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his physical body behind, Paramahansa Yogananda was approached by one of his close American disciples, a woman. "Master," she said, "I know you are planning on leaving your body. You must take me with you! You are my God!" "Nonsense," replied Yogananda. "God is God; I am your Guru." "But Master, if you leave without me, I will commit suicide!" "Enough of that foolishness! God Himself is now incarnate on Earth, in South India. His name is Sai Baba. When I leave you are going to live with Him." (His prediction proved correct; after Yogananda's death, that devotee spent the rest of her life at Sai Baba's ashram.) .SRI AUROBINDO: On the day after Sathya Sai Baba's birth (November 23, 1926), Sri Aurobindo, another great Saint of this century, broke a long period of silence to announce, "Twenty-third November, 1926, was the descent of Krishna into the physical. A power infallible shall lead the thought, in earthly hearts kindle the Immortal's Fire, even the multitude shall hear the voice!" It seems obvious at this point that his announcement of Krishna's physical re-embodiment was referring to the birth of Sathya Sai Baba. .SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR: "Baba will continue to live in the heart of millions of devotees. His message of "Love All and Serve All" will resonate in the world forever. His messages have always been universal; especially his message of 'Satya Dharma Shanti Prema' which has transcended all barriers of caste and religion." .SWAMI RAMDEV: "Sai Baba was God to all those people particularly the poor people who are benefited from the exemplary works undertaken by Sai Baba in the fields of providing drinking water, setting up educational institutiions and extending world class health facilities.His demise is not only an irreparable damage to India but to the whole of humanity," Ramdev said, adding, "His works and blessings can not be expressed in words. He was social reformer and we need to take inspiration from him". .DALAI LAMA: "I am saddened by the passing away of the respected spiritual leader. I would like to convey my condolences and prayers to his followers, devotees and admirers." .J.P.VASWANI: J. P. Vaswani, 'Dada' is head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission :) "Elevated souls like Sathya Sai Saba do not come on earth often. Generations to come will wonder at and will be amazed by the grandeur of the individual that Baba was and will revere him as a benefactor of humanity. His overpowering love mesmerised and drew to him to thousands from all over the world." .MATA AMRITANANDMAYI: (Amma, the one who embraces everybody!) Mata Amritanandamayi (also known as Ammachi), Herself considered to be an incarnation of the Divine Mother, was once asked, "Who is Sai Baba?" She replied, "Avatar. Perfect from birth." :) .SRI ANANDMOYI MA: Sri Anandamoyi Ma; (30 April 1896 - 27 August 1982) was a Hindu spiritual teacher and Guru from Bengal, considered a saint by many and hailed as one of the prominent mystics of the 20th century. Anandamayi means "Joy Permeated Mother", a name given by her disciples in the 1920s to describe her habitual state of divine bliss. During her life, she attracted thousands of followers who saw her not only as a teacher and Guru, but as a manifestation of God, or Devi. According to one of her closest Western devotees, over the years she had often been asked, "Who is this Sathya Sai

Baba we keep hearing about?" But for many years she never gave an answer. In the last year of her life, however, the question came up again, and this time she gave the following response: "The body will speak on this question only once; don't ask again. Sathya Sai Baba is the most powerful incarnation of God ever to come to the earth. And their won't be another at his level for another 60 years."Anandamoyi Ma had then added, "It's no wonder you keep hearing about Sai Baba. He is the Avatar of this Yuga!" .PARMACHARYA OF KANCHI: For decades, M.S. Subbulakshmi and her husband were, like many in Madras, devout followers of the Paramacharya of Kanchi. One fine day, Paramacharya asked M.S. to go to Puttaparthi. M.S. was apparently puzzled by this command and wanted to know why she should go toPuttaparthi when she already had a Guru. The Paramacharya simply said: "Go and you will find the reason." Paramacharya of Kanchi then said