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Gmail - Your Gem Analysis

Arpit Tambi <>

Your Gem Analysis

1 message Astrogems <> To: 20 August 2011 21:59

Your Personal Gem Analysis

Courtesy of Dear Arpit, Here is your vedic horoscope and planetary gem analysis. Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like us to provide a free cost estimate for a navaratna bangle based on your analysis. Sincerely, Charlie Astrogems manager

Arpit Tambi 07/07/1986 08:53:00 Jaipur City, Rajasthan, India

So materialistic is modern man that he often thinks he is a material being. But the enlightened rishis explained that our souls are bound to a body that has five different types of electrical energy. We need to remind our often dull minds that our brain holds an electro stimulated consciousness and that our chakras, which direct the nervous system, laud over our glands, organs and mechanical muscles. Our spiritual nature dominates our electrical nature, which manifests in our physical environment and bodies. Advanced thinkers such as quantum physicists comprehend the vibrational nature of matter and attest to the uniquely strong electro magnetic radiations of gems. Gems are unique in that their electrons are in an unencumbered crystal alignment . A gem emanates a magnetically charged force that can change or influence any organic electrical body that is in its immediate sphere of influence. Un-enhanced Ayurvedic gems, when touching the skin, have an exceptional ability to counteract our weakened electrical assimilative abilities that our karmic pattern (horoscope) may dictate. Paramahansa Yogananda explained that all of our thoughts and actions are recorded in our chakras, which depart with our souls at death

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and return at a mathematically pre-destined time in symmetry with the electro stimulated influences of the planets . If we are suffering, he explained that it was on account of our karmic pattern not being able to receive the required planetary electro magnetic stimuli. If we are not able to assimilate one of the many required pranic elctro magnetic frequencies that our electrical being requires, then weakness or suffering is likely to occur. We don't "live by bread alone" yet our faith in doctors seems to show an excessive dependency on material medicines, when all approaches should be analyzed. Light is the fabric of matter, but few truly comprehend this. Those that do will often grasp the benign potential of rearranging their electro magnetic karmic pattern by the use of astrological gems. The Rishis, in their fully illumined state of realization, explained that planets have similar electro magnetic frequencies as certain gemstones. And these specific gems can thus greatly help in counteracting karmic weaknesses and their ensuing problems. They said that this could be a very practical method for insuring against the unfortunate magnetically drawn probabilities in our life. Below is an analysis of your chakras' reactions to planetary stimuli according to your strengths and weaknesses. To read a reference on the importance of wearing gems of over 2 carats, please click here: What the Yoga Masters have to say

Nine Gem Planetary Analysis

Size, in Carats Red Coral Diamond Pearl Blue Sapphire Emerald Ruby Hessonite Garnet Yellow Sapphire Cat's Eye 11.40 5.60 5.92 2.00 5.32 3.93 4.07 2.77 2.00

This arrangement of gems will give you a very good idea of the gems that will benefit you the most as determined by your horosocpe. When you decide to purchase a navaratna or gems from us, we will ask you a few questions to make sure you are getting the best selection of gems possible for you and we will also have an astrologer look your chart over and make any neccessary adjustments. For cost of gems, please click here: Cost Of Gems The sizes that are recommended are particularly suited for a navaratna, nine-gem bangle. If, in reading the descriptions of the gems, you feel there is a stone that will assist you in something that is particularly important to you, then you may, in most cases, increase the size of that stone without any concerns.

