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/bin/sh -f ############################################################### # # # Bourne shell script for submitting a parallel MPICH job # # to the PBS queue using the qsub command. # # # ############################################################### # # # # Remarks: A line beginning with # is a comment. # A line beginning with #PBS is a PBS directive. # PBS directives must come first; any directives # after the first executable statement are ignored. # ########################## # # # The PBS directives # # # ########################## # # Set the name of the job (up to 15 characters, no blank spaces, start with alphanumeric character)

#PBS -N JobName # # Specify the number of nodes requested and the number of processors per node.

#PBS -l nodes=3:ppn=1 # # # # # # # # # # # # # #PBS -j oe # # # # # # Specify the maximum cpu and wall clock time. The wall clock time should take possible queue waiting time into account. Format: hhhh:mm:ss hours:minutes:seconds Be sure to specify a reasonable value here. If the job does not finish by the time reached, the job is terminated. By default, the standard output and error streams are sent to files in the current working directory with names: job_name.osequence_number <- output stream job_name.esequence_number <- error stream where job_name is the name of the job and sequence_number is the job number assigned when the job is submitted. Use the directives below to change the files to which the standard output and error streams are sent. #PBS -o stdout_file #PBS -e stderr_file The directive below directs that the standard output and error streams are to be merged, intermixed, as standard output.

#PBS -l cput=6:00:00 #PBS -l walltime=6:00:00

# #

Specify the queue. The CMU cluster currently has three queues: "blue" and "green" and "red".

#PBS -q green # # # # # Specify the maximum amount of physical memory required per process. kb for kilobytes, mb for megabytes, gb for gigabytes. Take some care in setting this value. Setting it too large can result in your job waiting in the queue for sufficient resources to become available.

#PBS -l pmem=512mb # # # # # # # # PBS can send informative email messages to you about the status of your job. Specify a string which consists of either the single character "n" (no mail), or one or more of the characters "a" (send mail when job is aborted), "b" (send mail when job begins), and "e" (send mail when job terminates). The default is "a" if not specified. You should also specify the email address to which the message should be send via the -M option.

# #PBS -m abe # #PBS -m ae #PBS -M user_email_address # # # # # # # # # Declare the If you wish comment out future, the time after which the job is eligible for execution. the job to be immediately eligible for execution, this directive. If you wish to run at some time in date-time argument format is [DD]hhmm If the day DD is not specified, it will default to today if the time hhmm is in the future, otherwise, it defaults to tomorrow. If the day DD is specified as in the future, it defaults to the current month, otherwise, it defaults to next month.

# #PBS -a 2215 commented out # # Specify the priority for the job. The priority argument must be an integer between -1024 and +1023 inclusive. The default is 0.

# #PBS -p 0 # # # Define the interval at which the job will be checkpointed, if checkpointing is desired, in terms of an integer number of minutes of CPU time.

# #PBS -c c=2 ########################################## # # # Output some useful job information. # # # ########################################## NCPU=`wc -l < $PBS_NODEFILE` NNODES=`uniq $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l`

echo -----------------------------------------------------echo ' This job is allocated on '${NCPU}' cpu(s)' echo 'Job is running on node(s): ' cat $PBS_NODEFILE echo -----------------------------------------------------echo PBS: qsub is running on $PBS_O_HOST echo PBS: originating queue is $PBS_O_QUEUE echo PBS: executing queue is $PBS_QUEUE echo PBS: working directory is $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo PBS: execution mode is $PBS_ENVIRONMENT echo PBS: job identifier is $PBS_JOBID echo PBS: job name is $PBS_JOBNAME echo PBS: node file is $PBS_NODEFILE echo PBS: number of nodes is $NNODES echo PBS: current home directory is $PBS_O_HOME echo PBS: PATH = $PBS_O_PATH echo -----------------------------------------------------############################################################## # # # The prologue script automatically makes a directory # # on the local disks for you. The name of this directory # # depends on the job id, but you need only refer to it # # using ${WORKDIR}. # # # # ############################################################## SERVER=$PBS_O_HOST WORKDIR=/scratch/PBS_$PBS_JOBID SCP=/usr/bin/scp SSH=/usr/bin/ssh MACHINES=${WORKDIR}/NODEFILE LAUNCH="/opt/mpich2-1.0.6/bin/mpiexec -n $NCPU" PATH=/opt/mpich2-1.0.6/bin:$PATH ; export PATH ###################################################################### # # # To minimize communications traffic, it is best for your job # # to work with files on the local disk of the compute node. # # Hence, one needs to transfer files from your permanent home # # directory tree to the directory ${WORKDIR} automatically # # created by PBS on the local disk before program execution, # # and to transfer any important output files from the local # # disk back to the permanent home directory tree after program # # execution is completed. # # # # There are essentially two ways to achieve this: (1) to use the # # PBS stagein and stageout utilities, or (2) to manually copy the # # files by commands in this script. The stagein and stageout # # features of OpenPBS are somewhat awkward, especially since # # wildcards and macros in the file lists cannot be used. This # # method also has some timing issues. Hence, we ask you to use # # the second method, and to use secure copy (scp) to do the file # # transfers to avoid NSF bottlenecks. # # # ###################################################################### ##################################################### # #

