a. marry him, even though shes already married to Romeo no one will know b. run away and find Romeo c. kill herself d. be honest with her parents and maybe they can help

Test: Romeo & Juliet

18. Who is responsible for the scheme of Juliets staged death?

a. Paris b. Romeo c. Friar Lawrence d. the nurse

19. Why does the plan not work?

a. The message that Friar Lawrence sent to Romeo explaining the situation did not make it to him because of a bubonic plague quarantine b. The poison Friar Lawrence gave Juliet was too powerful and it killed her before Romeo could give her the antidote c. He never intended for it to work d. Prince Escalus found out about it and put the Fiar in prison
20. Who killed Paris, and why?

a. Juliet she didnt want to marry Paris b. Capulet he thought Paris would take his money c. Tybalt he knew Juliet didnt want to marry Paris d. Romeo Paris wouldnt let him enter Juliets tomb
21. How did Romeo die?

a. Mercutio killed him in a duel b. Paris killed him when he found out that Romeo and Juliet had secretly married c. He drank the poison he had purchased from the apothecary in Mantua d. He shot himself
22. How did Juliet die?

a. She stabbed herself with Romeos dagger when she saw that Romeo had killed himself b. Friar Lawrences poison was deadly c. She went insane and killed herself with the bones of her ancestors d. Romeo accidentally killed her with the poison he intended for himself

TEST: Romeo & Juliet

23. What did their parents do when they learned what happened? a. vowed to kill each other in revenge of their children b. promised to end the feud and erect monuments of their kind, loving children c. vowed to hold Prince Escalus responsible for the deaths d. charged Friar Lawrence with conspiracy and the murders of Romeo and Juliet Context of Romeo & Juliet
24. In what time period did Shakespeare live?

a. The 1500s and 1600s the 16th and 17th Centuries b. The Dark Ages c. The mid 1800s during the American Civil War d. The 1970s
25. What was the name of the deadly disease that closed Shakespeares theater, The Globe Theater,

several times during his career? a. The Measles b. Small Pox c. Bubonic Plague, also called the Black Death d. The Swine Flu
26. Why is the language Shakespeare uses called Elizabethan?

a. Elizabeth was Shakespeares wife b. Elizabethan English was a special dialect spoken only by actors during that time period c. Although related to the English language, it is not English at all d. Queen Elizabeth was the Queen of England during much of the time Shakespeare wrote
27. King James was the King of England when Shakespeare died. What two very famous things is

King James responsible for? a. commissioning the writing of the King James Version of the Bible; Jamestown, the New England settlement b. sending Columbus to explore the New World; writing the Koran c. discovering penicillin; invading Russia d. exploring Africa; writing the Bible

TEST: Romeo & Juliet

28. Shakespearean comedies always end with a. a joke b. a wedding c. a dance d. a death
29. A Shakespearean tragedy always ends with

a. a joke b. a wedding c. a dance d. a death

30. Shakespeare uses prose (language without rhyme or rhythm) to show that the character speaking

a. was of a low class and generally uneducated b. was of a high class, but was in serious trouble and had slipped into the local slang c. was of rank and power and all social order had been disrupted d. all of the above
31. Blank verse refers to

a. lines of rhymed poetry b. rhymed sonnets c. unrhymed iambic pentameter d. meaningless prose
32. In his writing, Shakespeare often uses allusions, words and phrases that

a. have more than one meaning b. refer to something beyond the play that the audience is assumed to know c. sound like magic d. exaggerate the situation
33. Shakespeare uses many double entrendres, which are words and phrases that

a. have more than one meaning b. refer to something beyond the play that the audience is assumed to know c. sound like magic d. exaggerate the situation

TEST: Romeo & Juliet

Who said it? Match the Quote with the speakers below: a. Romeo

b. Juliet

c. Mercutio

d. Friar Lawrence

e. Prince Escalus

These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fore and powder, Which as they kiss consume. The sweetest honey Is loathsome in his own deliciousness, And in the taste confounds the appetite. Therefore, love moderately. Long love doth so; Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.

These violent passions have violent ends and die at their peak like fire and gunpowder, which, meeting, destroy themselves. The sweetest honey is so delicious that is cloys the appetite. Therefore, love in moderation if you want it to endure. In the long run, the hasty arrive no sooner than the slow. If Im profaning a holy shrine with my most unworthy hand, the lesser sin is this: my lips, like two blushing pilgrims, are ready with a tender kiss to smooth away the roughness of my touch. Where are the two enemies, Capulet and Montague? See how your hate is punished: God has found a way to kill your children through love. And I have lost two relatives through turning a blind eye to your quarrels. We are all punished. No, its not as deep as a well or as wide as a church door, but its enough. Itll do. Ask around for me tomorrow, and youll find Im a grave man . . . Damn both your houses! Whats in a name? What we call a rose would smell as sweet, whatever word we used for it. If Romeo werent called Romeo, hed still retain his own dear perfection without his name. Romeo, give up your name and in exchange for that name, which is not part of you, take all of me!

35. If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.


Where be these enemies? Capulet, Montague, See, what a scourge is laid upon your hate, That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love. And I, for winking at your discords too, Have lost a brace of kinsmen. All are punished. No, tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door, but tis enough, twill serve. Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man . . . A plague o both you houses!


38. Whats in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for thy name, which is no part of thee, Take all myself.

TEST: Romeo & Juliet

b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. d ad a ab bc ac c b a d c b b c d a c a 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. d c a b a c d a b d d c b a d a e c b

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