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Training Course

Upgrading from SDL Trados 2007 to SDL Trados Studio 2009 Innovation Delivered.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction About this Training Workbook ... 1-2 Chapter 2: Upgrading Translation Memories General Information on Upgrading Legacy TMs ... 2-2 Pre-requisites for Upgrading TMs ... 2-2 Upgrading SDL Trados 2007 TMs ... 2-2 Selecting the Input TM Files ... 2-2 Specifying the Output TM Files ... 2-3 Specifying the Output TM Settings ... 2-4 Running the Upgrade Process ... 2-7 Viewing the TM Upgrade Result ... 2-8 Upgrading from TMX Files ... 2-9 Creating a New TM ... 2-9 Importing TMX Files ... 2-10 Upgrading from Bilingual TTX/ITD Files ... 2-14 Exercise: Upgrading SDLX Translation Memories ... 2-16 Chapter 3: Upgrading Tag Settings General Information on Tag Settings ... 3-2 File Types vs. Tag Settings Files ... 3-2 Upgrading Tag Settings (INI) Files ... 3-2 Upgrading Analyse (ANL) Files ... 3-5 Chapter 4: Upgrading termbases Major Enhancements in SDL MultiTerm 2009 ... 4-2 Upgrading Termbases ... 4-2 Re-opening a Legacy Termbase in SDL MultiTerm 2009 ... 4-2 Re-creating Termbases in SDL MultiTerm 2009 ... 4-4 Chapter 5: Generating AutoSuggest Dictionaries What is an AutoSuggest Dictionary? ... 5-2 Generating AutoSuggest Dictionaries ... 5-2 Chapter 6: Creating a Translation Memory Creating a Translation Memory ... 6-2 Chapter 7: Translating Single Files Opening a File ... 7-2 Translation Editor Overview ... 7-3 Navigating in the Editor ... 7-4 Translating the First Segment ... 7-5 Using AutoSuggest ... 7-5 Auto-propagating Translations ... 7-5 Editing a Fuzzy Match ... 7-6 Spell Check as you Type ... 7-7


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Table of Contents

Automatic Number Substitution ... 7-7 Applying Character Formatting ... 7-7 Real-time Preview ... 7-8 Inserting Single Tags ... 7-10 Concordance Search ... 7-10 Tracking the Translation Progress ... 7-11 Inserting Tag Pairs ... 7-11 Ghost Tags ... 7-11 Automated Translations ... 7-12 Saving the Document ... 7-12 WYSIWYG Preview ... 7-13 Saving the Translation in its Original Format ... 7-13 Chapter 8: Integration Into SDL Trados 2007-based Supply Chains General Information ... 8-2 Opening TTX Files in SDL Trados Studio 2009 ... 8-2 Opening ITD Files in SDL Trados Studio ... 8-3 SDL Trados Synergy 2007 Packages ... 8-4 Opening a Synergy Project Package ... 8-4 Opening the Package Files in SDL Trados Studio ... 8-5 Creating the Return Package ... 8-6 Chapter 9: Processing Unsupported File Formats Unsupported File Formats - Overview ... 9-2 Interleaf/QuickSilver IASCII Files ... 9-2 Converting an IASCII File to TTX ... 9-2 Opening the TTX File in SDL Trados Studio ... 9-3 Converting the TTX File back to IASCII ... 9-4 SGML Documents ... 9-4 QuarkXPress Tagged Files ... 9-5
Copyright !"2009 SDL plc. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be duplicated in whole or in part or reproduced in any form without the express written permission of SDL plc. MultiTerm, SDL PhraseFinder, SDL TermBase, SDLX, Trados, TranslationZone and Translator's Workbench are registered trademarks of and AutoSuggest, QuickPlace, TagEditor and Trados Studio are trademarks of SDL plc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The names of other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Unless stated to the contrary, no association with any other company or product is intended or should be inferred. Although SDL takes all reasonable measures to provide accurate and comprehensive information about the product, this documentation is provided as-is and all warranties, conditions or other terms concerning the documentation whether express or implied by statute, common law or otherwise (including those relating to satisfactory quality and fitness for purposes) are excluded to the extent permitted by law. Information in this documentation, including any URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of SDL plc.

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This training workbook was designed for users who upgrade from SDL Trados 2007 / SDLX 2007 and SDL MultiTerm 2007 to SDL Trados Studio 2009 and SDL MultiTerm 2009. This document provides examples of the following scenarios: C C C C C C Upgrading SDL Trados 2007 translation memories Upgrading SDLX 2007 translation memories Upgrading SDL MultiTerm 2007 termbase files Upgrading tag setting definitions (*.ini and *.anl files) Plugging-in SDL Trados Studio 2009 users into SDL Trados 2007-based supply chains Processing formats that are currently not supported in SDL Trados Studio 2009



About this Training Workbook

This training workbook provides practical examples how to upgrade your existing SDL Trados 2007, SDLX 2007, and SDL MultiTerm 2007 language resources to the latest formats for further use in SDL Trados Studio 2009 and SDL MultiTerm 2009. Moreover, this workbook gives examples of how to deal with scenarios in which users of SDL Trados Studio 2009 need to be plugged into SDL Trados 2007-based supply chains. We recommend that you copy all sample files provided with this workbook to your desktop, so that you can find them easily. Note that the sample files are small to enough to allow you to complete the exercises of this workbook quickly and efficiently. ! Real-life migration scenarios will, of course, involve much more comprehensive - and possibly more complex - data. Depending on your specific migration scenario you might encounter particular situations that are not covered in this workbook. Note that this workbook can only outline the most common upgrade scenarios. Specific scenarios might require customized training or consulting.

NOTE A dedicated SDL Trados Studio 2009 Migration Guide is available to facilitate migration from SDL Trados 2007 and SDLX 2007.


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This chapter provides examples of how to upgrade existing SDL Trados 2007 and SDLX 2007 translation memories to SDL Trados Studio 2009 format. You will learn the following: C C C C C Upgrading SDL Trados 2007 *.tmw files Upgrading SDLX 2007 *.mdb files Importing bilingual *.tmx and *.ttx files Upgrading TM fields (attribute and text fields) Upgrading custom abbreviation and variable lists


Upgrading Translation Memories

General Information on Upgrading Legacy TMs

In SDL Trados Studio file-based TMs are stored as data files, which are based on the open-source SQLite format. SDL Trados Studio TMs have the extension *.sdltm. In contrast to SDL Trados 2007 TMs, SDL Trados Studio TMs consist of a single file (instead of five). The new TM format allows you to perform lookups in multiple TMs simultaneously and to carry out concordance searches in the target language. When upgrading your TMs you will want to migrate the following: C C C TM data TM fields (i.e. attribute and text fields) Any custom TM setup information, e.g. variable lists, abbreviation lists, custom segmentation rules, etc.

The first exercise involves the following upgrade scenario: C C C Two English-German SDL Trados 2007 TMs and two English-French SDL Trados 2007 TMs We want to leverage this upgrade to consolidate the two TMs for each language pair into a single SDL Trados Studio TM We also want to migrate existing TM fields, variable lists, and segmentation rules

The sample TMs to migrate can be found in your sample files folder, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\01 - TM Upgrade.

Pre-requisites for Upgrading TMs

If you upgrade legacy TMs from SDL Trados or SDLX, you need to have the corresponding application installed on your PC alongside with SDL Trados Studio, i.e.: C Migrating *.tmw files requires you to have SDL Trados 2007 installed. If your *.tmw files were created with an earlier version of SDL Trados, we recommend that you first upgrade your *.tmw files to SDL Trados 2007 SP3. Migrating *.mdb files (i.e. SDLX TMs) requires you to have SDLX 2007 installed alongside SDL Trados Studio.

Upgrading SDL Trados 2007 TMs

To perform the TM upgrade take the following steps:

Selecting the Input TM Files

1. On the Home screen of SDL Trados Studio click the toolbar button Upgrade Translation Memories. This will open the Upgrade Translation Memories wizard.


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Upgrading Translation Memories


Click the Add File-based TMs from Folder button. This will open a Browse for Folder dialog box. Select the folder that contains the SDL Trados input translation memories, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\01 - TM Upgrade\SDL Trados.


Once all TMs have been loaded, the TM files are listed on the screen. For each TM you can view the number of TUs it contains. On the bottom of the page you specify the temporary files location. Click the Browse button to select a folder, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\My Documents. The files stored in this folder are created temporarily during the TM upgrade procedure. They are not for productive use. Click Next to continue.



Specifying the Output TM Files

The Output Translation Memories page offers three options: 1. 2. 3. You can generate one upgraded output TM for each input TM. You can consolidate all input TMs of the same language pair into one output TM. You can customize the creation of the output TMs, e.g. consolidate all English-German TMs into one output TM, but create separate output TMs for each English-French input TM."

Suppose you want to merge all input TMs of the same language pair into one output TM: 1. 2. Select the option Create output translation memory for each language pair. Note that new names for the merged output TMs will be suggested, i.e. en-GB_fr-FR and enGB_de-DE. Below each output TM name you find the legacy TMs that it will incorporate. Suppose you want to change the suggested output TM names. To do this double-click the output TM names, and enter a new name, e.g. Studio_TM_English-French and Studio_TM_English-German.



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Upgrading Translation Memories


Click Next to continue."

Specifying the Output TM Settings

On the Output Translation Memories Settings page you can define a number of options:"

Output TM Location
On the Location tab click the Browse button to select a folder in which to store your upgraded output TM files. Select a folder that you can find easily, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files.

1. Click the Settings tab.


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Upgrading Translation Memories


On the Settings tab you can configure various options, e.g. add a Description and a Copyright for the English-French output TM.