Specific Effects of Your Gemstones

Listed below, in order of importance, are the effects of the nine gems. Your gems are listed in the order of importance for alleviating suffering and difficulties in your life. Gemstones are also of use to improve the desirable effects in your life, or to attract something specific in your life. You can, therefore, consider any gemstone that is conducive to something you desire a priority. Red Coral for the Planet Mars

Click here for more photos and information about Red Coral The gem for Mars, the Red Coral, increases your strength, energy, courage, independence, and bodily warmth. Coral improves your blood flow, which assists in healing your body and promoting youthfulness. Coral benefits the adrenal glands and is helpful for harmonizing the use of the will whether one is either passive or aggressive. Red Coral is particularly good for strengthening and

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nourishing the blood, beneficial in all cases of anemia and therefore particularly beneficial for women. Coral increases the well being of your younger siblings and your relationship with them. Red Coral is a reasonable priced gem, however it is very susceptible to imitation, therefore Astrogems makes every effort to insure that the Red Coral they offer you is real. In respect to your horoscope the Red Coral will also be beneficial for the following: Fortune, Philosophy and Spiritual Life, Relationships with Teachers, your Father?s Wellbeing, Benefits from Long Journeys, Home, Property, Domestic Life, Vehicles, Happiness, Security, and your Mother, while also benefiting your Hips Thighs, and Chest area. Since Mars is in the 5th house in your horoscope, Red Coral will help you bring about your ideas revolving around your children, creations, and desired success. Diamond for the Planet Venus

Click here for more photos and information about Diamond The gem for Venus, the Diamond, increases wealth and luxuries, refines one's tastes and values, and is good for creating and harmonizing all relationships. Diamond is beneficial for the kidneys, sexual vitality, and all the hormones of the body. Diamond is also helpful for diabetes, particularly adult onset diabetes. Diamond particularly increases the life force in the body, thereby vitalizing the body, and increasing the power of the immune system; it is therefore of benefit in all cases of disease. For men, Diamond is particularly beneficial for attracting a harmonious wife and a happy marriage. Astrogems has made a huge effort to acquire good quality uncut diamonds in order to help you acquire this very expensive, but very beneficial stone at an affordable price. The ancient texts from India actually recommend an uncut diamond and Astrogems is proud to offer high quality uncut diamonds. Over 400 years ago the world did not know how to cut and polish diamond crystals and thus the wealthy in India wore natural diamond crystals to fend of the weaker receptivity to the planet of love. Astrogems has been researching and hunting for inexpensive untreated diamond crystals for many years. You can see these much less expensive diamonds large enough to do the job at: Diamond Crystals With respect to your horoscope the Diamond will also be beneficial for the following: Skills and Talents, Younger Siblings, Good Journeys, Courage, all your Interests, Career Success, the Performance of Good Deeds, Status, Authority, and Benefits from Authorities, while also benefiting your Lungs, Ears, Arms and Knees. Since Venus is in the 1st house in your horoscope, Diamond will increase your health, and partnerships and magnetism. Since Venus is aspected by Saturn in your horoscope, Diamond will increase your self-worth and help you move past difficulties and changes. Since Venus is aspecting Jupiter in your horoscope, Diamond will increase your wealth and devotion. Pearl for the Moon

Click here for more photos and information about Pearls The gem for the Moon, the Pearl, gives comfort, calmness, mental peace, and helps keep the mind contented and in the heart. Pearls strengthen your blood and lymph, and particularly increase the flow of life force through the body, thereby improving your health and removing any feeling of deadness or lethargy in your body and limbs, while also increasing the beauty and luster of your face. Pearls also increase the white blood cell count and increase the strength of your immune system. For women, Pearls are particularly beneficial for promoting the health and well being of the feminine hormones. Pearls are also of benefit to improve your family and domestic life, and increase your mother?s well being and your relationship with her.

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In respect to your horoscope the Pearl will also be beneficial for the following: Restful Sleep, Expense on Good Account, Vacations, Benefits from Foreign Countries, Surrender and Completing Necessary Events in your life, while also benefiting your Feet and Left Eye. Since the Moon is in the 11th house in your horoscope, Pearl will increase your income, social happiness, titles and group involvement. Since the Moon conjuncts your Sun, Pearl will increase your status, success, and help you perceive your spiritual self. Since the Moon is aspected by Mars in your horoscope, Pearl will free your mind up from conditioned thoughts and ideas that may be causing you to experience frustration and a lack of mental peace. Since the Moon aspects your Mars, Pearl will increase your happiness with your younger siblings. Since the Moon is combust by the Sun, Pearl will help you enjoy your self in the world and reduce any frustration in your mind. Blue Sapphire for the Planet Saturn