in tamil, "Puttaparthilay Ambaal Sakshaat Angirala Nadamadindruga" which means. Goddess Durga is present in the form of a man in Puttaparthi in flesh and blood! :) .SWAMI SIVANANDA: Sathya Sai Baba visited Swami Sivananda at his Rishikesh Ashram and stayed there for a week. The only Ashram of a Saint, Swami is known to have visited. Materialising a rudrakasha mala with gold links, he lovingly presented it to the Swami Sivananda. Disciples of Swami Sivananda, Swamis Sadananda and Satchidananda found themselves surrounded by eager inquirers wanting more and more information about Baba, his life, his glory, and his Prasanthi Nilayam (abode of great peace) at Puttaparthi. Swami Sadananda told a young Brahmachari that Baba can roam at will through the regions of the soul, the supersoul, and the oversoul, and can reveal whatever happens anywhere at any time. He also said he is all-powerful and had seen Baba converting a grain of rice into a grain of ivory and transforming that grain of ivory into a hundred and eight elephant figurines, each one carved and clearly recognizable by means of a magnifying glass. .AL-HAJ-SHIRAJI AZGAR SHAHJI (Beautiful and famous BABAJI): Al-Haj Shirazi Azgar Shahji, alias Haji Baba (Babaji), alias Abdalla Baba from Karachi, Pakistan about Sathya Sai Baba :) A conversation between Dr D.J. Gadhia and Babaji :) Babaji was very kind and we had a question and answer session with him. One most important question I asked was, "Babaji, what is the difference between Shirdi Baba, yourself and Sathya Sai Baba?" His answer started with a question, "Have you heard about Ramdev Pir?" Immediately I said, "Yes Babaji. Ramdev Pir of Ranuja!" He then explained, "Ramdev Pir, Shirdi Baba and I are on the line of pirs, while Sathya Sai Baba is on Krishna's line. My work is confined to devotees in Karachi (Pakistan), East Africa, Malawi, the United Kingdom and a few other countries, while Sathya Sai Baba's work is for the whole world and has no limit. If I bring rain, Baba will not interfere or stop it; while if He brings rain, I will not stop it either. When we meet, we 'salute' and acknowledge each other. When Sathya Sai Baba came to Nairobi Airport to fly to Bombay in 1968, I went to the airport. As Baba was climbing the steps of the plane, our eyes met and we 'saluted' each other!" At that time, Babaji was 92 and Beloved Swami was 42 years old. Yet Babaji acknowledged Beloved Swami as the Cosmic Power. Babaji's statement is thus highly significant. .MOTHER KRISHNABAI: Mother Krishnabai, the Self-Realized disciple of Swami Ramdas (the great Saint of ANANDASHRAM, Kerala), told her devotees, "Sai Baba is an Avatar, a full incarnation of Krishna. He is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva together in one form!" She recommended they spend as much time in His presence as possible. .SWAMI KRISHNADAS BABA: Swami Krishnadas Baba had been meditating upon Lord Vishnu in the Himalayas for a very long time and when his devotion was full, he clearly heard a voice say: "Yes, Vishnu has come in human form and is living in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh. Come as quickly as possible!" Swami Krishnadas Baba was ecstatic, his joy knew no bounds! As he did not wear any clothes, he covered

himself round the waist and started on the journey to Puttaparthi. As soon as he reached Prashanti Nilayam, Beloved Swami came out and said: "So you have come!" He replied, "Yes, my Lord, did you call me to give moksha (liberation)?" Beloved Swami replied: "Before moksha, you have to serve humanity in the following way: You must go to a cetain temple in Bombay and stay there and do your meditation as usual. After a few days a wealthy person will come to ask whether you would like to take up the post of pujari (priest) of a temple. You have to ask him two questions: Who is the presiding deity of the temple? And where is the temple situated? You will get the following answers: It is a Guru Dattatreya temple and it is situated in Chaul, Revdanda District in Maharashtra State. The temple is on top of a hill and there are approximately 500 steps to climb. Once you accept the post of pujari and reach the temple, you need not come down the hill. Swami will provide you with food and vibuthi. Give this Divine vibuthi to all who visit the temple. It will give them many blessings. In this way, you have to serve the people in many