NOTE Take a look at the option Enable character-based concordance search. In SDL Trados 2007 concordance searching was word-based only. If you enable character-based concordance search, you increase your chances of getting more concordance hits. If no matching words are found, the concordance search will fall back to a character-based search, thus being able to identify similar words. However, enabling character-based concordance search will degrade performance in large TMs (e.g. TMs with several hundreds of thousands of TUs). It is therefore recommended that you enable character-based concordance searches only for small TMs (e.g. project TMs with a few thousand TUs).


In SDL Trados 2007 acronyms are not by default recognized as placeables. Suppose you want this to change in the upgraded TMs. To do this activate the option Recognize acronyms. Also make sure the option Recognize variables is selected. You also have the option of removing tags and internal formatting from the legacy TUs by activating the check box Import translation units as plain text. However, let us assume that for this upgrade scenario you want to retain all formatting information and internal tags. Therefore, leave this option unchecked. Note that you need to configure the same settings for the English-German TMs. Click Studio_TM_English-German on the right-hand side and repeat the above steps for the second output TM.



Compatibility Options
Click the Compatibility tab. When upgrading legacy TMs you should note the following: SDL Trados Studio features a re-designed TM engine, which calculates match rates differently from previous versions of SDL Trados, in particular when your legacy TUs contain tags, e.g. for character formatting. When migrating you should therefore consider the three following scenarios: C C You use the upgraded TMs for processing only new source files in their native format (e.g. DOC, PPT, MIF, INX) with SDL Trados Studio. You need to plug into SDL Trados 2007- or SDLX 2007-based workflows. This is the case, for example, when you receive packages created in TeamWorks 2008, SDL Trados Synergy 2007, or TMS. This means that you will have to process pre-segmented files in TTX and/or ITD format.


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Upgrading Translation Memories

You must handle mixed scenarios, i.e. you need to process both TTX/ITD files and translate new source files in their native format.

Suppose the first scenario applies to you, i.e. you want to optimize the output TMs to handle translation of new source documents in their native format. Therefore, keep the first option on the Compatibility tab selected.

TM Fields
Suppose your SDL Trados legacy TMs contain attribute and text fields, which also need to be upgraded. For the TM upgrade scenario of this exercise let us assume the following: C C C All your legacy TMs have the same attribute and text fields You want to remove two fields from the TM setup, as they are no longer required You want to rename one field

Take the following steps: 1. 2. Click the Fields tab. This will display a list of all attribute and text fields contained in the setup of the legacy TMs. Note that for attribute fields the Type column shows the value List. For text fields, the type is Text. Leave these settings unchanged. Suppose you want to remove the fields Status and Text Field, as you are certain that they are no longer required. You can easily remove these fields from the setup of your output TMs. Select the fields to delete one-by-one and click the Remove button.



Let us assume that you would like to rename the field Project to Project id. To do this click the field name that should be modified, and overwrite it with the new name, i.e. Project id. Remember that you need to repeat the above steps for the second output TM, i.e. Studio_TM_English-German.


Language Resources
In SDL Trados Translators Workbench you were able to configure various TM settings, e.g.: C C Customization of segmentation rules through custom abbreviations Variable lists, through which you can define particular strings (e.g. product names) that should be treated as placeables

Custom abbreviation, ordinal follower, and variable lists are referred to in SDL Trados Studio as Language Resources. Our legacy TMs contain custom abbreviation and variable lists. Apart from a custom abbreviation list, they have the default segmentation rules of SDL Trados 2007. Note that the default segmentation rules in SDL Trados Studio are very similar to those used in SDL Trados 2007. To upgrade the custom variables/abbreviations lists, take the following steps: 1. Click the Language Resources tab.


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Upgrading Translation Memories


The Language Resources dropdown list contains the value Default Language Resources. This option applies the SDL Trados Studio default segmentation rules and will not migrate your custom abbreviation/variable lists. To make sure your custom lists will be integrated into the upgraded TMs, select Upgraded Language Resources from the dropdown list.


Remember that you need to apply the above step also the second output TM.

Running the Upgrade Process

1. 2. To run the TM upgrade process click Finish, which will open the Upgrading Translation Memories page. This page displays a number of progress bars. Wait for all processes to complete. For each input TM you will find an Open link. Clicking one of these links will open a box showing the total number of TUs processed, added, and merged as well as the number of errors that occurred (if any). After viewing the information in the message box, click Close. NOTE Note that the number of TUs added to the output TM might be lower than the total number of TUs processed. This is because during the import of legacy data, redundant TUs might be merged into a single unit.


There will be two Open links, i.e. one for each output TM. Click one of the Open links, e.g. the one next to TM Studio_TM_English-French.sdltm. Then click Close to close the Upgrade Translation Memories wizard.


When you are prompted to delete the temporary files, confirm with Yes. The temporary files are not required for productive use.


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Upgrading Translation Memories

Viewing the TM Upgrade Result

1. Clicking the Open link will show the upgraded TM in the Translation Memories view of SDL Trados Studio. The translation units are presented in a side-by-side view. Take a look at the TM fields on the right-hand side of the target segment. Note in particular the Project field, which you renamed to Project id.

NOTE In the Translation Memories view you can perform various TM maintenance tasks, e.g. batch deleting TUs, filtering TUs, running global find/replace operations. These topics are covered in the Advanced training course on SDL Trados Studio.


To check whether the legacy language resources have been successfully upgraded, right-click the TM name on the left-hand side, then select Settings from the context menu.


In the Translation Memory Settings dialog box click the link Language Resources below the TM name.


This will show a list of language resource types on the right-hand side of the dialog box.


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Upgrading Translation Memories


To view the variable list, simply double-click Variable List. This opens a dialog box in which all migrated variable strings are listed. Click OK to close the Variables dialog box. (Of course,

you can do the same with the abbreviation list.) 6. 7. Click OK again to close the Translation Memory Settings dialog box. To close the TM in the Translation Memories view, right-click the TM name and select Remove from the context menu. Open the output folder in Windows Explorer, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\01 - TM Upgrade\SDL Trados, where you will find the two upgraded TM files, i.e. Studio_TM_English-French.sdltm and Studio_TM_EnglishGerman.sdltm.


Upgrading from TMX Files

Instead of upgrading *.tmw files, you can also create SDL Trados Studio TMs from Translation Memory eXchange (TMX) files. This is useful, for example, if you want to migrate TMs from a third-party system to SDL Trados Studio. If you use TMX to upgrade legacy SDL Trados 2007 TMs, we recommend that you export the TMs from Translators Workbench as TMX 1.4b. Note that when upgrading your legacy TMs from TMX files, you cannot upgrade language resources such as segmentation rules, custom variable lists, etc.

NOTE SDL Trados Studio 2009 no longer supports the legacy Translators Workbench TXT export format.

In the next exercise you will learn how to do the following: C C Create a new (empty) TM in SDL Trados Studio Import two TMX files

Creating a New TM
To create a new TM, take the following steps: 1. Click the Translation Memory View button to switch to the Translation Memory view.


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Upgrading Translation Memories


Select the menu command File -> New -> Translation Memory. This will open the New Translation Memory dialog box. Enter the name for your TM into the text field Name, e.g. Sample Migration English-German. NOTE The TMX import files for this exercise have English (US) as source language and German as target language.



Observe the path entered into the text field Location. Click the Browse button to open the Browse for Folder dialog box. Then select the folder in which the new TM is to be created. Select a location that you can find easily, e.g. C:\temp or your desktop. Select English (United States) from the Source Language dropdown list. Select German (Germany) from the Target Language dropdown list.

5. 6.


Click Finish to create the TM. When TM creation is complete, click Close.

Importing TMX Files

Selecting the Import Files
1. Your newly-created TM is now visible in the Navigation pane on the left-hand side. Right-click the TM name and select Import from the context menu. This will open the Import dialog box.


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Upgrading Translation Memories


Click the Add Files button. In the Add Files dialog box select the location in which your TMX sample import files are stored, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\01 - TM Upgrade\TMX.


Select both sample files (Master English - German.tmx and Sample English - German.tmx) while keeping the Ctrl key pressed, then click Open. In the Import dialog box click Next to continue.


TMX Import Options

Before you start the import you can determine that only TUs matching a specific filter criteria should be imported. The sample TMX files contain a number of TUs created before 2008. Suppose you do not want those TUs to go into your new TMs, as they are outdated. To import only TUs created after 1st January 2008, take the following steps: 1. 2. On the TMX Import Options page click the Edit button. This will open the Filter dialog box, in which you click the Add button.


In the Add Condition dialog box select Created on from the Field dropdown list.


From the Operator dropdown list select Greater than, which basically means later than.


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Upgrading Translation Memories


In the Value field you need to enter the date, i.e. 01/01/2008. Note that by clicking the arrow button next to the field you can open a calendar in which you can select the required date. Close the Add Condition dialog box with OK, then click OK again to close the Filter dialog box. The Filter field in the Import dialog box now shows the filter you specified. Remember that only TUs created after the date specified in the filter will be imported.



Take a look at the remaining options and finalize the import: 1. Through the options of the Unknown Fields dropdown list you can determine what should happen to TM fields associated with your input TUs. The TUs in our TMX import files contain a number of fields such as Subject and Type. These fields, however, do not exist in the setup of your newly-created TM. With the default option Add to translation memory you make sure that these fields are automatically added to your TM. TIP You could also choose to ignore these fields, i.e. they will not be added to your TM setup, and the TUs will be imported without their field values. However, for this exercise, we keep the default value (i.e. Add to translation memory) selected.


On the TMX Import Options page you find the same compatibility options that were shown when you migrated the *.tmw files in the previous exercise. Let us assume that you want to use the TM to translate new files in their native format using SDL Trados Studio. Therefore, keep the first option selected. Then click Next to continue.