Click here for more photos and information about Blue Sapphire The gem for Saturn, the Blue Sapphire, is most important for alleviating suffering and the causes of diseases. Blue Sapphire will help rid you of any psychological pains such as fear, worry, low self-esteem, frustration, loneliness, etc. For this reason it is almost always a gemstone of high priority that actually helps remove the consciousness of separation, which is the source of all misery, between your human consciousness and Spiritual Consciousness. Blue Sapphire is also beneficial for the knees, nerves, for alleviating all kinds of stress, and promoting rejuvenation and longevity. It is particularly important for removing any constrictions or blocks that bring about disease, without which no lasting cure can be brought about. In respect to your horoscope the Blue Sapphire will also be beneficial for the following: Relationships, Marriage, Partnerships, the Wellbeing and Success of your Spouse, Success with the Public, Overcoming Difficulties such as Debt, Enemies, and Obstructions to the Maintenance of your Life, Improving your Health, Exercise, and Improving upon Weak Areas in your Life, while also benefiting your Internal Sexual Organs, Kidneys, Lower Back, Intestines, Appendix, and Spleen. Since Saturn is in the sign Scorpio in your horoscope, Blue Sapphire will help you overcome any feelings of uneasiness and intangible fears, prevent addictive tendencies or resignation, and help you with intimacy and trust with others. Since Saturn is in the 4th house in your horoscope, Blue Sapphire will help you overcome any feelings of emptiness, thereby helping you overcome and moods and depressions, and prevent you from projecting any of your fears or worries onto others. Blue Sapphire will also benefit your mother, home and property, and vehicles, and stabilize your life and help you find security and happiness, while also benefiting the health of your chest area. It will secondarily also benefit your health, and career. Since Saturn aspects your Venus, Blue Sapphire will help you feel more worthy and increase your healthy pride, allowing you to have mutual respect in life. It will also help you move forward through difficulties and changes, and remove delays and obstacles to your romantic life. If you are male, it will particularly remove delays and obstructions to marriage and protect your wife. Blue Sapphire will also remove any blocks or constrictions that may influence the health of your kidneys, hormones and immune function. Emerald for the Planet Mercury

Click here for more photos and information about Emerald

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The gem for Mercury, the Emerald, improves your mental energy and dexterity. Emerald is helpful for manifesting and tangibly benefiting from anything that you may desire. Emerald is beneficial for commercial activities, the management of practical affairs, communication, and friendships of all sorts. The wearing of Emeralds strengthens the nerves, lungs, and skin, and promotes youthfulness. Emerald is particularly beneficial for the thyroid and thereby improves your digestion and regulates your metabolism. In respect to your horoscope the Emerald will also be beneficial for the following: Wealth, Family, Good Name, Close Friends, Income, Public and Group Success, and the Fulfillment of your Greatest Desires, while also benefiting your Teeth, Face, Eyes, Lower Legs and Left Ear. Since Mercury is in the 12th house in your horoscope, Emerald will increase your charitable nature, improve your long-term investments and increase your mental focus and alertness. Since Mercury is aspected by Mars in your horoscope, Emerald will increase your impartiality, and reduce argumentation and help you benefit from your friends. Ruby for the Sun

Click here for more photos and information about Ruby The gem for the Sun, the Ruby, will improve your health, vitality, digestion, professional success, and your father's well being as well as your relationship with your father. The Ruby gives confidence, and strengthens and supports your character and true individuality. It specifically increases Agni, the vital fire, and is thus beneficial for all cases of illness and toxicity. It is of greatest importance for increasing your vitality and burning toxins out of your body. In respect to your horoscope the Ruby will also be beneficial for the following: General well being and success, Health and Vitality, Balanced Independence, Confidence, and Personal Success, while also benefiting your Hair, Head, and Brain. Since the Sun is in the 11th house in your horoscope, Ruby will increase your gains and income, degrees and titles, and help you grow beyond any group or social attachments. Since the Sun is aspected by Mars in your horoscope, Ruby will protect you from accidents and enemies, and help you focus and maintain your energy in the direction that is suited towards the benefit of your higher self. Hessonite Garnet for the Planet Rahu- the North Node of the Moon