villages surrounding Chaul for a few years before you get moksha.You have been chosen by Swami to carry out this work. If you have any question, ask in your meditation and it will be answered satisfactorily. Whenever any message is to conveyed to you by Swami, that too will be received during your meditation." .SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA: Swami Satchidananda, the Enlightened sage who currently runs Anandashram in Kerala, was recently asked about the allegations against Sai Baba. He replied, "Forget about it. He is God!" :) SHIVA BALYOGI: Shiva Balayogi, another of the great Gurus, was once asked about Sai Baba. He replied, "Sathya Sai Baba is an Avatar." .PUJYA RANG AVADHOOT MAHARAJ: Pujya Rang Avadhoot Maharaj (Bapji) said to Dr D.J. Gadhia, "You are very fortunate because you are under the direct Hands of the current Avatari Purush (incarnation of God)." .SRI ASARAM BAPU: In Asaramji's speech in the Divine Presence he reminded, "Lord Krishna went among the Gopalas in Brindavan and gave them so much joy.... Students!!! (Referring to Swami's students in Prasanthi Nilayam), He comes amidst all of you too and gives you so much joy. You all know that!! .SWAMI KARUNYANANDA: I have the good fortune of being the first person to greet Bhagavan in the morning. I go upstairs, and open the door of Bhagavan's room and have darshan and padnamaskar of Bhagavan. There is Sakthi in the feet of Swami. There is power in the glances of Swami. His body is not like ours, it is a Chinmaya Sareeram (divine energy form). Ours is a body made up of dust, which dissolves finally, into the primordial elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. He is not limited to one form. He is the form of all deities worshipped by religions. He is the very embodiment of Chaitanya (energy, force). He is the embodiment of all Gods. We cannot probe into Him. Have you not seen Him during the mornings? He has a special effulgence in Him; sometimes this effulgence is frightening. On the last day of Devi Navaratri (Dasara) when Poorna Ahuti is performed, His body temperature becomes hot. I have touched His feet at such times and found that they were very hot. .SWAMI AMRITANAND JI: In 1956, a sanyasi and learned scholar, Swami Amrithananda, came from Thiruvanamallai for Swami's Darshan. He had lived with the great master Ramana Maharshi for a long time and Swami invited him to stay for several months in Puttaparthi. As it was Dasara, Swami was blessing the devotees with discourses every day. During one such discourse, Easwaramma (Swami's Mother) asked Swami Amrithananda in Telugu, "Ememo cheputhu unnade, sariga cheputhada?" meaning, "He is telling so many things. Are they all correct?" That was the motherly concern of Easwaramma for Swami. Though she had seen many instances of Swami doing the impossible, yet her heart was always

anxious and her lips silently praying for her son's welfare. Swami Amrithananda replied, "Amma, he is Parabramha. He knows everything. He is my Guru and God," it was yet further confirmation to her of Baba's divinity. .SWAMI SHRADHANANDA: According to Shradhanand, Sathya Sai Baba called him in for a private interview and before he could say a word, Sai Baba unbuttoned the top of his robe, bared his chest and said "Look here!" Swami Shradhanand claimed he saw a clear vision of Bhagwan Nityananda residing within Sai Baba's chest. Shradhanand immediately fell to Sai Baba's feet and became a Sai devotee. .GYALWA KARMAPA OGYEN TRINLEY: A special mantra dedicated to Sri Sathya Sai Baba is composed by His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Ogyen Trinley :) The mantra seeks to have an eternal vision of the beautiful form of Lord Sai :) This was dedicated in the Divine Presence during Chinese New Year in Prasanthi Nilayam by the monks of the Karmapa order :) .PARMAHANSA NITYANANDA: "Baba's contribution to the Vedic tradition is unimaginable. HE IS GOD INCARNATE. We offer our humble respects to Him. Though Baba is not in the earthly frame, His presence will always protect his people. We pray to Him that He blesses all His devotees to continue the service and His mission". .LOUIX DOR DEMPRIEY: "Sathya Sai Baba was and is an Avatar, an incarnation of God on Earth. During His terrestrial sojourn, Sathya Sai Baba embodied the role of the Cosmic Christ for all of humanity. Unique to His Holiness is also the fact