Now the General Import Options page is displayed. Suppose you would like to remove all internal tags from the TUs during import. Therefore, activate the option Import translation units as plain text, and click Finish to start the import. NOTE Importing as plain text is especially useful when importing TMX files generated with third party applications, which handle tags differently from SDL Trados Studio.


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Upgrading Translation Memories


Wait a few seconds for the import process to complete. Take a look at the information provided for the file Master English - German.tmx: it says that 111 TUs have been read, out of which 40 TUs have been imported. That is because you defined a filter that only allowed TUs with a date later than 1st January 2008 to be imported. Click Close to close the Import dialog box.


You will now see the TUs in the side-by-side view. As you chose to import the TMX as plain text, there are no tags within the TUs.


Also note the fields displayed on the right-hand side of the target segments, e.g. Project, Subject, Type. Not only have the field values been taken over during import, the fields have also been added to the TM setup. To verify this, right-click the TM name in the Navigation pane and select Settings from the context menu.



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Upgrading Translation Memories


This opens the Translation Memory Settings dialog box. Click the link Fields and Settings. This will display the TM fields on the right-hand side of the dialog box. Now that you have verified the TM settings, click OK to close the dialog box.

Upgrading from Bilingual TTX/ITD Files

Besides importing TMX files you can also use translated TTX or ITD legacy files for filling your TMs. However, remember that with this approach it is not possible to migrate the following information: C C TM fields Segmentation rules, variable lists, etc.

Importing TTX and ITD files can be the preferred option mainly for the following reason: SDL Trados Studio 2009 introduces a new match category called Context Match (CM). A segment from a document is considered a CM when it is identical to a segment from the TM and when it is preceded by the same segment as the one from the TM, i.e. when it occurs in the same sequence as in a previously translated document. This makes CMs even more reliable than 100% matches. Context matches did not exist in SDL Trados 2007. Therefore, when you upgrade *.tmw files no context information can be migrated to your SDL Trados Studio TM. However, during the import of TUs from TTX/ITD files the original segment sequence is remembered. This enables you to leverage the new context matching feature after upgrading your bilingual legacy documents. Take the following steps for the next exercise: 1. 2. First, create a new TM. You can name it, for example, TTX Sample English - German. To do this follow the steps from the previous exercise. After creating the new TM, right-click it and select Import from the context menu.

3. 4.

In the Import dialog box click the Add Folder button. In the Browse for Folder dialog box select the folder that contains the TTX sample files to import, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\01 - TM Upgrade\TTX and then click OK. All four TTX sample files are now listed in the dialog box. Click Next to continue.



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Upgrading Translation Memories


The Bilingual Document Import Options page lists various confirmation levels. By checking a confirmation level (e.g. Draft) you can decide whether TUs with the selected status should be imported. Leave the default options unchanged and click Next to continue.

NOTE SDL Trados Studio offers a number of confirmation levels such as Draft, Translation rejected, Singedoff, etc. These levels did not exist in SDL Trados 2007. The only level that actually applies to TTX files is Translated.


On the General Import Options page click Finish. This time we are not going to import the TUs as plain text, as we want to keep internal tags. NOTE Note that importing translated bilingual files is a very reliable way of making sure internal tag data (mostly character formatting information) is successfully upgraded to your new TM.


Wait a few seconds for the import to finish, then click Close.


The imported TUs are now displayed in a side-by-side view. Remember that we did not import the TUs as plain text. Therefore the display shows the internal tags as markers.


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Upgrading Translation Memories

NOTE Bilingual DOC or RTF files, which were translated in Microsoft Word, cannot be imported into SDL Trados Studio TMs. You would first have to import such bilingual content into Translators Workbench through the Clean Up function and then upgrade the resulting *.tmw file.

Exercise: Upgrading SDLX Translation Memories

Your sample folder contains four SDLX TMs, which can be found in: C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\01 - TM Upgrade\SDLX. As an exercise, repeat the steps outlined for upgrading *.tmw files to upgrade the SDLX TMs in this folder.


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This chapter provides an example of how to upgrade existing tag settings files (INI files) to SDL Trados Studio file types. You will learn the following: C C What are tag settings files? Upgrading tag settings files from SDL Trados 2007 to SDL Trados Studio 2009 file types


Upgrading Tag Settings

General Information on Tag Settings

In SDL Trados 2007 and previous versions you require tag settings files for opening and translating markup-language documents such as XML. Tag settings files are text files with the extension *.ini, which contain the following types of information: C C C C The tags used in a particular type of XML Tag properties, e.g. whether tags are internal or external (i.e. structure tags), display formatting in TagEditor (e.g. bold, underline). Information on whether tags enclose translatable content or whether the tag content is protected Information on whether tags have translatable attribute content.

Each XML/SGML flavor requires its own tag settings file. SDL Trados uses the root element of a document to identify which tag settings file to apply to it. The root element is a unique element in an document. It is the element that encloses the document content. SDLX 2007 (and previous versions) uses a very similar concept. In SDLX tag settings files are called analysis files and have the extension *.anl.

File Types vs. Tag Settings Files

SDL Trados Studio no longer uses tag settings files, but file types. SDL Trados Studio possesses a default file type that applies to any XML document. This means that you can open and translate any XML file without having to create a file type. However, you should note that each XML application has its particularities. When you use the built-in, generic XML file type you cannot, for example: C C Define display formatting for text enclosed in particular tags Protect the content of particular tags from translation.

For this reason, it is recommended that you create custom file types for the XML documents that you need to translate. This is similar to creating tag settings files in SDL Trados 2007. The following exercise provides an example of how to upgrade an existing tag settings file (*.ini) to a file type.

NOTE The file types in SDL Trados Studio are more powerful than the tag settings files in SDL Trados 2007. The following exercise only shows how to upgrade an existing tag settings file without leveraging the features of the new file type feature. More information on file types and XML is provided in the Advanced training course for SDL Trados Studio.

Upgrading Tag Settings (INI) Files

You can find a sample tag settings file in your samples folder, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\02 - Tag Settings File Upgrade. The tag settings file is called manual.ini. To upgrade this file take the following steps: 1. Select the menu command Tools -> Options.


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Upgrading Tag Settings


On the left-hand side of the Options dialog box select File Types. Then click the New button on the top right of the dialog box.

3. 4.

In the Select Type dialog box make sure that XML is selected, then confirm with OK. In the Create File Type dialog box you can enter some information on your XML file type. First, enter a descriptive name in the text box File type name, e.g. Training Sample XML. Take a look at the File type identifier text box. The default value is Copy of XML v, which indicates that your new file type is derived from the built-in, generic XML file type. Replace the suggested file type with Training XML v Then click Next to continue.



The page XML Settings Import is now displayed. Click the radio button Define settings based on INI, ANL, XML, XSD or ITS rule file.


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Upgrading Tag Settings


This will enable the text box and the Browse button below. Click the Browse button to select the manual.ini sample tag settings file. Then click Next to proceed to the following page.


The Parser Rules page lists the elements (i.e. tags) found in the *.ini file. Note the emphasis element, which is an inline element used to highlight text. The element properties, i.e. the fact that in TagEditor strings enclosed in emphasis tags were displayed in bold, has also been read from the *.ini file. Click Next to proceed to the following page.


The File Detection page shows which element is used to detect the file type. Similar to *.ini files in SDL Trados 2007, SDL Trados Studio uses the root element (in this case the manual element) to identify the XML file type. You could add further criteria for recognizing the XML file type. However, we are not going to do this. Just click Next to proceed to the following page.

10. The file type information is physically stored in an SDLFILETYPE document. On the Save File Type page a path and file name is suggested. Accept the suggested file name and location by clicking Finish.


Observe that your new XML file type is now listed under File Types in the Options dialog box. Close the dialog box with OK.


Let us test the new file type by opening the document SpellChecker.xml from your samples folder. The sample XML file is stored in the same location as the *.ini file that you just upgraded. To do this click the toolbar button Open Document, double-click the file SpellChecker.xml. This will open the Open Document dialog box.



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Upgrading Tag Settings

NOTE At this point no particular TM or other settings are required. The aim of this exercise is not to translate the document, but to show what this file looks like when opened SDL Trados Studio. Click OK to open the document in the Editor.


Note that in contrast to TagEditor no external elements (i.e. structure tags) are displayed in the Editor of SDL Trados Studio. However, the inline emphasis tags, which apply bold character formatting, are shown in the Editor.


Close the document through the menu command File -> Close. NOTE As mentioned previously it is possible to enhance file types by leveraging new features in SDL Trados Studio. For more information, please refer to the Advanced training course.

Upgrading Analyse (ANL) Files

Upgrading *.anl files from SDLX is identical to upgrading *.ini files from SDL Trados. Your sample file folder contains a sample file called Letter.anl and a sample XML file (Letter.xml). Apply the steps of the exercise in this chapter to upgrade the sample *.anl file.


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This chapter provides an example of how to upgrade file-based SDL MultiTerm 2007 termbases to SDL MultiTerm 2009. You will learn the following: C C C Overview of enhancements in SDL MultiTerm 2009 Upgrading legacy termbases by re-opening and renaming them in SDL MultiTerm 2009 Upgrading legacy termbases through recreation in SDL MultiTerm 2009


Upgrading Termbases

Major Enhancements in SDL MultiTerm 2009

SDL MultiTerm 2009 offers a number a number of new features and benefits: C C C C C C C C Redesigned, more intuitive user interface with customizable keyboard shortcuts Simplified handling of local termbase files, which considerably facilitates providing e.g. freelance translators with local termbase data More intuitive entry editor Cross references to entry numbers Customizable, rich hitlist Tight integration into SDL Trados Studio: term recognition, ad-hoc entry creation TBX Support Centralized SDL user management

Detailed information on new features and enhancements can be found at

NOTE This chapter will not explain all enhancements and new features in SDL MultiTerm 2009 in detail. For more information on SDL MultiTerm 2009, please refer to the dedicated SDL MultiTerm training courses for translators and project managers.