Click here for more photos and information about Hessonite Garnet The gem for Rahu, the Hessonite Garnet, helps you avoid most types of disruptive and uncontrolled events in your life. Hessonite Garnet reduces any compulsive actions or addictions, and promotes stability and security, ridding you of any unwarranted fears. Hessonite Garnet also adds clarity, especially in those areas where you experience "vagueness" or where you may have to learn your most confused lessons. It is beneficial for most strange and hard to diagnose diseases, as well as protective of your aura. Hessonite Garnet is very grounding, and balances the psychic sensitivity, being helpful in all cases of negative physic influences. Since Rahu is in the sign Aries in your horoscope, Hessonite Garnet will help you feel secure in your actions and self and prevent you from being overly dutiful and success oriented, yet unhappy and critical towards others. Since Rahu is in the 9th house in your horoscope, Hessonite Garnet will help you find meaning and purpose in your life, balance and direct your enthusiasm and thereby help you move forward in life. Hessonite Garnet will also be beneficial to your father, your spiritual life, your teachers, and your fortune, while also benefiting the health of your hips and thighs. Yellow Sapphire for the Planet Jupiter

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Click here for more photos and information about Yellow Sapphire The gem for Jupiter, the Yellow Sapphire, gives happiness, optimism, forgiveness, faith, and increases spiritual and idealistic tendencies. Yellow Sapphire is beneficial for the liver and brain; it even boosts the immune function in cases of cancer, and is also helpful for diabetes and other sugar disorders. Yellow Sapphire is a lucky stone that increases wealth, and offers protection. The Yellow Sapphire increases the ability to have children, while also improving their well being For women, Yellow Sapphire is particularly helpful to secure a good husband and a happy married life. In respect to your horoscope the Yellow Sapphire will also be beneficial for the following: Children, Education, Luck, Speculations, Dignity, Spiritual Practices, Longevity and Recuperative Ability, Overcoming Crisis and Benefiting from Change and Surprises, Increasing the Value of a Relationship or Partnership, and Other Peoples Property and Wealth, while also benefiting your Stomach, Liver, Heart, and Sexual Organs. Since Jupiter is in the 7th house in your horoscope, Yellow Sapphire will increase the happiness you have in relationships as well as benefiting your spouse, and siblings. Since Jupiter is aspecting Ketu in your horoscope, Yellow Sapphire will increase your openness to anything that can truly be of benefit to you. Since Jupiter is aspecting the Sun in your horoscope, Yellow Sapphire will benefit your career and status as well as increase your vitality and health. Since Jupiter is aspecting the Moon in your horoscope, Yellow Sapphire will increase your optimism, contentment and wealth. Since Jupiter is aspecting Venus in your horoscope, Yellow Sapphire will increase the success gained through your diplomacy and good decisions as well as increase the luxuries and pleasures in your life. Chrysoberyl Cat?s-eye for Ketu- the South Node of the Moon

Click here for more photos and information about Chrysoberyl Catseye The gem for Ketu, Chrysoberyl Cat?s-eye, is a great purgative of difficulties and useful in many cases of chronic disease. Cat?s-eye can also increase the inflow of the result of good past karmas, thereby being a carrier of fortune. Wearing a Cat?s-eye will also help you to overcome any types of doubts as well as alleviate any self-destructive or self-effacing tendencies. Since Ketu is in the 3rd house in your horoscope, Cat?s-eye will free you from any intellectual doubts and increase your ability to move forward with life.