that, during His earthly life, He held the highest Light quotient of any human being on the planet. His life and mission were multifaceted and in many ways shall forever remain beyond "human" comprehension. One aspect, though, was clear: His primary objective was to build faith in a forlorn and despairing world that had long forgotten its connection to Source, to its own Creator. This is why Swami lavished the world and all His devotees with such a jaw-dropping display of the miraculous. It was never to impress. It was to build faith-beyond any reasonable doubt. It was to let all God's children know that God is real and is here. So many (including many of His followers) lost sight of this, Swami's greatest gift, instead getting caught up in the pursuit of material gain and attachment, wanting Him to manifest (in Swami's own words) "trinkets and trash," rather than take from Him THE greatest gift He could offer: union with God. Nonetheless, He gave and gave, fulfilling all wishes, all requests, happy only that His children came to Him, reveling in their company, regardless of all motives. Like a true parent, He wanted only for the happiness of His children, and He was willing to do anything to see to it." .H.H. SRIMAD SUDHEENDRA TEERTHA SWAMI: A beautiful incident involving former Chairman of ICICI Bank, Padmabhushan K.V.Kamath, Sashank Shah mentioned that Mr. Kamath and a group of members from the Gowda Saraswat Brahmin (GSB) community went to their preceptor in Kashi, Sri Sudheendra Teertha asking a question about the true nature of Bhagawan.and they got the right answer.Bhagawan Sri SATHYA SAI BABA IS AN INCARNATION OF THE TRIUNE PRINCIPLE OF BRAHMA VISHNU AND MAHESHWARA. .SWAMI SATCHIDANANDA: Swami Satchidananda, a distinguished monk of Divine Life Society of Rishikesh, and a close disciple of Swami Shivananda Saraswati, narrated this astounding incident in the presence of Baba on the 29th of June 1957, on the occasion of the Inauguration of the Tapovana (Meditation grove) in Puttaparthi. This incident convinced Swami Satchidananda beyond doubt about the divine nature of Bhagawan. Prof. Kasturi has recorded this incident thus: Swami Satchidananda was in Baba's room one afternoon in the bungalow on Kodaikanal. Baba was reclining on His bed. Suddenly, He stood up and shouted, "Don't shoot", in Telugu and fell upon the bed, in what is called a 'trance,' but is best described as 'going on a transcorporeal journey.' His

body became stiff and remained in that condition for about an hour. When He returned and took charge of His physical frame, He looked at those around Him and wanted a telegram sent urgently to an address at Bhopal! He dictated the message and the address. It ran, "Don't worry; the revolver is with Me, Baba." Swami Satchidananda expressed a doubt whether the postal authorities would accept the message for transmission, for it spoke of revolvers, which come under the Arms Act. Others too supported him and there was some argument on the pros and cons. Baba wanted that it should go quickly to Bhopal and alternative words to bypass the rules were discussed. Swami Satchidananda suggested the word, 'instrument,' for 'revolver' and Baba agreed that it would convey the meaning intended, so far as the recipient was concerned. The wire went quick, and fast, to Bhopal, a thousand miles away! Every one was anxious to know what the nature of the averted tragedy was, but Baba parried all attempts to draw the information from Him. But, on the fourth day, a letter arrived from Bhopal, which was read out to all, a letter revealing that Baba was indeed the same Lord Vishnu who had saved Gajendra and Prahlada, and the same Lord Krishna who had come to the rescue of Draupadi! The author of the letter, whose wife was an ardent devotee of Bhagawan, had served in the Second World War and was now occupying a high position in Government Service. He was very much upset by the administrative rearrangements following the Reorganisation of States, for persons far junior in service were hoisted on top of him. He had no one nearby to assuage or comfort or even to listen to his tale of woe. His wife was away at her parents' village. Disappointed by the unlucky turn in his career, he decided to end his humiliation by means of a revolver. There was one handy; he tried one shot, just to see whether his hand would be steady for the fatal second; but before he