NOTE This chapter provides an example of how to migrate a local termbase (i.e. an *.mdb) file to SDL MultiTerm 2009. The migration of server termbases is not covered in this workbook.

WARNING SDL MultiTerm 2007 MUST be uninstalled before installing SDL Trados Studio 2009 and SDL MultiTerm 2009 on your machine.

Upgrading Termbases
SDL MultiTerm 2009 uses the same underlying database format as SDL MultiTerm 2007. Upgrading termbases to SDL MultiTerm 2009 is therefore a straightforward process. You can upgrade a termbase... C C simply by opening legacy *.mdb termbase files in SDL MultiTerm 2009 or by re-creating the termbase from a legacy termbase definition in format and importing the termbase content

You will find the sample files for the following exercises in your sample files folder, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\03 - Termbase Upgrade.

Re-opening a Legacy Termbase in SDL MultiTerm 2009

In the following exercise you will learn how to upgrade a legacy termbase file by simply opening it in SDL MultiTerm 2009: 1. 2. First, launch SDL MultiTerm 2009 through Start -> All Programs -> SDL -> SDL MultiTerm 2009 -> SDL MultiTerm 2009. Select the menu command Termbase -> Open Termbase.


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Upgrading Termbases

3. 4.

In the Select Termbases dialog box click the Browse button. Go to your sample files folder, and select the sample termbase file mxw_1.mdb by doubleclicking it. A message box will appear saying that the termbase file has been created with an older version of SDL MultiTerm. Click Yes to continue opening the termbase. The termbase mxw_1 is now displayed in the Select Termbases dialog box. Click OK to open the termbase in SDL MultiTerm. By doing so you have basically already upgraded your termbase. However, since the physical termbase files in SDL MultiTerm 2007 were named mxw_1, mxw_2, etc., it is recommended that you rename them to a more descriptive name. To do this click the Catalog button on the bottom of the application window.





Right-click the link Definition in the Navigation pane, and select Edit from the context menu.


This will open the first page of the Termbase Wizard. Click Next to proceed.

10. On the Termbase Name page you find the current termbase name (mxw_1) in the Friendly Name text field. Overwrite the name with a more descriptive name, e.g. Software. Then click Next until you reach the Wizard Complete page. Click Finish to close the Termbase Wizard. 11. Observe that the name of the termbase has changed from mxw_1 to Software. TIP You can verify this by selecting the menu command Termbase -> Open Termbase. Note that in the Select Termbases dialog box the termbase is also shown under its new name.


Your legacy termbase file might contain custom termbase objects. For example, our sample termbase has a custom input model. Click the Input Models icon below the termbase name.


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Upgrading Termbases


Note the yellow warning icon next to the input model name, i.e. Custom Input Model. It indicates that the input model needs to be upgraded as well. To do this right-click the input model name and select Edit from the context menu.


This will open the Input Model Wizard. All you need to do is to go through each page of the wizard by clicking Next until you reach the last page. Click the Finish button to close the Wizard. Note that the yellow warning icon next to the custom input model has disappeared. NOTE You need to refresh each custom termbase object contained in SDL MultiTerm 2007 legacy termbase files. If termbase object was created with an older version of MultiTerm (e.g. SDL MultiTerm iX), it might be that the termbase object cannot be upgraded this way, but needs to be recreated from scratch in SDL MultiTerm 2009. Any objects that cannot be upgraded by running them through the wizard are marked with a red error symbol."


NOTE If you open the folder where the sample termbase is stored in Windows Explorer, you will note that a number of *.mdf and *.mtf files have been created. These files constitute the fuzzy index for each language. The fuzzy index files are created automatically when opening a legacy termbase in SDL MultiTerm 2009.

NOTE In this exercise you have seen one major enhancement in SDL MultiTerm 2009 already. Instead of loading external termbases to attach them to your local MultiTerm environment, you can just open them like a normal file. You can send the termbase file to another user, e.g. a freelance translator, who can then open the termbase file with SDL MultiTerm 2009. This facilitates the exchange of local termbases between users.

Re-creating Termbases in SDL MultiTerm 2009

Of course, you can also re-create termbases from existing termbase definitions (*.xdt files) and then import the termbase content from an *.xml file. Your sample files folder contains samples for the following exercise. To create a new termbase in SDL MultiTerm 2009 take the following steps: 1. 2. Select the menu command Termbase -> Create Termbase. This opens the Save New Termbase dialog box. Enter a name into the File name text field, e.g. Migration_Test.sdltb. Then click Save. When the Termbase Wizard opens, click Next. On the Termbase Definition page select the option Load an existing termbase definition file.

3. 4.


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Upgrading Termbases


Click the Browse button and select the file termbase_definition.xdt from your sample files folder by double-clicking it. Then click Next to proceed to the following page.


On the Termbase Name page enter the termbase display name into the Friendly name text field, e.g. Software Terminology, then click Next. Also click Next on the pages Index Fields, Descriptive Fields, and Entry Structure. You can accept all settings from the legacy termbase without making any changes. On the Wizard Complete page click Finish. Your termbase has now been created. You can see its name in the application bar. Note that the newly-created termbase is empty. You need to import all entries from the legacy XML file.




10. Click the Catalog button on the bottom of the Navigation pane.


Right click the link Import below the name of your new termbase, and select Process from the context menu.


In the Import Wizard click Browse to select the import file termbase_data.xml from your sample files folder. Activate the option Fast import, then click Next twice to start the import process.


14. 15.

When the progress bar has reached 100%, click Next and then click Finish. Do not forget to reload any legacy termbase objects. This exercise involves a custom input model that needs to be migrated. Right-click the Input Models link below the termbase name, and select Load from the context menu.


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Upgrading Termbases


In the Load Input Model Definition from File dialog box click Browse and select the legacy input model file, i.e. input_model.xdm. Now click OK, which will start the Input Model Wizard. NOTE Custom termbase objects such as input models and layouts might have to be upgraded. In most cases it is enough to refresh the termbase object. To do this just go through the wizard by clicking Next on each page. However, if your custom termbase object was created in version older than SDL MultiTerm 2007 (e.g. SDL MultiTerm iX) it is likely that the object cannot be upgraded, but needs to be re-created from scratch.


18. 19.

Go through the wizard by clicking Next on each page until you reach the Finish button. Click the Terms button on the bottom of the Navigation pane to view the migrated termbase content.

NOTE When you create a termbase in SDL MultiTerm 2009 the termbase file extension is *.sdltb, i.e. no longer *.mdb. However you can still open *.mbd files in SDL MultiTerm 2009. Termbases with the extension *.sdltb offer the advantage of opening directly in SDL MultiTerm just by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer.


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This chapter provides information on one of the most prominent new features in SDL Trados Studio 2009, i.e. AutoSuggest dictionaries. You will learn the following: C C What is an AutoSuggest dictionary? How to create AutoSuggest dictionaries


Generating AutoSuggest Dictionaries

What is an AutoSuggest Dictionary?

SDL Trados uses two main linguistic resources: C C Translation memories (TMs) for looking up similar or identical segments Termbases for storing and retrieving specific terminology

SDL Trados Studio 2009 opens up a third dimension in the translation process: segment fragment recognition. Rather than recognizing only whole segments, SDL Trados Studio can use AutoSuggest dictionaries for recognizing parts of a segment. When you use an AutoSuggest dictionary, it will automatically suggest segment fragments while you are typing. For example, when you start typing the letter d, it will suggest relevant expressions that fit the current context, e.g. distribution pattern of centipedes. Below is an example of an AutoSuggest list with German segment fragments:

Generating AutoSuggest Dictionaries

To leverage the ground-breaking new AutoSuggest feature, you can create AutoSuggest dictionaries from your existing translation memories. The TM input files can be in one of the following formats: C C C *.sdltm *.tmx (Translation Memory Exchange) *.tmx.gz (compressed TMX format)

In order to create AutoSuggest dictionaries from your legacy TMs, you need to export your TMs to *.tmx or you need to create the AutoSuggest dictionaries after you have upgraded them to the new *.sdltm format. To create an AutoSuggest dictionary from an existing TMX file, take the steps below:

FREELANCE AutoSuggest dictionaries can only be created with the Professional Edition of SDL Trados Studio. With the Freelance Edition you can use AutoSuggest dictionaries during translation or editing, but you cannot create them.


Select the menu command Tools -> Generate AutoSuggest Dictionary.

2. 3.

This opens the New AutoSuggest Dictionary dialog box. Click the Browse button. In the Open File-based Translation Memory dialog box, make sure that the file type TMX Translation Memories (*.tmx;*.tmx.gz) is selected in the Files of Type dropdown list. Browse for the sample TMX file from which the AutoSuggest dictionary is to be created, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\04 - Creating AutoSuggest Dictionaries\Sample EN-GB_DE-DE.tmx.



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Generating AutoSuggest Dictionaries

5. 6. 7.

NOTE The sample file is an English-German TM in TMX format containing approx. 40,000 TUs. Click Next and wait for the TMX file to load. On the next page make sure the correct language pair is selected. Then click Next. On the following page click Browse and select the location in which the AutoSuggest dictionary is to be created. Select a location that you can find easily, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files. Then click Finish. Depending on the size of the TM, the generation of the AutoSuggest dictionary will take some time. NOTE The AutoSuggest dictionary can only be generated, if your input TM contains 25,000 translation units or more. TMs with less units do not provide a basis for reliable segment fragment extraction.



When the generation process is complete, click Close. Open Windows Explorer to view the newly-created AutoSuggest dictionary file, e.g. Sample EN-GB_DE-DE.bpm. FOR MORE INFORMATION C C AutoSuggest Dictionaries New AutoSuggest Dictionary Wizard



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In this chapter you will learn how to create a new translation memory database. We will use this database for translating a sample document.