Gemstone for the Period of Your Life

Dependent upon the planetary period (which is called a Dasha in Vedic Astrology) that is running in your life, a particular gemstone will be found to be most helpful and always a priority. The gemstone for the period of your life will be found to be most helpful and most often will be considered as a priority by most Vedic Astrologers. The following list of Planetary Periods is composed specifically in accordance with your horoscope and shows the Dasha and the related gemstone that will very significantly benefit your life during that period. 01/30/1986 Jupiter Yellow Sapphire

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01/29/2002 Saturn 01/29/2021 Mercury 01/29/2038 Ketu 01/29/2045 Venus 01/29/2065 Sun 01/29/2071 Moon 01/29/2081 Mars 01/29/2088 Rahu

Blue Sapphire Emerald Cat's Eye Diamond Ruby Pearl Red Coral Hessonite Garnet

Vimshottari AntarDasa 11/20/2008 01/21/2012 01/02/2013 08/03/2014 09/12/2015 07/19/2018 01/29/2021 06/28/2023 06/24/2024 04/25/2027 02/29/2028 07/31/2029 Saturn/Venus Saturn/Sun Saturn/Moon Saturn/Mars Saturn/Rahu Saturn/Jupiter Mercury/Mercury Mercury/Ketu Mercury/Venus Mercury/Sun Mercury/Moon Mercury/Mars

Results of Planetary Periods

The planetary periods are the heart of Vedic Astrology and are used for seeing the ups and downs in life and for making predictions. Though there is a lot involved in seeing what any given period will bring into a persons life, there are a few generalities that may be mentioned. Any planet can give the desired things in life such as career success, wealth, marriage and children if it is appropriately situated. Any planet can also do the reverse, if it is situated to do so. Generally speaking, however, the periods of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are those during which you will find it easier to move forward and build a good life. The periods of Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, on the other hand, are those that generally bring more tests and lessons. Following are some very brief generalities for each of the planetary periods: Sun: Generally a period of career focus. Can be very uplifting if the Sun is a supported planet in your horoscope. If instead problematic planets influence the Sun then it can be a period where you will be required to grow and develop your self-esteem. Wearing a ruby during this period will increase your success, and, if problematic planets influence your Sun, it can also improve your health and give you more confidence. Moon: Generally an enjoyable period and one social and centered around family life. If the Moon is supported in your horoscope this period can fulfill a lot of your desires and be great for money too. If instead problematic planets influence the Moon, then this can be a period of isolation and retreat. Wearing a Pearl during this period will increase all the comforts and good things that the Moon has to give, and, if problematic planets influence your Moon, it can also help you have a better attitude when faced with any difficulties and discontents. Mars: Generally a period of focusing on your more important goals. If Mars is supported this period can quickly move your forward towards success. If instead problematic planets influence Mars then obstacles and frustrations may intervene between you and the success of your goals. Wearing Red Coral during this period will give you more energy with which to pursue your goals or which with to overcome obstacles, whatever the case may be. Rahu: This will probably be one of the most interesting periods of your life. Things tend to happen unexpectedly in this period, and plans made often go astray while other things you may never have thought of take their place. This is a period of learning in areas that you are weak in, so it is a time of lessons. Any success you have during this period will also challenge you. Wearing a Hessonite Garnet during this period can help keep you grounded, reduce stress and