could shoot next... Baba had shouted, "Don't shoot!" When suddenly, there was a loud bang at the door! Baba had come! Not as Baba, of course, but as an old college-mate accompanied (!) by his wife and a Chaprasi (porter), with a trunk and a holdall, to make the picture complete in every detail! The officer ran into the bedroom, placed the revolver on the bed, threw a sheet over it, hurried back into the front hall, adjusted his lineaments to the new situation, and opened the door! There, lo and behold, were the three forms of Bhagawan, ready to play their part. The college chum was very boisterous and demonstrative; Baba had become by instantaneous materialisation a friend, who had just the qualities that would remove melancholy and who could give the officer, the tonic that would cure him of despair. He responded to the treatment and became quite normal, very soon. He even smiled and laughed at the jokes of his old friend, and as the conversation proceeded, all thoughts of suicide melted away. The lady too joined in the talk, but, when they discovered that the mistress of the house was away, the visitor put on an air of profound disappointment and said that he would prefer to stay with another friend. In spite of the appeals of the person whom he had saved, the friend departed forty-five minutes after he materialised, with the lady, the porter, the trunk and the holdall, thus drawing down the curtain on the excellent dramatic performance! After seeing them off, the officer hurried into the bedroom; he was stunned to find that the revolver was not there nor anywhere in the house! Who could have removed it? He locked his house and ran in hot haste to the address to which the college-mate said he would be going. He got his doubt confirmed; there was no one there; the three visitors had melted into thin air, with the trunk and the holdall! Back home, he was turning over in his memory the stunning events that had happened that day, when he was startled by another knock at the door! It was the telegraph messenger! The wire from Kodaikanal; "Don't worry; the instrument is with me - Baba." Swami Satchidananda said that this incident is much stranger than the Parakayapravesam extolled in Puranas. Parakayapravesam is entering into another body which is existing at that time, but, this is Kayasrishti, the creation, at the very moment of willing, of three bodies and making the bodies act their roles of existing individuals, correct to the minutest detail of voice and inflection, gait and gesture, idiom and idiosyncrasy, and the recitation of incidents and anecdotes relating to decades past when they were both students of the same college!

This, concluded Swami Satchidananda, is possible only for an Avatar. .SWAMI PURSHOTTAMANANDA: Swami Purushottamananda (of VASISHTA GUHA fame!) is Granted A Divine Vision By Sathya Sai Baba :) On the way back Sathya Sai Baba stopped the bus at a place, where a thin little iron rod carried a half-distinct nameplate, "Vasishta Guha." He proceeded to descend the rather precipitous incline to the river bank, as if He had been there often before and as if He had become aware of an engagement with the occupant of the cave.The Ganga takes a wide curve near the cave; nearby a small rivulet pours her offerings into the Ganges, and so the scenery is doubly attractive. The Vasishta Guha bears a hallowed name; it has been sanctified by the austerities performed therein by many great recluses and monks in the past. Swami Purushottamananda, a disciple of Swami Brahmananda of the Ramakrishna order, initiated into Sanyas by Mahapurushji, another direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, had been living in the cave since 30 years and welcomed Baba as if he too was expecting Him! More than seventy years old, he had spent the major part of his life in asceticism of a most rigorous kind and in the study of scriptures. His face has the genuine glow of spiritual joy and the slightest mention of the glory of Godhead would send him into Samadhi (spiritual ecstasy). When he was still a young man, Swami Brahmananda had read his palm at Kanyakumari and predicted that he would enter a cave and go on meditating and meditating! Baba reminded him of the travails he endured when he first came into the cave, leopards and cobras and the three-day trek to Rishikesh and the desperate struggle for salt and matchboxes! He spoke of