Creating a Translation Memory

Creating a Translation Memory

To create a new translation memory (TM) database take the following steps: 1. 2. On the Home screen of SDL Trados Studio click the button New Translation Memory. In the text field Name of the dialog box New Translation Memory enter the name of your TM. This should be a descriptive name, which reflects your language pair, e.g. My First TM English - German. The text field Location shows the default path in which the TM file will be stored. As you need to select the newly-created TM later for translation, we recommend that you specify a location that you can find easily, e.g. your desktop C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files. To do this click the button Browse, select your preferred path in the dialog box Browse For Folder, and confirm with OK. Make sure that English (United States) is selected in the Source Language dropdown list. From the dropdown list Target Language select your preferred target, e.g. German (Germany).



5. 6.

NOTE The sample documents in this course are in English. Therefore it is important that you select English as the source language. However, for the following exercises you can select any language as your target language, e.g. German, French, Spanish.

7. 8.

Click the button Finish to create the TM. On the following page a progress bar will indicate when the TM creation is completed. When this is the case, click the Close button. FOR MORE INFORMATION How to create a local translation memory


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Creating a Translation Memory

Note that SDL Trados Studio has switched to the Translation Memories view. Since the newly-created TM is empty, there are no translation units (TUs) to display. We will use this TM in the next chapter to translate a Microsoft Word sample document."


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This chapter provides an example of how to translate a simple Microsoft Word document from English into your preferred target language. You will learn the following: C C C C C C C C C C Opening a source document and selecting the language direction Selecting language resources: translation memory and AutoSuggest dictionary Navigating in the Editor Using matches from the translation memory Concordance searching Correcting spelling mistakes Applying character formatting Tracking your translation progress Previewing the document in its native format Generating the target document in its native format


Translating Single Files

Opening a File
To open the sample document for translation, perform the following steps: 1. 2. Click the button Open Document on the SDL Trados Studio toolbar on the top of the application. Browse to the sample files folder in which the sample document is located, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\05 - Translating. Select the sample file sample.doc by double-clicking it. In the dialog box Open for Translation, make sure that English (United States) is selected as the source language. NOTE The source and target languages you select here need to match the language pair of the translation memory that you created in the previous chapter. 5. 6. Select your target language from the Target Language dropdown list, e.g. German (Germany). Add your recently created TM by clicking Add -> File-based Translation Memory.

3. 4.


Browse for your TM file, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\My First TM English - German.sdltm and double-click the file to add it. Click the button Advanced to add a sample AutoSuggest dictionary. This will open the Project Template Settin NOTE Remember that translation memories allow matching on a sentence (segment) basis, while AutoSuggest dictionaries are used for matching segment fragments.



Click AutoSuggest Dictionaries on the bottom of the tree on the left-hand side of the dialog box.

10. Click the Add button in the lower right corner of the dialog box.


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Select the AutoSuggest dictionary for your language combination by double-clicking the file, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\AutoSuggest\AutoSuggest_EN-US_DE-DE.bpm. Confirm with OK. Click OK again to open the sample source document in the Editor view. FOR MORE INFORMATION How to Add an AutoSuggest Dictionary File for a Language Pair

12. 13.

Translation Editor Overview

The Editor view presents a side-by-side view of the document:

The source document is displayed in a table, with each sentence (commonly referred to as segment) is displayed in a table row. The table has five columns: 1. 2. 3. The first column shows the segment id. Each segment can be uniquely referred to by its id. The second column contains the source segments. The third column is the segment status column. It contains icons indicating the translation status and the translation origin. Here, you can ascertain at a glance whether a translation is in draft status, is confirmed, etc. At the moment, all cells in this column contain a white icon, which indicates that all segments are currently untranslated. FOR MORE INFORMATION Segment Status Column (Side-by-Side Editor) 4. 5. The actual translations are entered into the fourth column. The last column shows the document structure information. Here, you can see whether a segment is e.g. a heading, a footnote, normal paragraph text. For example, the first segment is a headline, which is indicated by letter H (heading). Move the mouse pointer over the H in this cell. This will display a tooltip with the full description, i.e. Heading. Move the mouse pointer over one of the cells below, which contain the letter P. This will show a Paragraph tooltip. FOR MORE INFORMATION Overview: Side-by-Side Editor Components

The Windows in the Editor View

Above the side-by-side editor, you see a number of tabbed windows, most importantly the document the Translation Results window. This is where hits from the translation memory (if any) are be displayed. Note that the window actually consists of a number of tabbed windows. By clicking the tabs you can switch between different windows, e.g. Translation Results, Messages, Concordance Search, and Comments. In the course of this exercise you will get to know the function of each tabbed window.


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Translating Single Files

FOR MORE INFORMATION Overview: The Editor View Windows"

FOR MORE INFORMATION Translation Results Window

Next to the Translation Results window you find the Term Recognition window, which also contains the tabbed window Termbase Search. This window displays hits (if any) from the selected termbase(s).

FOR MORE INFORMATION Term Recognition Window

You can close, resize, and rearrange all windows to leverage your screen space as required. Try to perform the steps below on the Term Recognition window: C Closing windows: Click the Close button in the upper right corner of the window to close it. Instead of the Term Recognition window, the Termbase Search window is displayed, which you can close as well. To re-open both windows select the menu commands View -> Termbase Search and View -> Term Recognition. Auto-hide windows: You can auto-hide windows by clicking the Auto Hide (pin) button in the upper right corner of the window. If the pin is pointing to the left, the window automatically collapses once you move out the mouse pointer. The name of the hidden window, however, will still be displayed in a tab on the right-hand side. When moving the mouse pointer over the tab, the window will reappear. If you move the mouse pointer out, the window will hide again. You can disable Auto Hide and fix the position of the window by clicking the pin button once more. When the pin icon is pointing down, the window stays locked in its current position.

Moving and docking windows: You can move and rearrange windows within the application or even drag the window and position it outside of SDL Trados Studio. For example, you can move a window to a second screen. To move a window: C C C Move mouse pointer over the title bar of the window and press the left mouse button. With the left mouse button pressed, start moving the window to another position. (You can also move it to a position outside of the application window.) While you are dragging the window direction indicators will appear on your screen. To dock the window, for example, to the right border of SDL Trados Studio, move your mouse pointer (with the left mouse button still pressed) over the direction indicator pointing to the right and release the left mouse button. The window is now docked on the right-hand side of SDL Trados Studio.

Navigating in the Editor

Moving from segment to segment
You can easily move to the next or previous segment to translate or edit in the Editor simply by using the Up/Down keys on your keyboard. Of course, you can also click inside a segment to select it. The selected segment will then be highlighted.


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Translating Single Files

Navigating in the document tree

The document tree in the Navigation pane on the left-hand side allows you to quickly jump to a particular section in the file. The sample documents contains three main sections. The section headlines of sections are shown in the document tree. For example, to jump to the second headline simply click the link Segments with Formatting in the document tree. The corresponding segment in the document will then be selected. Now click the first link in the document tree, i.e. Simple Segments. This will lead you back to the first segment.

FOR MORE INFORMATION The Editor View Navigation Pane

Translating the First Segment

In the target column enter the translation for the first segment, e.g. Einfache Stze. NOTE The letter H in the last column on the right-hand side indicates that this segment is a heading. Note that as soon as you start typing the translation the icon next to the segment changes to the following symbol, which indicates that this segment has been edited: Note that this symbol also indicates that this segment is still in draft status, and has not been added to the TM.

Using AutoSuggest
Use the Down key on your keyboard to move to the following segment (This is an example of a new sentence). Example for a German translation: Dies ist ein Beispiel fr einen neuen Satz. Note that as soon as you start entering the translation for the word example, a QuickPlace list opens to suggest the corresponding translation (e.g. Beispiel in German).

NOTE There will be further examples of hits from the AutoSuggest dictionary, which you can insert into your translations in the same way.

Select the suggestion from the QuickPlace list, and press the Enter key on your keyboard to insert the target expression. Then complete your target segment. Suppose you are happy with the way you have translated this sentence. You would therefore like to confirm the translation and save it to your TM. To do this press Ctrl+Enter. Observe that icon between the source segment and your translation changes to the following icon: This icon indicates that your translation has been confirmed and saved to the selected TM.

Auto-propagating Translations
The moment you have confirmed the second segment two things should have happened:


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Translating Single Files


Row 6 is a repetition of the second sentence, which you have just translated. By confirming segment 2, your translation has been automatically inserted into segment 6, which is identical to segment 1. This feature is called Auto-propagate. It means that whenever you translate or edit one instance of a segment that is repeated within your document, all other occurrences of the same segment will be updated accordingly." Note that the icon next to the translation in row 6 has been changed to the following:" This symbol indicates that this segment is 100% identical (i.e. an exact match) to the segment from row 2, which you have previously translated and stored in the TM.


Moreover, row 3 now also contains a translation. This is the translation from the second segment, which you have translated and added to the TM. Between the source and target segment you will see the following icon:" The icon indicates that a translation has been automatically suggested from the TM, but it has not been confirmed. Moreover, the 92% match icon shows that this is not an exact match, as segment 3 is only similar to a previously translated segment. In the above example the degree of similarity is 92%. This means that you need to adapt the suggested translation before you confirm and save it to the TM.

FOR MORE INFORMATION C C About Translation Memory Lookups About Translation Memory Matches

Editing a Fuzzy Match

Now is a good time to take a look at the Translation Results window above the document. This window helps you determine which changes you need to make to the suggested translation by highlighting the differences between the current and the previous segment.