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depression, and support your health. Jupiter: This is generally a period of getting clarity and understanding following the confusion of the previous period of Rahu. If Jupiter is supported you will experience greater feeling of purpose and meaning in your life. Finances will also be good and your attitude will make it easier to be happy. If Jupiter is influenced by problematic planets or in poor position you have to struggle financially and search deeper to find meaning and purpose. Wearing a Yellow Sapphire during this period can inspire you, increase your finances and support all your good qualities and works. Saturn: This is a period of attention to duty. Success in this period usually depends on your ability to fulfill your duties and your happiness depends on your maturity and state of individuality. Any insecurities that you may be carrying around with you will be strongly brought to your attention and have to be dealt with. Wearing a Blue Sapphire during this period can free you from the difficulties and stress of Saturn as well as help you with any health problems you may be having. Mercury: This is a period where a person can generally make the most of their life and fulfill their goals. Mercury generally brings out your best abilities and, even more importantly, can bring the opportunities and people you need to fly with your skills. If problematic planets influence Mercury you may find it difficult to make decisions or smoothly manage your many affairs, both of which can reduce your opportunities and success. Wearing an Emerald during this period can help you make the most of your opportunities and keep you feeling fresh during times of a lot of activity and success. Ketu: This is generally a period of withdrawal to take care of personal or spiritual matters. During Ketu period many karmically activated events are resolved and you also attract the people and things with which you have very strong past life connections. These connections can be for good or ill, depending on the condition of Ketu in your horoscope. Wearing a Cats Eye during this period can help you purge any negative karma that Ketu may have in store for you, helping them come to a close earlier, and allowing the good things that Ketu has to give come sooner. Venus: This is a period of ideally balancing your inner and outer life. If you have a healthy balance between your spirituality and human needs and desires this can be one of the most enjoyable and spiritualizing periods. If you haven't come to terms with your spirituality and human needs this can be a very discontenting period, and materially or spiritually destructive. Wearing a Diamond during this period will sooth your desires, balance your passions, and increase your heartfelt wisdom so that you can make the best choices for what is in your life. The ends of all periods are always life changing, and very important times in your life. There are certain other periods/sub periods that can also be very life changing: Saturn sub-period under Rahu period or Rahu sub-period under Saturn period is one of the most important periods for working out difficulties in your life. Any problems you may find yourself having during this period, especially any that may concern health, will most likely take time to resolve- so be patient with things. This is usually a period that requires a certain amount of acceptance and surrender to get one through. Jupiter sub-period under Ketu period or Ketu sub-period under Jupiter period is a time that can be full of karmic rewards. This period is potentially great for material fortune and spiritual insights. Rahu sub-period under Venus period or Venus sub-period under Rahu period is a time when relationship concerns are paramount. Rediscovering yourself in the context of your relationships will most likely be a major theme. Jupiter sub-period under Venus period or Venus sub-period under Jupiter period is a time that the planets dedicate to spiritual awakenings. Things, people and your attitudes will likely change in order to prepare you for deeper spiritual realizations. There can also be deep discontents that motivate you to search spiritually. Occasionally these periods can be full of material rewards that come hand in hand with spiritual insights.

Another way to remedy the results of karma is to have pujas performed. Pujas are ceremonies performed for the planets that alleviate the difficult effects indicated by the planets while also attracting the beneficial effects of the planets. A puja for a particular planet will have a similar effect as the gem for the planet in question. So if you want to see what a particular puja will do for you simply read what that gem will do for you. In general the most important puja you can have done for you at a given time is the puja for the planetary lord of the period you are in as previously mentioned. Pujas are performed expertly and affordably by the Ammachi organization in India. You can visit their website for details: In order to have a puja done you will need to know your Janma Nakshatra, or Birth Star, which is Punarvasu Vedic Astrologer Eric Nelson is providing Puja recommendations free of charge to those who wish to have a Puja done through the Ammachi Organization. He can be reached at 760-745-0219.

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Simple Interpretation of Your Horoscope