# Specify the permanent directory(ies) on the # # server host. Note that when the job begins # # execution, the current working directory at # # the time the qsub command was issued becomes # # the current working directory of the job. # # # ##################################################### PERMDIR=${HOME}/work SERVPERMDIR=${PBS_O_HOST}:${PERMDIR} echo server is $SERVER echo workdir is $WORKDIR echo permdir is $PERMDIR echo servpermdir is $SERVPERMDIR echo -----------------------------------------------------echo 'Job is running on node(s): ' cat $PBS_NODEFILE echo -----------------------------------------------------echo ' ' echo ' ' ############################################################### # # # Transfer files from server to local disks. # # Start up the mpd daemons and check the mpd ring. # # # ############################################################### stagein() { if [ -r $MACHINES ] ; then machines=$(sort $MACHINES | uniq ) else machines=$(hostname) fi for machine in $machines ; do echo ' ' echo Transferring files from server to compute node ${machine} echo Writing files in node directory ${WORKDIR} ${SCP} ${SERVPERMDIR}/program_executable ${machine}:${WORKDIR} ${SCP} ${SERVPERMDIR}/input_file ${machine}:${WORKDIR} echo Files in node work directory are as follows: ${SSH} ${machine} ls -l ${WORKDIR} done echo ' ' echo ' starting up mpd daemons ' export MPD_CON_EXT=${PBS_JOBID} mpdboot -n ${NNODES} -f ${PBS_NODEFILE} -v --remcons sleep 10 mpdtrace -l mpdringtest 100

} ############################################################ # # # Execute the run. Do not run in the background. # # # ############################################################ runprogram() { cd ${WORKDIR} ${LAUNCH} program_executable input_file } ########################################################### # # # Copy necessary files back to permanent directory. # # Kill the mdp daemons. # # # ########################################################### stageout() { echo ' ' echo 'Killing mpd daemons' mpdallexit echo ' ' echo Transferring files from compute nodes to server echo Writing files in permanent directory ${PERMDIR} cd ${WORKDIR} ${SCP} output_files ${SERVPERMDIR} echo Final files in permanent data directory: ${SSH} ${SERVER} "cd ${PERMDIR}; ls -l" } ##################################################################### # # # The "qdel" command is used to kill a running job. It first # # sends a SIGTERM signal, then after a delay (specified by the # # "kill_delay" queue attribute (set to 60 seconds), unless # # overridden by the -W option of "qdel"), it sends a SIGKILL # # signal which eradicates the job. During the time between the # # SIGTERM and SIGKILL signals, the "cleanup" function below is # # run. You should include in this function commands to copy files # # from the local disk back to your home directory. Note: if you # # need to transfer very large files which make take longer than # # 60 seconds, be sure to use the -W option of qdel. # # # ##################################################################### early() { echo ' ' echo ' ############ WARNING: EARLY TERMINATION #############' echo ' ' }

trap 'early; stageout' 2 9 15 ################################################## # # # Staging in, running the job, and staging out # # were specified above as functions. Now # # call these functions to perform the actual # # file transfers and program execution. # # # ################################################## stagein runprogram stageout ############################################################### # # # The epilogue script automatically deletes the directory # # created on the local disk (including all files contained # # therein. # # # ############################################################### exit

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