In the Translation Results window you will find three segments: 1. 2. On the top of the window you see the current segment from the document. The segment below it is the source segment retrieved from the TM. Differences between the segment from the TM and the currently active segment from the document are highlighted with strikethrough and underline formatting. In the above example the word an has been replaced by another. Note that words that have been removed (e.g. an) are highlighted with red strikethrough formatting. Words that have been added (e.g. another) are highlighted with blue underline formatting. On the right-hand side you find the translation for the segment retrieved from the TM, which has also been inserted into the document.


Edit the suggested translation as required by the current source context.

NOTE Observe that when you edit translations suggested from the TM, the translation origin icon (which shows 92%) becomes transparent (see example below). This indicates that a translation has been suggested from the TM, but a human translator has modified it."


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Translating Single Files

Spell Check as you Type

Let us take a look at how spell checking works in SDL Trados Studio. Suppose you misspelled the translation of the word another. In this case the incorrectly spelled word will instantly be highlighted with a wiggly red line, e.g.:

Correct the spelling mistake as follows: 1. 2. 3. Right-click the incorrect word. This opens a context menu with one or more suggested correction. Pick the appropriate suggestion from the context menu to eliminate the spelling mistake.

Press Ctrl+Enter to confirm and save the modified translation to the TM and to go to the next segment.

FOR MORE INFORMATION C C How to Check Spelling As You Type How to Enable/Disable Check Spelling As You Type

NOTE You can also run a spell check on the entire document (i.e. after you have completed the translation) through the menu command Tools -> Check Spelling. Any spelling suggestions will then be shown for selection in the Spell Checker dialog box.

Automatic Number Substitution

Now translate segment 4 (You still owe me 200 dollars), and confirm it with Ctrl+Enter. As soon as you confirm the following segment will automatically be translated and marked as a 100% match. Note that the only difference between segment 4 and 5 is a number, i.e. 200 vs. 1,000.

Number differences are adapted by SDL Trados Studio automatically. This is why the next segment has been marked as a confirmed 100% match. This is why you do not need to modify the segment manually. Just press Ctrl+Enter to continue.

NOTE Segments may contain untranslatable elements such as numbers, which are called placeables, as they are placed inside the target segment rather than being translated. Note that placeable elements are marked with a blue underline in the source segment.

Applying Character Formatting

Now translate segment 7, confirm it, and proceed to segment 8:


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Translating Single Files

Note that segments 8 and 9 are almost identical. When you translate segment 8 and store the translation in the TM, SDL Trados Studio will suggest the translation for segment 9. The only difference between segments 8 and 9 is that one word (i.e. many) has bold character formatting. The difference in character formatting is the reason, why you do not get an exact match, but a 99% match.

NOTE TMs do not only take linguistic differences into account, but also character formatting differences.

Modify the suggested translation by applying bold formatting to the target segment: 1. 2. Select the word in the target segment that needs to be formatted (e.g. by double-clicking it). Click the button Apply bold in the toolbar.


The selected word has now been formatted accordingly, and you can press Ctrl+Enter to proceed.

Now on to segment 10, which contains different types of formatting, i.e.:

This gives us the opportunity to have a look at another way of applying character formatting: 1. 2. First, translate the segment without applying the character formatting. Highlight the string in your target segments to which the character formatting need to be applied. Press the following keyboard combination: Ctrl+, This will open a list with the three types of character formatting that are used in the source segment.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Select the character formatting type that you want to apply by clicking it in the list. Repeat these steps for the other strings in the target segment that need to be formatted, and confirm the segment.

Real-time Preview
It is often useful to view the actual Microsoft Word document layout. You can do this at any moment while you are translating: 1. Move the mouse pointer over the Preview tab on the top right of the application window.


The Preview window will slide in. Click the link Click here to generate initial preview in the Preview window. This will show the target text in a Microsoft Word preview window.



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TIP Depending on your screen size and resolution, the preview may turn out too small to read. You can resize the Preview window by moving your mouse pointer over the divider of the left-hand side of the window and drag it to the left while keeping your left mouse button pressed.

TIP To make sure the text is not cut off, you can select Fit to width from the dropdown list on the bottom of the Preview window.

In the Preview the currently selected segment from the Editor is highlighted with a gray background. That way you can quickly ascertain which part of the document you are currently translating. You can also click a segment in the Preview. This will select the corresponding segment in the SDL Trados Studio Editor view. By default the Preview window is set to auto-hide, i.e. it will disappear once you move the mouse pointer out of it.

TIP You can keep the Preview window open while you are translating. That way you can see how the actual layout changes segment by segment. To lock the Preview window in place, click the Auto Hide button, i.e. the button with the pin icon.


TIP By keeping the title bar of the Preview window pressed, you can also move it to a different position within the application, drag it outside of the application, or move it to a second screen. TIP To save space on your screen you can minimize the Navigation pane (which contains the document structure tree) by clicking the Minimize the Navigation Pane button.

FOR MORE INFORMATION How to Preview the Translation


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Translating Single Files

Inserting Single Tags

Translate and confirm the segment Special Elements into your target language, and move on to the next segment, which is:

This segment contains a so-called tag, in particular a footnotereference tag. Tags represent special elements such as links to footnotes, index markers, fields, etc. The current segment is linguistically identical to another one that you translated previously. However, you need to insert the tag into the target segment before you proceed. Otherwise, the footnote reference would be missing in the target document. To do this take the following steps: 1. 2. Place the cursor at the position of the target segment where the tag needs to be inserted. Move the mouse over the tag in the source segment and click it while keeping the Ctrl key pressed. This will insert the tag into the target segment. Confirm the target segment with Ctrl+Enter and proceed.


Concordance Search
In the next segment you find the actual footnote content. The TM does not offer any matching segment for this sentence. However, the TM contains, for example, the expression access keys, which you have translated in previous segments. Suppose you would like to check how access keys was previously translated. You can do this using a concordance search. A concordance search allows yo to select a particular string and look it up in the TM: 1. 2. Select the expression access keys in the source segment. Press F3 on your keyboard (or click the right mouse button and select Concordance Search from the context menu). This will display all occurrences in the TM that contain the selected expression alongside with the corresponding target segments. In the source segments, the search string is highlighted with a yellow background.



NOTE The concordance search also finds derived and inflected forms of your search string. For example: if you select access key, the TM will still find access keys. NOTE The concordance search can also be carried out in the target language. To do this select a string in the target language and press F3.

Finish translating this segment, and confirm it.


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FOR MORE INFORMATION C Concordance Search Window (Editor View)

Tracking the Translation Progress

Before you translate the next segment, take a minute to check on your translation progress. When you edit or confirm a segment, the status of the document is updated in the status bar on the bottom of the application window: The status bar indicates the percentage of words in the text that have not yet been translated (e.g. 10%), that are in draft status (e.g. 2%), and that have been confirmed (e.g. 88%).

Inserting Tag Pairs

The next segments contains two tag pairs. Tag pairs consist of an opening and a closing tag, which enclose a string. In the example below the enclosed string is a Web address. To translate this segment take the following steps: 1. 2. 3. First, translate the segment. Just ignore the tags for now. Then highlight the Web address in the target segment. Move the mouse pointer over one of the csf tags in the source segment. (You can select either the opening or closing csf tag.) With the Ctrl key pressed click one of the csf tags. This will insert the csf tags around the Web address in your target segment. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the field tag pair.

4. 5.

Ghost Tags
Before moving on to the next segment we would like to introduce the concept of ghost tags. Very often tags need to occur in pairs, i.e. an opening tag and a closing tag. Deleting a closing tag, for example, while leaving the opening tag in the translation is likely to cause problems in your target document. SDL Trados Studio offers an effective way of drawing your attention to such problems. Try the following: 1. 2. Try to remove the last (i.e. the closing) field tag, e.g. with the Backspace key. Note that the tag is not deleted. Instead, it becomes transparent. This is what is called a ghost tag. The ghost tag will actually only be removed if you delete its opening counterpart as well. Turning tags into ghosts is a way of warning users that what they are doing can cause serious problems in the document layout.


To restore the tag that you tried to delete, highlight the ghost tag, and click the right mouse button. Then select Restore Tags from the context menu, which will restore the tag pair. Confirm the segment with Ctrl+Enter to proceed. FOR MORE INFORMATION About Ghost Tags


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Translating Single Files

Automated Translations
The last segment only contains a Web address, which should remain unchanged in the target document. The entire source segment is considered a placeable element. This is why it has a blue underline. Moreover, the Web address has been automatically inserted into the target segment. The AT icon between the source and the (identical) target segment indicates that this is an Automated Translation suggestion. SDL Trados Studio assumed that the Web address does not need to be localized and translated the segment automatically. Suppose that the Web address indeed does not need to be changed in the target segment. Therefore, confirm this short segment with Ctrl+Enter. You have now translated all segments in the document. Note that the status bar on the bottom of the application window indicates that we have not confirmed and committed all segments to the TM. In the above example 2% of the text are edited, but not confirmed. Remember that you have not yet confirmed the first segment. Place the cursor into the target column of the top column. Imagine you are not happy with the way you first translated the first segment. Therefore, make a change to the translation (e.g. instead of Einfache Stze write Simple Stze). After editing the first segment, press Ctrl+Enter to confirm and save it to the TM.

NOTE At this point you can still edit any of the target segments in the Editor view. By pressing Ctrl+Enter, you can reconfirm them and commit the changes to the TM. The previously entered translation will then be overwritten with the latest version.

Saving the Document

Now is a good time to save the document in SDL Trados Studio: 1. 2. Select the menu command File -> Save. This opens the Save As dialog box. In the text field File name the suggested file name is, for example, sample.doc_en-US_de-DE.sdlxliff. (The actual name depends on your source/target language combination, as the language pair is appended to the original document name.)


Click the Save button to save the document. NOTE SDL Trados Studio saves all documents in the bilingual SDLXLIFF format (i.e. not in the native format, e.g. DOC or PPT). You will learn how to save your translation in the original file format later.