LAGNA IS LEO Leo as the lagna indicates a secure and confident personality, able to create at will that which they wish to do or become. They create their own destiny by following their inspiration, thereby cultivating the magnetism that attracts to them what they need. The evolutionary goal is to develop the opposing quality of Aquarius, detachment from their personalities. They must also learn that that which they create must be of benefit to others and not just for self-gratification. In fact, nothing they create will be lasting unless it has some purpose of benefit or inspiration to others. Aquarius as the 7th house also causes them to experience their insecurities in the face of others, and this forces them to make the hard effort to improve, as well as to develop detachment. The evolutionary need of Aquarius on the 7th house tends to give partners that either reveal the native's insecurities, or a partner that brings out humanitarian tendencies in the native. RAHU AND KETU KETU IN THE 3RD HOUSE, RAHU IN THE 9TH HOUSE: Ketu in the 3rd indicates that thenative in recent past lives has created security through the use of their rational mind. Through experimentation, study and thought the native has managed to create a paradigm that allows for life to take place in a safe and secure manner. In this lifetime, Ketu causes one to experience doubts about what exactly they know. When confronted by information that is contrary to what they believe they know there is initial resistance, as new information is threatening to the paradigm that is responsible for their security. After some time to think, however, they experience doubts about their knowledge and understanding. These doubts create an identity crisis over what they know. The eventual result of this is a deepening of their knowledge, but also the understanding that they have learned so much that all they know for sure is that they do not know anything. Rahu in the 9th indicates that the native must define a belief system or philosophy that takes care of those areas they are unable to understand or create rationality for. The doubting of their information, through Ketu, forces them to develop faith and intuition through Rahu. The doubting of information indicated by Ketu in the 3rd also gives way for them to accept the information given by others, or teachers, indicated by Rahu in the 9th. However, as long as the native doubts their own information there will be a corresponding doubt of others' information as well. The key is do develop the faith and belief that at any given moment, though they will never know everything, that they will know what they need to fulfill their role at that time. Essentially, Rahu in the 9th indicates a need to broaden one's understanding beyond the mere intellect. Ketu in the 3rd also suffers from indecisiveness. This is a result of Ketu waiting for that last bit of information to close the case, but the last bit never comes, there is always room for doubt, in fact it is the nature of the intellectual mind to doubt. In the end the native must learn to act on faith, the need for which is indicated by Rahu in the 9th. Ketu in the 3rd also indicates that through the native exercising will and strength they have made things happen. Ketu now gives some doubts about how to focus their will, or what to focus it on, though there is a sense of adventure and impulse. Rahu in the 9th indicates the need for the native to focus their energy towards something of purpose; without some sense of purpose they will not make the most of their energies and skills. KETU IN LIBRA, RAHU IN ARIES: Ketu in Libra indicates a native who in recent past lives has very carefully considered the results of their actions and desires. The native has been very conscious of the fact that his actions and desires have consequences, and to not get involved in more than they can handle. They have generally managed to live a very pragmatic life. Rahu in Aries stirs up great passion and brings situations in life that force the native to take on more than they can practically handle and to rely on their will and initiative. Doing so allows the native to create the karmic balance that frees them from the results of their previous actions. KETU/JUPITER: The influence of Ketu on Jupiter (with rasi aspect) indicates a native with some deeper spiritual attachments, ideals, or devotion. Living a life of ideals, spirituality, etc. in the past incarnations has resulted in the ego experiencing a heightened degree of security in the world. Ketu's job as liberator is to now free the ego from any attachment to living a life of ideals. This almost always results in the native at some point in life finding himself in some circumstance that prevents them living out their idealistic nature. This generally creates guilt, self-blame, and self-criticism that may be fed by the blame and criticism of others as well. These events serve to free the native from any attachments to doing good, which otherwise could impair one's spiritual growth. The conjunction to Jupiter appears significantly more powerful in this respect. The influence of Ketu on Jupiter indicating the native having attempted to gain security in recent past lives due to their belief system may also create a huge need to see their beliefs manifested fully in this life. This need is never met, which causes the native to doubt their beliefs. This creates room fore the native to advance their understanding, though they are generally not inclined to advance their understanding until circumstances force them to. Ketu, though a malefic, is beneficial for the spiritual life, thus Jupiter influenced by Ketu also tends to deepen one's insight, knowledge, and spiritual devotion and generally indicates a spiritual or philosophical person of some sort. KETU/VENUS: The influence of Ketu on Venus (with rasi aspect) indicates a nativity that has developed great tact and diplomacy when dealing with all mundane affairs of life as well as having enjoyed much of the pleasures the world can afford. In this life the native experiences a general discontent with worldly delights, even though there is an initial expectation of fulfillment from these things. In a spiritual nativity this influence may be conducive to developing spiritual devotion.