the succour that came to him through sheer Divine intervention! Baba repeated the visit the next evening in spite of a rumbling sky and the grumbling of some persons who accompanied Him. But, the rumbling ceased and the grumblers were humbled; by Baba's Grace, the sky became clear and the rain held back. Baba himself sang a number of songs that day in the Vasishta Guha and when one of the Swamis attending on Swami Purushottamananda requested Him to sing a song of Thyagaraja, He very graciously asked him which of Thyagaraja's Krithis (compositions) he most liked to hear. Swami Kalikananda said that he was longing to hear "Sri Raghuvara Sugunalaya"! Baba sang it, just to make him happy. No one had heard Him sing that song before and so it was an unexpected piece of good luck for which we thanked Swami Kalikananda. Hearing that Swami Kalikananda was suffering from chronic stomachache since many years, He took some 'candy' from nowhere and gave it to him, with instruction about diet etc. He also gave Purushottamananda, a Japamala of shining Sphatika beads, which 'manifested' itself in His Hand. But, more mysterious and significant was the Vision that He vouchsafed to Swami Purushottamananda that evening. After sending every one outside the Cave, Baba and the Sage went into the inner room. Sri Subbaramiah, President of the Divine Life Society, Venkatagiri, describes what he was able to see from outside the cave, thus:"Even now that picture is imprinted in my memory. I was standing near the entrance of the cave. I could see what was happening. Baba placed His Head on the lap of Swami Purushottamananda and, laid Himself down! Suddenly, His entire body was bathed in divine brilliance. His Head and Face appeared to me to have increased very much in size. Rays of splendour emanated from His face. I was overwhelmed with a strange inexplicable Joy. The time was about 10 p.m." When pressed later to divulge the vision, Baba informed us that it was a Vision of Jyothir-Padmanabha! (Lord Vishnu as the Flame of Love-Wisdom) What supreme Karuna! (compassion) What immeasurable Good Fortune! Swami Purushottamananda passed away on Shivarathri Night, 1961, four years later, during the Lingodbhava Muhurtham - the time Baba manifested the Lingam that Shivaratri." .MAITREYA: Maitreya, the mysterious Master who has been miraculously appearing before people in various places around the globe throughout the last two decades, has said (through his spokesman, Benjamin Creme) that He (Maitreya) is the planetary Avatar, while Sathya Sai Baba is the Universal Avatar. .SWAMI AMRITANAND JI: In 1956, a sanyasi and learned scholar, Swami Amrithananda, came from Thiruvanamallai for Swami's Darshan. He had lived with the great master

Ramana Maharshi for a long time and Swami invited him to stay for several months in Puttaparthi. As it was Dasara, Swami was blessing the devotees with discourses every day. During one such discourse, Easwaramma (Swami's Mother) asked Swami Amrithananda in Telugu, "Ememo cheputhu unnade, sariga cheputhada?" meaning, "He is telling so many things. Are they all correct?" That was the motherly concern of Easwaramma for Swami. Though she had seen many instances of Swami doing the impossible, yet her heart was always anxious and her lips silently praying for her son's welfare. Swami Amrithananda replied, "Amma, he is Parabramha. He knows everything. He is my Guru and God," it was yet further confirmation to her of Baba's divinity. .YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR: Conversation between Yogi Ramsuratkumar and his devotee Will Zulkowsky.... Well, have you seen, have you had darshan with Sathya Sai Baba? Yes, this beggar has seen him And then I said, You've seen him in Puttaparthi? In his ashram? And he said, No, this beggar has never been there. And I said., Well may be you've seen him in Whitefield. He said, No, this beggar never went to Whitefield. And then I said, Well, Madras, He goes to Madras occasionally. He said, No, this beggar never saw him in Madras Then, I said, maybe you had a vision or something? And he said, No, no, no. This beggar doesn't have visions. And then I said, Well, where'd you seen him? He said, I see him every day. And I said, You mean, inwardly. You see him inwardly everyday? He said, Yeah. He pointed at the Sun. He said, I see HIM every day! :)

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