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Translating Single Files

Now is a good time to view the translation in the final Microsoft Word layout: 1. 2. Select the menu command File -> View In -> MS Word as Target. This will open the target document in Microsoft Word. You can use this preview, for example, for printing and proofreading the document from paper. Now close Microsoft Word and return to SDL Trados Studio.


Saving the Translation in its Original Format

Finally you will want to save the file in SDL Trados Studio in its native format, i.e. in Microsoft Word. To create a DOC file from our SDLXLIFF document, proceed as follows: 1. 2. Select the menu command File -> Save Target As. This opens the Save Target As dialog box.

3. 4.

Select a storage location for your target file that you can easily find later, e.g. your Desktop. In the text field File name the original file name, i.e. sample.doc has been entered automatically. Change the suggested name to e.g. sample_de.doc. Click Save to confirm and save the target Microsoft Word file. Now that you have finalized the translation, you can close the document in SDL Trados Studio with the menu command File -> Close.

5. 6.


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This chapter provides a number of examples of how to integrate SDL Trados Studio 2009 into SDL Trados 2007- or SDLX 2007-based supply chains: C C Processing pre-translated TTX and ITD files in SDL Trados Studio Handling SDL Trados 2007 Synergy packages in SDL Trados Studio


Integration into SDL Trados 2007-based Supply Chains

General Information
For back compatibility with previous versions such as SDL Trados 2007 or SDLX 2007 SDL Trados Studio 2009 continues to support the formats TRADOStag (TTX) and ITD. This allows SDL Trados Studio users to process files delivered through SDL Trados 2007-or SDLX 2007-based workflows, while benefiting from the range of new features that SDL Trados Studio offers, e.g.: C C C C Segment fragment matching through AutoSuggest dictionaries Multiple TM lookup Enhanced editing environment Integrated, customizable user interface NOTE There is a range of possible scenarios in which SDL Trados Studio users need to be plugged into an SDL Trados 2007- or SDLX 2007-based supply chain or vice versa. This training workbook can only familiarize you with the basic principles of exchanging data between SDL Trados Studio 2009 and SDL Trados 2007/SDLX 2007 environments. It cannot replace consulting for custom workflows.

Opening TTX Files in SDL Trados Studio 2009

Continued support of TTX/ITD documents in SDL Trados Studio is the basis for exchanging files between the new SDL Trados Studio 2009 platform and SDL Trados 2007-based systems. Take the following steps to open a TTX files pre-translated with SDL Trados 2007 in SDL Trados Studio: 1. 2. Click the Open Document toolbar button and browse to your sample files folder, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\06 - TTX and ITD. Double-click the sample file Configuring_Spelling_Check.htm.ttx. This TTX file was generated by pre-translating an HTML file in SDL Trados 2007. In SDL Trados Studio, the TTX file will look as follows:



A number of segments have been pre-translated. The match values are shown between the segment pairs. Apart from the match value icons, you will often see a green pencil icon with a check mark between the pre-translated source and target segment pairs. This icon indicates that the segment has been translated (and confirmed). Move the mouse pointer over the 100% match icon after the first source segment. A shows that this 100% match has been retrieved from a TM. Move the mouse pointer over the 79% match icon after source segment 3. A tooltip shows that this match was originally retrieved from a TM, but then edited during interactive translation.





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Integration into SDL Trados 2007-based Supply Chains

NOTE SDL Trados Studio offers a number of status values for segments such as draft, translated, translation approved, translation rejected, etc. These statues are not supported in SDL Trados 2007. The only statuses in SDL Trados Studio that can be mapped to SDL Trados 2007 are translated (indicated by a green pencil icon with a check mark) and not translated.

8. 9.

Enter some target text for the untranslated segments 4, 5, and 11. Save the document with File -> Save. This will open a Save As dialog box. A file name is suggested in the File name text field, i.e. Configuring_Spelling_Check.htm.ttx._en-GB_deDE.sdlxiff. Note that the TTX file will be saved as SDLXLIFF, which is the successor format to TTX and ITD.

10. Click Save to save the file in the new bilingual interchange format. 11. Suppose you have fully translated the file. Now you need to generate the original file format (in this case TTX), so that you can deliver it back into the SDL Trados 2007-based supply chain. To do this select the menu command File -> Save Target As. In the Select File Type dialog box keep TRADOStag Document selected, and click OK. Select a different location for the target TTX file (e.g. your desktop), then click Save. You can now open the target TTX file in TagEditor, which looks as follows:"

12. 13. 14.

Opening ITD Files in SDL Trados Studio

ITD is the equivalent of TTX in SDLX-based workflows. A pre-translated ITD sample file can be found in the same sample folder, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\06 - TTX and ITD. 1. Open the sample file Configuring_Spelling_Check.itd in SDL Trados Studio, which looks as follows:


Note the following difference between ITD and TTX files: some of the segments are marked with a green pencil icon (i.e. pencil icon without a check mark). Move the mouse pointer over one of the pencil icons. A tooltip shows that this segment is in draft status. This status is the equivalent of the unconfirmed status in SDLX. When you save the file through File -> Save, an SDLXLIFF file will be generated from the ITD document.



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Integration into SDL Trados 2007-based Supply Chains


Saving the file as target through File -> Save Target As will open a Select File Type dialog box. Keep SDL Edit Document selected, then click OK.


In the Save Target As dialog box select a different location for storing the ITD output file (e.g. your desktop), then click Save. The ITD document that you have generated from SDL Trados Studio can be further processed in SDLX-based workflows (e.g. TMS).

SDL Trados Synergy 2007 Packages

There are a number of SDL Trados 2007- and SDLX 2007-based project management and workflow systems such as SDL Trados Synergy, TMS, and SDL TeamWorks 2008. Translators who plug into the supply chain of these systems often receive project packages, which they process in the respective application, and then send back a return package. In your sample files folder you will find sample packages created by SDL Trados Synergy 2007, e.g.: C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\07 - SDL Trados Synergy. The following exercise requires you to have SDL Trados Synergy 2007 installed on your computer. Without this application you cannot open SDL Trados Synergy project packages.

Opening a Synergy Project Package

To open a sample package, take the following steps: 1. 2. 3. Open SDL Trados Synergy 2007 through Start -> All Programs -> SDL International -> SDL Trados -> SDL Trados 2007. Select the menu command Project -> Package -> Open Package. In the Open dialog box browse to your sample files folder and select one of the available project packages, e.g. Online Help_English-German.stppk, by double-clicking it. NOTE SDL Trados Synergy 2007 packages cannot be opened in SDL Trados Studio and vice versa. 4. 5. This will open the Open Package dialog box. Click Next to continue. A project package is similar to a ZIP archive. The content of the package file is now extracted to a folder on your hard disk. At some point a message box will open saying that the main translation memory cannot be found and that the project TM from the package will be used. You can ignore this message by clicking OK. When the open package operation is completed, click Finish to close the Open Package dialog box. Click the Files button on the bottom of the application window.




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Integration into SDL Trados 2007-based Supply Chains


In the Files view you see the translatable files extracted from the project package. Note that the files are in pre-translated TTX format.


To see in which folder the files are physically stored, right-click any one of the two files and select Explore Containing Folder from the context menu.

10. This opens the containing folder in Windows Explorer.

NOTE The Online Help Update project folder contains a Tm subfolder. In this folder you will find an SDL Trados 2007 project TM. If you want to use this TM, you can upgrade it following the upgrade procedure for *.tmw files outlined in chapter 2.

Opening the Package Files in SDL Trados Studio

Take the following steps to open the TTX files one-by-one in SDL Trados Studio: 1. 2. Right-click the first TTX file (i.e. Configuring_Spelling_Check.htm.ttx) and select SDL Trados Studio 2009 -> Open Documents from the context menu. In the Open Documents dialog box remove any TMs from previous exercises by highlighting them and clicking Remove. NOTE No particular TM is required. The aim of this exercise is not to translate the files, but to outline the workflow. 3. Click OK to open the document in the Editor. The file has already been pre-translated to a large extent and looks as shown below:


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Integration into SDL Trados 2007-based Supply Chains


Between a number of the pre-translated segments you see three icons: a check mark, a red PM icon, and a padlock icon. Note that these segments have been pre-translated using PerfectMatch. PerfectMatch is a technology that leverages bilingual reference files for pretranslation. PerfectMatch is a highly reliable, context-sensitive technology for pre-translating files. This is why these segments are locked (hence the padlock icon). The translator is not supposed to change these (grayed-out) segments. Move the mouse pointer over one of the PM icons. This will display the translation details in a tooltip, i.e. these translations are considered approved, as they have been processed with PerfectMatch.



You can follow the same process as in the previous exercises, i.e. you can translate the untranslated segments. To save the file as target TTX select the menu command File -> Save Target As. In the Select File Type dialog box make sure TRADOStag Document is selected, then click OK. In the File name text field of the Save Target As dialog box the target file name will be suggested, i.e. Configuring_Spelling_Check.htm.ttx. You should not overwrite the original TTX file. Therefore, save the target TTX to a different location, e.g. choose your desktop, then click Save.

7. 8.


10. Repeat steps 1-9 for the second TTX file, i.e. New_features.doc.ttx. 11. After translating both TTX files and saving them as target, copy the target TTX files to the folder of the original documents, thereby overwriting the pre-translated TTX files from the package. NOTE You need to close SDL Trados Studio, so that overwriting works.

Creating the Return Package

Now that you have copied the TTX files, which you processed in SDL Trados Studio, back into the SDL Trados Synergy folder structure you can create the return package, which you then send (e.g. via E-Mail) to the project manager / customer. 1. To do this go back to the SDL Trados Synergy 2007 application and select both TTX files while keeping the Ctrl key pressed. With both files selected, click the right mouse button, and select Create Return Package from the context menu.


In the Create Return Package dialog box click the Browse button to open the Return Package Location dialog box.