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Venus is a planet of pride, under the influence of Ketu, humility is being developed and pride is never excessive. RAHU/JUPITER: The influence of Rahu on Jupiter (with rasi aspect) indicates a native in the need of defining their belief system and purpose. There is usually some discontent, unhappiness, or lack revolving around their religious upbringing and this may make one irreligious or disinterested in spiritual values. If there are strong spiritual factors in the horoscope, the influence of Rahu on Jupiter may create an aspiring spiritual personality, but one that is usually more inclined towards preaching and teaching to others, which they do to compensate for their own lack of understanding. They are essentially preaching and teaching to themselves. The influence of Rahu on Jupiter also indicates a strong need to find meaning and purpose in life. Until this happens, the native usually suffers some discontent and a lack of clear direction. There may be a tendency to become overly enthusiastic about a venture, but only for a short while, after which discontent and purposelessness set in. The native needs to find an inner purpose that gives meaning to life in order to overcome this discontent. The conjunction of Rahu to Jupiter seems to be much more severe and when under the influence of Mars or Saturn, creates Guruchandala yoga, making one irreligious, a hypocrite and suffering on account of children. In a woman's nativity, this additionally indicates suffering due to having difficulty finding a worthwhile marriage partner. The aspect is not nearly as severe in its negativity. The strong aspect of Jupiter onto Rahu, in fact, eventually alleviates a lot of the trouble indicated by Rahu. The strong aspect of Jupiter indicates that the native will eventually be able to understand the areas Rahu is influencing and learn to do what is needed to maintain happiness. RAHU/VENUS: The influence of Rahu on Venus (with rasi aspect) indicates a native with a very powerful desire nature that causes disruption with what they want, particularly with regards to relationships. There is generally a tendency to experience powerful hypnotic attractions to individuals of the opposite sex. These attractions are the result of one aspect of the person to whom the native is attracted to seem like the all, when in fact it is only one small aspect that the native is attracted to. This small aspect is something that the native is attempting to develop within himself at the time of the attraction. The result is a tendency to "fall in love" before seeing the person completely for what they are, which results in eventual disappointment or discontentment. Maintaining balance and harmony in relationships are found to be difficult for the native and they need to develop some discrimination with regards to whom they fall in love with, as those people they fall in love with rarely validate their love or fulfill their desire. Venus represents conscious desires. Rahu represents subconscious desires, primal desires, hopes, wishes, fantasies, strange longings, etc. Putting these together may result in a very compulsive desire nature, which has little chance of fulfillment. The resulting discontent may eventually serve to motivate the native towards some spiritual fulfillment, provided there are strong spiritualizing factors in the horoscope. RAHU/SATURN: The influence of Rahu on Saturn (with rasi aspect) indicates a native that has difficulty in developing and maintaining security and stability. Those things the native feels attached to, or hopes to acquire security through are often taken away. Outer instability generally results in nerve-wracking conditions, and there is generally some inner instability and tension that makes the experiences of life less enjoyable. The only thing the native can really do to combat this is develop a dispassionate and detached mentality, which is particularly hard for them. Rahu influencing Saturn also generally indicates a lack of consistent, long-term focus in life. The native will usually have a happier life once they are focused and secure in their path. Rahu and Saturn are both separating influences, the house that they are both influencing will usually be an area where the native experiences complete or lengthy separations. EXALTED, DEBILITATED, AND COMBUST PLANETS COMBUST MOON: The Moon is the manas, the sense mind, through which the Sun, the soul, experiences itself as the reflection of the world. When the Moon is combust, it is dark, there is no reflection; the native feels frustrated from not being able to enjoy themselves as the reflection of the world. The Moon is the social planet, whenever we do something with another we are actually only relating to ourselves, the other is merely a reflection of our self, therefore the native also suffers on account of being unable to enjoy their reflection as others. The combust Moon always indicates a lack of need fulfillment, and resulting frustration, in the areas it influences.

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