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Integration into SDL Trados 2007-based Supply Chains

3. 4.

Browse to the location where you want to create the package file, e.g. your desktop. In the File name text field enter a name for the return package file, e.g. delivery, then click Save. In the Create Return Package dialog box click Next to proceed.



When the return package creation is completed, click Finish.


You will now find the return package file in the selected location, e.g. your desktop. This is the file that you would (in a real-life scenario) send back to the project manager or customer.



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There are a few file formats that are supported in SDL Trados 2007, which at the moment cannot be directly opened and translated in SDL Trados Studio 2009. In this chapter you will learn what these formats are and how you can still process them in SDL Trados Studio 2009.


Processing Unsupported File Formats

Unsupported File Formats - Overview

The following file types, which are supported in SDL Trados 2007, cannot be processed directly in SDL Trados Studio 2009: C C C C Interleaf/QuickSilver (IASCII) QuarkXPress tagged text export files Adobe PageMaker tagged text export files SGML

However, you can convert all of the above formats into TTX or ITD using SDL Trados 2007 or SDLX 2007 and then open the pre-segmented TTX/ITD files in SDL Trados Studio. The bilingual TTX/ITD formats are still supported in SDL Trados Studio 2009 for legacy reasons. Continued TTX/ITD support provides the basis on which you can plug-in SDL Trados Studio 2009 users into SDL Trados 2007- and SDLX 2007-based supply chains. This is one of the reasons it is recommended that you install SDL Trados 2007 and/or SDLX 2007 on the same machine as SDL Trados Studio 2009. There are a number of ways to convert unsupported file formats into TTX or ITD, which you can then open and process in SDL Trados Studio 2009, e.g.: C C C C Opening and saving a file as bilingual in TagEditor or SDL Edit Pre-translating a file in Translators Workbench Preparing files in SDL TeamWorks or Synergy Conversion through S-Tagger for Interleaf/QuickSilver

The following exercises provide examples of some of the above techniques. Note that the sample files for the following exercises are stored in your sample files folder, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\08 - Interleaf_QuickSilver.

Interleaf/QuickSilver IASCII Files

Interleaf/QuickSilver IASCII files need to be converted to TTX prior to translating them with SDL Trados Studio. This process is identical to what you need to do in order to translate IASCII files in TagEditor.

Converting an IASCII File to TTX

1. 2. Start S-Tagger for Interleaf/QuickSilver through Start -> All Programs -> SDL International -> SDL Trados -> Trados -> Filters -> S-Tagger for Interleaf. Click the Settings tab. Make sure that TRADOStag (TTX) is selected as STF file format.


The sample file of this exercise is in English. Make sure that English (US) is selected in the Source language dropdown list. Select your preferred target language from the Target language dropdown list.


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Processing Unsupported File Formats

NOTE Note that the aim of this exercise is only to show how to pre-process IASCII files for translation in SDL Trados Studio. We are not actually going to translate the sample file.


Select TRADOS GXT compatible under Ancillary content.


NOTE The above setting is not required, but it facilitates this exercise, as no ancillary file is created. Click the Paths tab. In the Source IASCII files field select the path where the IASCII sample file is stored, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\08 Interleaf_QuickSilver. This path already contains two sub-folders called Source and Target. Select these sub-folders for Source SFT and ORG files and Translated STF and IASCII files.


7. 8. 9.

Click the Convert IASCII tab, then click the Convert IASCII button. In the Select IASCII File(s) to Convert dialog box double-click the sample file Conversion.ildoc. In the Confirm IASCII Conversion dialog box click OK.

10. When the conversion is finished, a message box is shown, which you close with OK. 11. Open the Target sub-folder in Windows Explorer, which now contains a TTX file, i.e. Conversion.rtf.ttx.

Opening the TTX File in SDL Trados Studio

1. 2. Switch to SDL Trados Studio, click the Open Document toolbar button, and select the file Conversion.rtf.ttx by double-clicking it. In the Open Document dialog box, make sure to select the required target language from the Target language dropdown list. This should be the same target language that was used during the conversion to TTX format. No TM is required for this exercise, as the aim is only to show what the converted file looks like in SDL Trados Studio. Click OK to open the file in the Editor.



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Processing Unsupported File Formats


The TTX file is now shown in the side-by-side editor of SDL Trados Studio. As a translator you would now translate the document, insert the tags, then run a tag verification, save the file and send it back to the project manager / customer. NOTE Translating files is extensively covered in the Getting Started training course for SDL Trados Studio.


Note that SDL Trados Studio saves all files in SDLXLIFF format. SDLXLIFF is the successor format of TTX and ITD. When you save a TTX file in SDL Trados Studio through File -> Save, it will be saved as SDLXLIFF. Since S-Tagger cannot process SDLXLIFF files, you need to save the translated file as TTX through File -> Save Target As. This will open a Select File Type dialog box. Make sure that TRADOStag Document is selected, then click OK to save the file in TTX format.




In the Save Target As dialog box the file name Conversion.rtf.ttx is suggested. Click Save and then Yes to overwrite the original TTX file. NOTE For the back conversion from TTX to IASCII in S-Tagger to work, you must NOT rename the TTX files when saving as target.

Converting the TTX File back to IASCII

1. 2. Suppose that you have fully translated the TTX file. Go back to S-Tagger for Interleaf, and click the Convert STF tab. Then click the Convert STF button. Select the (translated) file Conversion.rtf.ttx by doubleclicking it. In the Confirm STF Conversion dialog box click OK to start the conversion into IASCII format. After the conversion is completed, a message box appears, which you close with OK. Take a look at the Target sub-folder in Windows Explorer. In addition to the TTX file it contains the document Conversion.ildoc, which was generated during the conversion back to IASCII.


4. 5.

SGML Documents
While XML documents can be processed in SDL Trados Studio, SGML files are not directly supported. You first have to convert it to TTX or ITD using SDL Trados 2007 or SDLX 2007. In the following exercise we will use TagEditor from SDL Trados 2007 to do the conversion from SGML to TTX. The sample file for this exercise is called SpellingChecker.sgm, and can be found in your sample files folder, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\09 - SGML. Take the following steps:


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Processing Unsupported File Formats

1. 2.

Launch TagEditor through Start -> All Programs -> SDL International -> SDL Trados -> Trados -> TagEditor. Before opening the sample SGML file, you need to load the required tags settings definition (*.ini) file. Select the menu command Tools -> Tag Settings. In the Tag Settings Manager dialog box click the Open button. Browse to your sample folder location and select the file document.ini by double-clicking it. The tag settings name SGML Sample should now be listed in the Tag Settings Manager. Click OK to confirm. Open the SGML sample file, i.e. SpellingChecker.sgm, through File -> Open in TagEditor. Save the file as TTX through File -> Save. You can open and translate the TTX file in SDL Trados Studio. After translation in SDL Trados Studio you can save the file to TTX through File -> Save Target As. The TTX file generated from SDL Trados Studio can then be further processed in an SDL Trados 2007-based workflow.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.


QuarkXPress Tagged Files

Native QuarkXPress files cannot be opened and translated either in SDL Trados 2007 or SDL Trados Studio 2009. The translatable content of QuarkXPress files needs to be exported using a 3rd party plugin called CopyFlow. This application exports translatable content into a tagged text file with the extension *.tag. The CopyFlow plug-in is available for Mac and PC platforms. The tagged text export files can be processed in SDL Trados 2007, e.g. in TagEditor. However, this format is currently not supported in SDL Trados Studio 2009. This means that you need to convert *.tag files generated by CopyFlow to TTX before you can open them in SDL Trados Studio. One way is to just open a CopyFlow text export file in TagEditor and save it as TTX. This is similar to what you did in the previous exercise. However, in the following exercise we would like to show you how to use the Translate feature in Translators Workbench to achieve the same effect. The advantage of this approach is that you can process multiple files in one go. 1. 2. 3. Launch Translators Workbench through Start -> All Programs -> SDL International -> SDL Trados -> Trados -> Translators Workbench. Create a new TM through File -> New. In the Create Translation Memory dialog box select English (United States) as source language. Select your preferred target language from the Target languages list on the right-hand side, e.g. German (Germany). Click the Create button. In the Create Translation Memory dialog box enter the TM name into the File name text field, e.g. Sample English-German, then click Save to create the TM. Select the menu command Tools -> Translate. In the Translate Files window click Add. Browse to the location of the sample file, e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Desktop\Sample Files\10 - QuarkXPress and select the file Quark_7_SampleFile.tag by double-clicking it.


5. 6.

7. 8.


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Processing Unsupported File Formats


Click the Translate button in the top-right corner.

10. When the progress bar has reached 100%, click Close to close the Translate Files window. 11. Your sample files folder now contains a TTX file (i.e. Quark_7_SampleFile.tag.ttx), which you can open and process in SDL Trados Studio the same way you processed the sample files from the two previous exercises.


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SDL is the leader in Global Information Management (GIM) solutions that empower organizations to accelerate the delivery of high-quality multilingual content to global markets. Its enterprise software and services integrate with existing business systems to manage the delivery of global information from authoring to publication and throughout the distributed translation supply chain. Global industry leaders rely on SDL to provide enterprise software or hosted services for their GIM processes, including ABN-Amro, Best Western, Bosch, Canon, Chrysler, CNH, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Philips, SAP, Sony, Sun Microsystems and Virgin Atlantic. SDL has implemented more than 500 enterprise GIM solutions, has deployed over 170,000 software licenses across the GIM ecosystem and provides access to on-demand translation portals for 10 million customers per month. Over 1,000 service professionals deliver consulting, implementation and language services through its global infrastructure of more than 50 ofces in 30 countries. For more information, visit

Copyright 2008 SDL PLC. All Rights Reserved All company product or service names referenced herein are properties of their respective owners.

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